Push It

Quickly checking in to say there have been no workouts. The state of the house just hasn't allowed it. But hopefully we are only two weeks left to finishing everything. This weekend the fireplace tile went in and DH and I built the fireplace surround. We are quite pleased with it. I'll be painting it tonight. Carpet should be here this week and our furniture next week. Light at the end of the tunnel!!

Have to run. Today is DS 13th BDay. Need to finish baking the cake :)
Sunday I did RIDE but didn't take it to the max; I still wasn't feeling all that great but felt a steady-state low-impact would be good for me. It did help I'm happy to say; It felt nice to do an easy ride and after 35 minutes I was pretty sweaty!

Monday was legs and glutes, just a mix of various exercises.

This morning was 2 Gym Styles workouts, Back/Shoulders and then Triceps followed by Band Walks (forward/backward).

Tomorrow will need to be a Hiit.

I'm glad your shoulder is feeling better, that's a relief for sure! The article I read is really saying to work back twice as much - not an equal amount on both sides. Basic activities of daily living already require a lot of forward-reaching movement which disengages the back but engages the chest. That's one natural reason why the chest is over worked and the back is underworked, not necesarrily because of poor exercising programming. Skewing the amount of back work to work it twice as hard as the chest will help resolve the muscle imbalances.

So glad all is going so well with the house - you will have to show pictures! How rewarding for you and DH to be able to take a step back and appreicate your work.
Happy birthing day to you and Happy birthday to DS13; enjoy the cake:D

Best get to work; have an awesome day!
I'm still on vacation for this week :eek:...it's just a stay-cation this time!:rolleyes:
Since I got back from Shenandoah I did Xtrain Burn Sets C,B, & S on Sunday; went hiking for 4 hours on Monday; did the NC Zoo yesterday (walked for 6 hours...Tasha's dream!); and today I did Xtrain BS Bis&Tris + Core#1!!! I have also been adding clams with a band, one legged glute bridges, and starting today goblet squats everyday a la "The Glute Guy".
Tomorrow we're hitting another state park for hiking and on Friday (our 2 year wedding anniversary ;)) we're going to hike our favorite park again and take a picnic lunch with all the trimmings!
Sorry I've been MIA, but this vacation stuff is AWESOME!!!!!:p:eek::D
Hi Nancy,
Sounds like a wonderful vacation after a vacation! Also, a very happy anniversary to you and your man! The picnic and hike sounds wonderful, a great way to celebrate:D

The zoo sounds great; I went to our zoo last year but that was the first time in many, many years. I think you just gave me a birthday idea! It's not until next month but I've been trying to think of something different to do.

So glad to hear you're still hitting the glutes! He surely is the Glute Guy:cool:

Yesterday I didn't do a hitt but instead did various leg/glute work (including goblet squats!).

I kick-started my workout this morning with body weight single leg glute bridges (2x20) and then moved on to Hiit 40/20. After that it was Xtrain's Bonus Barre and finally Rear Delts... feeling really good:) I topped it off by rolling my upper back on a tennis ball, especially pressing on the rotator cuff while rotating my arm forward/backward (I saw it on a video). It actually felt wonderful!

Sunday after church we are taking the dogs to a park for the Greyhound reunion; it should be a beautiful day and the dogs will love the chance to sniff some new butts and stuff.

Have a beautiful day, everyone!
Hi everyone :)

My w/o today was:

1) 6x4R barbell reverse lunges

2) 6x4R push-ups (I did tricep push-ups with 1 foot elevated for more of a challenge).

6x4R inverted rows

3) 6x4R front squats

HAppy anniversary! Here's to many, many more :).
And yes, hiking that many hours is def a dream of mine :). You know me well ;).

Thank you for the clarification on working the back muscle twice as much. Makes total sense, actually.
I love reading about your glute exercises :eek:. Goblet squats are DA BOMB! I feel like I can get really low with them. About about you?

Happy 13th b-day to your boy!

