Strength in Numbers

OK, I think I'm back on track. Today was Yoga Relax.

Cheryl, Sweet dreams tonight and hope you catch up on all the sleep you missed out on last week.

Take care ladies,

Julie Great job in LL and those sit n stands! How was the sitting and standing on Saturday? I am convinced that Cathe's rest timer does go faster than her work timer!!

Janie wow, that is just a beautiful portrait, I think it is my favorite yet (do I say that every time?) they just look so happy!

Cheryl Well good for you for going back to sleep when you needed it I hope things got better over the weekend. That is nice that the drops are over the counter and especially that they are working!

Janie Great job on Yr, glad you are back on track!

Yesterday for me was Body Max 2. I love that workout! I always get to the weights and think I can't believe I'm only 2/3 of the way through, and then suddenly I'm done. I also remembered to do the abs before the upper body work, so I was able to do the side planks. When I do upper body first my arms are shaking too bad to hold them for the whole time. Today was a rest day for me. My DH made us a huge breakfast and then we went and ran some errands and then went to visit my new great nephew. He was born on Friday and is just adorable! I hope everyone Has had a great weekend, I can't believe it's Sunday night again already....sigh...

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Janie Glad that you are back on track. Good job on Yoga Relax.

Pam Good work on BM2. I haven't done that one in a very long time. Congratulations on your new great nephew. Yep Sunday night again. The weekends go by way too fast.

So yesterday I did the floor and disc AOH and instead of doing core #1 I did the weight and plate abs from STS. That one got my abs talking to me LOL. I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Cheryl Great job on AOH and W&P abs. I think that is Cathe's hardest ab workout, it always kills me!

Can you say Jeannie hops?! This morning for me was, you guessed it, Imax2. I always enjoy it much more after those Jeannie hops are finished. Happy Monday everyone, I hope you have a great day!

Saturday was spent cleaning and cooking for my mom and running errands. Sunday I did sts meso 2 disc 13, chest, shoulders, and triceps and then added in XTrain Rear Delts. This morning I did sts meso 2 disc 14, legs and added on 100 hip thrusts and the extended stretch from STS. Then I got a surprise of several inches of snow and barely passable roads. It took me 25 minutes to go 10 miles which usually only takes me about 12 minutes. But I made it into work. Hopefully the roads will get cleared by the time we head home.

Janie Another beautiful drawing! Love it and they look very much in love in that picture. Great job on Yoga Relax and getting back on track!

Cheryl Sorry about your bad night’s sleep. I was really hoping you would get better sleep with the job situation figured out. Hehe! I was able to sit and stand after LL but walking was giving me some troubles. Great job on AOH premix plus weights and plates abs! That is a toughie. Of course, maybe it wouldn’t be so tough if I stopped avoiding core work.

Pam Great job on BM2! Yeah, the weight section goes by so fast on that one. As I was telling Cheryl, LL made walking more troublesome than sitting or standing. I was a little worried I wouldn’t feel up to my leg workout today but I got it done. Great job on Imax 2 and all those Jeannie Hops! I hope you don’t get the Piña Colada song stuck in your head. I always do after doing that one.

Have a wonderful day!
Pam Oh come on I know the Jeannie Hops are your favorite :D.

Julie You had a busy Saturday with all the of the cleaning and cooking. Good job on STS disc 13 and 14 plus the XT rear delts and hip thrusts. Oh yuck snow. I hope your commute home was better.

This morning was Hardstrikes. I used the weighted gloves again with it and I like the added weight. Of course there were those sit-up/push-up thingies again at the but those are hard.

Have a great day everyone.

Julie Great job on sts disc 13 and Rear Delts. Also on disc 14 and hip thrusts! Wow and the extended stretch too, you are so good! Are you doing an STS rotation now? Oh ick, your snow sounds awful, I hope the drive home was better than the drive to work yesterday. I wish that spring would come already, this late winter stuff is no fun at all! Ha, I didn't have the Pina Colada sing stuck in my head, but I do now!!! :confused:

Cheryl Oh yea, I just love Jeannie hops, almost as much as the drop and rolls from CCC :rolleyes: Great job on Hardstrikes with weighted gloves! I didn't know that one had the sit-ups/push-ups too! I have only done 1 premix of that one and it doesn't have that part. Is it he same as in Supercuts? I always start out strong and thinking I'm going to do well, but by the 5th set I'm slowing way down!

