Strength in Numbers

Janie So sorry that your strained your foot. It is always so frustrating to injury yourself. Rest and let it heal, hopefully it won't be long. Yoga will help with your balance. I know what you mean about getting older. Your mind still says you can do it but your body thinks otherwise :confused:.

Pam Good job on Burn Sets Upper Body. Umm you are having dreams about not getting your workouts done :confused:. Are you travelling again soon and are worried about missing your workouts

Julie I hear ya on not wanting to get up. Good job in getting your GG and back workout done even if you didn't want to get up. Weekends always go by way too fast. I don't know if we can ever get them to last as long as we want them too.

Well another foggy day here. Instead of being able to see mountains, the ocean and the sea planes from my desk it was just a wall of fog. It is getting to be quite annoying but I guess it is better than rain :rolleyes:. So today I did up my own routine using my TRX and BOSU. It was quite the sweat fest.

Have a great day everyone.

I can tell my foot is getting better. Hoping a week without lower body exercises will do it. Whew! I was getting discouraged there for awhile. Was soupy foggy today.

Pam, Great job on the 78 min. Burn Sets Upper Body. Hmmmm, those are some dreams you are having. Let us know if you figure it out.

Julie, Good job on Great Glutes and the addition of extra back work. Turbo Baree sounds really good to strengthen the feet. Thank you for the suggestion.

Cheryl, I will do more yoga for balance, thanks for the suggestion. Great job on TRX and BOSU. Love sweat fests!

Take care everyone,

Julie That is stinky that having a nice long weekend makes it so much harder to get back into the swing of work. :mad: Great job getting up and getting your GG and back work in! I am weird in that I like core work - or - at least some core work. There are definitely moves that I dread there weird workout dreams are usually something like I'm trying to do a step workout but the floor is so springy I can hardly step on it. This week they were that I was trying to do my workout but other people were keeping me from doing it....:rolleyes::confused:

Cheryl I think I was worried about my workout on Tuesday because it was a long one, which meant I needed to get up earlier to fit it in :rolleyes: Crazy to be that worried about it! I am traveling next week, but I am not worrying about my workouts while I'm gone, I'm not counting on getting any in :D Your fog sounds very depressing, I hope it is gone soon! Great job on your roll your own TRX and BOSU sweatfest!!!

Janie I'm so happy that your foot is already starting to feel better! I understand getting discouraged about those things, very annoying! I really think the first dream was because I was worried about getting up early enough to get that 78 minute workout in. Not sure about the second one though... :rolleyes: Nutty!

This morning for me was TTM and I decided to do TTM Extreme. Wow, it was killer (and by that I mean it almost killed me!) I really like this October rotation, it is a great mix of some of my favorite workouts with the new ones mixed in. No wacky workout dreams last night, so I guess I wasn't worrying about getting it done this morning :p Happy Hump Day ladies!

This morning I did Ride. Always a fun one. Still not in the groove of wanting to get out of bed. I turned my alarm off this morning and then found myself snuggling up with Ozzie and snoozing for another 5 minutes.

Cheryl That stinks about the fog especially when you are used to having such a beautiful view. Great job on your TRX and BOSU workout.

Janie Glad your foot is feeling better. Maybe it will heal up fast for you. Ugh! Fog is no fun.

Pam Great job on TTM Extreme! That is tough without making it extreme. Glad you are still alive from it. I probably need to like core or at least like it enough that I do it consistently.

Have a great day!
Tonight I did floor work and ad-libbed leg exercises. All the exercises I could think of working all parts of the legs but on the floor. Don't recall the names of the exercises, but man O man it worked! Also added on Lean Legs "Abs" to this workout.

Pam, Great job on TTM Extreme. Wow! You go girl! Very proud of you! Hoping you have sweat dreams tonight.

Julie, Great job on Ride. I know how hard it is to get out of bed sometimes.

Take care ladies,

Julie Great job on Ride. You are definitely making me think about getting that. I think maybe for my next download......I did break down and order Cathe's firewalker bands after having to use my hard one again the other day. They are supposed to arrive today. I hope they last for awhile, most of the reviews said that they don't last very long......:confused: It sure is hard to get out of bed on this cold mornings, isn't it? It's nice to roll over and stay under the warm covers!!! I'm sure having a snoozing warm dog cuddling with you doesn't help! I tell you I did survive TTM extreme, but I wanted to eat all day long after that one!!!

Janie Great job on your floor-work and ad-libbed leg exercises!!! Plus lean legs Ab, good for you. How are those legs feeling today?! No workout dreams again last night, I guess I'm over that phase :D

This morning for me was Hard Strikes. This one is not my favorite and I considering subbing something else in, but stuck with it for the variety. I do like the conditioning drills at the end and of course the lovely su/pu combo. I had thought about doing core after I finished this, but I decided that I got enough core work in those conditioning drills. Happy Thursday.