Have a great day everyone :cool:
Hello. Still no workouts, but I should be able to start back on Sunday. Just wanted to show a pic of the family room real quick. DH and I built the fireplace mantel and I'm so pleased with the way it turned out :)


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What a beautiful fall morning here today: temps in the high 50s; clear blue sunny sky; birds singing; coffee just the way I like it; and a lot of housework to get caught up on :p!
Yesterday's hike/picnic was heavenly...this is really a great time of year in the south! When I got home I did 3 x 10 reps of push-ups and 3 x 10 reps of inverted rows using my door attachment for my bands (too lazy to set up the tower! :eek:).
Today I'll be doing the aforementioned housework and then do a total body workout (haven't decided which one yet ;)). There will also be a 90 minute walk thrown in there, too!

Toni, I LOVE the work you've done on the family room! The fireplace looks great! You guys do good work...totally worth the effort, ey? I love your beastie, too!

Tasha, I'm impressed with your go-get-'em-ness these days! I always get a boost when I see your w/o of the day! Elevated foot push-ups are getting pretty hard core! Your strength gains are admirable!

Jen, I do a modified version of that shoulder move with the ball: I put a tennis ball in an old tube sock of my husband's and put it between various back regions and the wall. The sock gives me something to hang on to so I don't keep losing the ball! It's a trick my Mom showed me...she uses therapy balls for her upper back as well as a Thera-Cane. I usually focus on the area just below my shoulder blades...gets really tight sometimes.

HeartyMax, how is that Rock Bottoms program treating you??? I've been trying to do glute work everyday and find myself thinking about you and all those walking lunges :eek:!!!: now that my vacation is over and I won't be hiking as much I'm going to take things up a notch and try to include those more often!

So, I got my shipping notice about the new workouts and they are due to arrive on the 1st!!! I think the first one will have to be the glute workout :rolleyes:! Can't wait to get a rotation put together with these new w/os!!!

Well, I better get this party started!
Good morning fit friends!

Cardinals beat the Cubs last night, 7-zip:D

Friday was a rest day, but this morning I rocked the glutes:)
Warm up: foam rolled, banded clams, elevated single leg glute bridges.
Workout (3 sets of all): hip thrusts and abdominal ball roll outs;
between bench squats and single leg dead lifts;
cable hip rotations;
cable hamstring push backs;
front/back band walks 'til I could do no more.
Then I busted out Legs and Glutes and put on 5lb ankle weights: did the standing outer thigh raises, elevated single leg glute bridge, lying outer thigh raises, straight leg raises, and inner thigh lifts.

If I get a chance after walking the dogs, cleaning, and errands I hope to try my new Yoga Foundations DVD that I just received. There's been lots of buzz about Travis Eliot's Ultimate Yogi dvds and I really want to like Yoga so I will give it a try. I also ordered his Short and Sweet (something like that) which has 4 half-hour workouts on it.

Single leg triceps pushups:eek: That is awesome! It is obvious that Nia's program works; you are nailing it!

Oh yeah, goblets and between-the-bench squats really enable me to go low; love it!

I'm supposed to get the new DVDs on Wednesday, but I also got the downloads (this time) which should be available Monday/Tuesday. After Craig converts them for me (to mp4 from m4v) I'll be doing the new Glutes workout with you! So looking forward to that one as well as Rockout Knockout - it looks like KPC on Monster Energy Drink!

So glad your hike and picnic was so lovely; sounds very energizing, too:)

Awesome; nice to hear you and your mom take care of those sticky points. Is your mom as active as you are?

Thanks for posting the pic; I will have to log out and then see it, but I'm so impressed that you and DH did the work yourself. It is rewarding!

How is your bottom doing?

Have an awesome day!
Hello ladies!

Yesterday was the last day before my deload week. I was thinking that I would benefit from continuing the Beginner Rotation for another 2 months (using higher #'s from my 1st round). I really want to execute these basic compound movements with good form and get stronger at them before moving on to another rotation. Here is a vid that pretty much convinced me to do so: Do This Workout For ONE YEAR - YouTube. This really resonated with me because he is right. I'm going to stay focused, committed, and kick-butt at this program :eek:. My w/o yesterday was:

1) 8x4R squats

2) 6x4R parallel dips superset w/
6x4R underhand barbell rows

3) 3x10R hip thrusts with 65lbs

Love the room!

We've been having beautiful fall temps over here as well :). Your w/o sounds awesome :eek:.
Thank you for the compliment! It means a lot :). Ha ha I was pretty surprised at myself when I was doing those tricep push-ups :p. This program IS doing wonders for strength, so I'm real happy about that :D.


