Strength in Numbers

Yoga Max prem. 1. Even being only 32 min. long, I sweated. Love this yoga.

Pam, Christi is the girl that breaks down complicated steps. She's phenomenal with her cuing. Don't worry, the PT stuff will make a difference. Hope you feel better really soon. Great job on ME.

Julie, Great job on STS disc 15, back and biceps. If you are even doing Pull Ups, wow. All these years of workouts, and not even one real one yet. But then again I'm never consistent with them. I have to admit if I stray to far from Cathe I feel like I cheated. LOL:D Sounds awful so because of that frame of mind I stepped with Christi Taylor. I was missing out on a lot of other fun. Will be doing more of it, but Cathe is and always will be more familiar.

Cheryl, Christi is really good and lots of fun. Great job on HiiT double wave pyramid. What is your new job? I know you'll do good at whatever it may be.

Take care ladies,

Julie Great job on STS disc 15! I'm convinced that pull ups never get easier, but like you, I don't do them on a consistent basis. Probably because they are so hard! :rolleyes: hmm, that is weird that you can't do V-sits with your legs bent, they are supposed to be easier that way!

Cheryl I didn't know firewalkers was Cathe's term, I just assumed everyone called them that :rolleyes: Great job on Hiit Pyramid. That one always sneaks up on me. By the second round I am dying! How nice that you are going to have beautiful weather for your long weekend, I hope you get out and enjoy it! We used to get Friday and Monday off for Easter, but since it is a religious holiday we no longer get either :confused: So here I am at work having huge motivation issues!

Janie Great job on YM prem. and getting a sweat on. You can't beat that! OK, I was thinking that was Christi, her cuing is just amazing. I actually don't have any issues most of the time, but when I do a lot of walking my knee starts to lock. I can do my normal workouts though without any issues. It was starting to happen more often though, so I figured it was time to do something about it.

This morning for me was Hiit 30/30. I was thinking about Janie since I know it's one of your favorites. I love getting it done in 30 minutes. It was especially nice to get my workout and my PT done in under and hour. Happy Good Friday everyone!

This morning was disc 26, plyo legs. Oh the half turn jumps. I am so happy it is Friday. I won’t be going to my mom’s tomorrow since I am going down there on Sunday for Easter so I might be able to get some house cleaning done at my house. Is that sad that I am excited about cleaning my house?

Cheryl Great job on DWP! Getting up early is hard but having that 4 day weekend to look forward to would be nice. I hope you enjoy the beautiful weather. We are supposed to get some nice weather too. Well in the 50s anyway and hopefully no rain.

Janie Great job on Yoga Max premix 1! Oh no my pullups are like the ones the girls are doing in STS, with your feet on the floor. I can’t do a real one to save my life. I am not sure I will ever be able to but then again, will I ever need to in real life?

Pam Great job on 30/30 plus doing your PT! I don’t understand what is wrong with me either. I thought bent leg v sits were supposed to be easier but for me they’re just easier for me to put my feet on the floor.

Have a great day!
Janie Good job on yoga max. My new job will be in one of our corporate offices and one of the things that I will be doing is looking after Employment Equity along with our United Way Campaign and probably helping out with learning and probably other initiatives as well.

Pam Well I hope your day went by fast for you. That really sucks that you don't get Easter off, and I bet that it is harder for you since you used to get it. Good work on Hiit 30/30.

Julie Good job on disc 26 plyo lets. I get excited about cleaning my house too, so we can be sad together :D. I hope you get a nice weekend.

So this morning was Burn Sets Chest, Back and Shoulders. After that I got the housework done and then took the cats outside and started cleaning up after winter. It was sooooo nice out I just had on a t-shirt and sweat pants. I do believe that it is time to get the BBQ fired up.

Have a great day everyone.

Rest day yesterday. Today Joey and I are going up N. to visit one of our daughter's for Easter. It's a long way so decided to also spend the night.

Pam, Proud of you helping out your body as you did and seeing a PT. Great job on HiiT 30/30. Yep one of my all time favorites. LOL;)

Julie, Do you think one day we could do at least a few pull ups? I guess if we practice it, maybe. lol Point well taken, I don't think I'll ever need it in real life either. However it is good for the back though. Hmmmm (I'm being silly) Great job on disc 26 plyo legs. Enjoy your well deserved day off and no it's wonderful to get caught up on things and being normal for a little while.

Pam Well I hope your day went by fast for you. That really sucks that you don't get Easter off, and I bet that it is harder for you since you used to get it. Good work on Hiit 30/30.

