Strength in Numbers

I spent the day alternating between cleaning house and knitting. I don't feel 100% today because of the sinus stuff. Thankfully its the weekend.

Pam, I'll take any advice I can get. I lost 70lbs several years ago, then regained some of it, now I'm working much harder than I did then to lose but its not budging.

Janie, great info on abwork. Thanks for posting.
Wow I haven't been here for a while have I. Julie I hope your foot is doing better. Wow it must have hurt stepping on that barbell during your cardio. How much longer are you in a cast for? Pam I heard the Jersey Boys was a good show. That was nice of your friend to take you to it. Sorry that you are in a workout funk Janie. Sometimes just a change to your routine can help you get back on track. Penguin sorry to hear about your weight gain. If both you and hubby want to lose weight that is a huge motivator as both of you can keep each other on track. What you need to do is take a look at what you were doing a year ago when you were 15 pounds lighter and what you are doing now. Are you eating more now than you were then?

Sorry I have been gone so long. I have been a bit bummed out because the people who said they were going to hire me as a personal trainer never did. I had rushed out to get the equipment and licences needed and am having a hard time paying it back. I was going to use the money they paid me to pay for it. On the bright side though I have a couple of co-workers who are going to hire me for a few sessions to get them on track in December. I was also trying to figure out what to do with my PT certification and I think I am going to try getting into a gym to get experience. The company I took the training through are helping me out with this. On top of that our upstairs toilet leaked and we didn't notice it right away. So last Sunday morning when I was doing the dishes I noticed the ceiling didn't look right. I got up on a chair to touch the ceiling and my finger went right through :mad:. So we have been busy with fixing the toilet and figuring out how we are going to fix the ceiling. Last night a contractor who lives in our complex came by and he will fix it for us. He comes highly recommended so I hope it all works out. I have been working out and this morning it was To The Max, I had sweat dripping off of me after that one. I will try to get back on track here with posting. It is overwhelming to try to catch up with everything. I noticed that Eunice hasn't been here either.

Have a great weekend everyone.

I'm still at the ocean and was wanting to go home before the storm arrives today somewhere around 2pm. Still working on the last things to be done with the Dish. While the Dish technician was burying the cable from the dish to the house, he accidentally damaged the sewer pipe that goes into the septic tank. Yep, lots of fun. Manager will be here about 2pm to access the damage. So I'm here for the duration of the storm. I talked to Joey and he says it won't be as bad as I thought. Winds and rain will pick up about 2pm gusting about 30-40 mp. They will fix it and will know more around 2 on how bad the damage is. Oh well, I'll get back on Dads hands art piece. Also there is plenty to watch on TV and use the computer. It's so different not being around people, kinda lonely. Hopefully by Thur. (Thanksgiving day) I'll be with family.

I'll get to do the Wedding Video, the only one here since I forgot to bring any Cathe's DVD's. Wasn't going to stay this long. O well.:(

Pam, Great job on PLB. I can't wait to hear how you like HC vol. 4. Great on the DOMs you have. You must have really worked your lower body.

Penquin, Is knitting and cleaning all in a days work? Hopefully your sinus will get better. Have a good day.

Cheryl, Oh it's so good to hear from you. Thank you so much for the advice for all of us. So sorry about employment issues. That would bum me out too. Oh no leaking! That's always a nasty job. Hopefully it will all be in the past soon. Great job on TTM. Lets hope Eunice comes back as well. We do miss you both.

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Janie I hope your sewer line gets fixed soon. I hope the dish company will pay for the damage. Too bad that you couldn't leave when you wanted to but at least it sounds like you have a lot of things to do. Leaks are not fun but I hope it won't be too bad to fix. They guy is suppose to start on it on Wednesday.

Today was yoga. I missed it last week because we had to fix our leak so it felt good to get stretched out. It is a cold and rainy day here so it has been a very lazy day.

Now Hubby isn't feeling well. I hope this isn't one of those things we pass back and forth; but I'm feeling better. Although I gave myself a huge papercut trying to get a bottle of Pamprin open, if that give you any idea of how my day has gone.

