Some days I really love my job


I'm a microbiologist in a hospital lab. We work way off the radar. Most patients have a vague idea of "the lab" being the person who draws their blood, then puts it on a machine.

A couple weeks ago, we isolated and identified a somewhat obscure bacteria from a young man's blood. The infectious disease doctor was skeptical at first, since he didn't think the patient had the corresponding symptoms. Well, the patient was VERY ill and on a respirator in ICU. He DID have symptoms, but had gotten so sick so fast, the doctors hadn't been able to question him completely. Once the organism was treated correctly and the patient started to get better, it was realized that he did have an unusual case of meningitis. We were thrilled to have had such an important impact on this young man's recovery.

Today, I recieved a thank you note specifically written to the "Lab Technician who perservered until she recognized the bacteria that infected our son" from the parents. Wow! In 30 years of work, I have never been thanked so directly for the work I do. What a thrill! I love this job!
Wow Robin. That is so cool--you may have saved someone's life! How wonderful that his parents personally thanked you. Well done!

Robin, my husband is an ID doc, and his favorite people are in the Micro lab (both professionally and personally). :)

Way to go!

That is incredible! You should be very proud of yourself. I'm glad you received recognition. What you did was truly amazing:cool:

That is wonderful and only what you deserve. How thoughtful of the parents to send you a note. What a great story!
WTG Robin!! How nice that the family acknowleged you.

Sometimes we forget about the important people who are "behind the scenes" ;)

Wow, Robin, what a great story. And coming from a small community who recently lost a four year old girl to something they first thought was meningitis and now more than a month later they still don't really know what it was, well, I wish there were more of you!

You are awesome Robin! It is great that the parents took the time to properly thank the person that saved their child! You deserve it!
Robin-- What a great story! And how those parents must feel -- what an awesome, happy ending! Thanks for sharing!

Lorie (laughing water) We **heart** our ID docs. They know what we are talking about.

Kara, yes, kudos to the parents for writing the note. We were only doing our job, but she put a great big smile on our faces!
That's AWESOME, Robin! That feeds your soul a little, doesn't it? I'm so glad they took the time to write that to you. You deserve it!
Yeah Robin! I am so happy for you, I know that just touched your heart and reaffirmed you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. Not very many people love what they do, you are very fortunate, I am so proud of you.:):D
That is fantastic! It's so easy to get caught up in the negative side of things, getting recognition like that helps remind us to stay positive, doesn't it? Way to go! I'm very happy for you!

What a great story! I'm so glad that you do what you do and that you enjoy it. So good to know that you are making a difference and then to receive a note from the boy's parents. Very nice!
Kudos to you!:D

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