This morning I did Cardio Kicks! I love the guys in this one especially when she brings them up to the front at the end to do the punches. It is getting so cold outside and so dark in the morning. Ugh! I know winter is on its way but I wish it would stay away this year.

Janie Great job on your floorwork plus LLA abs! Glad you are finding ways to really work those legs without stressing your foot.

Pam Great job on HS especially since it isn’t a favorite. I actually like this one. The conditioning drills at the end are good. I get super hungry after intense cardio too. Not after intense heavy lifting though, just intense cardio. I think I like Ride better than Cycle Max because of the countdown timer. Did you get Pedal Power? That one is pretty good. I like certain sections better than others.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on cardio kicks! I think that one is a lot of fun and I really like it when she brings the guys up front too. It always makes me smile! I hate it when it is cold and dark in the morning. Pretty soon we're going to be going off DST and it will be cold and dark both before and after work. That is the worst! I'm with you on wanting winter to stay away, maybe we can start a petition??? I have not gotten pedal power or ride. I have them on my maybe list, but I so rarely do spinning anymore. It sure was nice having that option though when my heel was bothering me.

This morning was my double header of XTrain disc 5 legs and an X10 segment. I chose the cardio blast or whatever the cardio only one is called. Wow, that was really hard to do after legs, I should have done it first. My legs were yelling at me during the whole thing! I made it out alive, but just barely! Have a great Friday everyone! Not sure when I'll get to post again so just in case, have a great weekend. Carl is running in the regional XC meet tomorrow morning and then I leave for Rome tomorrow night. Hopefully I'll get up early enough to get my workout in before the meet. Take care!

This morning I did my Get Glutes workout. Then I added on DWP. I had to pause and take extra break time. Whew I am so glad it is Friday. Tomorrow I have a birthday party for my niece to go to.

Pam Great job on your double header! Cardio after a full leg session is tough. Glad you came out alive. I hate the winter especially because I never see the light of day with it being dark when I get to work and pretty much dark or close to it when I leave. Have a safe trip and a wonderful time in Rome. Good luck to Carl!

Have a great day!
I love Flex Train, and was sorry I couldn't do it Thursday. But I ad-libbed again for a nice total body workout, some of my ad-libbing I felt had compound exercises in it. Not like Cathe of course, but did a full body toning/strength/high rep workout, without all the moving around. My foot (I hope) should be better enough to start exercising normally on Mon.

I'll post again tonight and tell you what I did for Great Glutes minus the X10 segment. I may be able to do that one, we'll see.

Update: Was able to do Great Glutes, also rode my bike around the neighborhood for an hour.

Pam, Great job on the double header of XTrain disc 5 legs and an X10 segment of the cardio blast. I bet it was very hard after doing legs. Good for you!
cheering for Carl in the regional XC meet and Have a fabulous time in Rome. Wow! Rome? You are so lucky to have a job and travel to these amazing places.

Julie, Great job on Get Glutes plus the addition of DWP. Enjoy the birthday party today for your niece. Sounds like fun.

Take care always,

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Janie I am glad that your foot is getting better. Oh I can relate to the soupy fog. It is kinda depressing

Pam Wow good work on TTM Extreme. Glad that you didn't have any wacky workout dreams :D.

Julie Good work on Ride. I think snuggling up with Ozzie is much nicer that having to get up when it is so dark outside.

Janie Good for you with your ab-libbed leg routine and adding on Lean Legs abs too.

Pam Good work on Hard Strikes. I agree you do get enough core work in that one especially the su/pu combo at the end.

Julie That is a fun workout. I like it when she brings the guys up front too. I am with you in it getting cold and dark in the mornings. It makes it so hard to get up and out the door.

Pam Way to go on your XTrain Legs and X10 segment. That would be one killer workout. Safe travels. Enjoy Rome.

Julie Good work on your GG workout and DWP. Enjoy your niece's birthday party.

Janie You know Flex Train will be waiting for you when your foot gets better. Ab-libbing works just as well as working out with a video. Good work on Great Glutes and your bike ride.

Wow what a busy week and I am so glad that it is over. I have been looking after things for my Assistant Director while she has been on vacation for the past 2 1/2 weeks. So with doing her job and my job it has been crazy. I think that last time I posted was Tuesday. So Wednesday I went out for dinner with people from work. I am part of the team to raise funds for the United Way so we went out to celebrate the end of our campaign. So no workout. Thursday I was so tired that all I wanted to do when I got home in to get into my PJs and just go to bed. Friday we had to get groceries so we decided to also go out and grab a pizza before going shopping. So today was the first day I got a chance to do a workout. Since Lean Legs and Abs was the only one I hadn't done I decided to do it. I quite liked the workout and that last exercise for your outer thigh with the band really got my legs talkin to me. Ouch. After that it was housework and my parents came over for a visit.