:eek: workout yesterday. My buns are on fire just reading about it!
I find Yoga kinda funny in that we all have good intentions on wanting to do it because we know it IS beneficial, and yet the novelty wears off fast :D. I always say "I gotta do my yoga this week!". But I never find the "time" to do it lol ;). Colleen from my other check-in has UY and loves it.
Thank you for the link! I am gonna def do that!
Hi Ladies! Sorry I didn't check in much last week. I did get in most of my workouts but I just didn't get a chance to post. As you know, I signed up for a 5K with my coworkers. Well, DH has told me that I should be doing the rock bottoms rotation that I should be focused on increasing my cardio and running 3 days a week. I figured that I could focused on running for October but it has taken me 3 weeks to finish 2 weeks of the rotation so I am going to listen to DH and start the rotation over at a later date. I will say that I could see some changes. I think my legs responded to something different as I don't normally do floorwork. The biggest challenge for me will be switching to evening workouts because that is when I will be able to run. The race is the first weekend of November so I know DH is right and I need to start preparing for i.t My colleagues are doing C25K and I think they are on week 4. They run right after work. I prefer to run with DH and bring my son home so he can do his homework.

This morning was the cardio from BodyMax 2.

Jennifer---I made the adjustments to the rotation to make it work for me. I just couldn't get in double workouts so I didn't worry about it. My schedule was very busy and I just picked up where ever I was when I needed to take a day of unexpectedly. The walking lunges are tough but I definitely think they are part of the results. It is nice for me to see that I don't necessarily have to lift heavy weights to get some results. Now i see why Tasha loves Barre so much. I only did 2 weeks and trust me my eating was not good because my schedule was crazy and then it was TTOM. I would be interested in doing the rotation again or making sure I incorporate the walking lunges and BBW into my weekly workouts.

I hope everyone has been doing well. I have to go back and catch up on personals later. I think I saw somewhere on FB that the new DVDS are shipping. :D
Oh happy day there was a workout today :cool: MMA Boxing just to get me back into the swing of things. Nothing too intense. It felt good to be working out again!!

Ok, so I bit the bullet and went ahead and purchased these mats for my workout space:

Foam Tiles

They were a bit pricey, but they are 1" thick which was cheaper than the 7/8" at GreatMats(they were having a sale). I'm hoping to get lots of use out of them. I think I will feel safe with Jasmine doing light tumbling on these and def all the other conditioning she needs to do. And of course they will be good for my weight lifting needs and some light cardio that doesn't involve jumping.

I think the switch to more running is definitely a good thing considering the race you have coming up. Good Luck with it!!

Are you doing any cardio in your program. Please forgive me if I've asked this before, but I haven't exactly been with it lately :eek:

Do you have a cable machine in our home or are you doing that at the gym? Was just curious.

Sounds like you had an awesome trip!! So glad to hear :)

Have to run. I work from home on Monday, but I should have started by now. Haven't even turned on the computer yet :eek:
It was a beautiful day Sunday; a perfect day to be at the park with about 50 beautiful greyhounds. The fundraiser was fairly successful I believe. Dawn didn't enjoy it like I thought she would and she did snip at a couple dogs so next year we will take Whisper. Craig can take him home early since he's older and needs more rest but at least he does enjoy the other dogs... it's the only place he doesn't have aggression issues. One thing for sure, it is MUCH easier to only take one dog instead of all three since we need 2 cars to take all 3 of them anywhere.

Yesterday morning I did Afterburn and wanted to do it in it's entirety however I needed to have time to try Yoga Foundations 1 so I just did an AB premix - 1 time through.

I think that is the key, actually, for me being able to get interested in yoga - do a hard workout before it so that I actually can rest my mind and relax. Travis Eliot's Foundations 1 was enjoyable; I liked his commentary and his cuing. Unfortunately I had to stop short because of time but I actually am looking forward to doing it again... tomorrow after 40/20 or 30/30 should be perfect.

This morning I did various glute work followed by Burnsets Shoulders and Triceps.

Oh, I have poison ivy! It started Wednesday and after trying topical and antihistamine for days it still kept getting worse and spreading so I finally went to the doctor - I'm on Prednisone. FYI, instead of scratching (sometimes:rolleyes:) I used a hot hair dryer; the heat from it burned but relieved the itch so I didn't tear up my skin scratching it to death. Just have to be careful not to use the hair dryer TOO long and burn the skin.

