Janie You are so funny thanks for all of the birthday wishes. It was a fun day, that was the day we went to the Eric Clapton concert. My GF brought cupcakes and a birthday candle to celebrate at our tailgate. I take allegra every day during allergy season. I still feel them, but not as badly as when I don't take it. It usually only lasts a few weeks in the spring and a few weeks in the fall for me. This is supposed to be one of the worst areas in the country for allergies apparently

I never had them until I had lived here for about 10 years. Yep, DH came to dinner on Saturday at my mom's. My new great nephew was there too so that was fun.
Cheryl My favorite weight workouts are the ones where she tells you up front what weight she is using AND gives you time to change your barbell. I get mad when I have to pause or rewind

That's one thing I really like in the XTrain workouts - it's in the book and on the screen which is really helpful. That is so nice that you can take a day off every other week. We used to have flex Fridays where you could work and extra hour each day and then take Friday afternoon off. I'm not sure if that policy still exists or not....guess I'll have to look into it! Great job on XT Cardio legs and Imax2. Wow, getting through interval 9 without a problem is impressive, great job! Hehehe.....I'm glad everyone thinks of me when they are doing their Jeannie hops
Julie I'm glad you got nice weather for the Easter egg hunt and the 'kids' enjoyed themselves. Poor Maggie, I et she enjoyed getting out and about though. Great job on B&G and MMA Fusion!! Hooray for the Turtle spins.

I haven't done those in awhile. Thanks for the birthday wishes, I love the multi-color!
Penguin I'm getting worried about you, I hope everything is ok!
Yesterday I did the original Boot camp, terminator climbers and all! Tha tone was my favorite when it first came out and I used to do it all the time, but it doesn't seem like it is in many rotations. After that I spend the rest of the day working in the yard pulling weeds and raking all of the leaves out from around the bushes. I was beat afterwards. I had been planning to make homemade dumplings for dinner but decided I didn't have the energy for it after all of that so we just had a big cobb salad. This morning I woke up very stiff and sore and my first thought was that boot camp should not have made me so sore....hmmmmm....then I remembered all the yard work!

AND CCC was on the calender today

I got through it though and did the PCCC version. Now I feel like I could go back to bed

We had gorgeous gorgeous weather though and 80s are in the forecast for most of this week

Have a great day ladies!