Pam The pre-retirement session was about all the pension benefits that I will get and financial planning. There is a lot to think about. Wow we will both be retiring around the same time. I believe you when you are saying that you aren't counting down either

. Great job on X10 cardio blast and lean legs and abs.
Julie Great job on your GG and back workout and the X52 premix from X10. Those X10 workouts are a killer.
Janie Bummer that you have a sprained ankle. At least you can do some cardio while it heals. Great job on STS disc 2. Oh yeah I am old enough to retire. I will be 55 when I retire with over 36 years working at the same place. I am so looking forward to it.
Pam Good job on PRS #1. That one does take a bit of practice with all the moves.
Julie Good work on Scrambled Cycle Max.
Janie Good job on Pedal Power premix #1. Your dinner sounds delicious.
Julie Good work on you GG workout and 30/30. Isn't it great when you eat your Wheaties when you sleep

Janie Good for you in doing STS disc 3 with a sore foot.
Pam Way to go on your X10 fat burning circuit, Great Glutes and the abs from Flex Train. Enjoy your weekend.
Today was Flex Train. I was absolutely exhausted both Thursday and Friday so I didn't get a workout in. It is a long weekend for us as Monday is Remembrance Day here.
Have a great weekend everyone.