Strength in Numbers

So grateful Cathe will be doing a Feb. rotation. I started it today and did XTrain Tabatacise prem1 minus the core work. 20 min.

Pam, Thank you for the warm sentiment about my drawing "Candy". This is so much fun to do. Right now I'm waiting for some decent photos from a few people so that I can continue with my promise. I'm so itching to do some work NOW! I suppose while I'm waiting I can do some zentangles by themselves that I haven't done much of. Couldn't hurt.
Glad you took a rest day yesterday, so important to do that. Did you ever get to workout today. Not sure if I would if I were you. Better tomorrow and most likely will feel more like yourself.

Julie, So gladto here that Ozzie is OK for now. Great job on Sun. for doing XTrain CBS plus the 100 rep scarecrows. And for this morning's STS Meso 2, disc 14 legs along with 100 hip thrusts. Wow, you are so good! Thank you for your encouragement of my drawing "Candy". :) Maybe in March Cathe will do a rotation of new and old. I hope so too.

Penquin, So glad you are feeling much better. Also nice to hear your dentist gave you a good report. Congratulate April for me with "all is well" report. Yea! Thank you for the compliment on my drawing of "Candy". :)

Cheryl, Glad you enjoyed your neighbor, that's life sometimes. :) Enjoy your workout tomorrow.

Take care ladies,

Julie I'm glad to hear that Ozzie's bumps are ok, that is so stresful when pets have health issues. Great job on XTrain CBS + the 100 rep scarecrows, and STS Meso 2, disc 14, legs and 100 hip thrust! Wow!

Penguin I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better, but it sounds like you needed some good sleep to help your body recover. Congratulations on the good report from the dentist, that is always a good thing! So nice to hear that all is well with Aprils test results too! It sounds like you had a very good day! Yes, my headache went away pretty quickly (after a couple of ibuprofen!), but I wasn't firing on all cylinders all day. Today is MUCH better!

Cheryl I did not do my workout last night. I though about it when I got home, but I got over thinking about it really quickly :rolleyes: Yes, that was my ugh on FB yesterday! I hope you were able to get your morning workout in today.

Janei I looked at Cathe's February rotation yesterday and I am considering switching to it. I love that she has mixed TTM and CF in with the XTrain workouts. Great job on Tabatacise prem1. Nope, I ended up skipping the workout yesterday all together. I just didn't have any motivation.

So as I said, I skipped the workout all together yesterday. Today I am feeling like myself again and I did Burn Sets Chest, Back, shoulders+core #1. My rotation this week is going to be messed up again since we have the Krispy Kreme Challenge on Saturday. I'll shuffle my other workouts around to do the ones that I like the best on the other days! have a great day!

This morning I woke up with surprising no DOMS. I had some tightness in my calves but that got worked out pretty quickly. I thought for sure Meso 2 would wake up my sleeping muscles. Anyway, I did XTrain Bis/Tris and added in Rear Delts.

Penguin So glad you are feeling better and both you and hubby got good dental reports. Yea for the good news on April too! That is such a relief to not have to worry about that anymore Ugh! Cleaning the oven does not sound like fun.

Cheryl I would have never thought Vancouver was the second most expensive city to live in. Seems like it would be all the big cities like NYC, LA, London. I guess I shouldn’t say I didn’t like XTrain Legs. I did like it. It went by fast but I just like heavy lifting for legs better. I hope you were able to enjoy some of the goodies your neighbor brought over and got your workout in before work.

Janie Great job on Tabatacise! Sounds like a good start to a new rotation. I’m actually toying around with the idea of making my own rotation using XTrain, STS, Gym Styles, and Pure Strength in an undulating fashion but I would love it if Cathe put one together like that because I am sure it would be much better than I could do.

Pam Good for you for skipping your workout and letting your body get back to all cylinders fired up and ready to go! Great job on BS CBS + Core #1! Uh oh! The Krispy Kreme Challenge is coming up! I can’t remember do you actually run it or just watch everyone else?

Have a great day!
Julie, my oven has a 'steam clean' function which makes things a lot easier, just a quick wipedown really. I had put a cheese covered meatloaf in the oven and it dripped over the sides so the house smelled of burnt cheese everytime I used to oven. I did end up scrubbing the racks with a sos pad.'new meaning to being 'torutured on the rack". :p

I'm trying out my new schedule this week, but I'm confused about what day it is, and probably will be for a while, nothing like a little change to get me all confused.
Today was XTrain Chest Back and Shoulders. Love this one so much!

