Push It

Hello everyone :D House projects continue. The basement floor is done and the electrician is coming on Tuesday to put in the recessed lights in the family room. We have the drywall guy lined up. The only contractor left to find is someone to handle the fireplace. I have a few contractors that I regularly work with, but not anyone that does masonry work. I really dislike the process of finding someone to do work in the house. All the phone calls, no shows, and estimates all over the place from extremely high to extremely low. It's just tiring :mad: It should be over soon though and the house will be much better for it :D

Anywho....I finished last week with BS CBS, and LBB standing only. I plan to do 6 workouts this week now that my mindset about working out is back to normal :) Today was Circuit Blast, which I love. Totally enjoy that it's functional and that there are NO REPEATS!!

Welcome, welcome, welcome :D You have certainly NOT scared me away!! I've always enjoyed your posts and am happy to see you join. PUB is always challenging for me also. I am rarely able to increase my weights simply because she does so many reps!!

I'm going to have to try some of these different foam rolling techniques. I always feel like I'm tight in different places.

So glad Bella's first day went well. It's always easier when the kids like school. The walking sounds like it will be awesome!!

Stacie & HeartyMax hope all is well with you.

Off to eat...I'm starving :)

This morning I did Athletic Training. During the tubing triceps kickbacks I opted to get on the floor and do Elliott's shoulder exercise.

Before AT I started off with the long Grid. Turns out I like the smaller size because I can lean against it and the wall to do my lats; rolling this way also gives me more control over how much weight to press on my shoulders. It's easier to control the smaller size rather than the larger size on the wall.

I'm not sure what's on tap for tomorrow; I'll have to look at the calendar and see what I'm due for, even if it's just foam rolling and Stretch Max.

Admission here - I was completely confused on the glute bridge and the hip thrust - sorry! Bummer, this means that I have been doing Barbell Glute Bridges rather than hip thrusts:eek: When I saw Bret's video using the barbell and lying on the floor I thought he said it was a different way to hip thrust; turns out he said it was a better way to teach barbell glute bridges. Guess I better start incorporating the ball again for those *hip thrusts.*

It'll be party time when all the house stuff is finished:D Our neighbor mentioned that one of his contractors was a no-call/no-show; I am stunned when I hear such things. So unprofessional!

Nice workouts last week, and Circuit Blast really is a blast:D

I'm sure you enjoyed your hike today!
Nice job starting your day with PUB and Elliot's shoulder exercises:)

Alright, I'm going to bury my head in the sand now:rolleyes: Just kidding. Have a great night!
Today was XT CBS. I am happy to report that I got through the shoulder circles with 3# weights!! I remember not being able to do it with 2# when the DVDs first shipped. Yay for increased shoulder strength! I've always felt I had weak joints so I love the two XT workouts that use slightly lighter weights. They both are very functional for me. I'm going to pull doubles 2-3 days a week for the rest of the month. I need to drops some weight from my recent Pepsi binge :eek: :eek: I'll be doing 20-30 minutes of some KB routine followed by abs. That allows me to shorten my morning workout and get a bit of extra cardio in during the week.

I have not done AT in a very long time, but I remember loving that one. I may have to pull it out again soon :)

Hope everyone is doing well!!
Yesterday's hike was AWESOME!!!:eek: I had a great cardio workout on the inclines (my glutes & hammies had a good workout, too!). When I got home I did the "Elliot Shoulder Move" and felt all the tension drain away from my shoulders! Today I am still feeling DOMS in my biceps from the PUB I did on Saturday! AND I'm supposed to do an upper body workout today :rolleyes:!!! I think it will be Xtrain Chest, Back, and Shoulders only because Toni has been talking about it ;)!!! I have one week to go before my mini hiking vacation and I want to fill it with some good weightlifting! I think I'll do my Xtrain Week Module #1 to get me through the week:

