Rest days


I'm really bad at taking rest days. I'm curious if anyone else is. If not, how many do you take a week?
I take one because im tryn to lose but i was doing one or two depending on how i felt, and how life goes, sometimes tjings happen and unplanned rest days happen i dont like that.
I try to take one once a week or at the very least, every 8-10 days. I don't always want to but I force myself because in the end, I know I'm better off. If I work out too many days in a row my body lets me know. :(

Sometimes instead of taking a complete rest day I will just do yoga.
i take saturdays off as before i started working out with cathe, i have been practicing ashtanga yoga for several years, and you are taught in that system to practice asanas 6 days a week with saturdays off. i guess that has stuck with my cathe workouts, too, and i think it's a good thing. now that i am in my forties, i notice that i don't bounce back from injuries like i used to, so i think it is good to rest. that being said, i am more careful with what i eat on saturdays:)
I always rest at least one day a week. When my body feels especially tired I up that to 2 rest days a week.
I workout 5-6 days a week. I always schedule 1 rest day, and it is usually Sundays since I am usually busy with church and family activities that day. I will take an additional day if I feel like I need it.

I used to hate taking rest days (I would feel lazy or guilty), but I just feel so much better when I have them. Now I am a big advocate for rest days! We get stronger when we give our bodies rest, because that's when it repairs and rebuilds itself. Plus, it's a good time to do a stretching DVD or some relaxing yoga that you wouldn't otherwise have time for.

Good luck figuring out what works for you!
I work, have a family and workout. I would love to workout 6 days per week, but my busy life and my body just will not allow it. So I generally take off two days a week due to plain tiredness, or too busy. Last week, I only got in 4 days and that bugs me! Usually though, it is 5 days.

However, I am going to part-time at work (only 2 days a week--yay!) So I am hoping maybe I will regularly get 6 days in!
I work, have a family and workout. I would love to workout 6 days per week, but my busy life and my body just will not allow it. So I generally take off two days a week due to plain tiredness, or too busy. Last week, I only got in 4 days and that bugs me! Usually though, it is 5 days.

However, I am going to part-time at work (only 2 days a week--yay!) So I am hoping maybe I will regularly get 6 days in!

Ya for you! Im only three days a week now, i love it. I work mon tues and thur .. I take mon as a rest day. I had worked for three doctors in a busy dental office 10 hrs a day 5 days a week. Weekends id clean office and try to raise kids and exercise shew i could not do it. Now my kids are grown i am part time and i love it! You will to! Time to focus on health right! ?
Ya for you! Im only three days a week now, i love it. I work mon tues and thur .. I take mon as a rest day. I had worked for three doctors in a busy dental office 10 hrs a day 5 days a week. Weekends id clean office and try to raise kids and exercise shew i could not do it. Now my kids are grown i am part time and i love it! You will to! Time to focus on health right! ?

wow how in the world did you work that much and exercise!!??? Glad you lived through it :eek: to enjoy part time. Yes, I am soooo looking forward to being home more and just getting this house in order!
I am really bad about taking rest days. I'm also really bad about doing nice long stretches/yoga. I decided that when I do the Xtrain rotation, I would take the rest day and if I want to do something, I would do yoga. Well, the first two weeks I was good. I took Sunday off and did yoga. Now I am feeling... restless. I feel like I am not getting enough cardio. So I have already redone my little calendar so I am working out 7 days a week again. :eek: So no more Sundays off.
Slug Sunday! I take Sundays off, except I will usually at least take my dog for a walk or two. I like to do my hardest workout (the one I'm most likely to suffer DOMS from) on Saturday, so I'll have a little extra recovery time after that one.
For me is always Sundays off. However I am bad about taking some recovery weeks off from my workouts for when I'm feeling fatigue and overtrained. I took 3 weeks off not to long ago for the first time, although the time off felt great I did find myself still doing some power yoga and some low impact aurobics.
For my rest days, I don't ever really "rest". I won't exercise to a video, instead I will walk. I find this type of "rest day" a lot better for the body than actually sitting and lying around doing nothing. I personally believe the body needs to stay in motion. But yeah, there is always 1-2X/week that I lay off the weights and cardio.

I *try* to do yoga 1X/week, but with Xtrain I've been so excited to test out the new vids that I'm slacking :eek:.

I prefer 2 rest days, but have been doing the 90 day program which only allows one and I definitely need one to recover and get prepared for the next 6 days! This is the first day in 7 that I don't walk funny or make noises when I get up.
wow how in the world did you work that much and exercise!!??? Glad you lived through it :eek: to enjoy part time. Yes, I am soooo looking forward to being home more and just getting this house in order!

Well like i saos barley i did it for a while by getting up at 4 then i got so feed up some days.. I did end up about 5 or 6 yrs ago thinking y am i doing this, and slowed down but gained weight and stopped. Burn out. Now i have more time and tryn to get back to where i was.
I have one rest day per week. I try to do some stretching when I'm not working out.
Here is a good article about when to take a off day from This is outside of the planned rest day.

Thanks so much for all the responses. Looks like the majority takes rest days. I will be working on that for myself :)
I'm really bad at taking rest days. I'm curious if anyone else is. If not, how many do you take a week?

On average, 3 rest days.

It's not about quantity, it's about quality. I never took rest days until a couple of years ago. Now that I take them, and several per week, my energy has jumped through the roof, I have less fibro flares, less colds, less injuries, and my moods are much more stable. I love me some rest days- LOVE THEM!!!!
I used to work out 5-6 days a week but for the past year I can't seem to get more than 5 days a week in. That's okay, though. Two rest days a week for me. I actually workout pretty hard on Sundays since I have all the time in the world to work out, and then I take Monday off. That is my scheduled rest day and then the other one usually happens on Friday or Saturday depending on what my schedule is.
On average, 3 rest days.

It's not about quantity, it's about quality. I never took rest days until a couple of years ago. Now that I take them, and several per week, my energy has jumped through the roof, I have less fibro flares, less colds, less injuries, and my moods are much more stable. I love me some rest days- LOVE THEM!!!!

I'm the exact opposite. Now that I exercise every day and take 1 or 0 rest days--I am never sick, I rarely injure myself and when I do it's a pulled muscle that heals quickly because I modify for it. I am more energetic and in a better mood on days I work out than days that I don't--in fact, when I do take a rest day, I feel more sluggish. And the only aches and pains I ever have are DOMS!

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