Julie Good job on disc 26 plyo lets. I get excited about cleaning my house too, so we can be sad together :D. I hope you get a nice weekend.

Cheryl, Your job sounds so important and interesting. No lack of boredom there that I can see. Enjoy and congratulations. Great job on Burn Sets Chest Back and Shoulders. Also for cleanmax and yard work. If the weather holds out I'll be doing yard work this Mon. Yep, time for BBQ's.

Have a wonderful Easter everyone,

Janie Enjoy Easter with your daughter. The weather is suppose to be nice through Monday. I hope they are right.

Today I did XT Legs. Wow my legs were feeling it after. I am glad that tomorrow is yoga, I think I am going to need it.

Happy Easter! Enjoyed this family so very much. Ate stuff I'm not use to and got a little sick. Oh boy! I know better too. Will workout Tues. since we will celebrate my birthday tomorrow with a nutritious meal at our favorite restaurant. Yeah right.:eek: Then the work begins to get in shape for a free HI trip from our children. It's for Joey's 75th birthday celebration July 2nd for a week in Maui. Whoo Hoo! Can't wait for that one. My goal is to finely weigh 125 pounds and most likely be reached before July 2nd. I know I can, I know I can...

Cheryl, Great job on yoga today?

Take care,

Julie Great job on disc 26 on Friday and those lovely half turn jumps. I hope you were able to get your house cleaned and that you enjoyed your Sunday with your family!

Cheryl Friday did go by fast. In fact I left early since there and I had a hair appointment. I was the last appt of the day for the lady who does my hair, so we had a glass of wine while she was doing it :D
I'm kind've worried about you and Julie getting excited about cleaning your houses!! :p Great jobon Burn Sets CBS and the housework. We are finally getting some nice spring weather too, although it's supposed to be back in the 50's the rest of the week after today :confused:

Janie Happy Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a fabulous day! And don't worry about not eating nutritious, you aren't supposed to on your birthday! So glad that you had such a nice Easter with your family!

Chery Great job on XTrain legs! I hope your legs were feeling ok yesterday!

Janie Wow, a trip to Maui, how wonderful! That sounds like a great motivator to me, I believe you will meet your goal!!

Saturday for me was Drill Max, another oldie but goodie! I didn't mind the stability ball round too much this time. It's interesting that this one used to leave me just totally spent. I was always wondering if I would make it through the last cardio round, but this time it wasn't so bad. I'm thinking it's because so many of the new workouts are drill type workouts. Our Easter plans got kind've derailed because hubby has pneumonia! He had been sick for a few days. seemed to be getting better and then was much worse on Friday. Saturday he went to the Urgent Care and he is quite a bit better today. I guess the antibiotics are kicking in. We had invited my family over for Easter dinner but cancelled because of him being sick (and highly contagious!) Ashley surprised us and came home from school for the weekend though, so we had all the kids here Saturday and Saturday night, which was really fun! This morning was Imax 3, another one I haven't done in awhile. I am loving this rotation! Have a great Monday ladies.

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Well this weekend sure went by fast. Saturday was spent mostly cleaning and cooking and running errands. Sunday I did STS M3D25 Chest and Back and then went to my mom’s for our family Easter. I hate way too much candy. This morning I thought I had the alarm set but I guess not because I woke up 30 minutes late. Good thing I had 30/30 on tap. I also tacked on rear delts.

Cheryl Great job on BS CBS! Plus getting housework done! Your weather sounds very nice. Our temps are warming up but very slowly. Maybe I am just impatient. Great job on XTrain Legs! I hope the yoga helped stretch those hard worked muscles out.

Janie Hope you enjoyed your rest day and time with your daughter. I know what you mean about eating things you are not used to eating. I got a little sick off of all the candy. Happy birthday to you! Enjoy your birthday dinner; they only come once a year! Oh I know you can do it too. You can do amazing things once you set your mind to it and we will be hear cheering you along.

Pam Great job on Drill Max! Maybe DM seemed easier because CF and TTM were pretty intense. Poor hubby. That is no fun to be sick and on a holiday weekend even. That is a nice surprise that all the kids were home. Great job on Imax 3!

Have a great day!
Janie Happy Birthday!!!!! I hope you had a great day. Don't worry about not eating the right stuff for your birthday I know you will get back on track. Nice that your kids are sending you and Joey to Maui. I know you can get to 125 pounds too. It always helps when you have a date to work towards.

Pam Oh the house cleaning is just so much fun :rolleyes: and so easy to get excited about. Good job on drill max and Imax 3. Your poor hubby with pneumonia that is not fun at all. I hope he gets better soon.

