Strength in Numbers

Janie Good job on your walk on the beach and finding a couple of shells. She may be an introvert like Julie said or she may not be nice at all. Sometimes it takes time to get to know someone.

Pam Do you eat anything before you workout? Maybe your body needs something to keep it going like a yogurt or banana? Good job on burn sets bis and tris. If you know the warm up by heart then it is time for a change. Enjoy your weekend.

So my ultrasound is Monday afternoon. Hopefully the results won't take long getting to my doctor and we can figure out what needs to be done. Wow my cardio was not up to snuff for this race. I did finish it but I found it tough. The first mile was all uphill in the snow with the first obstacle being a really heavy brick that you had to drag around a large circle with a rope. Having to go uphill and downhill for that matter in snow that went up to about your mid calf was really hard. The next obstacle was to carry a weighted bag up a hill and back down again. By this time we had started to go back downhill which was hard because you didn't want to slip in the snow. The next obstacle was monkey bars which I have never done but I did it (oh and if you couldn't finish any of the obstacles it was 30 burpees). Then we had to climb over a wall I needed help up because I was too short to do it on my own. Then there were more hills and mud then we had to slide down a steep hill and try to get up the other side. Oh trying to go sideways across a wall with little foot and hand holds got me. There was my first set of burpees. Then climbed a 12 foot rope ladder and down the other side, threw a spear at a hall bale and missed (more burpees), crawled through the mud under barbed wire, climbed up a wall with ropes, climbed up a rope to ring a bell (ummm more burpees) then jumped over a fire pit fought off some Spartans and we were done. Whew got my medal and t-shirt for finishing. It was fun and challenging but I don't know if I would do it again. My knees are chewed up won't look good in a skirt, my battles wounds. Below is a picture of our team at the end.


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Saturday we took Maggie to the vet for her annual checkup, then it was cleaning at my mom’s and errands. Of course, it was clear all day while we were cleaning at my mom’s and then as soon as we go to leave to run errands, it starts to pour. Sunday I did disc 34, chest and back and then of course it was lazy time after that. This morning I did not want to get out of bed. I had trouble sleeping last night but I got up anyway and did Supercuts + Rear Delts. I slowed Cathe down during that su/pu combo. She was talking so slow, she sounded like she had been drinking something other than water.

Cheryl Oh man! That’s not good news about the kidney readings. I hope the ultrasound can shed some light on what is going on. Going to a kidney specialist would probably be helpful but expensive so I hope your regular doctor can figure things out. Oh boy that race sounds brutal. I think those burpees were unfair punishment. You are a better woman than I to go through all that. I’m glad you had fun.

Janie Great job on your shell searching 1 hour walk! I wonder when good shell hunting season is. I’m so excited that you found something you enjoy in the arts center. As Pam said, maybe you can turn some of them on to Cathe.

Pam I don’t remember screaming too loudly. I am sure some type of noise came out of my mouth but no one but the dogs would have heard it (and the spider that soon met his end). Great job on BS Bis/Tris! A 3 hour drive to lounge in the sun by a pool with a barbecue sounds worth it to me. Well, I don’t know if watching your diet will help for sure but it is worth a try. Some people do well with a mostly vegan diet (like me) and others prefer a paleo type diet (I think Cathe said that helped her energy levels).

Have a great day!
Cheryl I do not eat anything before my workout, it I do it usually upsets my stomach. Yogurt might work though, I may have to give that a try. I can't do the banana, I do not like them at all!! :rolleyes:
I hope you are able to get the ultrasound results back quickly. It must be frustrating and scary not knowing what is going on. I can imagine that you found that race tough, it sounds very tough! The burpees alone are brutal. I'm glad it was fun, but it does sound like one of those things to check off the list and not do again! You sure did get muddy, wow!

Julie Great job on your cleaning, but what a bummer that the rain started just when you had to go running around. I hate driving in the rain! Great job on disc 34 yesterday and SC and rear delts this morning. That is funny about Cathe's voice when you slowed her down. I think I might have trouble doing the exercises from laughing at that point! Hmmm...I think I will need to read up on the paleo diet. I'm not sure I could stick to a mostly vegan diet because I really like meat!

