Strength in Numbers

Tonight was XTrain Cardio Leg Blast plus bonus abs 2.

Penquin, Good going on your dresser purchase. Sounds lovely. Cathe helps me also getting in the 50 pound bags of whatever when shopping. LOL

Cheryl, Great job on XTrain Cardio Legs and Core 2. Same thing I did! Yowza is right on those abs! It's very difficult. Good going of doing cleanmax as well. LOL I found a beautiful photo of my nephew and his long time girlfriend. He is snuggling her neck with a loving one eye look picking out and she is smiling. Never done a couple before and very excited to find this photo. Will start preparing it tomorrow. Self portrait will have to wait. It's OK.

Take care,

Janie Good job on XTrain Cardio Leg Blast and core #2. Looking forward to seeing your picture of your nephew and his girlfriend

Today was yoga and it felt really good. This instructor is more hands on which helped with your posture and getting a deeper stretch.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

julie Great job on XTrain legs on Friday with your extra added burn!!
It was definitely the 5th round that did me in on tabatacise!

Penguin Sorry to hear your hubby was sick, hope he is feeling better now. It seem like a lot of people are getting sick right now. What a beautiful day you had Thursday! I'm glad you got to knit night and Bible study! QUOTE=patchworkpenguin;2188714]Pretty boring day Wed. I hope you and DH got your nice normal weekend that you were hoping for!

Cheryl Those tabatas are quite the heavy breathers, aren't they?! Yep, I can relate on the sitting down after work and then not wanting to get up!

Janie Great job on XTrain Bi's and Tri's.! Wow, your family is very lucky to be getting your beautiful artwork. Libby looks very exotic!

Penguin How exciting about your new dresser, it sounds like it was a great find. I'm glad you had some help to get it in place!

Cheryl Great job on XTrain Cardio Legs and Core #2 and showing improvement! Gotta love that. I agree that the core work is yowza! Good job on clean max too!

Janie Great job on XTrain Cardio Leg Blast plus bonus abs 2.

Cheryl Great job on yoga. Nice that the instructor helped you to get deeper stretches!

We had quite the busy weekend! DHs sister came down for the Krispy Kreme Challenge (K2C) and Ashley and 2 of her friends from college came also. We had Doug's 2 sisters and the husband of the one who lives in town over for dinner on Friday night. Saturday morning was the race. I was a little worried about it since I never run, but we did the whole 5 miles in under and hour so were happy about that. I only ate 1 donut and DH had 4. Carl had all 12 and did the 5 miles in 38 minutes! Saturday night we had Ashley and her friends for dinner so I made a huge pot of chicken and dumplings at her request, and some chocolate chip cookies and chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes for them to take back to school with them. Yesterday morning I did SuperCuts and core #2, it was just the right level to loosen up my legs. Then I had a little shower for my niece who is due in a month. After that our friends had us over for dinner. We were so tired though, we were home and in bed by 9:00! This morning was supposed to be legs, but I decided to let my legs rest another day and did tomorrow's XTrain disc 1 Chest, Back and Triceps and will do my lets tomorrow. Happy Monday everyone!

Saturday I did All Out + Core 1 and then cleaned house and ran errands. Sunday I did Burn Sets Bis/Tris + Rear Delts and then spent the rest of the day being lazy and doing some reading. This morning was Super Cuts + Core 2! Even with slowing down the DVD on the situp/pushup combo, it is still super tough.

Penguin Congrats on the new dresser! It is always fun getting something new and the dresser sounds really nice being solid wood. Hope your DH is feeling better and you two had a good weekend together.

Cheryl The chair section isn’t really a section by itself. It is in with the ball work and you only use the chair for the single leg glute bridges. Great job on Cardio Legs + Core 2! Great job on yoga too! Is this the same instructor from last time or a different one?

Janie Great job on Bis/Tris! Another beautiful picture. Libby has beautiful eyes, almost exotic looking. Great job on Cardio Legs + Core 2! I’m looking forward to the couples picture.

