Push It

Happy Wednesday My Fit Friends!!!! :D
Here is my rotation for this week:
Mon: X10 Double Low Impact premix
Tue: Xtrain Bis & Tris + Core#1
Wed: Great Glutes
Thu: LIS TBT Upper Body Split
Fri: Lean Legs & Abs
Sat: Flextrain
Sun: Hiking!

So far things are going smoothly and I haven't had my good intentions derailed! Gravity was AWESOME!!!!! Possibly the best movie I've ever seen as far as getting me up to my target heart rate and keeping me there :p! Sandra Bullock must be working out her glutes and legs because she looked great! I got inspired and am really looking forward to my first time with Great Glutes tonight! There is also carrot birthday cake in my house ;). Really really good carrot cake. Not too sweet and loaded with fruit, nuts, and of course, carrots :rolleyes:!

HeartyMax, I bet you are going to fly through Cathe's cardio with all the running you've been doing! ;) (I really like the water bottle idea!)

Tasha, of course you know I am a huge fan of yours :eek:, but I have to tell you how impressed I am with your enthusiasm for Nia's program. You must be getting great results because you are putting great effort into it ("you get what you give"-Cathe)!! How is Bella's cough? Is she finally getting any sleep? Are YOU getting enough sleep??? There is a nasty cold going around our building and I am doing everything I can to keep it at bay. I keep thinking I can "burn" the germs out of me with Cathe cardio :p!

Toni, glad you're enjoying your new workout space with new Cathe DVDs!! Your synopsis of Great Glutes has me excited for tonight's trial run! I'll make sure to do a lot of foam rolling and maybe an Epsom salt soak ;)!

Stacie, have you started STS yet?

Jen, DANG IT about your back :mad:!!! Did you get your meds? Are these trigger points that are flaring up? I wonder if the flu shot set things off for you??? Mine really hurt this year, and several of my co-workers swear they have an overall body ache-ness since getting it. I know they say you can't get sick from it, but a lot of people here are complaining about headaches and muscle soreness. Interesting......:confused:

Well, I have 3 minutes left of my lunch (it was a delicious tuna sammich with Wild Planet Slipjack Tuna :D YUM!!!) so I'd better sign off and gear up for the next 2.5 hours!!!

I hope everyone is enjoying their day!!!
Yesterday was FlexTrain. I opted not to do most of the leg work. Doing GG and Pedal Power back to back was quite enough :) I did do all the compound moves that involved legs though. I really like that one. It MOVES!! Lots of great functional moves and a good cardio workout as well. My back is feeling it today!! There were many parts of the workout where I just said to myself...I'll do what I can :eek: I was beat by the end. A combination of not having worked out in a few weeks and also having done some tough workouts already this week.

I was going to do my endurance spin ride this morning, but my quads feel tired. So instead I'm going to just do my Lasics(sp??) stretch DVD. There is a lot of leg work in my current rotation, so I think I'm going to keep this one to a 5 day rotation with 1 day of stretching. Doing split upperbody rotations gives my legs the break they need. Anytime I start doing total body routines I have trouble giving my legs the proper rest. Now that I'm doing 2 leg days it's even more difficult :eek:

I'm so glad to be done with the house project. I really did not like feeling like I was neglecting my kids while working in the house in the evening. Now I'm back to having some days where I can just hang out with them or help with homework. Brandon's 7th grade science teacher is going to kill us...I'm quite certain of it :mad: He is really pushing the kids to be 'independent learners', which in general I don't have a problem with. But he just seems to be moving too fast for a lot of the kids to keep up with. We have been able to raise Brandon's grade from an F to a C(half a point from a B), but it has been a task!! I have to be really careful when I'm fussing about the teacher. I don't want Brandon to get the impression that because I dislike certain things about the teacher he doesn't have to try hard. Sometimes teachers are hard and that just means you have to try harder too. Life is just like that sometimes.