Saturday morning after I checked in my friend Sue and I went for a bike ride. I'm not sure how far we rode, but we were gone for 2 hours and rode at a pretty good pace, so I was happy with that for a workout. Then on Sunday morning we went for an hour long walk on the beach. It was beautiful weather all weekend so it was nice to get some time outside in the sun. Now it's back to work work work :confused: Last night after we got home I got a call from our oldest. He just left on Saturday to go to Virginia for his internship for the summer. He called and when I asked how he was he said Wellllll OK... then he started into this story about how he had gone out to meet some of the other interns at a bar for "just one drink" and just then he said he had to go and would call me back. Of course then my DH and I are wondering did he get in an accident, did he get pulled over for drinking and driving or what......he called back in a few minutes and it turns out he parked in a no parking zone and his car was towed. :rolleyes: OK, big relief...he was calling to see if he could use our credit card to pay to get it out and then pay us back. I said that one definitely needs to be paid back, but hopefully it was a learning experience for him. OK, work to be done, Happy Monday ladies!

Julie Of course it has to start to rain when you want to go out and do errands. I hate driving around in the rain. Good job on disc 34 and Supercuts + Rear Delts. That su/pu combo never gets easy smart idea to slow it down. We are lucky up here that I wouldn't have to pay to go see a specialist. I pay about $57 per month for the two of us and it covers all doctors visits, specialists, tests and 80% of our prescriptions. I really hate burpees now not that I didn't before. It was hard but I am glad that I did it.

Pam I find yogurt fine with me before a workout. It isn't too filling but it can help getting you through a workout. We did get a bit of mud on us didn't we :rolleyes:. In the picture you can see the snow in the background. I really wasn't expecting that for June. Good job on your bike ride with your friend. It is a nice way to cross train plus walking on the beach. Well isn't that nice of your oldest to keep you wondering why he called. At least it wasn't serious.

So yesterday I did yoga. I was feeling kinda tired so it was a tough one for me. I felt like I was getting a cold yesterday, probably from running in the snow the day before so I took some nyquil to help me sleep and I slept like a log. Needless to say after taking that there was no way i could attempt a workout. I am hoping to get one done tomorrow morning though. So I went for my ultrasound this afternoon. My doctor should get the results by Wednesday and then I will see about getting in to see her.

Have a great Tuesday everyone.

Circuit Blast tonight. Jeesh! All good.

Pam, I would love to introduce the UFO group to Cathe, but they are big ladies (most of them) and don't think they would be interested. I will introduce to them to Cathe. Hope they will at least think about it. They may have a sugestion on where to exercise together. It could be fun. I have all her DVD's all we need is enough people interested. We'll see.'s wasn't easy for me to go through. Great job on burn set bis and tris and c ore #1. Do enjoy your cookout and the beach/sun.

Cheryl, How was the ultrasound? Congrrats for finishing the race. That is awesome in itself. Good for you! You have a lot of guts and stamina to do what you did and going through all those obstacles. Wow! So proud of you. I didn't see the photo. Where is it?

Julie, How is Maggie doing with her annual checkup. Great job on all the cleaning and errands you did. Figures the rain would show up when you wanted to do errands. Darn! Great job on Sun. disc 34 chest and back. Also for this mornings Supercuts plus rear delts. LOL about slowing Cathe and her sounding drunk. LOL.

Pam, Good job on your 2 hour bike ride. How wonderful it is to do that. Also Sunday's 1 hour walk on the beach. Wow, all that drama. So glad it wasn't anything serious.

Take care ladies,

Ceryl I was surprised when you said there was snow for your race. It has been a really crazy spring weather wise! I may try the yogurt one of these mornings to see if it helps. Great job on getting in your yoga even though you weren't feeling up for it. I bet the running in the snow didn't help matters at all! I hope you are feeling better today! Keep us posted on the results of your ultrasound!

Janie Great job on Circuit Blast, were you beet red at the end? :D Hmm...if they are big ladies then you might want to take it a little slow and maybe not start them out with Cathe. She can be pretty intimidating if you don't exercise regularly (and even if you do!) That would be fun if you could exercise together though.

I realized that I was so busy telling you about Eric's car drama yesterday that I forgot to tell you about yesterday's workout. It was supposed to be Legs and Glutes, but when I got upstairs I realized that I don't have it on DVD, only the download. I didn't feel like going and getting my computer and waiting for it to start up, so I did Leaner Legs instead. They are the same length so figured it was close enough. This morning guessed it....Burn set Chest, Back and shoulders. That is my last time for awhile though. I almost did something else instead, but since it's the last week of the rotation I figured I would stick it out. Besides, I don't even need to look to see what weights to use anymore. I was able to do a few extra reps on all of the failure sets too, so it feels good to see some progress. Have a great day everyone!

