This morning I did Yoga Max. I suck at yoga.
I am good at some poses like triangle and locust but warrior poses are not my forte. I guess since I am not good at it that should be my clue to do it more often. I do find it awkward that there really isn’t a warm up. We go right into a forward bend and I didn’t think it was good to stretch your muscles when they are not warmed up. Maybe next time I should do some dynamic moves to get my muscles warm first.
Cheryl Way to sub MMA Kickbox for CrossFire when you were low on energy! That is crazy waking up at 3am and not being able to go back to sleep. Great job on yoga and TTM too! I hope your DH had a wonderful birthday. Poor Tigger getting his fur all cut off and then it gets cold and rainy. But I bet he does feel better to not have mats in his fur anymore. I have a few free cheap blankets the Humane Society sent me (I think they are fleece) that we cover Ozzie up with because he gets so cold.
Janie Great job on disc 19! Small improvements make a big difference. Sounds like you are doing everything right on with starting as heavy as you can go and lightening up if needed. You will definitely keep improving that way. Great job on your little HiiT after your hour long beach walk!
Eunice Great job on AB! Yep that one is still a doozy but it doesn’t have a dread factor for me like CCC! Too cute that Stacy kissed 3 of the animals. She must be an animal lover at heart. Sounds like Sam is going to become quite the traveler with all his stops in the different cities. I wonder if that price includes him getting to go sight-seeing in those cities too. What an day with the husky! Did he really attack another dog? Or did that lady just say he attacked her dog? I’m glad you were able to find the owners so quickly.
Pam Great job on the Circuit Blast premix from CF! Plus that wicked W&P ab circuits. That one is really tough. That’s great that Ashley is so excited and not at all nervous. Sounds like she is all ready to go out on her own. I have never found a shoe rack that I liked. I use one of those 5 shelf sweater organizers that hang on the closet rod and I keep about 5 pairs of shoes on each shelf. It looks kind of tacky but I have it in a room no one ever goes in so I guess it works. Wow that would be my dream second job. A shoe reviewer. I would not mind trying out shoes in order to get them for free.
Have a wonderful day!
Cheryl Way to sub MMA Kickbox for CrossFire when you were low on energy! That is crazy waking up at 3am and not being able to go back to sleep. Great job on yoga and TTM too! I hope your DH had a wonderful birthday. Poor Tigger getting his fur all cut off and then it gets cold and rainy. But I bet he does feel better to not have mats in his fur anymore. I have a few free cheap blankets the Humane Society sent me (I think they are fleece) that we cover Ozzie up with because he gets so cold.
Janie Great job on disc 19! Small improvements make a big difference. Sounds like you are doing everything right on with starting as heavy as you can go and lightening up if needed. You will definitely keep improving that way. Great job on your little HiiT after your hour long beach walk!
Eunice Great job on AB! Yep that one is still a doozy but it doesn’t have a dread factor for me like CCC! Too cute that Stacy kissed 3 of the animals. She must be an animal lover at heart. Sounds like Sam is going to become quite the traveler with all his stops in the different cities. I wonder if that price includes him getting to go sight-seeing in those cities too. What an day with the husky! Did he really attack another dog? Or did that lady just say he attacked her dog? I’m glad you were able to find the owners so quickly.
Pam Great job on the Circuit Blast premix from CF! Plus that wicked W&P ab circuits. That one is really tough. That’s great that Ashley is so excited and not at all nervous. Sounds like she is all ready to go out on her own. I have never found a shoe rack that I liked. I use one of those 5 shelf sweater organizers that hang on the closet rod and I keep about 5 pairs of shoes on each shelf. It looks kind of tacky but I have it in a room no one ever goes in so I guess it works. Wow that would be my dream second job. A shoe reviewer. I would not mind trying out shoes in order to get them for free.
Have a wonderful day!