Julie Great job getting up and doing YR when all you wanted to do was stay in bed. I was really tempted to stay in bed this morning too, but I dragged my butt up! Yep, abductors are the outside thigh muscle - I always have to stop and thing about which is which too. I was surprised those were weak for me. You are right, firewalker work. I have a couple of exercises to do with the firewalker band around my thighs. The PT had not heard the term firewalker band before. Yep, core work does work the hip flexors and that is what she has me doing - some straight leg V sit stuff. I guess I'm either not doing enough core or not doing it effectively...?
Cheryl It is firewalkers, but lying on the floor and lifting and lowering my top leg instead of the side stepping. She was going to give me a band for it and was a little surprised when I said that I have one. As I was telling Julie, she had not hear it called a firewalker band before. I'm surprised your bis and tris aren't feeling it that much. That is always a little frustrating for me as it makes me wonder if I did something wrong.....

Your lunch sounds like it was really nice, and the gift card is wonderful!
Penguin I'm glad you are getting some sunshine. I think we are in the same weather pattern. It is gradually getting warmer this week, but now they are talking about rain for the weekend. At this point, I don't care as long as it's warm!! I'm tired of the cold. t. Its going to warm up this weekend but rain. Congrats on the new car, sounds better that riding in a coffee can!

How nice that you are giving his mom the other car!
Janie Great job on Mission Possible. Is Christy the one that does really complicated step routines but is just amazing at breaking them down so that they are doable? That is how I remember her. I hope the PT stuff does make a difference. I feel like I've been falling apart lately.
This morning for me was Muscle Endurance, another one I haven't done in awhile. I don't typically like the endurance weight workouts as much, but it went by pretty quickly. I thought of Julie with all of the leg presses! I hope everyone has a great day, it's almost Friday!