Pam Wow you did have a busy weekend. Great job on the K2C race! 5 miles in under an hour is very impressive! Oh boy, chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes sound fabulous! I had to stop and wipe drool off my keyboard after reading that! Great job on Super Cuts + Core 2 and letting your legs rest by doing XT: CBT!

Have a great day!
Janie Enjoy your rest day.

Pam You sure did have a busy weekend. 5 miles in under an hour is awesome especially since you don't run. Good for you to only eat one donut. The chocolate chip cookies and the chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes sound yummy. Good job on Supercuts and XTrain Chest Back and Triceps. Good idea to give your legs a break.

Julie Good job on All out + core #1, burn sets Bis/Tris + Rear Delts and Supercuts + Core #2. I agree that the situp/pushup combo is tough. The yoga instructor was different yesterday. She was a much better instructor, the other guy was just.......weird.

Today I did a TRX workout. I just bought a X mount that I put on the ceiling. It is much easier to use it now as I have more range of motion than using the door at an anchor. Today is also a stat holiday here a new Family Day. but not for me. I was suppose to go to work today as I am not allowed this particular stat but my transit wasn't operating and other modes of getting to work would take too long so I decided to take a vacation day instead.

Have a great day.

Julie Great job on AOLIH and Core 1 and clean max on Saturday! Great job on Burn Sets Bis/Tris + Rear Delts on Sunday and Super Cuts and core 2 on Monday! Wow! I was proud of myself because I ALMOST kept up with Cathe and company on the pushups and situps on Sunday. I had 3 push ups left when they were done. I laughed about you wiping the drool off your keyboard! You are so funny. I resisted the temptation and sent all of the cupcakes and cookies to school with the kids. I did try one of the cookies, but that was all.

Cheryl As I told Julie I was proud of myself for resisting the cupcake temptation. I knew if I just tried one I would eat the whole thing :rolleyes: Those cupcakes are awesome! Great job on your TRX workout. That does sound like it would be nicer not using a doorway, I think I would be banging into the door jam all the time! What is a stat holiday? I have never heard of that? Nice that you were able to take a vacation day, but sounds like it was a little bit of a pain trying to get to work!

This morning I did the leg workout that I was supposed to do yesterday. I did change it up a little though. I was supposed to do all sections, but instead I did all except barre and then did core #1. It ended up being close to the same amount of time. I hope everyone has a great day!

This morning I decided to wake up at 1 and not go back to sleep until 30 minutes before my alarm went off at 3:30. No idea what was going on there.:mad: I was able to still get up and do my workout. I did STS Meso 2, disc 20 legs and added on 100 hip thrusts.

Cheryl Great job on your TRX workout! That sounds awesome to have it suspended from the ceiling. Why aren’t you allowed the Family Day holiday? Is it an optional holiday and your employer just doesn’t participate in it at all? We have some of those. Most companies give Christmas Eve off or Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday but my company doesn’t. I hope you enjoyed your vacation day!

Pam Great job on XTrain Legs + Core 1! Last Friday I was supposed to do the barre part too but skipped it an added heavy weight work on. I think I figured out that with barre work, my hip joints hurt more than my actual muscles so I am not sure that is a good thing. That is awesome that you pretty much kept up with Cathe and crew on the situp/pushup combo. I have the hardest time quickly flipping my body over. Not sure why but I know it takes me way longer to flip positions than they take.

Have a great day!
Pam A stat holiday is like Christmas, New Years Day your 4th of July. It is a day that you get off instead of having to go to work and still get paid for it :D. Good job on your let workout and core #1.

Julie Good for you in getting your workout in even though you didn't get much sleep. I used to be able to do that but not anymore. I need my solid 7 - 8 hours or I am useless. We aren't allowed the holiday because it is a Provincial holiday and I am a Federal employee so my employee said no to the day off. Every company is different in what they give their staff. We are lucky that we do get almost all the holidays except the last one.

So I forgot to set up alarm to get up early this morning to get my workout in :mad:. I didn't do it when I got home either because I was an hour later getting home because I was in a team building workshop. So I made sure that my alarm is set earlier so I can get it done in the morning.

Have a great day.

