Julie Great job on your shoulder work and the plyo tabata. I need to keep those tabatas in mind for add-ons, it is such a great way to get a quick cardio in. Thanks for the tip! I was done with the pina colada song, but now you have me singing it again!
I'm glad to hear that your back is doing better. It is no fun having a messed up back. same here, my mirror always seems to look the same. My DH said he could tell a difference the first time I did STS, but I couldn't. I think he was just saying that to be nice!
Janie Your sauerkraut looks so good! My DH loves reubens, maybe I should treat him and make some homemade sauerkraut for him. That Zentangle is just soo cool! You are really talented! I looked at it and immediately saw a woman's body on the right and a sock hanging on a clotheline on the top left! It's like looking at clouds and picking things out. Really amazing, I am so impressed!
Great job on disc 26, those plyo legs are killers! I have no doubt that you will get back any muscle you have lost very quickly.
I don't think it's that I'm in amazing shape, I think it's just that I have been doing pretty much the same exercise routine for so long now. Even though I mix up the rotations, it's basically the same. It is Imax2 that has the Jeannie hops and the pina colada song. I'm usually the same way when someone says something about a song in one of the workouts or something that Cathe says. I'll be able to see and hear it, but not able to place which workout it is. Some moves (like the jeannie hops) though, just hold a special place in my heart
so I never forget those 
Eunice and Cheryl I hope you are both doing well!
This morning was High Reps for me. I think I had only done this once or twice before. It's one of the ones that she doesn't give you enough time to get your weights changed which always drives me crazy. She puts down the barbell for a break and then immediately says ok, pick it up! It's crazy. The tricep work in this one was the real killer for me and I don't usually mind triceps too much. I was really feeling them during the stretch, I'm thinking they will be sore tomorrow. Have a great day ladies!
Janie Your sauerkraut looks so good! My DH loves reubens, maybe I should treat him and make some homemade sauerkraut for him. That Zentangle is just soo cool! You are really talented! I looked at it and immediately saw a woman's body on the right and a sock hanging on a clotheline on the top left! It's like looking at clouds and picking things out. Really amazing, I am so impressed!
Great job on disc 26, those plyo legs are killers! I have no doubt that you will get back any muscle you have lost very quickly.
I don't think it's that I'm in amazing shape, I think it's just that I have been doing pretty much the same exercise routine for so long now. Even though I mix up the rotations, it's basically the same. It is Imax2 that has the Jeannie hops and the pina colada song. I'm usually the same way when someone says something about a song in one of the workouts or something that Cathe says. I'll be able to see and hear it, but not able to place which workout it is. Some moves (like the jeannie hops) though, just hold a special place in my heart
Eunice and Cheryl I hope you are both doing well!
This morning was High Reps for me. I think I had only done this once or twice before. It's one of the ones that she doesn't give you enough time to get your weights changed which always drives me crazy. She puts down the barbell for a break and then immediately says ok, pick it up! It's crazy. The tricep work in this one was the real killer for me and I don't usually mind triceps too much. I was really feeling them during the stretch, I'm thinking they will be sore tomorrow. Have a great day ladies!