For my rest days, I don't ever really "rest". I won't exercise to a video, instead I will walk. I find this type of "rest day" a lot better for the body than actually sitting and lying around doing nothing. I personally believe the body needs to stay in motion. But yeah, there is always 1-2X/week that I lay off the weights and cardio.
I do this too now - it's a relatively new habit for me! These days I am taking 2 rest days each week and I walk. I do a fairly gentle walk on these days so I can fully recharge - no big hills - but I aim for 10,000 steps which takes me about 1 hr 20 minutes. I started doing this in the fall, and I've found that it brings big psychological benefits also; it clears my mind, gets rid of work-induced anxiety, and I think it helps me stay on track with eating properly. Last night we had a light dusting of snow in the evening - I took my daughter with me on my walk and it was a very quiet and calming experience for both of us.
Natasha, it's funny you mentioned sitting and lying around doing nothing and how that's not great for the body - for me, that does bad things for my mind also. I get anxious and irritable, and I end up eating junk, not drinking enough water and just generally losing ground. Took me a lot of years to figure out that wasn't working for me.