We tried a new BBQ place but it was only okay, and are thinking about Italian for dinner. I got Hubby to take my measuements for a new sweater and i wasn't thrilled with the numbers. Added incentive to lose some weight.

Trying to get some things done around the house this weekend, but nothing eexciting planned.

Janie, sorry to hear about the sewer problems.

Cheryl, glad to have you back
Penguin Sorry to hear that your sinuses are still bothering you. I hope that you are feeling better soon. I know I am miserable whenmy sinuses are acting up :( Wow, 70 pounds of weight loss is amazing, great job on that. It does seem to get harder though doesn't it? :( i wish I had some magic advice for you!

Cheryl So glad to see you back I was getting worried about you. I was relieved when I saw you posting on FB. That is a real bummer that after getting you all psyched about hiring you as a personal trainer those people didn't come through. I hope things work out for you with a gym.
Oh no, that leak sounds terrible. You know it's been awhile when it comes through the ceiling like that. It's nice that you have a reliable contractor close by though!
Great job on To the Max! That was does leave you a sweaty mess!!

Janie I was thinking about you yesterday, I sure hope that the storm wasn't too bad. What a mess with the sewer line getting damaged. Yuck! I hope that they will be able to get that fixed quickly. I still haven't gotten around to doing HC 4....:rolleyes:

Cheryl Great job on yoga!

Penguin I hope that you and your hubby are feeling well for Thanksgiving! Sounds like you had a rough weekend.

Well, I didn't get to Horizontal Conditioning yesterday. I thought about it (for about a minute) and decided against it :rolleyes: I had a lazy morning and made breakfast for DH and me, then he had to got to LA for a couple of days and I did some running around. This morning was Intensity. It never gets any easier does it? I made it through though so I was happy about that. I still don't believe the workout manager says this is only 7 mets and 400 calories....:rolleyes: That can't be right, can it? Happy Monday everyone! Short week for us in the US...Yea!

Saturday DH and I got the Thanksgiving shopping out of the way and then I did some light cleaning and DH did the rest of the cleaning. Sunday I did Gym Styles Chest & Triceps and then made some chocolate covered peanut butter balls for Thanksgiving. This morning was Gym Styles Back, Shoulders, & Biceps.

Penguin Bummer on not being able to walk after the workout on Tuesday. I feel you on the weight gain. I am a yo-yo person myself. I tend to gain, then lose, then gain, then lose. Although I have gained this year and was just trying to get into losing when I broke my foot. I too lost about 70 pounds several years ago and then regained, relost, regained, relost, etc. Now I think my metabolism is so messed up I have to work 5 times as hard as a normal person to lose 1/5th the weight they can lose.

Janie Great job on the Wedding Video step work. I did get to sleep in a little on Saturday but not much on Sunday. Guess I only get 1 day a week to catch up on sleep. Thanks for the tip on ab work. It makes sense when you think about it but I have never really thought about it before. Oh wow! That stinks that the Dish guy broke your septic pipe. At least the company has to pay to fix it.

Pam Great job on PLB! I love that workout but then again I like torturing my legs. That was a good call skipping HC with those sore abs. Skipping HC for a nice breakfast with DH before he leaves for a few days sounds like a good plan to me. Great job on Intensity too. I don’t think that is a met value of 7. I think it is a 9 for sure. As is CCC.

Cheryl I am so glad you are back. What a disappointment that the people backed out on you. I hope you get in with a gym. I think that would be a great way to get your feet wet with being a personal trainer. Oh my, that is terrible that your toilet was leaking all the way through the floor. I hope the contractor can fix it for a fair price and in a short amount of time. Great job on keeping up with your workouts especially with all the stress you have going on.

Have a great day!
Hubby and I did some shopping and worked in the backyard a bit. He's going out of town again this week, we found out a few hours ago that he leaves tomorrow morning. He's supposed to be back by Tday but we all know how THAT goes.

Julie, that does seem to be the way of it. I've managed to cut back on my snacking this past week, so that's something.

Pam, I don't have Intesity but I feel its got to be more than 400cals, too.
Penguin Sorry that you hubby isn't feeling well. Hopefully he will be better before Thursday to enjoy Thanksgiving. It is that time of year when things seem to go around at least you are feeling better.

