Janie Glad that you had a good time with your family. So happy for you that you got your guitar. Enjoy learning how to play. Enjoy the Oregon Coast.
Julie Good work on Pedal Power Extreme premix. Your weather isn't very nice, I bet you will be very happy to see Spring arrive. Good work on month 5 of Get Glutes and your extra back work. What kind of dog did your mom adopt? Actually I was only cheering for Seattle since they are just south of us. I don't really watch the NFL at all. I only started watching the Superbowl at half time. It wasn't an exciting game to watch, it was really lopsided.
Pam Like I told Julie I don't really watch the NFL but was only cheering for Seattle because they are so close to us. I only started watching in the second half. We don't get to see the half time show here or the commercials for that matter. We need to go to youtube afterwards if we want to see them. Good work on GS legs and the extra ab work. Good for you in getting up and doing Tabatacise this morning after your late night. The game didn't end until really late for you guys.
Saturday I did AOLIH and Sunday was XTrain Chest Shoulders and Biceps. Saturday I started getting a sore throat
and by Sunday night I was really stuffed up. I am totally stuffed up today as well as having no energy so I will take today off and see how I am doing tomorrow. This morning I had to go to the dentist to have a crown replaced. Right now I have a temporary crown in and it feels weird. Next Wednesday I will get my permanent crown put in. I had already postponed it because of my bronchitis so I didn't want to delay it any longer.
Have a great day everyone.
Julie Good work on Pedal Power Extreme premix. Your weather isn't very nice, I bet you will be very happy to see Spring arrive. Good work on month 5 of Get Glutes and your extra back work. What kind of dog did your mom adopt? Actually I was only cheering for Seattle since they are just south of us. I don't really watch the NFL at all. I only started watching the Superbowl at half time. It wasn't an exciting game to watch, it was really lopsided.
Pam Like I told Julie I don't really watch the NFL but was only cheering for Seattle because they are so close to us. I only started watching in the second half. We don't get to see the half time show here or the commercials for that matter. We need to go to youtube afterwards if we want to see them. Good work on GS legs and the extra ab work. Good for you in getting up and doing Tabatacise this morning after your late night. The game didn't end until really late for you guys.
Saturday I did AOLIH and Sunday was XTrain Chest Shoulders and Biceps. Saturday I started getting a sore throat
Have a great day everyone.