Janie Great job on Step Fit. I always forget about that one. I need to keep it in mind because it is a goodie! So funny about your oops post

I love your shell tangle, that is really really cool. I can't imagine people NOT taking an interest in them.
Cheryl Great job on TB Trisets UB and your housework. So glad to hear that your Dr said that there was nothing to worry about with the kidneys! What a relief. I think it's a good idea to have the specialist check it out for be sure. OMG, how frustrating not being able to get in your garage!! I'm glad there was a car that you could borrow close-by! Wow, a bear right there in the middle of a congested area, how crazy! That would be scary for both the people and the bear!
Janie Whew is right, great job on MIC! Great finding it at a second hand store too.
Cheryl Great job on cardio leg blast and laundry. I'm glad to hear that you are able to get into your garage again
Janie Wow, 3+ hours of walking! Great job! And what a nice bonus that you got loaded up on shells too. I'm happy that you were able to find so many this time!
I decided to make Saturday my rest day instead of Sunday this week, so we had a relaxing morning, DH made breakfast, and then we went and got a ski in. That night we went out for dinner and then a concert. The concert was this guy from Hawaii who pays the Ukelele and he was just amazing. It was really fun. He said that he was discovered because of a video of him playing on You Tube, and now he does world wide tours. Pretty cool. Sunday I did Body Max2. I was supposed to do the whole thing, but I didn't do upper body since we skiied on Saturday. We ended up skiing Sunday too, so I think my upper body got a pretty good workout. Plus this morning was GS Chest and Triceps, then I did the abs from Muscle endurance. DH left for Germany last night. He will be gone until next Tuesday, and I leave Sunday to go to Austin until Friday, so I'll be gone when he gets back

I have lots of work to get done today, so guess I better get busy. Have a great day!