Pam So nice that you were worried about me. I was just a bit bummed out and the evenings seemed to be flying by for some reason and it was hard to get onto the computer to post. I am disappointed about my neighbors. They got my hopes and then they left me hanging. I am still working out my resume and cover letter. Hopefully it will all workout. The contractor comes highly recommended so I hope he does a good job. You have to have those lazy mornings every once in a while. The Horizontal Conditioning will still be there when you are ready. Good job on Intensity I agree that it seems like it is more than 7 mets and 400 calories. So nice that you guys have a short week.

Julie Good job on GS chest and triceps and back shoulders and biceps. You are organized to get all of your Thanksgiving shopping out of the way. Your chocolate covered peanut butters balls sound yummy. My first choice when I got certified was to apply at a gym but my neighbors got me excited to think I could do this as a business. Oh well live and learn. The contractor seems to be reasonable but we will see when it is all done. Even though I have been working out I haven't been able to put my all into them because I have been stressed. I seem to be back into the swing of things now.

Today was Afterburn. It has been a while since I did that workout and it showed :eek:. It felt good though.

Have a great day everyone.

Julie That is great that you got your Thanksgiving day shopping done on Saturday before the stores get too crazy. I only have to make dessert and stuffing this year so I am going to stop and get everything on my way home from work tonight. Great job on GS Chest and Triceps. Are those buckeyes that you made? Those are sinfully delicious! Great job on GS Back, shoulders and biceps too! I'm with you, Intensity and CCC are 9's for sure. And if they aren't, then I'm not going to kill myself doing them anymore!! OK I probably will, but I will never believe they are only 7's!

Penguin Oh no, I sure hope that your DH gets home for Thanksgiving, that would be sad if he isn't there :(

Cheryl I think that this whole year has just flown by, I don't know how it is almost Christmas already. I hope things work out for you with a gym, that would be nice. It sounds like the place that you did your training is really awesome though. Sorry if you said this already, but when is your bathroom/ceiling getting fixed? I was going to say hopefully in time for Thanksgiving, but of course you already had your Thanksgiving. I kind've wish ours was the same time as yours instead of so close to Christmas! You're right that HC will still be there when I'm ready, and so far it is still waiting for me!
Great job on AB, how are your legs and glutes feeling today? That one always kills me for days! I think it's the dixie cups....

This morning for me was Total Body Trisets upper body split. Wow, I haven't done that one in awhile and I forgot how hard some of those exercises are! Those plank kickbacks are killers and all of the pushup variations, ouch! My muscles were singing when I was done. Two more days to work this week, I guess I better get some done! Have a great day everyone!

Today was a rest day which was a good thing because I got to bed about an hour late last night. I was up making eggnog pie for Thanksgiving. I don’t really like eggnog pie but my brother requested it and it is a family tradition so I agreed to make it. Tonight I will be making cranberry bread.

Penguin Oh I hope your DH gets home in time for Thanksgiving. That’s a first step in cutting back snacking. I am a boredom snacker. If I am just sitting around watching TV I want to munch on things.

Cheryl Great job on Afterburn! I wonder if starting at a gym might open you up to gaining clients for when/if you do want to run your own business. I have to say hyper-organization is one of my OCD traits but this year I feel like I have to be super-hyper-organized because it takes me 10 times longer to do anything with these crutches.

Pam Great job on TBT UB! That one is killer with those pushup variations and that plank/kickback move makes me wanna cry! I am glad I got the shopping done too. Although Ozzie decided to get on my table and grab one of the graham cracker crusts I bought and use it for a Frisbee. I had to send DH back to the store last night to get another one. Yep, I made buckeyes. I make some of them into turkeys. I’ll try to get a picture of what I do and post it (if I remember!).

Have a great day!
Hubby left this morning. I"m doing laundry and trying to give the kitchen a good scrubbing. Later I'm baking a crustless pumpkin pie; I just use the regular recipe and skip the crust part.

Julie, that's why I knit so much; to keep my hands busy so I'm not snacking. Eggnog pie sounds interesting; is it cold? I think I'll stick with pumpkin though.