This morning I didn’t want to get out of bed again but I did it anyway. I got a little better sleep but still not enough. I did get sts disc 40, squat rack legs done. Crazyist thing this morning during my warm up squats. I never get knee pain during squats but for some reason my right knee was hurting during the warm up sets with the lighter weight. I put on heavier weight for the regular sets and no knee pain. Weird!

Pam Great job on your 2 hour bike ride! That is fantastic! Great job on your hour long beach walk too! Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend. Oh that would be stressful not knowing what was going on when he had to quickly hang up on you. I’m glad it was just a parking ticket and not something more serious. Great job on LL! I love that one because it has so many sets of my favorite move—deadlifts!!! Great job on BS CBS and on getting more reps on the failure set! Doing it for a month straight must have helped increase your strength.

Cheryl Great job on yoga! I bet your body was exhausted from that crazy obstacle run the day before. As you said though, something fun to do once! That is nice that you don’t have to pay for specialists. $57/month for 2 people is quite a deal for all that it covers. We don’t have that here. The monthly premium is about triple that for me and DH and once we hit a dollar deductible we have to start paying a copay. Hoping you get good news on your ultrasound and get feeling better.

Janie Great job on Circuit Blast! I like that one but don’t seem to do it too often. The vet says Maggie looks great. We had blood work done on her since she is a senior dog and it came back “fantastic” (the vet’s words not mine) except it showed she has a bladder infection. So yesterday after work, I had to go to the pharmacy and pick up some antibiotics.

Have a great day!
4DS boxing in it's entirety. Am I still alive? LOL

, I was so beet red when I did CB. Yes, I will wait to get to know them (UFO Group) better and then Spring Cathe on them LOL. Great job on Leaner Legs and today's Burn Set Chest, back and shoulders. Congrats on the progress for the extra reps. Yea!

Julie, Good for you getting out of bed when you didn't feel like it. Great job on STS disc 40, squat rack legs. Hmmmm about your knee. That is strange.
Glad Maggie didn't have anything horrible about with her test results. Yea!

Take care,

Janie Good job on Circuit Blast. I should find out about the ultrasound by the end of the week. I put the picture in my post on Saturday. Let me know if you can't find it and I will post it again.

Pam I wasn't expecting snow either. The weather has been crazy all over. I am feeling better today, I took lots of Vitamin C so that helped. Good work on Leaner Legs and Burn set Chest, Back and shoulders. It will be nice to do some other weight work but good for you in getting more reps in your failure set.

Julie That is weird about your knee. I have no explanation for it. Good job on getting out of bed and getting it done though. Your medical is expensive we are so lucky here that it is cheaper.

Janie Good job on 4DS Kickboxing. So how are you doing today?

So today I felt pretty good and got up and did Supercuts. I really slowed down the su/pu combo and could only eek out 5 instead of 8 of them. Hopefully I will feel just as good tomorrow morning and can get up and get another workout in.

Have a great day everyone.

Cheryl I''m glad to hear you are feeling better. That was a good idea taking vitamin C too. Yes, that was the nice thing about doing the same workout, I could actually see some progress. Great job on Supercuts. I think 5 sets of those nasty su/pus is not too shabby at all! I hope you were able to get up for your workout today.

Janie Great job on 4DS boxing, I HOPE you're still alive!!! ;):p Gotta love the beet red face, huh? Mine was a giant beet this morning. Oh those poor ladies at UFO have no idea what ia going to be hitting them :D

Julie Great job making yourself get up and do your workout again. Great job on sts disc 40. That is really strange about your knee. I could understand the other way around, but not bothering you when you have no weight...weird! I like that the deadlifts in LL are split up like they are and that you just do a few reps in each set. For some reason I hate doing them when you go 4 counts down and 4 counts up, but I don't mind any of the other counts. I guess just because it takes longer to do a rep :rolleyes:
I think doing it for a month straight did help increase my strength, although not be much! I went up a few reps on everything, but I never increased my weights :rolleyes::confused: Maybe I should have tried that.

This morning for me was Tabatacise. I was really looking forward to doing it because I hadn't done it for awhile. Once again though, I was really breathless. It is weird. I had to pause between rounds a couple of times to make it through and I usually don't do that.'s so annoying. In any case, I made it through because I was too stubborn to quit. Have a great day.

