Push It

DH and I went to a friend's bday party on Saturday nite. Sunday was church and relaxation. I didn't sleep well on Sunday night so no workout Monday. Today was Imax 3 through interval 8 because I was short on time. The step is just too complex in this workout and I dont care for it.

I haven't purchased any school supplies or clothes. I have to get something done this weekend.
Quickly checking in. Very busy week getting ready for school. I'm just sitting down for the first time today :eek: I decided to start 90 day rotation of XTrain. Sunday was MMA Kickbox and Monday was Bi/Tri. I attempted Ride today. Did about 15 minutes of it. I just wasn't in the mood. I'll pick it up again tomorrow.

BBT for personals, I'm tired!!
Good morning!
About to leave for work but wanted to check in.
Yesterday was glutes; I did the premix variety that I did last week along with hip thrusts (clams for a warmup). I also did 15 pushups.

This morning I did STS M2 shoulders, clams, standing cable rotations, and 15 pushups.

Nia Shanks says that if you can do more than 12 pushups it's time to progress to a harder variation. That means decline pushups! I will give those a go tomorrow.

Unfortunately for me yesterday at work I hurt my back; the printer kept jamming (grrr); it's a very large printer that stands about 4-feet tall and 3-feet wide which includes an attachment. I was pulling apart the attachment, bending, twisting, and pulling out a part (I think it was the fuser but I'm not exactly sure); I felt my back just want to crumble. I went to the chiropractor last night but it was still bothering me this morning. It feels a little better since my workout this morning but I need to take it easy. It could have been much worse so I am not complaining.

I agree with you about Imax 3 - it is complex therefore I miss quite a bit of the choreography; I prefer Imax 2 and I get a better workout.

I haven't been in the mood for spinning in a long time. It's just not as interesting to me as other workouts although it's a great workout and perfect cardio for those bad-back days!

Keep us posted on the rotation.

Gotta get to work - have an awesome day!
Hi everyone :)

My w/o yesterday was a 1hr walk outside + my program:

1) 5x6R barbell reverse lunges
*KB swings on my breaks*

2) 2x25R floor glute bridges w/50lbs bar

3) 5x6R push-ups w/12lbs vest superset w/
5x6R inverted rows w/12lbs vest

*10min finisher*
Intensity Low Impact Hiit section

Sorry to hear about your back :(. How are you feeling today? You know I have a tweaky lower back right? I swear to you that all that deadlifting with heavy #'s has helped tremendously with it! I honestly thought I was doomed forever to have lower back pain. I hope you recover quickly :).
Glad you like Nia's program! I look forward to hearing your experiences with the Get Strong w/o's. I really appreciated her vid tutorials as well. TBH, I think my form with push-ups have been screwed up :confused:. I'm pretty sure I flare my elbows out more, and Nia says you should tuck them in to avoid shoulder injuries. Oy vay! I've been pretty much starting from "scratch" these past few months :mad::rolleyes:.

Gotta jet! Have a good one!
Jennifer--hope you are better today. I agree with you on getting a better workout with Imax 2 cause I am too busy trying to figure out the fancy footwork in Imax 3 and that slows me down on some parts. I am just trying to get in one workout a week that i don't normally do.

Tasha--when does Bella start school?

I decided to get in an hour of cleaning yesterday morning instead of working out. That felt really good to do also. My mother in law is ill. She had colon surgery a few days ago so DH traveled home to see her. I'm not clear on whether they think it is cancer or not.

I just finished Bootcamp. That workout is super awesome and fun. I love it. I hope to...or should I say that I better get out and get some school shopping done this weekend.