Pam, hope your work week goes quickly!
I did 40min from KCM's Plateau Buster.

I got the kitchen done but could do some other things like dust the top shelves and clean the glass. For a change of pace, and I didn't want to get the pie dusty, lol, I started on the dining room, dusting the hutch mostly. I gave the room a through cleaning last month so I just need to touch up and clean off the table.
The storm was pretty bad and during it, the heater stopped working. The man that was suppose to fix the pipe, didn't. Very hectic few days, but I decided to get back to Joey in Shelton and prepare for Thanksgiving. Hopefully all this will get resolved after the holiday. Still working on my Dad's hands. It's taking so long. Maybe after Thanksgiving sometime it will be done.

Cheryl, Great job on AB. I can't wait to exercise again. Maybe it's an excuse but I really don't until I see a sports medicine doctor. I want to know for sure what I can do while having tennis elbow. I'm afraid of reinjuring it.

Pam, Great job on TBT upper body split. Happy about your DOM's.

Julie, Hope you enjoyed your rest day today. Never heard of eggnog pie. Hmmmm it sounds so good.

Penquin, Great job on KCM's Plateau Buster. Good job on getting the kitchen done and all the other things you did around the house.

Take care,

Pam I agree that the whole year has flown by. I hope things workout with the gym and I thought this would be the time of year to apply since everyone has their New Year's resolutions coming up. The contractor is suppose to be coming tomorrow to fix the ceiling we have already fixed the toilet so it doesn't leak anymore. I like having our Thanksgiving in October it spreads things out instead of everything happening so close together. My legs and glutes aren't feeling too bad today, a bit sore but nothing major. Good job on TBT UB. Oh those plank kickbacks are killers.

Julie Oh wow eggnog pie!!!!! I can tell that is healthy and low in calories :D. Working at a gym could gain me some clients if I decide to try going out on my own. How long do you need to be on crutches for? That would be very fustrating to have to rely on crutches all the time.

Penguin Ummm I love pumpkin pie, I have never had it without a crust though. Good job on your KMC Plateau Buster workout.

Janie Too bad that the pipe didn't get fixed. Hopefully after Thanksgiving it will be done. You should still be able to at least do cardio with your tennis elbow but it is always good to have it checked out.

Today was Imax 2, I love the workout and I could tell it had been a while since I had done it. Interval #9 almost did me in. Well we have thunder and lighting tonight with lots of rain. It is a good night to stay indoors.

Have a great day everyone.

Julie Eggnog pie huh? I have never even heard of it. I am making pumpkin pie, white chocolate macadamia pie and a dark chocolate cheesecake :rolleyes: I was only going to make the two pies, but then I saw the picture of the cheesecake on FB and had to make it. I don't like pumpkin pie but so many people feel like it's not Thanksgiving without it so I'm making the other desserts for me :D Oh no, I can't believe Ozzie grabbed your crust. That little brat! Twice this morning I came into my kitchen and found Shorty up on the counter. He has never done that before (that I have known about anyway :rolleyes:) Oh I would love to see your turkey buckeyes, I bet they are adorable. I made turkey cake balls a couple of years ago, but nothing creative this year.

Penguin Great job on KCMs plateau buster. How do you like her? I've heard good things about her workouts. Well you definitely can't have dust in that pie! :D It sounds like a great idea to go crustless, I bet you don't even miss the crust.

Janie So glad that you got through the storm safely. I'm sure it was no fun at all, especially being there alone and the heater going out. I'm glad you are going back to Shelton for some time with Joey. What will you be doing for Thanksgiving?

Cheryl The other nice thing about getting in at a gym is that you will have some experience under your belt and to put on your resume when you do go out on your own. I hope that works out, this is a great time of year. i remember the gym always being so crowded in January and then getting back to normal again by February! Its nice that you are getting your repairs done so quickly. I hate it when things are broken around the house!
Great job on Imax 2 and my favorite jeannie hops ;) Is interval 9 that nasty straddle jumps down the step and then plyos??? I am always screaming by the end of that interval! Sounds like you had a good night to stay inside and build a fire.