Beautiful! Love the room and the work you did around the fireplace; very nice! Your dog is absolutely adorable:)

Congrats on getting back into the swing of things; MMA Boxing just rocks:) I'm also very glad to hear about your mats - 1" on sale is NICE!

The cable I use is a SPRI door attachment and I looped a resistance band through it, tubing to be exact. I have 3 door attachments (about $3 each) and they are attached to the hinge side of the door at three different heights; low, medium, and high heights. It is MUCH easier to have 3 in different places than have to keep opening/closing the door to move 1 around (plus our door is tight and hard to open/close). I do different exercises that use the different heights. Specifically, for the low positioned one I use a resistance band tied through it to keep the ends together so I can put my foot in there; that's the one I use for leg abductions and ham/glute kickbacks.

Yep; it is true; squats/lungs are only one aspect of glute training. Frequency but also different exercises altogether that don't target the legs as much! Oh, I didn't follow that rotation to a T, either, so I do understand. It takes a lot of time. On another note, I think the Strong Curves book is a better way to train the glutes than the Rock Bottoms rotation anyway, in my opinion. I learned a lot!

Your 5K is coming up soon, and I think it's a great idea to move to race-training!

It was nice hearing from you!

Don't you love the way under-hand rows work the back and biceps?! Lovin' your workouts!

How are things going - are you and Bella used to the school schedule now? You might make some time for Yoga! I mentioned before but I think the key to it is actually doing a workout first; since your workouts aren't too long you probably could fit in and may even enjoy Yoga Foundations 1 - to me it seemed more about alignment/stretch/relax. I think I'm more determined now than ever, though, to really work on quieting my mind and relaxing.

Oh, no download codes yet or the DVDs. SO gottta go - have an awesome day!
Hi everyone!

This week is my de-load week. My w/o was easy peasy, working at about 65% 1RM.

4x10 goblet squats
4x10 push-ups
15-20 KB swings
4x10 inverted rows
4x10 stiff leg deadlifts

That's it, that's all :D.

Congrats on the new mats. I love, love my mats!
Nope, no cardio in Nia's program. I do however throw-in 1 cardio session each week, and of course I walk upwards of 5 miles each day.

Sorry to hear about Dawn not enjoying her day :(.
Poison Ivy sucks :mad:. Hope it clears up soon.
Thanks for asking about Bella :). She is getting used to her schedule but she still finds it difficult to leave me in the mornings. I have confidence that she will adapt quickly. She has already made so many friends...some of them in older grades too :confused:. They run up to her and say hi, and I'm like "who are these girls and how the heck did you meet them?" LOL :D.
Hopefully you are able to do the Yoga after the w/o's. I also find it hard to clear my mind. I'm more of a go heavy and hard type of chick :p.


Yup, I do like barre that's for sure :). Funny though, I have not done it in months! Perhaps I will do it this week since it's my de-load week.
Walking lunges are da bomb! My body generally responds very well with all types of lunges. Glad the rotation gave you some nice results in such a short time :eek:.

How are you feeling?
ACK!!!!! I LOST MY POST!!!!!:confused::eek::(
I somehow logged off without submitting my post...I think it's because today is my first day back at work and I'm have a ton of work to do!!!
It was a good post too.
Anyway, I'll try to remember some of it:

Tasha, how long are your breaks between sets? How long does a typical workout last?

Jen, thanks for the tips on the door attachment for the bands! Also, I've been eyeing the Strong Curves book...sounds like you like it??? I really like Bret and respect how much science he has backing him.

Tonight I'll do some STS Total Body stuff, the compound premix. I think that will kick the week off well! Tomorrow will be cardio and core.

I'm really bummed I lost that post! I'll check back again soon when my brain is functioning better!:eek:
Hi everyone!

I just did this jump rope interval w/o:
Jumping Rope Workout - 18 Minute Cardio Interval Workout - YouTube
If you do it with an actual rope, it's super hard!
BTW, fitnessblender has some pretty tough cardio w/o's if anyone is interested.