Mon: XTRAIN Chest, Back, & Shoulders
Tue: XTRAIN All Out Low Impact HiiT + XTRAIN Burn Sets Triceps + Core 1
Wed: XTRAIN Legs + Rear Delts
Thu: XTRAIN Bis & Tris + Core 1
Fri: XTRAIN Tabatacise
Sat: XTRAIN Cardio Leg Blast + XTRAIN Burn Sets Biceps + Core 2
Sun: HIKING + Yoga Relax

We're diving up to Shenandoah on Monday morning and I plan on doing Travel Fit when we arrive at the hotel. We'll hike Tues-Thurs and then drive back home on Friday. I'm hoping to fit in lots of upper body work to supplement the hiking...you can do a lot of stuff with a picnic table (dips, Australian pull ups, etc. ;)! The travel stick foam roller gizmo I ordered should be here tomorrow :)D!) so I should be able to keep up with my myofascial stuff!

Now about this glute bridge/hip thrust thingy: I think I'm going to have to watch Bret's video and see what you guys are talking about before I attempt to incorporate them into my routines!

Hope everyone's day shapes up to be invigorating and that I can keep my excitement level for vacation manageable :eek:!!!
It feels really weird not having Bella here :(. I've already utilized my time by doing 3 loads of laundry, prepping veggies for dinner, stopping off at the store to p/u a few things. Now I'm eating my lunch while writing this :p. Next up: DEADLIFTS :eek:. I'm upping my weight to a cool 90lbs for 4R. I can't believe I will be over 100lbs soon! I'm so excited and I just can't hide it :eek::cool:.
My w/o today will be:

1) 6x4R sumo deadlifts

2) 6x4R chin-ups superset w/
6x4R barbell overhead press

3) planks 3X superset w/
1min sliding back lunges w/disc (I'm adding this ;))

3x10R barbell curls
3x10R scull crushers
3x10R lateral raises

Jennifer & Nancy
Glad you liked Elliott's vid! He is my go-to now (along with Nia) with everything & anything that is purely "strength" related. His advice is solid and I've learned SO MUCH from him! I love that he focuses on becoming the "strongest version of you" which is not only physically, but mentally as well. And he ain't bad to look at either ;):eek::p.

House projects are a pain in the bum :mad:. I'm sure you're going to breathe a huge sigh of relief when it's all over.
Congrats on the increase in weights!

I will be back in the afternoon for the rest of the personals! Have a good one :).
Good morning ladies! This morning was most of High Step circuit. I stopped early because I was running out of time and my stomach area was starting to throb a little. It felt great to be working out again but I do realize that I lost a lot of strength and cardio endurance in the past two months. I'm trying not to get too worked up about it because I know I will get it all back if I stick with it! :)

I'm glad to hear the house repairs are coming along nicely! It's always stressful because you never know if they are doing it right but just having extra people around can be a pain. I hope you have it all finished soon.

Welcome to our group! It's nice to have you.

By the way, I went a short hike in Shenandoah years ago. I thought it was really pretty there. It was a weird thing though. I stopped, did an hour hike, then hopped back into the car and kept driving! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

Natasha (not sure why I can't call you just Tash...I think it's because you like a Natasha to me!) :D
I'm glad Bella's first day of school went well! I know it might be weird at first but I think you will start to enjoy the time away once you start getting used to her being gone. All moms need some "me" time!

Great job knocking out AT....it's been awhile for me on that one too! TBH, once Xtrain came out the LIS DVDs aren't used that much. I just like XTrain better -- I think it might be the music!

Hi there! I'm sure you are probably busy with school and such but knowing you, I'm sure you are killing it with the workouts.

Have a great day everyone!
Ok personals...

Love your new signature about the black belt!
WTG on starting back up with your w/o's. You are gonna be at full speed in no time :).
How is Tyler doing at school?