Yesterday after work I came home and did Coremax 2 because it was on the calendar for the rotation. Once again I considered doing HC volume 4 instead, but I wasn't up for 58 minutes of torture :rolleyes: This morning was Hiit 30/30 and core max 3. I'm not sure why she put the core work back to back, but she seems to know what she's doing so I went with it. With how hard these core maxs have been, I'm thinking maybe I should be doing them for awhile to build up to HC.......:confused: Anyway, have a great day everyone and Happy virtual Friday Julie, Janie and Penguin!

Pam, I like Kelly; she's fun, encouraging, always has a modifier so her workouts feel approachable even on bad days, and she likes to put fun spins on the traditional weight moves. I don't miss the crust but I have a feeling I'm going to get teased about it from my dad, lol.

We have this week off Bible study but my parents are taking me to lunch today and a bit of shopping afterwards. Then home for more cleaning and I need to check the Bird and brave the attic for the roasting pan.
This morning was Gym Styles Chest & Triceps. I noticed that when I used to be able to do pushups on my toes (pre-broken foot) I didn’t really feel my chest working but now that I am doing them from knees I really feel my chest fire. Weird! Anyway, I attached some pictures of the “turkeys” I make for my nieces and nephews out of the peanut butter balls/buckeyes.

Penguin Eggnog pie is kind of like a custard pie. It is supposed to taste like eggnog. I’m not really sure if this is a family recipe/tradition or if it is a real pie outside of our family. Great job on KCM’s Plateau Buster.

Janie So sorry about the storm being bad and the heater going out. It can be frustrating trying to get work done around the holidays because the workers are trying to get home for the holidays too. I’m sure it will all work out though.

Cheryl Great job on Imax 2! Oh memories of interval 9. That one sticks with you for quite a while after you are done. Yeah, eggnog pie starts off low in calories using skim milk but by the end you have added sugar, egg yolks, butter, and heavy whipping cream so there went the healthy out the window. I have to be on the crutches until at least December 7. That is when I go back to the doctor and find out if I have healed enough to be in a walking boot.

Pam Great job on coremax 2 last night and HiiT 30/30 and coremax 3 this morning! I’m thinking eggnog pie is a family recipe. I’ve never tried searching for it online but no one I mention it to has ever heard of it. I think I would rather have dark chocolate cheesecake than pumpkin pie too. My 16yo nephew wanted pumpkin pie but I told him I was already making 2 cheesecakes, a pie, and the “turkeys” and since he was the only one that wanted pumpkin pie, I wasn’t going to make it. I think my sister took pity on him and is making one for him. She is trying to be the favorite aunt I think.

Have a wonderful day!


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Julie, cute turkeys! I bet they will love them! Weird about the pushups.

Alternated cleaning with reading a book that has to be back to the library this week! Lunch with parents was nice. I did Jessica's Cardio Abs. And Hubby is on his way home from the airport! yay!

But that bird is still thawing! It may get a bath tonight!:p
Pam I thought if I was going to get into a gym now would be the time to do it with everyone's New Year resolutions. Our repairs got delayed by a day. He got behind in another job so he won't be able to start until tomorrow afternoon. Oh yes interval 9 has those nasty straddle jumps down the step and then the plyos. Good job on coremax 2 and 3 and Hiit 30/30. I haven't done the core maxes for a while but I do remember them being hard.

Penguin Enjoy your lunch and shopping with your parents today. Good job on Jessica's cardio abs too. Nice that your hubby made it home in time for Thanksgiving.

Julie Good job on GS chest and triceps. Strange that you are feeling your chest working more now that you are doing it on your knees. Is it possible that when you are doing it on your toes that your hands are in a different position? Cute turkeys, I bet your nieces and nephews will love them. December 7th isn't too far away now. Hopefully you can go to a walking boot so it will be a lot easier to get around.

Today I took as my day off. I didn't sleep well last night for some reason and I was really tired today. I knew I was going to have a rough day when I put my K-cup into my Keurig and pressed the button to make my coffee and when I came back I realized that I forgot to put a cup down for the coffee to go into :confused:.

Happy Thanksgiving Pam, Julie, Janie and Penguin. Enjoy your turkey tomorrow.


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