Some days I really love my job

That young man is so lucky he had you in his corner! I'm sure a case like this easily makes the whole 30 years worthwhile. But remember: you do important work every day. It's only because you work "behind the scenes" that you don't hear it a lot more often. But there are a lot more people out there who have benefited from your work and just haven't thanked you because they haven't had the opportunity. :)
Robin, that is great news. Working with microbiologists in my hubbys lab I have seen how under recognized you guys are sometimes. People do just think "the lab" is some big machine that figures everything out.

So proud of your great work. And i bet that family is thanking God for you!!

Robin, that is sooo great!! We, technologists very rarely get any recognition. You did a wonderful thing. :)
Awwww, you guys make me feel all warm and fuzzy all over again.

And I appreciate that you all single me out, but really, my whole department is awesomely dedicated and well trained. It was just the luck of the draw that I got this guy's culture.
Robin- It is amazing what a simple 'thank you' can do.

And you really deserved to be thanked for taking a huge part in saving a life.
I'm a microbiologist in a hospital lab. We work way off the radar. Most patients have a vague idea of "the lab" being the person who draws their blood, then puts it on a machine.

A couple weeks ago, we isolated and identified a somewhat obscure bacteria from a young man's blood. The infectious disease doctor was skeptical at first, since he didn't think the patient had the corresponding symptoms. Well, the patient was VERY ill and on a respirator in ICU. He DID have symptoms, but had gotten so sick so fast, the doctors hadn't been able to question him completely. Once the organism was treated correctly and the patient started to get better, it was realized that he did have an unusual case of meningitis. We were thrilled to have had such an important impact on this young man's recovery.

Today, I recieved a thank you note specifically written to the "Lab Technician who perservered until she recognized the bacteria that infected our son" from the parents. Wow! In 30 years of work, I have never been thanked so directly for the work I do. What a thrill! I love this job!

Robin, that is awesome and sweet!!! People like you who work so hard and diligently behind the seens are the unsung heros for sure!!

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