Strength in Numbers

Julie Great job on hard Strikes yesterday, we were on the same page. lol I don't think I would have given even a fleeting though to adding he su/pu combo if I was doing the cardio only premix! :D It made me laugh when you said you hope that your right leg is the only one that is growing, you are too funny! I'm not sure if I would like squat rack legs or not. I feel like at least need to try it one of these days though. I really love the plyo leg workouts though. I am addicted to gum too. I can go through an entire large pack in an afternoon sometimes. It's only when I'm at work though...I think it helps keep me from getting too bored and it helps keep me from snacking. :rolleyes: When do you go for your permanent crown? Will you be sacrificing the gum until then???? :p

Janie Some days are like that, it can be hard to fit the exercising in. I know you will make up forit though. Too bad Joey isn't interested in passing the mike at the pub. It sounds like a fun group though, so I'm guessing there will be other interesting social opportunities.

This morning I was very tempted to sleep in. My DH had a conference call that started at midnight last night and even though I went to bed earlier, I kept waking up until after he came to bed. Then when I woke up I had a headache, but I decided to do my workout anyway. This morning was XTrain cardio leg blast and it made my headache go away for awhile. Unfortunately it came back after I was done so I broke down and took some ibuprofen. I think I will sleep well tonight! The second half of CLB always goes by so much faster for me than the first half, I guess I must like the step cardio better. The good news is that it's almost Friday! Have a great day ladies.

This morning I did disc 33, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. I was really struggling with the triceps work this morning. Shoulders and biceps were fine so I don’t think it was energy issue. It is weird though because normally it is my shoulders or biceps that seem weak but today they were strong.

Janie Hope you enjoyed your rest day. Too bad you couldn’t go to Mike night just to watch and not participate. Maybe my other leg will get the DOMS next time.

Pam Great job on CLB! Too bad about the sleeping. Hopefully you will get good sleep tonight. Oh thank goodness I am not alone in my pack a day habit (sometimes) with gum. I really only chew it at work too and usually when I have day that I actually don’t have a lot of meetings. I get my permanent crown next Tuesday. I did chew some gum yesterday but tried to be careful to only chew on the one side. I really need to just sacrifice it until I get the permanent so there are no more mishaps.

Have a great day!
Tonight was my own version of an upper body workout. Took 45 min. What? LOL it was a good workout. Last night when I went to bed (it's a very high bed) I jumped onto my bed and hurt my right knee. I don't think anything serious. I now have a step up so I can just step up to the bed and scoot onto my high bed. LOL

Pam, Great job on getting out of bed and doing XTrain cardio leg blast. Hurray for getting rid of your headache by exercising. Ibuprofen here too (knee). Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.

Janie Hope you enjoyed your rest day. Too bad you couldn’t go to Mike night just to watch and not participate. Maybe my other leg will get the DOMS next time.

Julie, Hoping you get DOM's on the other leg next time.:) Great job on this mornings disc 33 shoulders, biceps and triceps. Sounds like you are getting stronger. Good going!

Take care ladies,

Julie Great job on disc 33. That is strange that your triceps were so hard. Maybe you had done something that exhausted them so they were just having a weak day. I did sleep much better last night and no headache this morning so I was happy about that. Do take it easy on the gum between now and next Tuesday. You don't want to pull of that temporary crown again :) It sounds like our gum habits are very similar, I only chew it at work too. I am obsessive about it here, but only in the afternoon....:confused:

Janie Great jon on your roll your own upper body workout! It sounds like it was a goodie. Oh no, I can't believe you hurt your kneww getting into bed, I hope it is feeling better. You were smart to get that step! My mother always used to say sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite to us. I used to say it to the kids when they were little, but one night Ashley asked me not to say that anymore because it made her worry about bugs! Ooops!

Last night we went to the lake and skiied after work. I was so happy, I had a really crappy unproductive day at work, but skiied great. It's finally warm, hopefully to stay! This morning was XTrain Bis/Tris burn sets and Core number 1. Then I had my follow up Dr appt for my knee and I am all cleared :D I'll still be doing the exercises though. Happy Friday ladies and have a great weekend!