Julie Wow, that really stinks about not being able to get back to sleep. I can't believe you still got up and did your workout, and a really tough one too. Good for you! Yep, I'm not sure the barre work does a lot for me either. My legs get really shaky when I'm doing it, but I rarely feel any DOMS from it. :rolleyes: I can flip over in time on the pushups and sit ups, but by the last couple rounds, when I flip over for the sit ups I like to just lay there for a few beats. Actually, I'd like to just lay there and quit, but I force myself to finish. I was really wishing I had that slow button on my dvd player!

Cheryl Hmmmm...we just call those holidays! :confused: We have a certain number of site holidays every year and then we have a certain number of personal choice holidays so that every year we have a total of 10 holiday days. If you want to take time at Easter or Martin Luther King day you have to use a personal choice holiday or vacation time.

This morning for me was tabatacise, all 5 sections again. Whew. My face was still red an hour later! I was happy to see that on my calendar though as I was ready for a good tough cardio. I hope everyone has a great day!

This morning I had trouble again with waking up shortly after midnight and not being able to get back to sleep quickly. It was better than the previous night so I guess I can’t complain too much. I did get up and did Burn Sets CBS + 100 Scarecrows.

Cheryl Bummer about forgetting to set your alarm. I hope you got good sleep to get that workout in this morning. Oh boy team building workshops are so fun! That was a little sarcasm from me. I am quite the introvert so when I have to go to those I feel so drained by the end of the day I just want to sleep for 12 hours. Ah, that makes sense about the holiday now.

Pam Great job on all 5 Tabatas again! Why is that we get a sick sense of pride when our face is still red an hour later from working out? Or maybe that is just me. I debated pretty heavily with myself on whether to get out yesterday and today with my lack of sleep but decided I could stay lying in bed not sleeping or just get up and do my best at working out. Ha ha! I like in TBT Lower when Cathe says after the first set of hamstring roll-ins with the ball that she wishes we could just lay there but we have to get up. I am always thinking that too with that and now I will be with the su/pu combo!

Have a great day!
Work sent Hubby to Des Moines today. So we celebrated Valentines last night. We also had to put off the celebration of my Dad's Bday on Sat. I don't know how work always knows which week to send him out of town to ruin all of our plans!:p

I hope to get on the treadmill today.
When I left the computer last night, I saw my saved post here. Now it's gone. Been doing my workouts religiously. I don't know what happen to it! Am I loosing my mind? Or is it that the Cathe people are doing their thing for the new server? Hmmmm Saw all of your posts, you all seems to be doing OK except with insomnia for some. I'll try and post my workout tonight.

Take care everyone,

Tonight was Burn Set Chest and Triceps Plus XTrain Bonus Abs One. "OUCH"!

Penquin, Great job on the 35 min. of treadmill and while watching a movie. Good for you.

Take care,

B]Julie[/B] what is going on with your sleep? Are you stressed? Sorry to hear you had trouble again, but I'm glad it wasn't as bad as the previous night. Great job on your Burn Sets CBS + 100 Scarecrows.
It is funny how happy it makes us to put ourselves through so much pain, isn't it? I guess it is just that sense of accomplishment! I don't mind the hamstring roll ins on the ball, but definitely would like to just lay there with the su/pu combo!!

Penguin That stinks that you hubby had to leave town and mess up all of your plans :rolleyes::confused: I'm glad that you celebrated Valentines day early though. I was laughing when I was at the grocery store last night at all of the men who were there buys cards and flowers! Great job on your treadmill workout!

Janie Oh errrrrr! That is the worst losing your post. I know they have been having all kinds of trouble with the server lately, so I would definitely blame that :D Is tonight the night they said they are moving to the new server? Can't remember but I know it is this week sometime. Great job on Burn Set Chest and Triceps Plus XTrain Bonus Abs One! Ouch is right!!

This morning for me was Burn sets Bis and Tris and then I did core 2 and 100 lying triceps extensions. I wanted to quit before I got to 100, but I pushed through it. I was really feeling the burn when I was done! I used to collect beanie babies and now they are all on shelves in our bonus room. When I went up to do my workout this morning, DH had lined the stairs with beanie babies and then he had them all lined up on the couch and on top of the TV with a Valentines card and ballon tied to Smoochie the bear (he has little lipstick kisses all over him). It was very cute, but I felt like I had a big audience for my workout! :D Happy Valentine's Day ladies, have a great day!

