Janie Oh my goodness Janie, I am so so sorry to hear about the loss of your nephew. Big {{{{{HUGS}}}} to you and your sister. I often wonder why some people just get handed so many hardships in their lives. It makes me so thankful but always makes me feel a bit guilty for how lucky I have been with my life and good health. Praying for some calmness and peace for your sister.
Cheryl I don't have any urge to play golf either, but it looks like I will be dragged out there at some point.
I really wish there was an easier way to get the mats out too. We bought some spray that is supposed to help, but it doesn't! Yes, i think that after all of the incidents in amphitheaters they need to play it safe when there are storms. We were at one a few years ago where there was a really bad storm and part of the roof of the stage blew off and several people were hurt. Needless to say that show was cancelled.
Great job on your consultation with your instructor. It sounds like you are going to be an awesome PT! I didn't watch the opening ceremonies, I rarely do
I heard mixed things about them, but I think the Beijing opening ceremony was hard to follow. I hear that the queen stole the show though. That is so cool! Congratulations on your CPR, AED and Emergency first aid certification. What is AED anyway?? Great job on yoga and riding your bike there. Don't you just hate how fast vacation time goes by?! 
Eunice I know it's silly for me to feel like I had to do the tabata that I skipped on Friday, but I always feel like I failed if I skip something. I never used to do premixes because I felt like that was cheating, but I'm over that now
Oh no, saying you have massive arms is a good thing, they are strong and muscular. My DH always tells me I have massive legs and is always quick to clarify that that is a compliment! Good for you sucking it up and doing your workout despite having a bad sleep. Isn't it funny that that is what you worry about when you aren't sleeping - whether or not you are going to be able to do your workout!
They couldn't really put up a sign saying that the show was going to start eventually, because they really didn't know if it would. It was all dependent on the weather. I did hear that it started at 9:45, but we were so tired I think we made the right choice to go home. I guess it was a good show though!
Great job on disc 28 and not having to drop your weight. Great job on clean max too!
Yesterday was my rest day. I went and did the grocery shopping and it was so nice outside so I came home and cut the grass and then sprayed the weeds. After that I worked on a project to make a mat out of corks. I saw it on facebook so decided to try it. It was so hard trying to cut through the corks, I thought it was going to take me forever! DH came home while I was doing it and made a little thing to put them in so that he could cut them with his saw. So he cut all the corks for me and now I have the mat all laid out, I just have to glue them down. I am going to use it as a door mat at our side door instead of a bath mat though. Then last night I made home made pasta for dinner. Yum, I ate too much though! This morning was Body Max 2. I didn't have time to do the whole thing this morning so I hope I remember to do the upper body tonight. I did the step, power circuits and abs. have a good Monday ladies, Janie, i will be thinking about you and your sister.
Cheryl I don't have any urge to play golf either, but it looks like I will be dragged out there at some point.
Great job on your consultation with your instructor. It sounds like you are going to be an awesome PT! I didn't watch the opening ceremonies, I rarely do
Eunice I know it's silly for me to feel like I had to do the tabata that I skipped on Friday, but I always feel like I failed if I skip something. I never used to do premixes because I felt like that was cheating, but I'm over that now
They couldn't really put up a sign saying that the show was going to start eventually, because they really didn't know if it would. It was all dependent on the weather. I did hear that it started at 9:45, but we were so tired I think we made the right choice to go home. I guess it was a good show though!
Great job on disc 28 and not having to drop your weight. Great job on clean max too!
Yesterday was my rest day. I went and did the grocery shopping and it was so nice outside so I came home and cut the grass and then sprayed the weeds. After that I worked on a project to make a mat out of corks. I saw it on facebook so decided to try it. It was so hard trying to cut through the corks, I thought it was going to take me forever! DH came home while I was doing it and made a little thing to put them in so that he could cut them with his saw. So he cut all the corks for me and now I have the mat all laid out, I just have to glue them down. I am going to use it as a door mat at our side door instead of a bath mat though. Then last night I made home made pasta for dinner. Yum, I ate too much though! This morning was Body Max 2. I didn't have time to do the whole thing this morning so I hope I remember to do the upper body tonight. I did the step, power circuits and abs. have a good Monday ladies, Janie, i will be thinking about you and your sister.