LOL it looks like we both got confused with the glute bridges/hip thrusts :p. The only difference I saw was that the glute bridge is done on the floor vs the step/bench, otherwise it looks exactly the same to me :rolleyes:.
Do you do back extensions? I think I saw Bret showing a demonstration (pls don't quote me on that 100%) where he uses a stab ball and places his feet against a wall and does the extensions that way. I tried them a few times and OMG are they ever awesome :eek:.

I'm so happy your foot is feeling better and you can hike again! It's such a pain when you have limitations that makes it difficult for you to do things you love :mad::(.
Hmmm what will I fill my time with you ask? Trashy magazines, wine...just kiddin' ;). Man I have no clue :confused:. I'm always doing stuff around the house, so there's that. Eventually I would like to get a part-time job until Bella is in grade 1 and then I want to go to work full-time again.

Have a kick-butt day everyone!
Rock Bottoms rotation it is. You may need to check my pulse later in the week. Cardio Core Circuit of all the things was the first workout. Now you know that is total dread factor for me. Thankful for modications for the core. After those 300 walking lunges I almost had to crawl upstairs.LOL.

My coworker tried Crossfire over the weekend. She is an avid runner and biker and total endurance exerciser. She loved the workout and thought it was tough. She liked the disc and bands and felt that you couldn't get bored. She felt it in her quads today. She is thinking of ordering a Cathe workout. She let me borrow P90 a few months ago to check it out and I told her plyo legs was not tough as Cathe. After trying Crossfire she agrees. I probably would have gotten another agreement if she had tried After Burn snd 40/20. She just tried Crossfire and didnt want to keep my workouts too long.
Back to report my double for the day was warmup + kicking combos from KickMax + Med Ball Abs from Ab Circuit. Felt really good to do some punching :D I think my double on Wed will be the Ab workout from RushFit. That thing keeps me huffing and puffing, so as far as I'm concerned it counts as cardio also :eek:

That Rock Bottom rotation is SCAREY :eek::eek::eek: You are a brave brave woman!! Good luck with it. Maybe watching you do it I'll be inspired to try it...maybe :confused:

So glad you see you are doing well and working out again!!

Forgive me for being behind in reading all the posts, but are you doing any cardio with your rotation? I do like the simplicity of your workouts :D

Jealous over here of your upcoming trip :D I love that part of the country...so pretty. Please let us know how things went.
Nancy--I forgot to welcome you to our check in. I really enjoy this check in. It's just a great bunch of ladies. They share some great tips too. WTG on getting in 40 consecutive push ups. I have done the 6 week 100 push up challenge a few times. I have never done the entire 6 weeks as I just max out and can't go any further. I recall getting up to 35 push ups once and have never gotten past 25 or 27 since then. Mainly because I am not consistent. I think I would need to do them 3 times a week to maintain the strength and improve. With so many other fun things to do, it's hard to focus on my push ups. We ladies are just proud to be on our toes. :D:D

Jennifer---as for the confusion---you were working the glutes regardless of what the move was called right. You have been so committed to the glute work.

Tasha---glad Bella is off to a great start. I bet she has so much to share everyday and you can't wait for her to get home to hear all about it.

Stacie---Hang in there, you will get your strength and endurance level back. Remember---it all has memory and you were kicking butt not long ago so it will be back soon. BTW, has your neighbor been working out during your recovery?

Toni---I thought about you when I saw there are double workouts on Saturdays in the rock bottoms rotation. You are good at getting in your double workouts when needed. I have to see how it goes. There is not enough upper body work in the rotation but I just don't see how to squeeze out more time.

Today's workout was Lower Body Blast....after 300 walking lunges yesterday...I forgot this workout starts with walking lunges with weights....:eek::eek: I really think I am going to be sore tomorrow.

