Janie Good job doing disc 22 chest/shoulders/triceps and for walking with Rolly on the beach, nice weather, better than melting

we still freezing over here but that's alright for now. Oh my finger is better now, thanks.
Pam mmm you have to let me know how that healthy ice cream turn out, I made banana ice cream I froze ripe bananas 4-5 of them then I put them on the food processor, tiny bit of vanilla and if I have a good protein powder I put a half of scoop, last time I put half of a fresh banana and that made the ice cream very creamy, then I made oat-peaunut-chocolate chip little balls and eat that with the banana ice cream DH love, loves this. I have to check that rotation probably that's what I need before going back home. I think you are going to be fine doing CCC I will cheer you up from down here. Yes, we need a new bed

but for now we have to suck it up, it didn't give us any trouble till now, but DH is 217 pounds + my 137 pound yes we need a new bed!! (10 years) Sound like you had a busy weekend, the musical and the cooking class, what kind of mexican food did you cook? Sunday I bought a wine bottle the one I had at the last dinner with DH and it was soooo soooo sooo good! I want to go stock. Good job doing IMAX!! You can do it, go, go, Pam!!
JulieI'm sure that your body was very thankful!! after all that heavy work out you are doing your body need to recover, but house work is not that easy, so I think you did goo. Good job doing chest/biceps/abs.. I wonder what was wrong with Ozzie, I wonder if he could talk he would say "I couldn't sleep last night Julie was very close to me she kept me awake" You did good skipping your workout you need a good sleep the night before to push hard. I know Sam too, crazy boy

but his so cute. DH fixed the bed but we need a new bed, with kids jumping on my bed and 10 year with us and moving from one city to another, yes we deff need a new one.

Cheryl I know a lot of people hates them. I hope you do good with your last session I'm sure you will. Yes, I know today I was thinking and I still need to get some more, my mom for sure. So you are melting in that hot weather

Good job doing Impact Circuit, that was weird that you got dizzy in the middle of the workout, your right the heat can make a huge diff. Good luck with your last session.
Yesterday I did power hour, it was a while since I last did that one I had forgotten how hard it is to do those endless and low ends squats and split leg lunges

really hard but it felt good, I notice that I need to work my core more oh my, my core is sore today, when I sneeze I can feel it, well like Cathe said "there was not muscle untouched"
Today I did Muscle Intensity Strength and aging endless squats, crazy 8's for biceps, my biceps were cramping

I had never feel that before!! I was very surprised that my biceps were actually burning, cramping,

then abs again I'm happy that I'm doing this workouts this week I think my muscles are waking up my whole body is nice and sore.
This week DH went to the field so not a lot of work, only cleaning and doing laundry and working out, then when I put the girls to bed I go to my room and I get to have a nice, quiet, couple of hours for my self, it feels good.

Have a nice day everyone.