DS11 has been having knee pain for a while. We had him rest with no playing basketball in the driveway during July and when he started baseball camp it started to hurt again. We took him to do the doctor and the xray was normal and then she referred him to orthopedics. Once the ortho reviewed the xray and examed him, he was able to diagnos DS with one of the knee pain syndromes called Sinding-Larsen Johannsen Syndrome. His bones are growing faster than his muscles and tendons are keeping up with. This has created a stress fracture. He has always been shorter than the kids in his class but he grew alot this past year and I didn't realize how much. I compared his recent physical with the one from last year and he has grown 5 inches in one year and gained 20 pounds. I didn't expect a growth spurt for a few more years. Kids his age usually still only grow about 2 inches a year. Anyway, he has a straight leg knee brace that he has to wear for 6 weeks. Not too excited about started middle school with a brace, but we will help him adjust. The doctor told us that the brace he received was very nice and it can adjust to allow him to bend his knee as needed during the day. The goal is to keep straight as much as possible to relieve the stress. He will not be able to participate on the fall baseball team so hopefully he can get back on the field in the spring. Sounds like the pain could come and go as he continues to grow.
I took off today to clean and organize the house; my dad is arriving Saturday and is staying with us for a while.

I'm going to workout, though; I need a stress reliever. *Heartymax* has inspired me to do one I haven't done in a while and since Bootcamp and Imax3 have popped up I might have to do one of those!

Yesterday I did some glutes; I supersetted hip thrusts with inverted rows. Then I did 40/20. During the Sprawl and Jab I decided to, instead, put my feet on the step and do decline pushups throughout that interval:D I had my feet too far back so I couldn't go down too low, my shins hit the step. Rather than readjust my feet I just stayed there and powered through; it turned out to be to my benefit because I was able to make it through but just barely!

That is a great challenge you set for yourself, doing a non-regular workout a week. I haven't don't bootcamp in a long time and that was always one of my faves - I agree, it is a blast!

I am very sorry to hear about your MIL and your son. I'm glad DH was able to go visit his mom. I'm also glad that the Ortho figured out what was going on with his knee. Wow, he has been eating his Wheaties!

I meant to comment about Bella's cousin. What an awesome boy to be so strong; kids are amazing - no fear. Plus, I just can't imagine being a parent and having my child diagnosed with something so big. Is it your sister's child or one of Mark's siblings? I also am glad that Bella is healthy!

It is tough to start from scratch but I think you will pick up right where you left off very quickly. I do remember your back, and I agree - mine has gotten a lot better since I started doing glute work which includes heavy weight with deadlifts:D What was strange about my back is that I actually did 80# DL from the floor and didn't have any trouble, but I messed around with that printer again and it bugged me. It just must be that one sticking point at that angle at the printer. Anyway, it is much better and it's not interrupting my workouts at all - I don't even notice it! Pilates went well, too. Now I only feel it when I'm laying down in bed and want to roll over, but even then it's not as bad as when it first happened. I'm glad your back is doing better, too! Cheers to heavy weights!

Gotta get - have an awesome day!
Good morning everyone! My recovery from surgery is going ok. I have some very sharp pains when I move certain ways and some dull throbbing now and then in my side. My doctor say that the sharp pains aren't normal and may be muscle spasms but she also didn't seem to care that I was having them and said she couldn't do anything about them. I'm giving it another couple of weeks to see if they get better before I get a second opinion. Anyway, for the most part, I've been doing everything I normally do (even work!!!) except exercise.

I skimmed through your comment about getting music from your iPhone into your Android. I know Apple uses iTunes for everything but I don't have an iPhone so I don't know if you have to have the music on a computer and then sync the library to the phone (like for an iPod) or if you can just transfer the songs over. If it's the first way, did your computer crash and now you don't have access to the iTunes library? If so, I know how to help you. If not, I might still be able to help you...I'll just need more info.

I saw you in the newsletter!!!!! :)

I'm very sorry about your back! :( Are you feeling any better?

It sounds like you are using Nia Shanks program too? Super awesome!

By the way, thank you so much the sweet emails checking up on me now and then. That was really nice of you and I really appreciated it.

What a brave little boy your cousin is!

Is your program one of your own making or are you following Nia's recommendations?

Btw, has Bella started school yet? (I hope you didn't already answer this in a previous post....if so, I'm sorry for asking again). If so, how does she like it?