I really like that rotation. Lots of variety and lots of work!! Seems very balanced!! And it has rest days for legs, but lots of leg work at the same time. I'll be sealing some of those idea ;)

I love everything about the changes in the house!! The new lighting is FABULOUS!! I think that may be my favorite part actually...oddly enough. And the decor we picked is so calming and very US. When I walk in the room I just smile, which means I know we got it right ;)

Keep up the good work with the running. Your progress seems excellent!!
WAAAAHHHHH!!!! MY BUTT, HAMMIES, & INNER THIGH are talking to me today :p:eek:!!!
Great Glutes was a deceptive little beast ;)! I did the 62 minute premix with all the segments.The moves bit & stung just like Cathe promised! This workout will compliment a heavy weight leg workout nicely! The DOMS greeted me this morning and I've been rolling what I can with my travel stick. I really need to break out the big roller and tennis ball for the butt though! I am so grateful that tonight is an upper body night :rolleyes:!

Toni, wasn't Flextrain awesome??? I really enjoyed being reduced to a sweaty quivering thing at the end! It's like Cathe put her other metabolic w/os on steroids!

Jen, I ordered Strong Curves!!! Should be here next Friday. I just couldn't wait until Christmas :eek:. I've already put some of Bret's tips to work with my Cathe workouts, so I know I'll benefit from his book. I also ordered Bret's body weight conditioning book for my DH. I'm sure I'll get some good use out of it as well ;)!

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Hi ladies :cool:

I was feeling a bit under the weather yesterday so I decided to hold off my w/o. I feel ok today and was able to get a very decent sleep (I also took a 1 1/2hr nap yesterday afternoon :eek:) so hopefully I will be able to go ahead with my scheduled w/o.

You are far too kind with your words :eek:. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside :). Truth is that when I enjoy something and when there is a challenge/obstacle, I always give 110%. And since I only really train 3x/week, I put forth maximum effort, each and every time. I AM determined to lift as heavy as possible :eek:. I see you are the same way though! I'm YOUR #1 fan ;).
Ya, there is a nasty bug going around. LOL I always think I can "sweat" the germs out of me too :D.
COngrats on purchasing Strong CUrves! I really like Bret :eek:. Are you going to be doing his program or mix/matching with Cathe?

So happy to hear you love the renovations to the house!
Sorry hear hear about Brandon's teacher :(. I'm amazed at how much they are fast-tracking the learning nowadays, even in JK! When I was little, we didn't start learning to read until GR1, and now they want the kids to start reading at 4yrs old :confused:.

Have a great day everyone!
Jen, how is your back doing???? I hope you're okay...I've been worried about you :eek:! Are you able to do any exercise at all???

Tasha, I'm anticipating blending Bret's stuff with Cathe's stuff when I get his book. I LOVE learning about the science behind exercise and think that it gives you a better foundation to build on when you stay current with the science. From what I get from Jen and others that love Bret, they learn how to activate their glutes on a whole new level so that they can get the most from any workout...I like that idea! I want to get everything I can from Cathe's stuff and the fact that Cathe referenced Bret makes me believe that she agrees with his philosophy.

Toni, OMG!!!! :eek: I STILL feel the DOMS from Wednesday's Great Glutes!!! I had to take a rest day yesterday and postpone Lean Legs & Abs till today. I did the bonus barre/abs premix and was surprised that I wasn't completely incapacitated ;)! I'm planning on Flextrain tomorrow, but you never know :rolleyes:!!!

Well, I'm going to kick back with some Tito's vodka and seltzer water and CHILL OUT!!!!!
Hey everyone!! Friday was LLA and yesterday was a rest day. LLA isn't that tough, but you do feel it a bit. It's nice to have a workout that isn't kill me now!! However, I think I will be swapping that workout our for CF this week. GG really does hit almost every part of my leg and I don't feel I need LLA in the same week as GG, Pedal Power and FlexTrain.