Pam, Yes, I think the Feb. rotation will be really good for me. I understand about not having motivation. So glad you are feeling more yourself today. Great job on Burn Sets Chest, Back, Shoulders and core#1. Shuffling workouts, just means confusing your body even more. It's got to be good.:)

Julie, Great job on this morning's XTrain bis, tris and adding the Rear Delts. Sometimes I don't know why there is no DOM's. It happens to me all the time. I'm not feeling them again, no matter what I do. Oh well. Not going to worry about it. I bet you can come up with a great rotation. You know now how to do it.:)

Penquin, Hope your confusion is better with your new schedule. You'll get use to it.

Take care ladies,

Julie Wow, I can't believe you had no DOMS. Those STS leg workouts always give me big time DOMS! QUOTE=jldx2in2000;2188037]This morning I woke up with surprising no DOMS. Great job with Bis Tris and rear delts. You are so good about adding on those challenges! I have only tried once with triceps and I only made it to 55. When I got to the point of only being able to do 2-3 without a rest I decided to just quit :rolleyes: I definitely need to remember to go lighter next time. I even lightened my weights once. That did give me some DOMS in my triceps though, so I should be doing it more often......:confused: We do the run for the Crispy Kreme challenge but don't eat the donuts. I usually eat one though....just because!

Penguin I wish my oven had a steam clean function. It's not self cleaning at all, so it doesn't get cleaned nearly as often as it should :rolleyes: I hope you get used to the new schedule soon!

Janie Great job on XTrain Chest Back and Shoulders! How about a picture of Rolly while you are waiting for the photos? Or maybe Joey or even......JANIE! :p Just planting some seeds :D

This morning was supposed to be XTrain Cardio leg blast. It seems like I've done that one a lot already so I subbed STS disc 32 plyo legs instead. I figured it is close enough but enough different to keep me from getting bored. Oh man, someone brought in Krispy Kreme donuts and put them in the break room this morning. I was so tempted but just kept walking all three times I went by. OK, I did stop and admire them and consider maybe just a half for a few minutes, but decided to be strong! I will be having my krispy kreme fix this weekend. I hope everyone has a great day!

This morning I did Athletic Training + 100 triceps extensions. This is the one where Cathe says to do “your little Penguin walk” during the leg work with the firewalker band on. Had a good chuckle out of that one.

Penguin I hate when things drip onto the oven. I had that with a sweet potato that I didn’t wrap well enough in foil. It stunk every time I heated the oven for a while. It eventually went away. Ha! I bet you got quite the arm workout with cleaning those racks. Hope you are getting your groove going with the new schedule.

Janie Great job on XT CBS! I love the upper body XTrains. I love the burn sets because I love lifting heavy like that but the other upper bodies down circuit style are so much fun and fly by. Oooh! I like Pam’s idea of a self-portrait or trying your hand at Rolly while you wait for more pictures to come in.

Pam Great job on subbing in plyo legs for CLB! And even more congrats on the huge amount of willpower to walk by the donuts 3 times with only a few moments of admiration. We have had cake right by my office two days in a row for people’s company anniversaries. I am so glad I don’t like the cake they order or else I would have been in trouble the last two days. I like adding in those challenges because they are like mini burn sets but I only do the tricep, scarecrow, and hip thrusts. I haven’t done or plan to do the lateral raise or bicep curls. You definitely have to go light and the triceps one is extremely hard to do after the first 2 sets. I usually end up with about 6 sets before I reach 100. Today was even worse. My sets were 38, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, and 7. When the tricep muscle fatigues it fatigues fast!

Have a great day!
Crap I lost my post, I have no idea what happened :mad:. Oh well short version now, yesterday I worked out in the morning with XTrain Chest Back and Shoulders. I didn't workout this morning as I went to a retirement party last night and I was pretty tired today. It was fun and I saw people that I hadn't seen in years.

Have a great day everyone.

Today was Hard Strikes for me. My feet were not as sore as the first time, but man they still hurt. Guess it's getting better. Sweated and turned beet red. Yes!

Pam, Hmmmm, next time I'm at a stand still maybe a self portrait might be in order. Love your ideas. Seeds are growing. Great job on STS disc 32 plyo legs. I love it when we can change things around. Good for you. I've never had a Krispy Kreme donut before. They are the rage though. Very proud of you for resisting them.;)

Julie, Great job on thletic Training and 100 triceps extensions. You are planting seeds too. Consider them planted. This will be fun.