This morning I did sts disc 36, shoulders, bis, and tris. My legs are pretty sore from yesterday’s squat rack workout. I am barely passing the toilet test. It is going to be a day that I watch how much I drink.

Janie Great job on 4DS Kickboxing! That is a long one and pretty tough one too. You’ll have to let us know if you and your legs survived.

Cheryl Great job on Supercuts! Hey 5 sets of the su/pu combo is really good. I discovered something about Supercuts really works my obliques. I have crazy DOMS in them yesterday and today. Must either be those rotations with the tubing or the sit outs. Hope you get good sleep and feel good to work out tomorrow morning.

Pam Great job on Tabatacise! I’m sorry you are still having energy issues. I imagine it would be frustrating to have to pause when you are not used to it. I on the other hand pause so much on Cathe’s harder cardios that my pause button is starting to wear out. It’s harder to increase your weight sometimes I think. Especially since the dumbbells go in 5 pound increments. Sometimes I increase the weight for the first set (or first few reps) and then go back down to my old weight. At least it is something I guess.

Have a great day!
Tonight was PUB. I love weight lifting.

Cheryl, I'm doing well and started having DOM's like I do and then they go away. Great job on Supercuts, hey 5 to me is very good. Better than nothing.

Pam, Yep, still kicking. Tomorrow will most likely be the last time I see these ladies until Fall. They are a Fall and Winter Group. Hopefully I'll be able to make it a few times during those months. Not likely they will be involved with our Cathe. But you never know... I will ask some time (once I get to know them better) if they would like to exercise with me at the center. Who knows...It will have to wait until everyone is together again. Darn. Great job on Tabatacise. Being stubborn is good sometimes. Drink plenty, I mean plenty of water. Cathe's June Rotation (I think is where it was) stated in it to drink plenty of water. More than I would have thought. It helps with being tired, I think she said.

Julie, Great job on sts disc 36 shoulders, bis and tris. Congrats from the DOM's in your legs and barely passing the toilet test. LOL good for you! After 4DS my legs were very sore, but didn't last long. I don't know why. Hmmmm. I always wonder why I don't get DOM's like everyone else.

Take care ladies,

Pam Good job on Tabatacise. How many rounds did you do. It is not an easy workout so don't be annoyed about having to pause. There is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is that you didn't quit and kept going to the end even with the pauses.

Julie LOL you have to watch what you drink. It must have been a really good leg workout yesterday. Good job on disc 36 shoulders, bis and tris. Funny I feel supercuts in my obliques too but I have never had DOMS in them :confused:.

I made it up again this morning and did MMA Kickboxing. It isn't too hard of a workout which seemed to suit me this morning. I will see about getting up again tomorrow morning.

This morning was Hard Strikes with 1 pound gloves! That one seems to go by so fast. I think it is becoming a favorite of mine. My triceps are pretty sore from yesterday’s workout so I didn’t do as many of the triceps dips and of course slowed Cathe down to drunk speed on the su/pu combo. So today I only work a half day and then I am off work until 6/17. DH and I are going on vacation up to Michigan along Lake Michigan. We are taking the dogs and staying in a cabin with a short drive to a dog park and dog beach. We will be leaving tomorrow morning and not returning until the next Friday. So I won’t be posting again probably until the 17th.

Janie Great job on PUB! I love that one. It goes by so fast and your arms feel like Jell-O when you are done. So what flavor of Jell-O were you! I wouldn’t worry about not getting DOMS like others. Everyone is different and some people either never get them or recover quickly from them and they still build muscle and see results. Just keep lifting!

Cheryl Great job on getting up and getting MMA Kickboxing in!! I think MMA Kickboxing is great for those days/mornings that you need something a little easier (for Cathe anyway). My legs and obliques are feeling better today. Good luck on 3 days in a row!

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on STS disc 36. Oh no, too funny about the toilet test, I hope you survived the day ok and weren't walking like a duck! Well that makes me feel a little better to hear that you hit the pause button on those tough workouts. I actually got an extra pause in that I hadn't planned because I had accidentally picked level 4 instead of level 5, so when I was expecting the next round she went to cool down. That gave me a little break while I got back to round 5 on the dvd. That was a nice accident :D I think it's a good idea to use a heavier weight for the first set and then drop down. I think I might try that next time for some of the exercises. Of course, I am not doing burn sets again for awhile, so I probably will not be able to go to the heavier weight next time :rolleyes:

Janie Great job on PUB, I love that one! Especially when I remember to do abs first as Cheryl recommends. That's a bummer that the group only meets in the fall and winter. Why is that? Just too busy during the summer? Oh I do drink a lot of water. It can be bad when I'm really busy at work because I wait until the last possible second to go to the bathroom. Those days I'm praying that I don't run into anyone who wants to chat when I am on my way there :D;) I keep a cup on my desk that holds something like 24 ounces and I fill it at least 3 times a day.