Speaking of GG :eek: Did that one again today. And it was even harder than last week :confused: I suppose because I knew the moves and was able to concentrate on form better. I was able to do more reps this week than last, but I fear I may never be able to do all them pizza presses :mad: By the time I get to them I'm lucky to get through 2 sets of 8 on each side!!

Cheerleading competition season is kicking off today. We have dress rehearsal and the first competition is next week. (Nancy - my daughter is a competitive cheerleader :) ) We have had some rocky spots and it always amazes me some of the complaints from the parents. Our new uniforms are going to be late. Folks are not happy. I just don't have the energy to complain or worry about it!! We will have them soon enough and we have a work around. No sense fretting about it :confused:

Yes, FlexTrain is awesome!! I am really big on functional workouts and this is my kind of workout. I'm trying to get my endurance back up before I do another round of STS and this should certainly help :cool: And GG is a booty fryer :eek: I also had DOMS for a few days after. I moved the workout a day earlier this week so I have some rest between GG and Pedal Power. I cannot believe I was even able to do those back to back last week. Not gonna do that this week ;)

Yes, they do want a lot from our kids these days. When my kids first started school, I just assumed I would send them to school and they would come back educated. HA boy oh boy was I wrong!! But I am pleased with our school system and I do feel my children are getting a quality education.
UGH I feel sick today :(. I thought I was feeling better :confused: I don't know what the heck happened. Bella got another bug w/fever and I only slept 4hrs last night :(. No w/o for me today, but I did get a w/o in on Friday which was:

1) 5x6R squats (starting weight a cool 70lbs)
*Did I tell you guys that because of my shortness :eek: I'm actually able to use the TT as a squat rack? I feel very secure loading/unloading the bar at heavy loads under 100lbs. As soon as I go over that (which should be in a few weeks :eek:) I will be getting a squat rack because I have no desire to visit "snap city" LOL :p.

2) 5x6R parallel bar dips (I did my very 1st unassisted dip!!!! I can't tell you guys how tough those have been for me)

5x6R barbell rows

3) 2x25R hip thrusts

Oddly I'm feeling massive DOMS throughout my entire body, especially in my quads, which I rarely/if ever get it there. No complaints though ;).

Was it your b-day yesterday? If so HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
And I hope your back is feeling better :).

Gotta scoot! Have a good one ladies :cool:
Happy Columbus Day (and Happy Thanksgiving, Tasha!)
NO hiking yesterday...rain, rain, rain! So, I had a 100% rest day!
Here's this week's rotation plan:
Mon: Flextrain (didn't do it as scheduled last week :()
Tue: Gym Styles Chest & Tris
Wed: Gym Styles Legs
Thurs: Gym Styles Back, Bis, & Shoulders
Fri: Xtrain All Out HIIT + Core #1
Sat: Xtrain Cardio Leg Blast + Core #2

Hope I can stick with this! I haven't done GS in a while and I'm feeling a little bit of dread ;)! I'm expecting the Strong Curves book to arrive either tomorrow or Wednesday and I'm getting psyched up about it :eek:! I may be adding a lot of glute stuff everyday to the intended workouts because I'm nutty that way :rolleyes:!

Tasha, I hope you get better soon! I know you hate this!

Toni, you are spot on about that DOMS from GG!!! Those pizza presses were brutal! Does your daughter ever do Cathe with you? I'm amazed at how athletic cheerleaders are these days! The competitions are jaw-dropping (a friend of mine showed us footage of her 15 year old daughter competing)! I hope you're geared up for the season ;)!

And what's this rumor about Jennifer having a birthday???? I hope you did something that had you laughing and having a lot of fun!!!! Happy Belated Birthday!!!!

Well, 2 hours until Flextrain...gotta get my mind right :p!
Happy Monday!! Today was MMA Kickbox. I wanted to do something that had some core work without switching the DVD. For some reason I have an adversion to switching the DVD for a given workout :confused: This fit the bill for a workout the day after GG :D Not as many DOMS today with GG, but I'm not complaining!!