My w/o times can vary anywhere from 45min-1hr, depending on if I add beach work finisher's. I usually do a 10min warm-up, which includes foam rolling and work-up sets of the LB exercise that is on the agenda (deadlifts, squats, lunges). The breaks for LB is a recommended 1 1/2-2min between sets. 2min or more is recommended for VERY heavy squats & deadlifts (not there...yet! :eek:;)) because your HR is up so high and your CNS is working very hard, so the break is needed. As for UB, it is recommended that you take shorter breaks, so anywhere from 1min- 1 1/2min. I usually need 1 1/2min for my UB because that is the weakest part of my body. If I jump in too fast in the next set, I would not be able to give 100% to all my reps. Hope this helps!

Hope everyone is having a fantastic day!
Sometimes the best laid plans.....
Last night ended up being a quasi rest night; just a 30 minute walk. I got home very late from work and decided against STS TB. Regretted it all night long...and some of this morning too :rolleyes:! Tonight I vow to get back on track and will ease in with Slide and Glide because Cathe had an article about it in the newsletter :p!
When I get home, after working out of course ;), I'll tear into one of the new DVDs and preview it with the intent of actually DOING it tomorrow night! There have already been some good reviews on the forum so I am getting pretty dang psyched!
I just got an email alert that Tasha is writing at the same time. So, I am going to submit this, read her post, and then come back!:eek:
Tasha, thanks for the info on your breaks. I asked because I feel some of Cathe's older w/os don't have enough rest time (Gym Styles in particular) between sets. I need at least 30 seconds and prefer 1 min if I'm going heavy. I really appreciated the long breaks during STS Meso 3...definitely need them there! I've been thinking about trying to do the Pyramids in a 10/8/6/8/10 or an 8/6/4/6/8 count and increasing the weights more...I would definitely need longer breaks between sets for that! This sounds great right now, it's another thing when I attempt it :rolleyes:! But I love experimenting and trying to change up the order of things, don't you?

I'll have to watch the jump rope vid...my DH used to use one every day for about 15 minutes...maybe he'd like this type of w/o!

Okay, I'm signing off for now...still playing catch-up here at work!
I added on a 1.5 mile run with DH last night after doing BodyMax in the morning. My body was so tired. I am transitioning to my evening runs so no morning workouts---unless I am strength training I guess.

Just finished 3 miles with DH this evening. The run was much easier than yesterday as I was so exhausted already.

Toni--I want some great mats but I haven't taken the plunge yet.
Hi fit and fab gals,
Yesterday was 40/20 and then I tried to jump into Short and Sweet yoga; apparently I really need to do all 4 of the Yoga Foundations before I can go into Intermediate. I think I will like it when I can eventually do it:)

Today is a rest day since I overslept; I have Pilates tonight anyway so I can probably get to the gym a bit early and hit the treadmill for 20 minutes or so.

I still don't have the new DVDs (got pushed to Thursday from Tuesday) and I tried to download the downloads but my code isn't working. When things settle down I will ask customer service.

OH! I got my desk raised at work! I've been able to stand while working and it has been fabulous. It came up suddenly so I don't have a really good tall chair but I brought in a barstool from home so I can sit for a while when I need to. Already I notice my sinuses drain better (sorry to be gross), my digestion is better, my back/neck/shoulders are straight instead of hunched, I'm not as tired, AND my abs/butt/legs are being used; I really am feeling my abs especially. I am SO happy; I expect that my shoulders will finally be able to pull back where they are supposed to be. I've spent 20 years sitting all day at my job - maybe spending the next 20 years standing is exactly what I need:D

Sorry you lost your post. That has happened to me before, too. I think I hit Preview and then logged out instead of hitting Submit and logging out :(

I learned SO much from the Strong Curves book about how to work the glutes and as you said, he backs it up with science.

I didn't get a chance to read the Slide and Glide article but I love that workout; it is deceivingly challenging!

So glad Bella is doing so well! That's funny about the older kids:D

Sounds like an awesome workout with the jumprope! I wish I had enough height in the basement to use a j.r. but I know it would hit the ceiling and then crash down onto me and I'd get tangled up and trip and fall :rolleyes: How'd you like my visual?!

keep up the good running!

Gotta run - sorry if I skipped anything, I'll double-check ya'lls previous posts to make sure I touched base on everything. Have a super fabulous day!

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