Julie Good work on STS disc 25 Chest and Back. Good thing you did have a short workout on tap today. Good work on getting up and getting it done.

So yesterday I did yoga and then cleaned out the car and washed it. I couldn't believe how warm it was, it was in the low 70s and I was in a tank top and shorts :eek:. I don't remember ever being in a tank top and shorts in March. Today I did MMA Fusion and sweat was dripping onto the floor after that one. Today was really nice too, not quite as warm as yesterday but we could still sit outside. Well back to work for me tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone.

Julie Great job on STS M3D25. Sorry about your candy issue, it happens to all of us sometimes! I usually buy myself a couple of bags of black jelly beans and eat them all, so I didn't buy any. Great job getting in 30/30 and rear delts after sleeping in a little. I definitely think DM seemed easier because I am used to DF and TTM.

Cheryl DH is starting to seem a lot better so I guess the antibiotics are kicking in. I'm glad because we have tickets to see Eric Clapton tomorrow night and I was starting to worry that he wouldn't be well enough to go.
Great job on yoga and getting the car washed and cleaned out. That's great that you got to be out enjoying the beautiful weather! Great jon on MMA Fusion yesterday too!

Janie I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your birthday dinner!

Penguin I hope you are doing well!

This morning for me was the original LIC. I really like that one too. I guess I didn't sleep well last night because I am really tired now. I think I was worrying about a demo that I have to do this afternoon. :confused: Hopefully I'll sleep well tonight with it finished! Have a great day ladies!

This morning was Squat Rack Legs Disc 37. I had to really lighten up from what I could do before I broke my foot but I figure starting back slowly and progressing slowly is probably for the best. I also really focused on going deep in the squats and front squats. I’m hoping for some good glute DOMS tomorrow.

Cheryl Great job on yoga and MMA Fusion! I really need to clean my car out. Actually I need to get going on my Spring Cleaning as a whole. We have so much dust that accumulated in our house because of the humidifier we ran this winter. I hope you have a great first day at your new job!

Pam Great job on LIC original style! Oh that stinks about the lack of sleep. I hope your demo went well and you sleep much better tonight. That’s good that this year you didn’t buy black jelly beans and eat them all. I don’t normally buy candy for my house but my mom had a ton and I just couldn’t stop myself. But it is out of my system for a while.

Have a great day!
I'm at our beach house this week and walked an hour on it with my dog Rolly this afternoon.

, Thank you for the Birthday wishes. I had a wonderful time and now truly am back on track with nutrition and workouts. Great job on yesterday's yoga and cleanmax. Wow 70 degrees is amazing. Great job on MMA Fusion. To me sweating is key, good work.

Pam, I did enjoy my birthday. Was a lot of fun. Great job on LIC, original. Try to get some much needed sleep tonight.

Julie, Great job on Squat Rack legs disc 37. Slowly starting back into weight lifting is key, as you know.

Take care,

Pam I am glad that DH is feeling better. Enjoy the Eric Clapton concert.
Good job on LIC this morning. I know what it feels like to not sleep well when something is on your mind. I hope you sleep better tonight now that your demo is over.

Julie Good work on the squat rack legs. It is best to start lighter with the weights and then work up to a heavier load. You don't want to do anything to your foot again. I haven't really done too much Spring cleaning but it will eventually get done. My first day went by pretty fast there is so much that you need to get set up.

Janie Good job on you walk on the beach with Rolly. Enjoy your week at the beach house. I am glad that you enjoyed your birthday. I think it is easier to eat better when the weather gets warmer. At least I don't crave the comfort foods as much when it is warmer out. :)

Today was STS meso 2 disc 15 Back and Biceps. I haven't done STS for a while so I wanted to get back to it but I decided to leave out meso 1. I really don't like all of those pushups.

Have a great day everyone.

Julie great job on Squat Rack Legs, I still haven't tried any of the squat rack workouts. I think you are being smart taking it easier and I hope you have those glute DOMS that you were looking for! I did sleep a bit better last night but have been having trouble getting back to sleep after waking up to go to the bathroom the last few days. Not sure why, but I hope that it doesn't continue!

Janie Oh how nice, a long walk on the beach with Rolly, that sounds just wonderful! I'm so glad that you enjoyed your birthday. Are you at the beach house to stay for 6 months now?