I don't have Kick Punch and Crunch and that is scheduled this week. I have to check to see how long it is. I have Kick Box from Cross Xpress but I don't think it's that intense. Do you ladies own both and can compare. I have Kick Max but that is scheduled as a double workout on Saturday. I also don't own leaner legs and that's in the rotation. Not worried about that as I can easily sub PLB or GS Legs for that. I sure hope i get through this rotation with dignity:D:D
Happy Tuesday everyone!! Today's work out was Ride. Nice to be back on my spin bike!! While I can tell my cardio capacity has diminished a bit, I am happy to say that spinning is now so much easier than it used to be :cool:

KPC is approx 70 minutes INCLUDING the ab section. Don't know if the routine calls for that or not. I find KPC to be somewhat intense. Mostly because it just never lets up. You are going for a good long while with all the punching and kicking. There is also one segment that is higher intensity. This segment includes lots of shuffling while punching, which kicks up the heart rate. The other sections your feet are planted, but it's still non-stop. This is one of my favs.

The electrician is coming today and I have someone coming to look at the fireplace. I so hope I find a fireplace guy this week.
Too Happy It's Tuesday!!!
Last night's Xtrain CBS was just what I needed to give my lower body a break! I was still feeling some mild DOMS from Saturday's PUB in the biceps, but for the most part I got through CBS with little discomfort. I did have to lower the reps on the simultaneous front shoulder raises on the ball...I just ran out of gas at 12 reps :confused:! I also had a lot of difficulty doing the push-ups on my toes and ended up dropping to my knees after only a few reps (usually I'm good for at least 8 good form push-ups before dropping to my knees :eek:). Guess I had a low strength day. It made me very aware of how much I have gone backward in regard to push-ups and I really want to work on that ;)! I'm looking forward to All Out HIIT + Core#1 + with BS tris add on tonight!

HeartyMax, way to go with tackling the Rock Bottoms Rotation! I have read some of the comments on other threads about it and it looks grueling! I know Jennifer is a real glute aficionado, too! She's convinced me that I need to work my glutes more and I even signed up for Bret Contreras' freebie newsletter because of her and Tasha! I don't know where I'm going to get the extra time (and energy!) to be working on all the things I want to work on...but I guess I'll figure it out as I go :p! I am very interested to hear about your results with RBR!

Toni, I know you must be ecstatic to be back at the workouts! I toyed with the idea of a spin bike for a long time, but I just don't have the space for it! I thought it would be a good option for my foot...now I have Cycle Max and Ride (and Pedal Power on the way!) still pristine in their wrappers :(! I haven't completely ruled it out...it just isn't in the stars right now! Maybe you can get the electrician to wire something up to your spin bike so you can put that sweat equity to good use :eek:!

Jennifer, I'm hoping to check out some of Bret's videos today during lunch. I see he has a book on BW training that looks pretty good! I just may have to get that for my DH who runs like the wind but shuns serious weight training! My travel stick foam roller is on its way to my door as I type this...I'll let you know what I think of it!

Tasha, 90 pound deadlifts?????? Oh, I know you are feeling like you are "all that" right now! That's AWESOME!!! You are like the poster child for Nia! Are you using your band on your chin-ups? I'm just so impressed with 6 sets of 4 reps assisted or not! I can't do my push-up/inverted row thing until tomorrow (or do you think it's okay to do them the day after weighted work on chest and back???:confused:)...but I have been noticing improvement. I do much better with them as "stand alone" exercises and not part of a big Cathe routine :eek:.

Stacie, I understand how you feel about losing some of your cardio & strength gains due to time off. I've not had to endure the surgical aspects, just the injury/pain aspects which are tough enough. I hope you're grippin' 'em and rippin' 'em like the old days very soon! About Shenandoah, I hobbled through several trails last year during the peak of my PF and agree it's beautiful...I just felt like I wasted my vacation by not being able to hike with my normal gusto. 2 years ago my DH and I took this amazing 1 month hiking vacation to a bunch of the national parks (Glacier, Tetons, Yellowstone, Arches, Canyonlands, Rocky Mountain). It culminated with hiking up Pikes Peak and getting married at the summit :eek:! Needless to say it was the ultimate vacation and not being up to it for a year has really sucked :(! My foot has VERY SLOWLY been improving though, and I have high hopes for this year's mini trip. Our dream is to do the big national parks again someday...I LOVED hiking out west!