Janie Great job on yoga! I hope you are able to get your house work finished soon so you can take it easy.

Penguin I hope you are doing well!

This morning for me was Step, Jump and Pump. I'm really enjoying this rotation with all of these old favorites! Today is my first day of physical therapy. I found out that I screwed up there - I was wondering why they booked my first appointment so far out....WELL, what they were scheduling was the follow up with the Doctor AFTER my 6 weeks of physical therapy. OOPS! :eek: The only reason I found out was because they called to say that the Dr had an emergency come up and had to reschedule the appointment. I'm glad I didn't show up to see the Dr after not having done ANY PT. ay yi yi. I guess I will find out if the stretches I've been doing have been the right ones. Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Our hot water heater broke on Sunday, so yesterday Dad and Hubby spent the day replacing it, and I mean the whole day. Water and heat were off for most of the day, which means I was snuggled on the couch under a down comforter trying to stay warm! But I got a lot of knitting done.

Pam, ooops. What a mixup.

Julie, yuck sorry about the snow. We got flurries last night but nothing stuck.
This morning I did Cycle Max Scrambled. I have been noticing that I am turning my resistance knob more than when I first started spinning. I would like to think this is because I am getting stronger but I wonder if the resistance knob loses resistance over time so you have to turn it more to get the same resistance. I think I am going to have to look into that.

Cheryl Great job on Hardstrikes! I really like that one even though I thought I wouldn’t. I think I learned my lesson on reading other peoples’ comments before trying the workout myself. The weather was really crazy. We got the blizzard conditions Sunday night through probably around 9 in the morning Monday and then it warmed up. By the time we were driving home, most of the snow had melted. Crazy!

Janie Great job on yoga! I hope you got a lot done around the house. Since the weather is getting better, any plans to go to the Beach House soon?

Pam Great job on SJP! Oh boy that would have not been a good doctor’s appointment with you both not being on the same page there. So are going to start PT or just see what the doctor thinks from your stretches? I’m kind of doing an undulating STS rotation but subbing in other strength workouts for Meso 1. So a normal undulating STS would be week 1 of the rotation Meso 1, week 2 Meso 2, week 3 Meso 3, week 4 2nd week of Meso 1, etc. I am subbing in Pure Strength, Gym Styles, and the XTrains for Meso 1. Will see how this goes. Luckily the snow all melted for our drive home. I am so ready for the weather to get warm and stay warm.

Penguin I’m glad you didn’t have to go long without heat or hot water. I love snuggling up under thick comforters.

Have a great day!
Janie Good job on yoga. I noticed Julie's post about your beach house. Are you going there soon the weather here is getting warmer.

Pam The sit up/push up combo is the same as in Supercuts. I start out strong too but I am sucking wind by the end of it. Good job on SPJ. Oops on the physical therapy. Well at least you have been stretching, hopefully that has helped.

Penguin Too bad about your water heater but I bet it was nice to be snuggled under a warm comforter.

Julie Good job on Cycle Max Scrambled. I think you are getting stronger that is why you need to increase the resistance. You guys are getting some crazy weather. We are finally getting Spring weather. The cherry blossoms are getting ready to bloom there are so pretty.

This morning was Burn Sets Bis and Tris. I can't remember if I had done this one before. I will see how my arms feel tomorrow.

Have a great day.

Tonight was riding my spinning bike and watching TV at the same time. I didn't time it, but think it was about 30 min. Will be going to East of the mountains mid April for over a week to see my siblings and Dad. When I get back Joey and I will move to the Beach House for 6 months. Oh Happy Day! We love it there so much!

Cheryl, Great job on Burn Sets bis and tris. Yep, I love having better weather. We have hummingbirds. Besides pelicans (at the beach) hummingbirds are my favorite.:D

Pam, Great job on Step, Jump and Pump. I bet you could have kicked yourself by making the pt mistake. Well, I believe all the stretching you are doing did help. Let us know how it goes. You Poor Thing.