Cheryl We are really looking forward to the concert tonight. I have never seen Eric Clapton live and the Wallflowers are opening for him and I really like them too. We are going to tailgate so hopefully it won't be too cool. It's supposed to still be mid 50's to 60 around that time so we should be able to survive :D Great job on STS disc 15. I hate those pushups in meso 1 too! I'm glad to hear that the first day of the new job went well. I'm sure it will be overwhelming for awhile, there is always so much to learn with a new job.

This morning was supposed to be Step Max or one of those old ones that I don't like, so I did Step Blast instead. It was the perfect workout to get me going. Have a great day everyone!

This morning I got up and did Yoga Relax even though I really, really wanted to stay in bed sleeping. Don’t know why but I had weird dreams last night and didn’t sleep well. Oh well, it happens I guess. I didn’t end up with the glute DOMS I was hoping for but I do have some sweet soreness in my quads.

Janie Yea! I am so happy that you are at the Beach House to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Great job on your walk with Rolly.

Cheryl Great job on M2D15! I don’t like Meso 1 for all the pushups either. I love the meso 1 leg workouts and the back workouts are ok but they contain a little too many pullups for my liking. I think I will be waiting for the weather to warm up a little more before I start my spring cleaning. So maybe by mid-April I can talk myself into how much I want to do it.

Pam Great job on subbing in Step Blast! You gotta love the workout you do or you won’t do it. Sadly no glute DOMS. Have a wonderful time at the concert. I like Eric Clapton. I’ve always wanted to get a girl puppy and name her Layla so I could sing to her. I do sing Rod Stewart’s song Maggie to my Maggie. Yep, I’m that kind of weird.

Have a great day!
Today was an hour and 20 min. with Rolly of brisk walking and walking on the beach. Found two walking sticks. I think I must have done something to my back a couple of weeks ago. It's so sore and have to take Alieve (MS) to help with the pain.

Cheryl, I think you are right about having better weather makes you eat healthier in the long run. Great job on STS meso 2 disc 15 back and biceps.

Pam, Here at the beach house for a few more days and then back to Shelton. At the end of April will move here (the beach house) for 6 months. Great job on SB.

Julie, Great job on Yoga Relax. Hope you sleep better tonight. Aw, sorry about no glute DOM's. Darn!

Take care,

Julie great job getting up and doing YR, especially when you just wanted to sleep! Sorry you didn't sleep well, hope last night was better! Bummer about the glute DOMS,but I'm happy for your sweet soreness in your quads :D I was happy that Eric Clapton did the acoustic version of Layla at the show. Apparently he didn't play it at his show the night before. Our friends dog is named Maggie Mae after that song, we we are always singing it to her!

Janie Wow, how nice to get in an hour and 20 minute walk with Rolly, great job! Uh oh, sorry to hear about your back, do take care of it! Enjoy those days on the beach though!

Penguin I'm getting worried about you, I hope everything is ok.

The Eric Clapton show last night was really really good. He played almost all of my favorite songs. The only one I can think of that he didn't play that I wanted to hear was I Shot the Sheriff. He did a nice long acoustic set in the middle which I really love. Since we got home so late I didn't get up for a workout this morning, so this will be my rest day. I hope everyone has a great day!

This morning was STS disc 27, Shoulders, Biceps, and Triceps. I didn’t really get the best night’s sleep because Ozzie decided he wanted to use my legs as a pillow and then to kick me several times in the back and butt. Gotta love that stinker anyway though.

Janie Great job on your long walk! I’m sorry about your back. Please do take care with it so it doesn’t get worse. Do the walking sticks help with your back when you walk?

Pam I love I Shot the Sheriff! What a bummer he didn’t play it. I can’t believe he would do a show without doing Layla. That would be like Led Zeppelin not doing Stairway to Heaven, right? I’m glad you enjoyed the concert and took today off since you got home so late. Oh good. I am glad I am not the only one that sings to their dog.

Have a great day!
Julie Great job on disc 27 after your unrestful sleep! Those darn animals can be such a pain sometimes! :D They are lucky they are so cute. I really thought I Shot the Sheriff would be the encore, but he did a Fabulous Thunderbirds song for the last song. I thought that was a little weird, finishing with a song that isn't even his. I guess that his new album is nothing but cover songs though.

This morning was Power Hour for me. I need to remember to get out the spreadsheet that shows what weight Cathe is using the next time I do that one. She doesn't tell you until you are 3-4 reps into an exercise and I was guessing way wrong this morning! I'm glad it's Friday, I hope everyone has a great weekend. It is FINALLY supposed to get warm here - close to 80 on Monday and we had sleet yesterday :confused::rolleyes:


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