WOW!!! This was a looooong post :eek:! Well at least my fingers are getting a good workout this morning :p! Go get 'em ladies!
I ended up doing Work Max yesterday; getting to work early so I skipped my morning routine. I had to get Whisper to the vet after work; he had another corn in his paw that had to be hulled out because he'd been limping really bad all weekend. So it also was Money Max!

This morning I worked glutes but didn't do any upper body with it, only ab roll-outs on the ball. Then I did AOLIH. Oh yea, I'm on a roll with the foam roller; today I pre-warmed up with the Star roller and the small grid on the wall for my lats and rotator cuff:)

Way to nail those doubles, and congrats on increasing your weights for shoulders! Those are really tough to do, and the shoulders loose strength (I think) so fast so it's great to keep that up!

How did the fireplace guy work out?

BTW, those pepsi calories will be blasted away in no time:cool:

Your middle name is dignity so no worries there:)
Do you have 4D Split? There's a simple to do but effective Kickboxing on that one.

I believe I did the Rock Bottoms rotation (February of last year or this year?) and enjoyed it; it helped! Gotta say I do think you will get even better results regularly incorporating barbell hip thrusts and/or barbell glute bridges, cable rotations (glutes are a hip rotator), back extensions, and hamstring work.

So cool that your coworker liked Crossfire! BTW, did you ever get a chance to try the p90x yoga and if so did you like it okay?

I am so excited for you! It's so cool how you plan to incorporate upper body work with your hiking trip:cool: Glad you'll have your roller-thing-a-ma-jig, too:)

Thanks for posting the video, it's funny because that's also where I went to determine the difference! You will love Bret's tips on the glutes. One reason I wanted to give Nia's stuff a shot is #1 it is excellent content, #2 Tash is happy with it, and #3 because it does take time to work the glutes as often as I do so I figured it would be easier to incoporate Nia's stuff with Bret's stuff in a circuit-style fashion.

It's hard to do pushups when the upper body is already sore, so I think you did a great job doing any pushups on your toes!

Yes - I do those back extensions, and I also do reverse extensions; to do the RE I place 2-25# dumbells on the floor and use them to hold on to. If you can find a way to hook one leg and do the one-legged back extensions I recommend those as well! They are super hard as you can imagine.

Nice job on your workout! Planks and sliding lunges as a set - wow, that's some great ab work there!

Congrats on your workout! I love both the High Step dvds and haven't done either in a long time - I will have to move them to the front of the stack, so thanks for the reminder!

Sorry your stomach started to throb:( You are right, though, you will be back at it in no time at all:) Have you tried to do any spinning?

Ok, gotta fly - until later my fab fit friends!
Hello :D Today's workout will be moving furniture, ripping up carpet, and emptying cabinets in laundry room :eek: I've already got the furniture moved and carpet ripped up. My bad wrist is burning :mad: I should have used my wrist wrap when I was cutting the carpet with the box cutter. Oh well. I'm contemplating doing XT Bi/Tri later on, which is what I was supposed to do today. However, the masonry guy is here and dust is EVERYWHERE :eek: I'm finding it hard to breath and I think I'll just skip today and pick it up tomorrow with 4DS Bi/Tri day. That will get me some cardio and strength in one day to keep me on track :D I don't think I will be able to pull anymore doubles this week because my house is in a state of disarray with all the projects. I think within 2 weeks it will all be done and things will get back to normal. Until then I will workout when and how I can.

WorkMax and MoneyMax....you crack me up!! Those are totally good descriptions though!! Our dog broke her leg when she was a puppy $3K for the surgery to correct that :eek: I tell ya these pet bills can add up!!