Cheryl I did all 5 rounds of tabatacise. I usually try to do that unless I am using it as an add on. I'm still annoyed about having to pause though. The last few times I have done it I was traveling and didn't have a step, so now my justification is that it was harder this time because I used my step for the blasts instead of doing that part on the floor :p:confused: It sounds good anyway......Great job on MMA Kickboxing. I haven't done that one in awhile. I hope you were able to get up for your workout this morning too!

Julie Great job on hardstrikes with your weighted gloves. I really didn't like that one the first time I did it, but I think it must have been my mood. The second time I did it I liked it a lot better. Oh your vacation sounds sooo nice. I hope that you have great weather and a great time!!

This morning for me was Burn set Bis and Tris and core 1. It was the last time and I don't plan to get that disc out for awhile now! :D I hope everyone has a great day!

Janie Love your post! What happened?!

This morning was Supercuts. That is a fun one and I haven't done it in awhile. I was wishing for the drunk Cathe setting on my dvd during the su/pu combo though. I tried to keep up, but I was starting the last set of pushups when they were finishing. I hope everyone has a great Friday!

Did Step Fit last night. Oh how I LOVE the oldies!
I'll try to explain my "OOPS" post.
Had a gathering at the Art Center and I forgot my Inventory List on all the projects I entered to sell. Seems I needed to make a copy to give to Connie (a board member collecting them). Told her I could take a photo of it and send it to her tonight (that was yesterday.) So, I went to picturetrail (where I download my photos for forums), placed it on here to copy and then put it in an email. I know, there must be a better way of doing it, but I didn't have time to figure it out. Connie was waiting for it and needed it NOW. LOL Didn't want you all to see a stupid Inventory List so I deleted the photo and put my OOPS message in. Forgot to get back and even post last night. Must of had a senior moment. LOL:rolleyes::confused::rolleyes:

Been working on shells and putting tangles inside them. Here is a shell that is about half the size of a sheet of paper (very large clam shell) with tangles inside.


Hopefully people will take an interest and buy them. I'll let you know how it goes.

Pam, Great job on Supercuts. LOL "drunk Cathe setting". Sure wish my feature worked like yours (it doesn't). So, Modify I do. LOL

Take care ladies,

Julie I like doing Hard Strikes with 1 pound gloves too. Enjoy your vacation at Lake Michigan. I hope you get good weather.

Pam That is good to get all 5 tabatacise in. I think the max I have done so far is 4. Good job on you last Burn set Bis and Tris + core 1 for a while. Good job on Supercuts this morning.

Janie Too funny about your OOPS post. Good job on Step Fit, it is fun to go back and do the oldies. I love your shell, I don't think you will have to worry about not being able to sell them. I am sure people will take an interest in them.

So I didn't make in up yesterday for three days in a row. I went out for dinner last night with friends so I didn't get a chance to post yesterday. This morning I did Total Body Tri sets Upper Body. I hadn't done that one for a while. After that I did housework (my Friday off) and then went to the doctor. She said that my ultrasound was fine nothing wrong at all. So just to cover all the bases she will send me to a kidney specialist to get checked out. I was talking to my Mom and she has the same problem as me with her kidneys so this just may be normal for me. We will see what the specialist says. So when I went to our garage to get the car I couldn't open the door :mad:. The key would not open the lock, at least my neighbour was home and I could borrow their car. Needless to say I bought another doorknob on the way home. And when I left the doctor's office and was walking to the car a bunch of people were out and said "did you just see the bear?" I missed it but it was in a very busy and congested area. Someone did call the police and I saw them drive into the mall parking lot to look for him. I hope he is OK, he was a bit lost.

Have a great day.

I found Maximum Intensity Cardio at a 2nd hand store many years ago. I was hooked on Cathe from then on. It is always a pleasure to do it. Whew is all I can say!

Cheryl, Great job on Total Body Tri sets Upper Body and housework. Glad to see that the ultrasound didn't find anything wrong. Wow, seeing a bear? Amazing and I too hope the bear will be OK and finds his way back where he belongs. Poor thing.

Take care,


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