Strength in Numbers

Cheryl I don't think I was ever able to get up to workout at 3:30, unless maybe I hadn't gone to bed yet ;):D I know, I don't know how I ever missed GS legs, but wow, it got me good. My calves are STILL yelling at me. Luckily they aren't yelling as loudly as they were on Sunday! I'm glad I could give you a suggestion. I guess it was just returning the favor because I just did CSS after you mentioned it. Did you try doing the terminator climbers with your heel out or you shoe though?! :rolleyes:

Janie Uh oh, hate it when the projects make you cranky! Hopefully that shed if done! I was definitely skeptical about skiing after GS legs, but it was all good! My Fathers day was me home alone, working out, packing and traveling to Austin while DH was in Ireland. He will be home tomorrow, I'm here until Friday.:rolleyes: I think he enjoyed his Fathers day though, he toured the Guiness factory in Dublin on Fathers day.

So yesterday morning was CSS (thanks Cheryl!) then I sort've did the abs from PUB. Even with 3 rests though, I couldn't do all of the pikes. :confused: I think I need to work on that one more often. This morning I did AOLIH. I'm in a hotel with no step or weights, so I did the double floor HIIT and then the disc part. That one always surprises me. I don't feel like I'm working that hard, but am always dripping sweat and beet red by the end. Hope everyone had a great Monday, bedtime for me!

My daughter is having a hard time with a panic attach, so I went to her house to help out. Yesterday we went to Hot Yoga for 65 min. My very first time. Wow I left once because I was too hot and then came back and when it was time for stretches I just couldn't do any more. Also I had to lay down a few time during the practice. Sooooooooo different! Today will be going again. My goal is to stay in the room until it's over. Well see. If nothing else, I can pretend I'm in a sauna. LOL

Cheryl, Great job on your bike ride and yoga. Glad you were close to home when your chain fell off. Whew! Thank you for sharing the video of the Spartan race. Wow is all I can say, and you are amazing.

Pam, The shed is done! We do have another one to put up when we get home. Should go smoother this time. lOL Doesn't sound like a fun time for your hubby or you on Father's Day. Glad to see he toured the factory in Dublin. Have a good time in Austin and do be safe. Great job on CSS and the abs from PUB. I still can't do not one pike. But then again no practice with them either. One of these days. Also for today's AOLIH. You are so good at doing exercises when you are traveling. I'm in awe. Good for you! It's really nice when you don't workout hard in your mind, yet physically it shows you have. Love the beet redness and the sweat pouring.

Take care ladies,

Hi! Did you miss me? I missed you. We had a great vacation except Ozzie seemed to be on edge and couldn’t relax. I think just nerves from being in a new place. He did enjoy the beach though and even went shoulder high in the water. Maggie just wandered as she is no friend of water and can’t run and jump anymore. I was so busy at my first day of work yesterday I didn’t have time to post. I did read everyone’s posts and will start posting again regularly tomorrow. I did start a new rotation on Sunday. It is from Bret Contreras’ Strong Curves book. I am only doing the leg portion called Gorgeous Glutes and adding Cathe cardio and upper body. Sunday I started with his first GG workout and added on PS Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps, Monday was HiiT 30/30 (for you Janie!) and added on PS Biceps and Abs. Today was the second GG workout and PS Back.

Cheryl Oh wow on the bear story! We had a deer jump through one of our office windows one time. He was lost too. You are a hero/warrior to be leaping over that fire! I am not sure I would be that brave.

Pam That is funny about your shoe flying off during a terminator climber. You are good to not let it slow you down.

Janie Love the portrait!! Especially how her hair is blowing in the breeze. I hope your daughter is doing better now.
Janie Oh, sorry to hear about your daughter and her panic attack. how long do they normally last? I have never been to a hot yoga class, it sounds kind've strange to me. I'm not really sure what the point is supposed to be? Is it supposed to be easier on your muscles or something since it is warm in the room? I'm glad to hear that the shed is done. Hopefully the next one does go more smoothly! I don't get that too often where I feel like I didn't work hard but in reality I did. So I will take those when I can get them!

Julie Welcome Back!!! Yes, of course we missed you! I'm so glad that you had a great vacation. Poor Ozzie though, I bet he is happy to be home. Does Ozzie not usually like water? How was the water, was it cold? Are you all caught up at work now? ;):D Great job on getting home and getting right back into that rotation. I just love the name - Gorgeous Glutes! Great job on Sundays GG and PS CST, wow! Great job on 30/30 and PS Bis and Abs too and Todays GG and PS Back. It sounds like you are really going to town!

