Good morning ladies! This week I have still been plugging away at the 1RM tests. I need to double check but I think I just have one last set left. I don't remember if I mentioned this before but last year I had created some weight workouts in the workout manager to break down the 1RM testing into workouts that I could use over and over again. I was glad I had done that because it was very helpful! It also saves me from having to figure out exactly which exercises are in the STS vs ones just listed in the workout manager. I think thought that I skipped the last few in workouts 1 & 2 (I have 6 altogether) so I will need to double check that. I have been thinking of doing different non-STS leg workouts so I skipped the leg tests as well. I'm looking forward to getting back to more serious workouts since my sleep issues have returned. I can't seem to shut my mind off from work and things with Tyler especially after bad days like yesterday.
Congrats to Jasmine! 2nd place is great! Glad to hear your shoulder is feeling better as well. I don't know about Jasmine but Tyler is a horrible sleeper. He flips around all over the bed and no matter what the size of it is, he will take up the entire thing!
By the way, I find that KB's really kick my hiney. I need a lot more breaks when I do them vs other workouts. According to RKC, adult women should start with 18lb ones. I had an opportunity to train with some certified instructors last year for free but unfortunately, I didn't have the time to take them up on their generous offer.
I didn't realize that you hadn't preorder Cathe's DVDs. I didn't do that for the LIS series and wound up buying a lot of them later on for a much higher price
. Have you looked on eBay? I bought quite a bit of my collection from there.
I tried several Christi Taylor DVDs from the library. I didn't mind her but I liked Cathe's style better.
It sounds like you are enjoying your new workouts. I'm sure you will figure out a rotation that works for you!
Are all your runs the same length? If I remember correctly, recommends varying the length of your runs each week. It a great site if you haven't check it out yet!
Congrats on the dead lift numbers! Did I see a mention that you are getting a squat rack? I will be super jealous if you do! That's been on my list for a long time!
Glad that your back problems aren't serious! I hope it continues to get better for you!
I gotta run and get the trash out before the truck comes and pick it up. About a month ago, I found myself running after the trash truck with nothing but a nightgown on! Have a great day everyone!
Congrats to Jasmine! 2nd place is great! Glad to hear your shoulder is feeling better as well. I don't know about Jasmine but Tyler is a horrible sleeper. He flips around all over the bed and no matter what the size of it is, he will take up the entire thing!
By the way, I find that KB's really kick my hiney. I need a lot more breaks when I do them vs other workouts. According to RKC, adult women should start with 18lb ones. I had an opportunity to train with some certified instructors last year for free but unfortunately, I didn't have the time to take them up on their generous offer.
I didn't realize that you hadn't preorder Cathe's DVDs. I didn't do that for the LIS series and wound up buying a lot of them later on for a much higher price
I tried several Christi Taylor DVDs from the library. I didn't mind her but I liked Cathe's style better.
It sounds like you are enjoying your new workouts. I'm sure you will figure out a rotation that works for you!
Are all your runs the same length? If I remember correctly, recommends varying the length of your runs each week. It a great site if you haven't check it out yet!
Congrats on the dead lift numbers! Did I see a mention that you are getting a squat rack? I will be super jealous if you do! That's been on my list for a long time!
Glad that your back problems aren't serious! I hope it continues to get better for you!
I gotta run and get the trash out before the truck comes and pick it up. About a month ago, I found myself running after the trash truck with nothing but a nightgown on! Have a great day everyone!