Cheryl, I know how you feel when our posts get lost. Not Fun! Great job on XTrain Chest Back and Shoulders. Glad to see you enjoyed yourself at the retirement party.

Take care,

Julie Great job on AT and 2100 triceps extensions! I hope you enjoyed the penguin walk! :D Oh boy 100 hip thrusts would be hard!! The 62 lower abs that Cathe does in care #2 are always tough for me. now tha tI'm counting down or anything, but I did notice that she does 62 even though she says we are doing 60! I think I will try doing the triceps challenge again, but I won't be starting with 12 pounds this time.

Cheryl Oh errrrrr, so sorry you lost your post, what a pain! Great job on XTrain Chest Back and Shoulders! What fun seeing people you haven't seen in so long, it sounds like a great time.

Janie Great job on Hard Strikes! It makes your feet hurt?? What's up with that? I still have not done the whole workout, only the short 34 minute pre-mix with no conditioning. Can't beat working up a good sweat and looking like a beet! OK, we will be looking for that self portrait!! Oh the BEST time for a Krispy Kreme donut is when they are making them when you go in. They will pull a hot one right off the production line for you and they literally melt in your mouth. Those are impossible to resist. I have only done that once in my life because luckily the Krispy Kreme store is not close to our house :rolleyes: They even have an iphone app that you can get to tell you when the Hot Now sign is on :rolleyes::confused:

This morning for me was XTrain disc 2 (I think?) Bis and Tris and I added on core #2. I realized that this is the first time I have done this workout. All of the Bi/Tri days before now have been burn sets. Another really good workout though, it just flew by. Have a great day everyone!

Today was my rest day but I still got up and did Yoga Relax. I really didn’t want to get up. I got horrible sleep thanks to my wonderful furbabies who think the bed is theirs and I should have to sleep in a tight ball clinging to the edge. It’s ok though. I still love them.

Cheryl That stinks when you lose your post. So frustrating. Anyway, great job on getting that morning workout of CBS done. Sounds like the party was a lot of fun and catching up with old friends is always a good time.

Janie Great job on HS! Do you think it is the impact that made your feet hurt? I can’t wait to see what your seeds grow!

Pam Great job on Bis/Tris + Core 2! This one does fly by. I was a little nervous at first thinking a bis and tris only workout wouldn’t be much but this one has a little cardio effect to it because you move fast and do so many different things. WOW!! 12 pounds for the tricep challenge would be hard. I use 8s and do not see myself going heavier anytime soon. I find those banana rolly crunches hard in core 1. I think that is why I don’t like that one. Plus it is followed by the twisting move and I don’t like that one either. Ok, I’m done complaining now!

Have a great day!
Janie Good job on Hard Strikes I am going to do that one tomorrow. It is so annoying when you lose a post, I know you understand what I am talking about.

Pam Way to go on Bis and Tris, I did the same workout today as you. It was also the first time I had done this one too. I liked the fact that the exercises had a bit of a twist on them.

Julie Those furbabies think they own the bed don't they. Our cats think the same thing. Good for you in still getting up and doing yoga relax.

As I mentioned to Pam today was XTrain Bis and Tris. It was the first time I had done this workout and I really liked it. The moves are a little bit different to work your muscles in different ways. Bonus I was also able to get it done in the morning too. Woo Hoo.

Today was Crossfire. Whew! I modified most of the way.

Pam, I have flat feet so my muscles or tendons are weak. I have someone I'm drawing at the moment, but when I have another stand still, I'll do a self portrait. It's time. Great job on XTrain disc 2 bis and tris and core 2.

Julie, Hope you enjoyed your rest day and had enough energy to do Yoga Relax. My little Rolly does the same thing to me. LOL Yes, the impact really hurt my feet but hoping it's temporary.

Cheryl, Great job on Xtrain Bis and Tris, and in the morning to. Good for you!

Take care,

Julie Wow, good for you getting up and doing Yoga Relax on your rest day!! Especially after a lousy sleep. The things we do for our pets! Oh yea, those banana crunches in core 1 are tough but for some reason I kind've like them. Unlike the things in core 2 where you keep one elbow on the ground and lift up your other arm and the alternating sit up with leg lift things. Both of those kill me. I am very happy in core 1 though when I get past the twists! I think they both have their little cruel parts! The next time I try the 100 rep triceps I will be using 8 lbs. I realized very quickly that 12 was optimistic and dropping to 10 didn't help much. :rolleyes: I'm not sure what I was thinking!