This morning I did Tabatacise 1-5 plus core number 1. I am now convinced that it is easier when I do it on the road and I'm guessing that it's because even though I'm doing the step blasts, I'm doing them without a step so they aren't as intense. I didn't have to take any breaks today but there was sweat just running off of me when I was done. Not sure what's on tap for tomorrow yet, maybe KPC or cardio kicks......I hope everyone is having a great day!

Pam You are welcome with the CSS suggestion. No I have a hard enough time doing the terminator climbers with my shoes on, I will leave doing them with part of your shoe on for you :D. The pikes are hard. I haven't done them in a while so I don't know how well I could do them either. Good job on AOLIH.

Janie Sorry that your daughter is having a panic attack. I hope she feels better soon. I don't think I could do hot yoga, I have a hard enough time with my hands slipping on the mat when I do it at Lululemon. I think I would pass out in the heat. I like your idea of pretending that you are in a sauna.

Julie Welcome back, yes we did miss you. Glad that you enjoyed your vacation but too bad that Ozzie couldn't relax. Let us know how your new rotation goes. I never heard of Bret Contrera, I will have to google him. Good job on your GG workout and PS Chest, Shoulders and triceps and Hiit 30/30 and PS Back. Scary to have a deer jump through your office window. He was really lost. The fire really wasn't that high so it was pretty easy to jump over.

Pam Good job on Tabatacise 1-5 plus core #1.

I didn't sleep hardly at all last night. I guess I had too much on my mind with work. Looking forward to bed tonight and I hope I sleep well. It is getting very fustrating to keep on missing workouts because I am too tired to get out of bed. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

This morning was Ride! Love the countdown timer on that one and hope Cathe puts it in the next spin DVD. I’m trying to work more cardio into my week. I was in the habit of 1 day of cardio a week so I am trying to up it to 2 or 3 days a week. Hopefully saying that here will help me stick to that plan.

Pam Great job on Tabatacise + Core 1! How’s the energy level coming along? Do you feel it coming back to normal? We have never had Ozzie near water except at bath time which he is fine with. I just didn’t know how he would react to the lake with the small waves, which he loved and tried to eat the white foam of the waves as they hit the shore. The water was really cold. I got my feet in there for a few seconds and backed out. I have least gone through my emails and gotten rid of the junk and replied to the emergencies but now I have to go back and reply to the non-emergencies. I have also had a few too many meetings for my liking lately.

Cheryl Sorry about your sleep problems. I hate those nights when I can’t get my mind to shut off. It doesn’t seem fair that there isn’t some type of switch that we can flick in our brains that tells it to shut up. I was on the 4th floor and the deer came in the first floor so I didn’t actually see it. But I guess he ran through the office into our large enclosed atrium before security could catch him. Poor thing. Here is a link to Bret’s website. He really focuses on the glutes and says if they are strong, the rest of the body will be strong and look good too. I’m not sure I will ever look like the women in the testimonials but I am fine with that. I couldn’t give up the foods I am sure you would need to give up to look like that.

Have a great day!
Cheryl oh come on, where is your sense of adventure? everyone can do terminator climbers with their shoes all the way on!! ;):) oh yes, pikes are killers of course I don't get nearly as high in my toes as Cathe and company either they amaze me! Sorry to hear about your sleep issues. I sure hope you are able to get a stood nights sleep tonight. Wouldn't it be nice it our brains had an off switch?

Julie Great job on Ride! I don't have that one because i haven't been doing much spinning lately. its such a good calorie burner though, i really need to ge back into it! i know you will be able to stick with your cardio plan, you are so dedicated!
I *think* the energy level is doing well. I'm wondering if I might have been stressed out about all of the training sessions that we had/have coming up and not knowing the material yet. It's weird though, because I'll do an intense cardio and it will be great and I'll think everything is fine, then I'll do one that isn't as intense and be huffing and puffing. There are so many factors that come into play though with diet, sleep, stress, etc. Oh, how cute that Ozzie was trying to eat the foam in the waves. I love watching a happy dog on the beach. Did you see the picture of you guys on Facebook that the place you stayed posted? so cute! The worst part about vacation is coming back to all of that stuff that is waiting, isn't it?!

This morning I did kick, punch, crunch minus the abs. I didn't have a workout room to steal a stability ball And weights from this trip. I did core yesterday though so didn't need to do it today. I met some friends that I used to work with for happy hour and dinner after work tonight so that was a lot of fun, but ii am ready to get home. These weeklong classes just drag by! I hope everyone had a great day!