This morning was disc 9 meso 1 legs! Those always go by so fast. So you will not believe what happened while I was driving into work this morning. I hit a huge bird! I hate hitting animals and this bird just did not fly away fast enough so it flew right up into my side mirror and knocked my driver’s side mirror off. I called my husband and he is going to see what he can find to cheaply replace it. I hope that is not an indication of how my day is going to go.

Janie Great job on your own upper body workout! Oh no! I hope your knee is doing fine. I have seen steps for beds before that are pretty high. We actually have a ramp at the end of our bed but it is for the dogs. Although sometimes I use it to stand on to turn the fan off.

Pam Great job on XT Bis/Tris plus core! Yea that you got some good skiing in. I hate those days when everything goes wrong at work. Hopefully the good ski session helped take that stress away. That is awesome that you got the all clear from the dr. That is a good plan to keep the exercises in to help keep your hamstrings limber and prevent a recurrence. I will do my best with the no gum policy (said while looking longingly at the pack of gum in her desk drawer).

Have a great day!
Was rainy and windy at the beach today so I did stair climbing for 30 min.
Here is a portrait of My niece Mary and her husband Brandon. I call it "My Hero". Brandon has served our county so we can continue to live the way we do.


Will come back to update my workout tonight.

Pam, My knee is much better now and feels great. Ready to get in there and do some lower body exercise tonight. You know,(Don't let the bed bug bite) my daughter felt the same way, but never told me until she was full grown. Poor dears. I loved it when my parents told me that. Great job on skiing, XTrain bis, triceps burn sets and core #1. Yea, for the clear on your knee.

Julie, Great job on meso 1 legs. Ohh no! It must have been so scary hitting the bird and having damage like that. How was your day? My knee is good now and will do lower body workout tonight.

Take care ladies,

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Did 30/30 tonight. Whew, I love that workout. As soon as I said my knee was better it started acting up. Darn. Have it under control though. Inflammation pill.

Take care,

Julie Great job on dsic 9 legs! OMG, that must have been so scary hitting that bird! I hit an animal once and like you, I just felt terrible about it. I hope that the rest of your day was better! My everything going wrong day is still happening. Errrr....I'm not sure what is going wrong but I am trying to get a class finished and the darn software is not working. I've been working on it again today with no luck :mad: Luckily you only have one more day to 'stick' it out without chewing ;):p You can do it!

janie Great job on your stair climbing. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new portrait. Wow, it is just beautiful. I love your name for it too, it is perfect! You need to thank Brandon for his service for us. We are so lucky to have people that are willing to make that sacrifice for us. I'm so glad to hear that your knee is feeling better. whew! I always like the don't let the bed bugs bite too. It never occurred to be that kids might find it scary :confused:
Great job on your favorite 30/30 too! Oh no, I just read that your knee start acting up, I hope it was a very temporary thing! Take it easy!

Yesterday morning I did Intensity. That was my swap from Monday for Imax. I hadn't done it in awhile and it kicked my butt! Then yesterday afternoon we went skiing and I could definitely tell that I was tired. I skiied ok, but not as well as the other night. This morning I did Drill Max. Sunday is usually my day off, but I'm going to Chicago tonight and flying back Tuesday morning, so I decided to make Tuesday my rest day. Drill Max was really tough for me by the end too. I just about ran out of juice. Then I went and worked in the yard for 2 hours raking and pulling weeds. Whew. It feels good to be sitting now. Have a great day!

Gardening big time for a few hours. Man that is such a workout in itself! I won't be doing any more workouts today. Wow!

Pam, I am being careful with my knee, just don't know when it will hurt again. Weirdest thing. Great job on Intensity yesterday morning. Yeah, it kicks my butt as well. LOL Haven't done that one for a long time, but remember it well.:confused: Also for the skiiing and for this mornings Drill Max. OMG! Plus working in the yard for 2 hrs. Wow. You are in such good shape. So proud of you!

Take care,

Janie Great job on your gardening, that is quite the workout, isn't it?! I'm glad to hear that you are being careful with your knee. Darn body parts, don't you wish they would just behave themselves?! I think maybe I overdid it just a tad this weekend, I felt like I was out of juice by the end of the day yesterday. All ready for another day though :rolleyes:

This morning was Hiit Pyramid and no equipment abs. The second round of the pyramid always gets me good! I love when the 1/4 turn jumps are finally over! I hope everyone had a good weekend. I was hoping we might hear from Cheryl! Hopefully it means it was beautiful weather and she was out enjoying it. Have a great day ladies.