Cheryl Oh we were on the same wavelength yesterday. I really liked the different twists on the bis and tris too. Great job on bis and tris to you too! That's awesome that you were able to get it done in the morning!

Janie Great job on CF! I am missing that one, I think I'll need to do it soon! Oh boy, sorry about your feet, I hate it when my feet hurt! Hooray! I can't wait for your self portrait!!

This morning for me was tabatacise. I can't remember which pre-mix number it was but I did all 5 tabatas (!!) and burn sets back. It was tough but I got through it. I told myself that it can't be worse than CCC and it wasn't, but I was glad there wasn't a 6th round! :rolleyes: So happy it's Friday, have a great day!

This morning I did XTrain Legs. Just the standing, ball & chair, and floor section. Then I added on some heavy squats and deadlifts to finish out the burn.

Cheryl Great job on Bis/Tris! That is really good. I like that the moves are not repeated and goes by so quick. Definitely a good one to do in the morning since it is not very long but still effective.

Janie Great job on CrossFire! Love the modifications. It means you are still getting a good workout but on your terms and comfort level. Plus if your feet aren’t liking the impact, I think we learned a lot from the Low Impact Series on how to modify to make something lower impact.

Pam Great job on tabatacise! Wow! That is amazing to get through all 5 plus burn sets back. Well that is good to know that it is not as bad as CCC. I’ll remember to tell myself that when I get to Tabatacise. You are right, Cathe always puts in little cruelties in every workout. I can’t think of a single workout were there isn’t at least one move that I struggle with but feel so much better when I get it done. Have a great time at the Krispy Kreme Challenge!!

Have a great day!
Pretty boring day Wed.

Yesterday Hubby stayed home from work sick, while I went to Bible study and chased 2 year olds again. It was 66* and sunny. I went to Knit Night and got most of a baby dress made.

Today its 45* and cloudy. I'm so glad its Friday. Hopefully Hubby and I will have a nice normal weekend together.
Janie Good job on Crossfire even though you had to modify. There is nothing wrong with that.

Pam Good job on tabatacise and the burn set back. I have done up to 4 of the tabatas good for you in getting through it.

Julie Way to go on XTrain legs. I haven't done the chair section in that one yet.

Penguin Sorry that Wednesday wasn't too exciting. Some days are like that. Chasing two year olds..... that's a workout in itself.

Well I made a mistake and sat down when I got home from work today and couldn't get up the energy to workout. I was going to get up early this morning but that just didn't work. I will have to make up for it tomorrow with a tough workout.

Tonight was XTrain Bi's and Tri's. Wow, that was a good one. Worked hard.

Here is yet another portrait of a different niece (I have many) and it's called "Libby".


Pam, Don't know when the self portrait will be, but I'm thinking of it, you put the seed it there.:) Great job on Tabatacise. Wow 5 of them and burn set. You GO! And please pass me some of that energy.

Julie, Great job on XTrain legs, the standing, ball, chair and floor section. Oh and the heavy squats and dead lifts to finish off. Wow.

Penquin, So sorry hubby is sick. Hope he gets better soon. Sounds like you are having fun with Bible study and knit night. Good for you.

Cheryl, You need a rest, your body is telling you that.

Take care ladies,

We bought a dresser, in good shape, for me at the thrift store {$200}. After getting it home, carried inside {good thing I lift weights}, and getting it cleaned, we were able to put the old {broken} dresser on the curb and with the help of a neighbor got the new one in place in the bedroom. The new one is solid wood and the drawers don’t come out so I was happy to have him to help so I could sit that one out.

Janie, wow, Libby has great eyes!

Cheryl, Hubby and I have that problem, he gets home from work, we eat, sit on the couch and the next thing we know its time for bed.
Janie Way to go on XTrain Bis and Tris. That is a good workout. I love your new portrait. I agree you should do a self portrait. I don't know if I need a rest I think I just got lazy :eek:.

Penguin It is such a good feeling when you can snag something good at the thrift store. We do that every once in a while too. It is too easy to get comfortable on the couch. I find if I have to workout after work I need to do it as soon as I walk in the door or else too many other things get in the way or I sit on the couch :confused:.

Today I did XTrain Cardio Legs and Core #2. The first time I did this one I found it really hard today it was hard but I was able to get through it. The core work really does get ya too yowza. After that I got all the housework and laundry done.

Happy weekend everyone.


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