Any push-up is a good push-up to me ;)
...maybe even more than my foam roller!!!! This baby lets me get my inner thighs, all the angles of my legs, my bis and tris, neck....just about everywhere! Here's the link so you know what I'm talkin' about:
It fits perfectly into my backpack, too :D! I also got a small hard nubby little ball called Rubz for my feet, hands, and pecs (I used a lacrosse ball for a while for pecs but this smaller ball really gets in there!).

Last night's AOLIH was super fun! I followed it up with Core#1, 50 tricep dips, 3x12reps of BW glute bridges, and the Elliot Shoulder Move (henceforth know as the ESM ;)!). I decided not to do BS Tris. Tonight is Xtrain Legs + rear delts. I never know what premix of Legs I'll be doing until I get home from work and see how much time I have :eek:!

Toni, bummer about your wrist! It never ceases to amaze me how a seemingly innocent action can wreck havoc on the body! I think it's a good idea to NOT workout in all that dust...not good for the lungs!!! Masonary guys usually have silicosis (silica in the lungs) because many won't wear respirators. It is not reversible and usually culminates in a horrible slow death (isn't that a cheerful thought :p)

Jen, I'm still catching glimpses of the free Get Glutes stuff when I can sneak it in here at work. WOW!!! I am now on a campaign to put an "end" to lazy glutes. I'll have to take a "crack" at those moves ASAP!!!:p:D
Heya ladies!

My last w/o that I did was Monday and my next one will be tomorrow, so no w/o to report right now (except for my daily walking to school back x 2 :p). Also, it's TTOTM for me and I always feel a bit lethargic anyway, so I'm happy to have had the past 2 days off. Bella is home with me today as I have decided to keep her home every Wed, to give her a break mid-week. She has appreciated the day home, just to rest and relax.

I LOVE that stick! I feel like I would really benefit from it, so THANKS FOR ENABLING ME ;). Tough sell, hun?
Isn't the ESM the bomb?! He really gives such awesome advice/tips.
I am using my band for assisted chin-ups along with my 15lbs vest because the band I got is a little too easy on the assist :eek:. I can do 2 unassisted in a row, and then I use my band + vest for the rest.
Hmmm, I'm not sure it is wise to do inverted rows & push-ups the day after a Cathe C&B workout because then you will be working the same muscle groups 2 days in a row.

Love all that functional work you are doing at home. I'm sorry to hear about your wrist though :(. How is today? I bet you are going to be as happy as a pig in poop when all that crap is over and done with :mad:.

Ahhh poor Whisper :( and poor wallet :(;). How is he doing today?
You are on a roll with your foam roller's these days! I really want to get the one Elliott uses -- is that the star roller you recently bought? It looks like it would hurt sooo good.
Thanks for the tip on the RE. I'm going to try and incorporate it sometime this week :eek:.
How is your class going btw? Did you try anything new?

You are one brave soul for giving that rotation a go :eek:. I was looking at it months ago and I immediately did a :eek: and decided NO friggin' way lol. You must be feeling all kindz of DOMS is places you never knew existed :eek:. I look forward to hearing about your thoughts when it's over.

Have a wonderful day ladies :cool:
Quick check in. Today was kick max. Those leg conditioning drills were burning at the end. Gotta run...DS has a game and we have to make sure youngest gets most of his homework done before we leave.
Good morning and happy Thursday!

This morning was foam rolling and Xtrain C/B/S. I also did some glute work and ESM. *Nancy*, so funny because I was also thinking of an acronym for Elliots shoulder exercise! I'll go with yours:cool:

Last night I went to the gym early and thought I'd do interval jogging on the treadmill but instead just did a decent jog for a half hour on a 1.5 incline; I worked my way up to 5.5mph and stayed there for a while and then worked my way back down, and then a nice 5 minute cool down and a decent 10-minute stretch. Then it was off to Pilates! Oh btw, in the morning I had done some single-leg focused leg and glute work.