Saturday I helped my dad start cleaning out his garage. I am so proud of how much he threw away. That was a big step for him. Sunday I did Lower Body Blast and then had a lazy day. This morning I got up and did MMA Boxing even though I really, really wanted to stay in bed snuggling with my Maggie.

Janie Great job on 30 min of stair climbing? Do you have a stair climber or did you do stairs in your house? What a sweet looking couple. I think the name of the drawing is perfect too. She really does look like she is in love with her hero. Great job on 30/30! Do be careful with your knee. Have you noticed whether it is impact that hurts it or lower body work like squats and lunges?

Pam Great job on Intensity plus skiing! Wow and then to do Drill Max + 2 hours of heavy yard work! You are amazing. Hope you got to sit and enjoy some relaxation the rest of the day. Great job on DWP! That is my party point too when the second set of the second round of ½ turn jumps are done. Did you do any shopping or anything special while in Chicago on Monday?

Have a great day!
Yesterday was a long walk on the beach with Rolly and gardening.

Pam, I here ya when you say that our body parts need to behave themselves. I think I'm starting to feel aging. :( It's bond to happen sooner or later. Darn. Great job on Hiit Pyramid and no equipment abs. I love when the 1/4 turns are over as well. They get to be hard towards the end!

Cheryl, How ya doing?

Julie, It's hard to throw thing out when you have connections with stuff. I'm proud of your dad too. Great job on Sun. for doing LBB and rested. Great job on today's MMA Boxing. Oh, snuggling with your Maggie does sound better. But you did the right thing. LOL;) I do have a climber machine and use it when the weather is awful outside or I'm bored with steps. My knee will hurt when it's impact. Squats and lunges are good, just really have to concentrate doing them absolutely perfect. Hey, at least I can exercise. Thank you for your comment on my drawing. I think I like that one most of all so far.

Take ladies,


Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to Cheryl,
Happy Birthday to you,

And many more...

JulieThat is great that your dad was able to throw away so much stuff. I know it can be really hard, but sometimes once you start you find it to feel really good. At least that's how I am! Great job on LBB and your lazy Sunday. Even better job getting up and doing MMA Boxing when you just wanted to cuddle with Maggie. I'm sure she would have been happy for you to have chosen that option instead though :D My sitting an relaxing after my day Sunday was on the plane up to Chicago. It is a quick little 1 1/2 flight and I had a little nap and watched a show on my ipad. I didn't do any shopping at all in Chicago. It was actually a work day for me and I have a lot of work to get done right now, so I only left the room for breakfast, then to grab lunch and bring it back to the room. After that I worked until my DH got back from his meetings at 7. On Sunday when I got there we went out and got some dinner and then went and met up with one of his friends from High School who happened to be in town for a convention too. It was the first time they had seen each other in many many years, so that was fun. On Monday night we went to dinner at a restaurant that we have been wanting to try. The chef is the BIL of one of my DHs friends here in Raleigh and just won a James Beard award. We had a crazy 10 course meal. It sounds like so much food, but each course is really small, so I was actually able to eat most of it. Then yesterday I came home in the morning and worked until 9:30 last night.

Janie Great job on your long beach walk and gardening. Does that mean that the weather is getting better? I hope so! I hate the aging thing. I never used to have all of these aches and pains! As they always so though, it's better than the alternative. :D

Cheryl I hope that you are having a great birthday! Hopefully you'll have a chance to check in with us soon!

I rearranged my calendar a bit to take yesterday off since I would be flying in the morning, and then today was XTrain Chest, Shoulders, Back burn sets. I really like the XTrain weight work, but I am thinking I should maybe be getting some more intense weight work in too. I hope everyone is having a great day.

Weather kept threatening rain. Never did do a workout.:eek:

Pam, You never know what kind of weather you will get living by the ocean. Yep, aches and pains are better than the alternative. Great job on XTrain chest, shoulders and back burn sets.