Good morning ladies! It's my last day in Austin and I'm ready to go home. I don't know if I told you about losing my workout clothes when I was in Vegas, but I did it again :mad: i bring two pairs of workout clothes when I travel and I wash them out in the sink in my room each day. After washing them I role them in a towel to get some of the water out before hanging them to dry. WELL, if you forget to take them out of the towel, when housekeeping comes and takes the towel, they take your clothes too. I got them back in Vegas, so hoping I will get them back again. At least it wasn't my favorite pair of short this time.:rolleyes:

At least I still had one set of workout clothes, and I did CCC this morning. Or I should say I did PCCC, it's my preferred version. It was good, it didn't kill me like it usually does! Tomorrow will be a rest day for me because I have to be at the airport by 6:30. Have a great day!

Getting ready for HI and didn't exercise today. :( No excuse really.:eek:

Julie, Missed you terribly! So glad you are back. Sounds like Ozzie kinda sorta had fun. But loved the beach. And Maggie had a leisurely time. Bret Contreras Strong Curves along with Cathe sounds like a way to confuse your body. Good Plan. Awe Oh yeah 30/30, you know me so well. LOL plus the addition of PS biceps and abs. Good job.

Pam, When my daughter called me to come over, by the time I got there she was doing fine. But I stayed there for a few days just to make sure. She never knows what or when it comes on. She's taking meds, but it will be a long while before she get the right ones and the right dosage. She's working hard at it. I think the hot yoga sweats out the toxins and warms up the muscles to really be able to work them even more. Great job on Tabatacise 1-5 plus core number 1. Great job on sweating so much. It's a good sign that the exercise is doing what it's suppose to do.

Cheryl, I'm so sorry about you insomnia. Having too much on your mind will do it. You poor thing. Fingers are crossed for you tomorrow.

Julie, Great job on Ride. I love having cardio at least 3-4 times week for me. At least I like it, but will I do it is the question.:rolleyes:

Pam, Great job on KP&C minus the ab work. Glad to see you enjoying yourself despite the classes.

Pam, You are too funny forgetting your clothes. That's something I would do. LOL Great job on CCC this morning. Enjoy your rest day. Don't forget your clothes this time. Check in the rolled up towels. LOL

Take care everyone,

Julie Good job on Ride. I am sure you will be able to increase your cardio. I like your suggestion about an on off switch. That would make sleeping so much easier. Bret's website looks interesting, I will have to look at it again when I have more time. You are pretty committed I am sure you could look like the women in the testimonials.

Pam LOL OK next time I do the original Bootcamp I will do it with my shoes half off. Good work on Kick Punch and Crunch minus the abs. Ha Ha so that is the explanation of your FB post of losing your clothes. I was wondering what happened. Good work on PCCC. Have a safe trip home.

Well I have not had a good week for sleeping or working out. I tried the past two mornings to get up but I have been so tired that it just wasn't happening. Pam I saw your post to Julie regarding energy levels and it does depend on your eating, sleep and stress. I think I need to look at all three of those things to hopefully get my energy levels back. They are really low right now. At least tomorrow is my day off so I should have no problems getting a workout in.

Happy Friday everyone.

So yesterday I was really tied up with meetings at work and didn’t get a chance to post. I am hoping today I can get some actual work done at work. Anyway, I did do Afterburn Double Trouble yesterday. Haven’t done that one in a long time. Today I did another Gorgeous Glutes workout and added on some heavy deadlifts and extra back work.

Pam Great job on KPC minus the abs! I bet you didn’t really miss those pikes anyway! Oh yes stress can definitely suck up your energy level. I love the picture that they took and posted on Facebook. He took like 10 of them because you know how taking pictures of kids and dogs can be. They do not always cooperate. What a bummer about your clothes. Great job on PCCC! Have a good/safe trip home.

Janie I hope everything is coming along with getting ready for HI! I imagine there is a lot to think about for packing and getting your house/affairs in order before you leave for that long. I hope you find some time for exercise. Maybe taking some walks with Rolly.

Cheryl So sorry about your sleeping. That is the worst and then of course as you lay there thinking about how you are not sleeping and need to, you have a harder and harder time going to sleep. Have you tried a melatonin supplement. I have used that in the past when I was having a really stressful time at work and had a hard time sleeping. I also have to sleep with a sleep mask on to block out all the light. With so many variables it is hard to tell what the issue is to know what to fix.

Have a great day!
Julie Good job on AB Double Trouble and your Gorgeous Glutes workout. Funny how you mind starts going late at night. I have taken melatonin but it doesn't do much for me. I sleep with a sleep mask too to block out the light. I do need a new one though because the elastic has stretched so I had to tie a knot in the back to keep it from slipping off so now it is a bit tight.