Penquin, I hate it when water and heat doesn't work. Glad it's fixed now.

Julie, Great job on CMScrambled. Yea with the improvements on the bike. Nice when that happens.

Take care ladies,

Penguin Oh boy, what a pain having a broken hot water heater, glad to hear that your DH and Dad were able to fix it though. It sounds like you did the right thing snuggling under a comforter!

Julie Great job on CM Scrambled! I bet you are getting stronger, I don't think those knobs get that loose so fast. I'm glad your snow didn't last long. This late winter blast is driving me crazy. Just get warm already!! Yes, i was glad fate was on my side and they ended up having to call and change my Dr appt. I went to the physical therapist yesterday and will go back and see her again in 4 weeks before seeing the Doctor. I like your modified STS rotation, it sounds like a good one!

Cheryl I'm not sure if my stretching has helped much, she asked me what stretches I had been doing and changed them. She actually gave me more strength than stretching exercises to try and balance the weak areas.
Great job on BS Bis and Tris, are you feeling it today?

Janie great job with your spin and watch! Oh boy, moving to the beach for 6 months sounds wonderful! Good for you! Oh yes, I was really mad about the PT mistake. I kept thinking I could be DONE with PT by now instead of just starting. Oh well.

This morning for me was Rhythmic step, so much fun. Then I did my strengh work and stretches from the PT. She said that my Adductors are really strong but my Abductors are weak, that was a surprise! The other weak area was my hip flexors, another surprise since I though step really works those. So she gave me a few strength exercises with the band around my thighs for the abductors and squats holding a ball between my knees, some core exercises with straight legs and then hamstring and quad stretches. I think I should be able to handle that. I just hope it makes a difference! Anyway, have a great day everyone!

This morning I so wanted to stay in bed but I got up and did Yoga Relax. I felt good after doing it so I am glad I got up.

Cheryl Great job on BS Bis/Tris! Oh I love when tress come into bloom with pretty flowers. We haven’t gotten that warm yet. Maybe in another week or two. I am far beyond ready for the warm weather.

Janie Great job on your spin bike ride! I’m so excited for your trip to see your family and then 6 whole months at the Beach House. I bet you are counting down the days.

Pam Great job on RS! Another oldie but a goodie. Oh, I always forget which is the abductors and which are the adductors. The abductors are the outside thigh muscle, right? Sounds like Firewalker work. That is surprising that your hip flexors need strength work. I always thought core work worked the hip flexors and I know you don’t shy away from core work like me. Guess I better get going on my core work.

Have a great day!
Janie Good job on riding your spin bike. Nice that you will be at your beach house soon. All the work is done now right??? So all you need to do now is relax??? I like hummingbirds too though I don't see too many of them here.

Pam Hopefully the strength and stretches your PT gave you will help. Ummm the one with the band around your thighs sounds like it could be firewalkers??? Surprisingly my bis and tris aren't feeling it that much. Good job on Rhythmic Step.

Julie Good for you getting out of a nice warm bed to do Yoga Relax. I hope the weather warms up, you guys have been getting hit hard with bad weather. They are saying that it could get up to around 70 degrees here on Sunday.

Today was my day off. I am trying to workout Monday - Tuesday and Thursday - Sunday with Wednesday as my day off. So today I got taken out for lunch as tomorrow is my last day in the position that I have now. The food was really good and I also got a gift card for one of the malls here. There are a few things that I need to it will come in handy.

Have a great day everyone.

Its cold again but the sun is shining at least. Its going to warm up this weekend but rain.

Hubby bought another used car. This one is a 82 Mercedes diesel sedan. It rides like a tank but its nicer than the VW Jetta which is like riding around in a coffee can. Since we got a good deal on the Merc we are giving the Jetta to his Mom who really needs a second car.
Christi Taylor tonight with Mission Possible. Such an oldie but goodie.

Pam, Great job on RS, it really is a fun one. Also on the strength work and stretches from the PT. Glad you are getting balanced out by your PT. It will make a difference. Good for you.