Congrats on your new Stick! Glad to hear how much you love it!
A runner-friend of mine recommended the stick to me years ago so I have one. I keep it upstairs (aka - not in the workout room) and I love how it is so portable. It's great for those days when I just want to be upstairs and do additional rolling on my upper back and shoulder blades while watching TV with the hubby. The ball sounds great, especially on the feet:D

What a great workout you did last night - those 50 dips are especially impressive! Nice job with the glute bridges;)

Just a few more days until your trip! I'm so excited for you! Maybe Cathe's Glute DVD will be waiting for you when you get back:)

Ripping out carpet is definitely tough! I am so impressed with your work! Craig did that for our basement and the stairs leading to it, he was drenched in sweat! My simple job was to remove the metal strip on the edges of the stairs with that little L bar thing which I forget what it's really called. I hope your wrist feels better soon!

How rewarding for Bella (and you) to have Wednesday off school:cool:

Whisper is fine, thanks:) He should associate feeling better after he leaves the vet's office but for some reason he just doesn't; he gets anxious and poops:D I guess I can say it literally scares the poop out of him! LOL! It worked out this time because he was also due for his shots and annual blood/stool test so I went ahead and had all that done, too.

Elliott uses the Grid roller, which I have 2 of - the grid 2.0 (full lengh) and the original grid (half-size) which is the one I think Elliott has. The Firm Star roller is from OPTP and I really like it, too; I like these different rollers' intensities for different reasons and am looking forward to the Soft Star roller which is still on back order.

OPTP Star Roller | Shop OPTP.com

Pilates is going well, thanks for asking! I switched the exercises a couple weeks ago and like to stick with the exercises for a month at a time before changing things again, however last week I had everyone do the hip twist - (standing exercise) the band looped around the feet, one heel on a disc, and then push through the glutes and turn the heel away from from the body; this works the glutes as it is a prime hip mover. I'm really looking forward to incorporating the Stability ball into our workouts in a couple weeks:)

I best get going; have a wonderful day!
It's Thirsty Thursday...are you getting enough H2O?????
I have a chime on my computer that goes off every 30 minutes, then I drink 4oz H2O...by the end of my workday I have 8 glasses in me :D!

Last night I worked late and was SO tired when I got home! I'd been doing all kinds of Get Glutes stuff here at work and felt pretty tight in the butt and hammies when I got home. Then I looked at my calendar and realized I haven't had a day off exercise since Aug 29th! I wonder if that's why I've been feeling kind of weak these days :confused:??? I think I considered hiking an "off day" but it really isn't, is it :p! Long story short, I took a true rest day last night and rolled my body and stretched! I moved last night's Legs workout to Saturday. I'll be hitting Xtrain Bis & Tris + Core#1. Of course today I did the Wake Your Glutes Up at Work bit from Get Glutes. It's very quick and it DOES wake up your butt ;)! I've said it before, but my goal is to be able to crack a walnut between my glutes :p:D:eek:!!!

Jen, I feel a need to let you know that those triceps dips were off my bench, not a tower!!!! I WISH I could do those on a tower!!!

Heartymax, way to endure the burn!!! You're my hero right now!!! That is one intimidating rotation!!!

Tasha, you KNOW how impressed I am with your chin-ups! I watched the push-up video on Get Glutes (with the gorgeous Irish girl!) and she demonstrated a progressive push-up where you do as many of your reps as you can on the floor on your toes, then move to a riser and do as much as you can there, and finally move back up to a higher bench to finish out your set...this was all to get to the point of doing ALL the reps without breaking your plank form (on the toes). It seems to me that that is what you're doing with your band and vest with your chin ups! Very clever of you ;)!!!!

Toni, how is the wrist feeling??? Are you still living with all that dust??? Did you manage to get a workout in?

Stacie, how are your workouts coming along?

Okay ladies, I'm outta here for now! One more work day to go after this!!!

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