So this morning I did Imax 2. It was hard since I haven't really done anything in the past week. After that I took the car in to get new brakes and then walked home and got the housework done. Then I walked back to pick the car up later in the afternoon. Expensive day it was.

I've been humbled today. I wanted to do another portrait of yet another niece with her husband. Thinking since everyone seemed and said they love it, she would as well. However, she couldn't get passed the idea that" things are around her". She even said (to help my feelings from getting hurt) that she is very self critical. It may be that it's the truth, but she is one of the most beautiful people I've ever met. And in my mind can't figure out why she would feel that way. Any hoo, I've been knocked down a peg and with good reason.:mad: I shouldn't really think that all people will like my art style or form. I will have to ask in a very different way next time. Today was 30/30, yep can't go wrong with this one.

Cheryl, You poor thing! Have a good day off and a great workout tomorrow.

Julie, Great job on Afterburn Double Trouble yesterday. And for today's Gorgeous Glutes workout with some heavy deadlifts and extra back work as well. Yes, walking is a great to relieve the stress that is building up. I don't know why. After all it is HI.!

Cheryl, Great job on IMAX2. And for a walk home after taking the car in for new breaks and coming back for it. Hope you sleep well.

Take care,

Janie Don't let your niece get you down. As you said everyone likes different styles of art so maybe this just isn't her thing. I think you do beautiful work just everyone's taste is different. You never know she may change her mind down the road. Good work on 30/30 a good hard short workout.

So this morning it was Afterburn. I was dripping sweat by the end. Got the laundry done after that, then it was a pretty lazy day since I got all the housework done yesterday.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Today is Joey and Mine 22 wedding anniversary. We enjoyed the beautiful weather and took a short walk, made scallop and shrimp kabobs, had a sampler of cheese cake and watched our favorite series in a marathon. It was a wonderful day.
Also I asked another niece if I could draw her and she said yes it would be an honor. This one will be a challenge for me because she is a black women. I've never in my life sketched a black person. Beautiful as all get out. However, there are some people before her that I have to do first. I can't wait to do hers though. Something to look forward to.

Cheryl, Great job on Afterburn and dripping sweat. Don't you just love that?!? Yep, you are right. Not everyone will like what I do. It's a fact and I'm doing better knowing this. I'm not so crushed today. LOL Maybe if I drew her without the tangles? I don't know.

Take care,

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Janie Happy Anniversary to you and Joey. Glad that you enjoyed your day. I am glad that another niece of yours would like you to draw her. Um you could see if she would like you to draw her without the tangles she may go for that.

Today I rode my bike to yoga. It was a good class and even better my chain didn't decide to fall off on the way home. Another lazy day that I am taking advantage of, I don't get those too often.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Cheryl, I did offer to draw her without the tangles and she said it's not the tangles in fact she said it is what makes my art work special. She said it's her and need time to adjust to the idea. Hmmmmm. Great job on yoga. Glad your chain didn't fall off today. LOL

Take care,

Janie Oh boy, when do you leave for Hawaii again? I'm so excited for you, it will be so much fun!! I'm so glad that your daughter is learning to deal with her anxiety, I know that it can be just debilitating for people. Good for her for working so hard at it. And so nice of you to stay for a few days to make sure she was ok. I like sweating out my toxins with good old fashioned cardio! I think I will stick to that method ;) The good news is that they found my clothes and I got them back again. I have to stop doing that!!!

Cheryl Luckily there don't seem to be too many people leaving their clothes in towels, so both times now they have been located and returned! I will be waiting for your report on BC with half a shoe! What a bummer that you are having sleep issues. I wish I could offer some advice but unfortunately I have none. Only support and hope that you will get through it.

Julie Great job on AB double trouble. I was going to do tha tpremix the last time, but I remembered the reason it's shorter is because she skips on the breaks, so I went with the standard format :D Great job on GG and heavy deadlifts and back work too! I didn't miss the pikes, but I feel I need to get better at them, so I did them on Saturday morning. Guess I am just a glutton for punishment!

Cheryl Great job on Imax 2 that ever NOT hard?! Oh boy, I just hate spending money on repairs. It's never something that you get to plan for. Ick.

Janie I don't think you should take it personally that you niece doesn't want to be drawn. It sounds like it has nothing to do with your art work at all and she is just uncomfortable with herself. Especially since she said the tangles are what make your art work special. There may just be some self confidence issues there.