I finally got a really good night’s sleep. All thanks to DH. He slept in the living room and took Ozzie with him. It was just me and Maggie in the bed and she is such a better bed mate. I woke up feeling rested and then did Yoga Relax just to top off that rested feeling and get good and stretched out.

Penguin Oh bummer about DH having to travel during this time. I hope you had a wonderful early Valentine’s celebration together. Great job on your treadmill workout!

Janie Sorry about your post disappearing. I’m not sure when the server is being switched out by SNM. Great job on Burn Sets Chest & Triceps + core work!

Pam Great job on BS Bis/Tris + Core 2! Whoo hoo on pushing through to get all 100 reps!! What an adorable way to start Valentine’s Day. I think I am a little stressed. Work has been crazy and probably will be the rest of this week and all next week at least. Plus I found out I have now been assigned to a new project effort that will take up 30% of my time in addition to my regular workload.

Have a great day!
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Tonight was Supercuts. I didn't do Bicep work. My arm is feeling touchy. Wow the core work is all I could do but watch in amazement. I hope someday I can do them.

Pam, Great job on Burn sets Bis and Tris and then core 2 and the 100 lying triceps extensions. I bet you were feeling the burn! Good job! Awe. Your honey and his imagination melted my heart for you. How adorable!

Julie, Yes! You needed that sleep. So kind of hubby and Ozzie to do that for you. Great job on the Yoga Relax.

Take care ladies,

Yesterday I was able to go to my regular Bible study class, I haven't been to that since around Thanksgiving because of the shortage in help in the Children's Dept. My parents took me to Chili's for lunch and I had the new Taco Pizza which was really good. I traded a piece for two of my Dad's nachos which were really good also.

One of my Knit Night friends came to my house for a few hours last night instead of us going to Panera's, which was still fun. I ended up cleaning yesterday so I have less to do today! yay.

I woke up last night with a HUGE cramp in my right calf, which still hurts, so I'm a little mad about THAT! then when I woke up my back on the opposite side hurts also! what's going on here!? I feel like I"m falling apart.

Good news is Hubby comes home tomorrow!

Watching the movie really helps with the treadmill time. I'm hoping to try that agiain today.
Julie HOORAY! I'm so glad that you got a good nights sleep! What a sweetie your DH is taking Ozzie to sleep in the living room. Oh how nice, you get to do your regular job plus another 30%! No wonder you are stressed. I hope things calm down for you soon.

Janie Great job on Supercuts. I think that is on my calendar form tomorrow. Last time I did Supercuts I forgot about the situp/pushup combo until we got to that part. UGH :confused::rolleyes: Glad you are being smart and skipping the biceps when your arm isn't feeling right.

Penguin That is great that you were finally able to do your regular Bible study class. I hope you enjoyed it. Oh boy, taco pizza sounds really really good :D If I hadn't just eaten lunch that would make me hungry. Nice that you get a break from the cleaning today. Oh no! Sorry to hear aout your cramp, I hope it goes away quickly. I can relate to feeling like you are falling apart though :rolleyes: I'm glad to hear that your hubby is coming home, it sounds like he is coming home earlier than planned?

This morning Hard Strikes was on the calendar but it isn't one of my favs so I did To the Max instead. That is a great sweat producer! And I almost forgot (not sure how!), I have some killer tricep DOMS! I have been having issues with my left knee locking up when I do a lot of walking for awhile so I went to see an Orthopedic Dr this morning. They took X-Rays and he checked it out. The good news is that he said it is very treatable with Physical Therapy and is caused by my super tight hamstrings. He said they are the tightest he's seen in a long time :rolleyes::confused: He told me he was surprised that my other knee wasn't having issues too. The funny thing though is that it doesn't bother me at all when I workout, only when I walk. Anyway, happy Friday ladies!! Have a great weekend.

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