Janie Oh my, 3 snowstorms, I think you made the right decision to stay home. I'm sure it was disappointing missing your dad's birthday, but you can celetbrate on another day when it is safer for you to travel! Happy Valentine's day to you too, I hope you and Joey enjoyed your favorite place. It was smart to go on a less crowded night! I'm so glad that you got the book and I really hope you enjoy it! I just loved it!
Cheryl Great job on clean max and your bathroom painting! That is such a big job!
Julie Great job on XTrain legs. I haven't done that one too many times. It goes by pretty quickly with all of the different segments, but overall it's not really one of my favorite leg workouts. Great job on GG and extra back work on Sunday too.
janie Great job on your fav 30/30 and clean max!
Julie Great jobon GG! Tha tis funny about your weight. I have done that a few times too. It makes you feel a lot better when you realize the mistake, doesn't it?! You are a machine though, I have to say that 110 pounds for squats is AWESOME!! Great job!
Cheryl Great job on pushing yourself and getting in STS disc 4 when you weren't feeling like it! Great job on PRS 2 and yoga on the weekend too!
Janie Great job on C&W. 30 minutes is way better than 0 minutes! Great job on Tabatacise and core too! That is a tough tough one, so yes a great way to help you withstand longer cardio!
Julie Great job on GG! I am so happy to hear you have gotten some milder weather!
The ski trip was a little bit of a bust for me. The first day we had some good skiing but in the morning my hands were getting so cold every time we made a run that I had to go inside by 9:30 to try to warm them up. They were so cold that when they started warming up I felt like I was going to be sick or pass out. It took about 30 minutes to feel normal again. I went back out after that and skiied the rest of the day though we no problem. Then that evening after we had been inside and warmed up my left foot started burning and hurting really badly. It was all red and swollen and we figured that I had frostnip based on some research on the internet. The next day all but my big toe were ok, but I couldn't bend it and couldn't stand for it to be touched, so skiing was out. I probably could have skiied on Tuesday, but we had planned for the women to go shopping on Tuesday (the other two ladies don't ski so that was my time to spend with them). My toe is still swollen and sore but nothing like it was. It is also starting to turn black around the nail, so we're not really sure it if is cold related or if I jammed it and didn't realize it

Oh well, we had a nice time anyway. It was really nice to come home to 73 degree weather though! It felt strange because it was 15 and snowing when we left Maine. Now I am doing laundry and getting packed to leave for Vegas tomorrow. Boo, I would rather be home for awhile. I did BM2, all but the upper body this morning and hope to get some workouts in while I'm in Vegas. Happy Thursday!