Take care,

Hi! I did not fall off the face of the Earth. I have had a very busy last couple of days at work. Tuesday morning was Burn Sets Chest, Back, and Shoulders. Wednesday I did some glute/leg work from Bret Contreras book Strong Curves. I am thinking of doing a rotation of his when I am done with my undulating STS rotation. This morning I did Burn Sets Bis & Tris.

Janie Great job on your long beach walk with Rolly and gardening! Well I am glad you know what to avoid while your knee is healing. Now that Cathe has a lot more low impact options that should help choose things. Plus walking on the beach is a low impact exercise.

Pam Great job on BS CBS! I love the XTrain weight work too. Well it sounds like you still managed to have fun in Chicago while getting work done. Wow a 10 course meal sounds interesting. I think the most courses in a meal I ever had included four courses well 5 if you include the wedding cake as dessert.

Happy Birthday Cheryl! I hope you had a wonderful birthday and are doing well.

Have a great day!
Janie Oh well, that is the way it goes sometimes. I hope you were able to get outside and enjoy today! You never know what weather you will get anywhere right now it seems. It has been a crazy crazy spring! I'm ready for summer!

Julie Glad to see you back. I was wondering about your tooth, did you get your permanent crown? Great job on BS CBS, your leg and glute work and BS bis and tris! My work is crazy right now too. I would definitely like to go back and visit Chicago sometime on vacation. It seems like a really fun city. I had only been there once before for a work meeting and that was just in and out for the meeting.

This morning for me was Crossfire plus core. I was excited last night when I checked my calendar and saw it on there. The bad thing was that yesterday when I turned on our bathroom light one of the lightbulbs burned out and it caused the circuit breaker to pop. I reset my clock but forgot all about the alarm. So no alarm this morning and I woke up 30 minutes late. I was bummed and thinking I would just get ready for work, but then figured that since I worked 14 hours yesterday it would be ok if I got a late start this morning. It really did me in this morning though. Man, that workout always kills me! Just when I feel like I'm starting to get my wind back, she throws in the blasted straddle pushups. I just want to lay on the floor for awhile after I do those :rolleyes: Oh well, I got it done and the work is about ready too. We are teaching a trial run of a new class next week and of course, the software hasn't been very cooperative this week. I'm looking forward to the long weekend!! Take care all!

Rainy outside. Did 30/30 tonight. Whew!

Julie, So glad to see you back. You have been missed. Great job on Burn Sets chest, back and shulders on Tues. and Wedn. glute/leg work from Bret Contreras book Strong Curves. The rotation with him sounds interesting. I agree, Cathe does now have lots of low impact to choose from. Now to get my butt in gear.

Pam, I'm ready for Summer as well.:rolleyes: Great job on this mornings CF plus core. Sorry you woke up so late this morning. Great job on those straddle pushups as part of your workout, I know how hard they hard. Hope you enjoy your much deserve weekend.

Take care ladies,

Janie Great job on your 30/30 workout!

This morning for me was Xtrain Burn set Bis and Tris plus core 1. I was a little disappointed when I looked at the calendar because I had been thinking it was cardio leg blast. Oh well, it's a quickie! Have a great weekend!

This morning I did a triset rotation for glutes/legs inspired by an Oxygen workout and Bret Contreras’ Strong Curves book. It was heavy, hard, sweaty, and fun. I was actually shaking when I was done. I am so excited that today is Friday and that it is a long weekend. I have been waiting for this weekend since the beginning of the year. My company doesn’t have any holidays in between New Year’s and Memorial Day so it makes it so hard during the beginning of the year.

Pam I hate when my alarm clock loses power and I have to reset the time and alarm. Bummer you forgot about the alarm but I am so glad you got to get your workout in. I haven’t done Crossfire in a long time, it is a goodie though and you are right, you never really get a chance to catch your breath. I got my permanent crown and am chewing gum like the good ole days again! Ugh! Isn’t that how it goes, you set up a training session and there are issues with what you are training on. I hope you get it worked out. Great job on BS Bis/Tris plus core 1!

Janie Great job on 30/30! What a bummer it has been so rainy for you. It has been rainy here too but I don’t go outside as much as you do so it hasn’t really bothered me much. I will be wishing for clear skies and warmer weather for you so you can get back outside to your beautiful beach.

Have a great day!

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