I work, have a family and workout. I would love to workout 6 days per week, but my busy life and my body just will not allow it. So I generally take off two days a week due to plain tiredness, or too busy. Last week, I only got in 4 days and that bugs me! Usually though, it is 5 days.
However, I am going to part-time at work (only 2 days a week--yay!) So I am hoping maybe I will regularly get 6 days in!
Ya for you! Im only three days a week now, i love it. I work mon tues and thur .. I take mon as a rest day. I had worked for three doctors in a busy dental office 10 hrs a day 5 days a week. Weekends id clean office and try to raise kids and exercise shew i could not do it. Now my kids are grown i am part time and i love it! You will to! Time to focus on health right! ?
wow how in the world did you work that much and exercise!!??? Glad you lived through it to enjoy part time. Yes, I am soooo looking forward to being home more and just getting this house in order!
I'm really bad at taking rest days. I'm curious if anyone else is. If not, how many do you take a week?
On average, 3 rest days.
It's not about quantity, it's about quality. I never took rest days until a couple of years ago. Now that I take them, and several per week, my energy has jumped through the roof, I have less fibro flares, less colds, less injuries, and my moods are much more stable. I love me some rest days- LOVE THEM!!!!