Have a great day everyone.

Saturday pretty much didn’t do anything but my niece’s birthday party and got a new battery for DH’s jeep. Sunday I did my Get Glutes workout and added on extra upper body work. This morning I did Supercuts. I was just going to do the regular workout but when I got to the triceps extension I was feeling energized so decided to do the extreme premix which repeats the segments through the sprint shooters.

Janie Good job ab-libbing your workout the other day. You are doing good sticking with moving while not injuring your foot more. Looks like it is doing better if you got Great Glutes and a bike ride in. That is awesome!

Cheryl Great job on LLA! That outer thigh exercise is tough. Just when you think she is done she throws in another set of it. In my head I hear her do an evil laugh. I hope your week goes better this week.

Have a great day!
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Sunday Joey and I rode our bikes around the cranberry bogs for 2 hours. We even tried to out ride one another for part of that time. Glorious outside, an amazing person to enjoy and my foot is so much better. It couldn't get better than this! Will check back later and post today's workout. I have to say, just love the way we support each other. It truly makes a difference to me. Thank you so much!

Today is another beautiful day, we have to get in it somehow and enjoy these days as best we can. Wednesday we will be leaving for Shelton to stay our other six months. What's left of Fall, Winter and part of Spring in the beautiful woods over looking the Olympic Mountains. Can't believe how fast our time near the ocean flew by.

, Doing double duty at work is very busy work. I take my hat off to you. I love United Way and so glad you are part of that fund raising campaign. They have been around like forever. Celebrating the end of the campaign is well deserved. Great job on Lean Legs and Abs, cleanmax and the joy of parents. Sounds like a wonderful day to me.;)

Julie, Bet your niece's birthday party was fun. Great job on Sunday's Get Glutes workout and the addition of extra upper body work. And also for today's Supercuts and especially using your extra steam and deciding to do the extreme premix. Wow, good for you.

Take care ladies,

Julie Good for you to enjoy your Saturday. You need that sometimes. Good job on your GG and upper body workout and Supercuts. Looks like you are getting your energy levels back to do the extreme premix.

Janie Hasn't the weather been great. It would be nice to get out and ride bikes. I am glad that your foot is better. Hopefully you will be able to get back to your normal workouts.

So Sunday I did Party Rocking Step #2. That is a fun one and easy to get the moves down. After that it was some running around. Today I was going to workout when I got home but some of the neighbours were out getting the Halloween decorations up so it took time to get into the house. I was so hungry that I couldn't workout first and after dinner I just got lazy :eek:. Doing my job and my Assistant Directors job has ended as she got back from vacation today. But now one of my co-workers wives had their baby early so now I am doing my job and his for a while. Oh well at least I won't get bored.

Have a great day everyone.

From all the biking I did yesterday my foot was sore today. Decided since Cross Fire is a huge and wonderful cardio that I will just flip days and take today as a rest day. Hopefully it will be enough to ward off the soreness for tomorrows workout. Let's hope, haven't given up yet.

Cheryl, Great job on Sundays Party Rocking #2. I'm glad your Director has returned. Oh no, now you have to do a co-workers job. Jeesh! You poor thing. How long will that be? I feel for you!

Take care,

This morning was Get Glutes plus additional back work. I am so happy this was the last GG workout 1 for month 1. It has 1-leg hip thrusts for 3 sets of 15 reps. Ugh! That is too many for me to do happily. I also changed the box squats to regular squats because I don’t like box squats and apparently cannot follow directions.

Janie Great job on your bike ride with Joey! How cute the too of you racing each other. I can’t believe how fast the summer went by. Uh oh on your foot feeling sore. Hopefully the rest you take will help it heal.

Cheryl Great job on PRS2! Well that stinks that as soon as you get done covering for 1 person you have to start covering for another. At least it didn’t happen all at the same time. I have no idea where my extra energy came from yesterday. Normally Monday’s are so very hard.

Have a great day!
This morning I did the Pedal Power Scrambled Premix. I think I might like this way better because my favorite song gets played at the end just when I need that extra kick.

Janie I hope your foot is doing better.

Cheryl Hopefully your week is going well for you with the extra work you have to pick up.

Have a great day!
This morning I did Hardstrikes. That one always goes by so fast. I know it is only 48 minutes but it still flies by.

Janie I’m a little sad you are back in Shelton. That means Summer is officially over.

Have a great day! Hope it is spooktacular! Cheesy I know! :rolleyes:
Julie, Great job on Hardstrikes. It really is sad to see Summer go. I love that time of year most of all. Loved the cheesy SPOOKTACULAR. You too!

My foot really hurts so will be off it until Monday and we'll see from there.

Take care,


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