I hope you feel better. Being sick is no fun :mad:

Do you change your rotation each week or do you try to go for some length of time with a planned rotation? Just curious. Yes, Jasmine has done some Cathe workouts. I've used Travel Fit with her, 30/20 from TTM, some barre work, and TBT Lower body(the short premix). She doesn't use anything heavier than a 3-5# weight but she does well. This year her gym has them doing a specific schedule, so we aren't doing Cathe for conditioning at home.
Tuesday is upon us...can you handle it???:eek:
Last night's Flextrain departed the station right on time and delivered the goods as expected :p! I really got into the moves and even had to splash cold water on my face after the tricep section! I still have a few moves that I'm working up to, but I did feel more comfortable with everything this time through. I am gearing myself up for GS Chest & Triceps tonight (on no, more triceps ;)!). I haven't done GS since August! Should be interesting!

Toni, I made up these weekly "modules" which are basically weekly rotations that I string together for longer rotations. Depending on my focus, I can pick and choose for "heavy", "metabolic", etc. I prefer monthly or even "seasonal" rotations. While I get used to Cathe's newest w/os I've been going week by week. I'm getting a book called Strong Curves by Bret Contreras (thanks to Jen the Enabler)that has a glute focus; and I'll be incorporating it into my Cathe modules. Then, I'll be designing a rotation to get me through the Holly Daze and deliver into 2014 a better version of myself :p:rolleyes::D!!!

HeartyMax, have you run right off the edge of the earth :p?

Tasha, still sickie :(?????; or too much Thanksgiving for you???;)

Jen, ????????:confused::confused::confused:

Okay ladies...I'm finished with lunch and am starting the GS countdown...3 1/2 hours to go!!!!
Hi everyone :)

Yup our Thanksgiving Day was yesterday :eek:. I'm being totally honest here and telling you guys that I never really eat "too much" on Thanksgiving...never have. I eat as I normally do as my motto is everything in moderation. I never eat past the point of being "stuffed" so I am able to sample a little bit of everything and feel perfectly fine. The food was pretty tasty :p. Finished the meal off with a nice slice of warm apple pie. No guilt here, baby :p;).

I felt ok today and decided to go ahead with my w/o:

1) 5x6R front squats

2) 5x6R push-ups superset w/
5x6R inverted rows

3) 2x25R hip thrusts

*10min cardio finisher*
plyo+firewalker tabata from Crossfire

All those carbs from yesterday must have fueled my w/o well cuz' I felt strong today :eek:.

Thanks for the gooble gooble wishes :).

Oh gosh I forgot about the time! Have to go pick up Bella shortly! BBL for more personals :cool:
Yesterday was Pedal Power(all of it) and today my legs needed some big time rest :eek: I did the UB premix of MM. My forearms are killing me!! It was a good workout though. I think next week I will do both GS UB workouts to add some rest days for my legs during the week. GG and spinning is killing me!! I don't know why my muscle endurance drains so quickly :mad: My strength seems to be ok. I can do almost all the reps from GG and I'm fine during PP. My UB is still at all the same numbers I was before I took a break from working out. It's just my endurance in my quads specifically that has seriously suffered...again I say :mad::mad::mad:

I don't over eat on Thanksgiving either. It's one meal and I hate the feeling of being stuffed to the point of being uncomfortable. There's always leftovers a different day if I want more.

I am totally bad a following my own routine. I NEEEEEEEED DVDs to follow :eek: That's the only reason I haven't looked into Bretts book. It sounds really good!!

Waves to Jennifer, HeartyMax, and Stacie!!
What was I thinking???? You can't do weighted tricep exercises 2 days in a row :confused::p!!! DOH!!! So I only did the chest portion of GS last night. Tonight will be GS Legs in its entirety I'll tack GS Triceps on to Friday's All Out HiiT. I think....I hope...you never know what else I've overlooked :eek:!!!!