Cheryl Great job on AB this morning. That is a sweat producer for sure. I hope your butt is doing ok today after that one too :D That's nice that you had all your housework done and could enjoy your day!

Janie Happy Happy Anniversary!! It sounds like you had a fabulous day, good for you! I'm happy to hear that your other niece is looking forward to you drawing her.

Cheryl Great job on yoga and your bike ride. So nice tha tyour chain decided to cooperate this time too!

Sorry I didn't get a chance to post over the weekend, it was a busy one! On Friday night we just hung out and chilled since it had been 2 weeks since both DH and I had been home. On Saturday he was playing in a golf tournament, so I did Step Fit and then the abs from KPC. Yes, just had to do some planks for fun! That one has just the right amount of planks for me - just when I think I am going to die she says 2 more so I can tough those out! Then I ran errands and did some cooking. We were going to a concert that night so I made dinner for us to take for tailgating. It was a really fun show, we saw Heart and I haven't seen them since I was in college. The tickets were really cheap from a Groupon too. Yesterday we went to the lake and had to wait out a thunderstorm while we were there. I skiied really well my first set and then not so good my second. On my last pass I took a big fall where I launched out of my ski through the air. Luckily it didn't hurt at all though! When we got home I had a cooking project to finish - home made hot dogs. They were reuben dogs, I started on Saturday grinding and spicing the meat and then finished them yesterday. The whole process took several hours, but they were really good! This morning was GS Chest and Triceps. My arms were shaking by the end of that one. Happy Monday everyone!

Saturday I helped my parents paint my dad’s new bedroom and then DH and I ran some errands. Sunday was a Gorgeous Glutes Workout + Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. This morning I did Cardio Core Circuit. I couldn’t remember what order PCCC is but I did it as 1, 4, 5, 2, 3. I also only did the cardio and skipped the abs because I added on Pure Strength Biceps and Abs. We were getting a pretty big storm coming through this morning and I was nervous the power would go out in the middle of my workout. Got lucky there and it waited to go out until right as I was getting in the shower. Luckily I do have a battery powered night light in the bathroom that gave enough light for me to get through the shower.

Cheryl Great job on Imax 2 + your housework! Great job on Afterburn too! Wow two toughies in a row! You go! Great job on your bike ride and yoga! Oh I love two lazy days in a row. I kind of had that this weekend since we got done with all of our errands by 3 in the afternoon. I guess it was kind of a day and a half of being lazy.

Janie Great job on 30/30! No need to feel humbled or taken down a peg because your niece did not want a portrait. Sorry I missed your anniversary. Sounds like you had a wonderful one full of love! That will be great to do a different kind of portrait. I am sure you are up to the challenge.

Pam Great job on Step Fit and adding on the abs from KPC! You are a glutton for punishment. Hmmm. I’ve never thought about the Double Trouble AB premix not having the breaks but then again, I usually add my own during the second half by pausing to get water or just work up the gumption to do those spiderman climbers again! I’m glad you were ok from your tumble during skiing! Wow! Homemade hot dogs sounds like quite the undertaking. As long as they were worth it though, that is what matters. Great job on GS Chest & Triceps! Now you can brag you did 72 pushups for the day!

Have a great day!
My darling darling hubby (Joey) reminded me I've been missing some of my workouts and said so endearingly to get them done. I did. What would I do without him?
Today was beginners workout Total Body Sculpting and Total Body Stretching along with using the stability ball and Cathe's ab work. Needed something simple this time around.
Will be taking a yoga DVD with me in hopes they have a DVD player and promise myself to try and do it everyday.

UDATE: To try and redo the eating I did yesterday, I jogged/fast paced 20 min. around the house. Yea!

Pam, Haven't left for HI yet but will leave on the 28th. Just getting things in order. Yes, my daughter says the panic attacks are like on a high dive just before you jump off. Isn't that awful! My poor baby. She and her doctor are working together to get the right meds and amounts perfect for her. Yea, so glad you found your clothes.
True, I decided like you said about my neice. She has some self image problems. Poor thing. I won't be like that anymore. When she's ready it will be an honor to do one of her.
Great job on Fri. Step Fit and abs from KPC. Love hearing about your tailgating parties. How fun! ONF! Heart is wonderful! So nice to see you getting back to skiing and doing the things you love at home. Launching out of the ski through must have been very scary. Do be safe, glad you weren't hurt. Wow, homemade reuben dogs. I'm thinking with my homemade sauerkraut it would be soooooooooo goood. I'm sure they were excellent and wished I could have been there. Hmmmmmmmmmm
Great job on GS Chest and triceps. Did you get DOMs?

Take care everyone,

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