Julie, Great job on Yoga Relax. Love that one as well.

Cheryl, Hope you had a wonderful day off today. Sounds like you are respected and will be missed by your co workers. Enjoy the gift card.

Penquin, We had rain too with sun peaking through every now and again. LOL So nice giving the VW Jetta to your mother in law.

Take care,

Julie Great job getting up and doing YR when all you wanted to do was stay in bed. I was really tempted to stay in bed this morning too, but I dragged my butt up! Yep, abductors are the outside thigh muscle - I always have to stop and thing about which is which too. I was surprised those were weak for me. You are right, firewalker work. I have a couple of exercises to do with the firewalker band around my thighs. The PT had not heard the term firewalker band before. Yep, core work does work the hip flexors and that is what she has me doing - some straight leg V sit stuff. I guess I'm either not doing enough core or not doing it effectively...? :rolleyes:

Cheryl It is firewalkers, but lying on the floor and lifting and lowering my top leg instead of the side stepping. She was going to give me a band for it and was a little surprised when I said that I have one. As I was telling Julie, she had not hear it called a firewalker band before. I'm surprised your bis and tris aren't feeling it that much. That is always a little frustrating for me as it makes me wonder if I did something wrong.....:confused:
Your lunch sounds like it was really nice, and the gift card is wonderful!

Penguin I'm glad you are getting some sunshine. I think we are in the same weather pattern. It is gradually getting warmer this week, but now they are talking about rain for the weekend. At this point, I don't care as long as it's warm!! I'm tired of the cold. t. Its going to warm up this weekend but rain. Congrats on the new car, sounds better that riding in a coffee can! :D How nice that you are giving his mom the other car!

Janie Great job on Mission Possible. Is Christy the one that does really complicated step routines but is just amazing at breaking them down so that they are doable? That is how I remember her. I hope the PT stuff does make a difference. I feel like I've been falling apart lately. :confused:

This morning for me was Muscle Endurance, another one I haven't done in awhile. I don't typically like the endurance weight workouts as much, but it went by pretty quickly. I thought of Julie with all of the leg presses! I hope everyone has a great day, it's almost Friday!

This morning I did STS disc 15, back and biceps. I really wish pull-ups would get easier. They never seem to but then again maybe I should actually do them on a consistent basis too.

Cheryl Hope you enjoyed your rest day. I like to take Wednesdays as my rest day too, although I typically do a relaxing yoga or stretch workout. It’s a nice way to break up the work week. That was really nice to have your co-workers take you out to lunch and give you a going away gift card. 70 sounds so nice. We might break 50 tomorrow through Sunday but then they are calling for 40s early next week.

Penguin What a nice gesture to give hubby’s mom your VW. I hope it doesn’t rain too much so you can enjoy the warmer weather.

Janie Great job on Mission Possible! I had that one when I was first learning step but then never actually did it. I found Cathe and suddenly didn’t want to try to learn anyone else’s step workouts. I probably missed out on some fun workouts by doing that.

Pam Great job on getting out of that warm bed and doing Muscle Endurance! I like that one! Hehe! I think Firewalker might be a Cathe coined term. It’s weird but I can do v sits with my legs extended straight but not with my knees bent. Maybe the hip flexors work differently in those positions.

Have a great day!
Penguin Enjoy your new car. Nice that you will be giving your old car to hubby's mom.

Janie Good job on Christi Taylor. I don't think I have ever done any of her workouts.

Pam I don't think many people have bands at home. I think firewalkers is Cathe's term but even laying on the floor and lifting and lowering your leg will work your abductors. I was thinking the same thing when I didn't feel anything in my arms this morning. Good work on Muscle Endurance, I am like you where I don't like endurance workouts that much but I do like that one.

Julie Good work on STS disc 15 back and biceps. Pull ups are one of the hardest exercises to do. They never seems to get easy.

This morning was Hiit double wave pyramid. It was very hard getting up this morning. So today was my last day at my old job so I spent it getting everything cleaned up. I have Friday and Monday off so I will start my new job on Tuesday. It is to be a gorgeous weekend and we could break some temperature records.

Have a great day everyone.


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