Hi all,
So, has anyone seen the Captain Phillips movie? Craig and I saw it this afternoon - WOW. It was great. It would have been great even if it weren't based on a true story.
My dad's moving back to MO from MT so we have his cat staying with us for a while. She wouldn't eat for a few days at first so I had to coax her with some Fancy Feast

She's used to dogs and our dogs used to be used to cats... however one of our dogs had decided that Kitty must be prey because she keeps licking her chops and trying to get too close to her. we've had to keep Kitty in the basement; it's a finished basement so I go downstairs and hang out with her so she's not alone. My dad should be fully ready and moved into his new house in another week or so -- Kitty will be happy to see him.
It been a crazy-busy week at work. It's all good, though. AND -- my back is finally better - WOHOO!!
I definitely don't mean to be Debbie Downer, on the other hand you all understand the frustrations of muscles and workouts so I'll just spill it and vent. The shoulder/neck are still bothering me. I'm still working with a massage therapist; she says the arthritis in my shoulders and asymmetrical physique (one side higher than the other [scoliosis]) is causing most of the those problems since now my back has finally loosened up. And I'm older now so things just progress. Guess what - turns out some stretching can actually harm some muscles yet benefit others. Apparently there is a delicate balance. Who know that stretching could actually hurt me worse?!
Here's the GREAT news; workouts this week have been wonderful. Pedal Power, basic Triceps work (4 different exercises, 15 reps of each), Party Rockin Step #2, Flex Train (such a blast), glute activation drills (body-weight and banded exercises) and Total Body Stretching with the ball about 3 times. This morning was Afterburn and it felt great - so good to get back to one of my favorite tough and low impact workouts... however I avoided over-head work and instead did inverted rows and reverse curls as a substitute for all the shoulder work in AB. Oh yeah, my favorite of the week - it's also been nice to get back into my hip thrusts
I agree with Elliott that people lose elasticity with age. I'm 43 and I've always stretched. I, of course, am stretching now more than ever with and without the foam roller.
Your workouts are still great, as usual
How's Bella doing with school? How are her lunches going? For a while you were wondering what you were going to be able to pack for her since peanut butter is off limits.
I know it's Canada and all but snow already - geesh! That actually is one reason my dad is finally leaving Montana. He is tired of the cold and the wind; it's already snowed there as well.
I am thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.
I bought Bret's Bodyweight book - love it. It's been interesting reading; I love the layout of the book in general.
France?! Wow! Has he ever been there before? Glad he's home and you two are spending quality time together.
Glad to hear things at home are peaceful
Still enjoying the running, eh?! Glad you're back to enjoying the weight work, too. I can relate to missing that.
Nice job on even attempting PRS#1 - I opened it but am not ready to try it. I want to do PRS#2 a couple more times before going with the hard one
I saw the Boy Scouts passing out bags for people to load up with canned food donations; I thought of Tyler. Does he do that in his troop?
How has your weight lifting been going?
So, what kind of running shoes do you wear? If you already mentioned it I'm sorry I missed it.
How have your workouts been going?
I best get - I have some reading and writing to do. Have a super Saturday!