So I waited and waited yesterday for the Fed Ex folks to deliver my Strong Curves and Body Weight Exercise books from Bret Contreras and they never came :(...so this morning I tracked my package and it said "delivered" by US Post Office :D....so I ran down to my mailbox and they were there :eek:!!!!! Can you believe I still haven't looked at them yet???:rolleyes: But right after I log my mealplan for today in the Workout Manager I am SO opening Strong Curves up!!! I gave my DH the Body Weight Exercise book this morning as a surprise and he seemed pretty excited about it! I'm sure I'll get some good stuff out of that one as well!

Toni, I seem to remember reading somewhere in one of Cathe's newsletters that cardio/endurance will decline faster than strength will. I wonder if that explains your quad phenomenon??? The good thing is that you'll back to your previous awesomeness in no time ;)! Your are really kicking butt with GG and PP! I'm impressed!

Okay, I'm anxious to get to get to my book so I'm making this a quick post!
Hello to EVERYONE!!!!!
My check in is a little dead now

I hope you don't mind that I post on this one. I did Party Rockin Step today, and I even managed the challenge. Then I did high reps for my legs.
Thanks for the recipe link :p:p:p. I'm always looking out for healthier versions of desserts I love...so I can eat them more often of course ;).
SO how are you liking the book? Bret know's his stuff that's for sure :eek:.
Are you still getting any veggies at this time of year?

I really like the MMA's. You've reminded me that I still own them :eek:.
WTG on getting back into your w/o's :eek:.

Hello and welcome :)

Are you ok? How are you feeling?

Hi :)

How is the running?

Have a good day ladies :cool:
Today was a very humid 3 mile run.

Tasha--I feel that I lost some stamina after only running once last week and being sick. My hamstrings are sore this evening. Just a few more weeks til the 5K.
Last night's GS Legs was brutal for me for some reason :confused::rolleyes:! So much burning!!! But I made strides with form on the stability ball roll outs (no hands!) and the inner/outer thigh lifts with the band.
I have only read several pages of Bret's book, but it had me laughing out loud (I think he's very funny!) and I have already learned A LOT!!!!! I should have some downtime here at work and plan on cracking it open during my breaks.
Tonight I'm supposed to do GS Back, Bis, & Shoulders. I'm still feeling DOMS from Tuesday's GS Chest :p!

HeartyMax, it's tough to get back into it when you're coming off sickness :(, but I'm sure by this time next week you'll be right where you want to be! I've been enjoying Epsom salt soaks when I have particularly stubborn soreness. Very relaxing, and the stuff I use has eucalyptus and lavender in it so it smells heavenly!

Tasha, I actually picked the last of my tomatoes the weekend before last! I had TONS of green ones that seemed to be attracting critters, so I picked 'em and they are ripening in a bowl on my counter (had about 40 of them the size of plums :eek:!). We eat 3-4 of them everyday as they ripen; I will really miss them! I agree with you about finding healthy alternatives to traditional goodies! My favorite one was the Black Bean Brownie recipe that was on the forum a while back. I love the World's Healthiest Foods website and get lots of good info from it (I even bought his book!)! That apple tart recipe seemed to be perfect for the season!!! Let me know if you try it!

Okay, back to work!!!;)
Thank you for the welcome

Today I did HIIR 30/30m and I also went for a mile run. I could not get to the chapter menu of High Reps so I did muscle max for back biceps and tris. I am top heavy, and my doctor told me never to do chest and shoulders I love Cathe's workouts, and now that that stupid government shutdown is down, I should be getting more work. I am so glad I can post on this forum, and you are all wonderful people. Bye the way, my Polar F4 Heart Rate Monitor said I had a huge calorie burn. My boyfriend is coming a little early today, and I am so happy.

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