Toni & HeartyMax
Tyler started school on Monday (only one hour and then his first full day was on Tuesday). It is so time consuming to get all of the school supplies and I only have one child so I feel for you both since you have more than one! I can't believe how much everything costs too now. I spend over $80 on it all. I did buy extras though so we have a nice stash of supplies for school projects, homework, and Kumon work. I hope you both were able to get everything you needed!

Have a great day today and a wonderful weekend!
Last edited:
Happy Saturday!

Yesterday I ended up doing Lower Body Blast, it had been a long while since I last did that one. The floor work part where we are doing hydrants with the band looped around our legs - WOW, that was hard; floor work always is hard, though!
And last night I was able to flip over in bed and didn't have any strain in my back:)

Today I skipped working out but tomorrow will be upper body; M2 chest/triceps and of course glutes which also works my back and biceps.

So... the collage. Michaels doesn't have the thin poster board; they have the thicker-type poster board but that won't work in my poster frame. So I went to Target figuring I could get it there. NO, they only had a couple colors. Today I went to Hobby Lobby and luckily they have card-stock sheets with TONS of different colors so finally I have my purple background. I am glad I can resume working on it tonight/tomorrow so hopefully I will be done soon!

The sharp pains not being normal sound scary, and I'm sorry that the doctor doesn't seem to have any thoughts about that other than muscle spasms. I agree with you that a 2nd opinion sounds good. I really hope they go away soon! I was glad to hear back from you so thanks for replying to my msgs!

I bought Nia's program and am mixing in some of her body weight training.

Does Tyler have a new teacher this year?! How did his first week go?

Bye for now, ladies!
Stacie----Jennifer and I were hoping to transfer our music from Itunes to our Androids but haven't figured it out yet. No problem with the computer crashing but thanks for the offer. At least I know where I can get some advice if I ever needed it. :D:D

Jennifer-I did LBB recently and yes those hydrants are no joke. I can't wait to see a picture of our collage.

This weekend was very busy. DS15 had football practice. DS11 and I squeeze in some back to school shopping while he was at practice. Then we picked him up and I took DS11 to saxophone lessons and then I took DS15 to do his shopping. I was totally exhausted by the end of the day. Did a little more shopping on Sunday along with some grocery shopping. The boys and I cooked dinner and just hung out around the house acting silly and watching tv. It was fun. DH returned from his trip yesterday. His mom is recovering well.

This morning was Cardio Fusion. That is such a fun workout.
Hello everyone :)

Busy weekend for us! On Sat we attended our town's yearly festival called the Carrot Fest. Apparently our little city is the carrot capital of North America/Canada, or something along those lines lol. Afterwards we went to visit the in-laws in Hamilton (near Niagara Falls). That turned out to be a very looonnngg day. On Sunday we spent the afternoon at the beach. The temps have been very balmy lately. How is the weather for you guys?

I still got my scheduled w/o's in, surprisingly. On Friday I did my Nia Shank's program:
1) 5x6R squats
2) 5x6R parallel dips superset w/
5x6R barbell rows
*10min beach work*
2x10R bicep curls
2x10R kickbacks
2x10R rear delt fly's

Yesterday I did 30min of Tabatacise + 30min of Plyo Legs. OMG my butt is DOMS'ing hard today!

How are you feeling today? How odd of your doctor not to care that you were having sharp pains :confused: especially since she told you they were "not normal". I've had bad experiences with doctors :rolleyes:. Getting a 2nd opinion if the pain continues is def a wise decision. I hope you continue to have a speedy (and painless!) recovery.
The program I'm doing is from Nia Shank's Beautiful Bad A**. There are 19 rotation/program's. Right now I'm doing the Beginner Program that is 3X full body w/o's.
Bella starts school in Sept. How is Tyler's new teacher so far?


Bella starts school in Sept :).
I'm sorry to hear about your DS :(. I hope the brace works well for him so he can participate in baseball next year. Poor little guy :(
Glad to hear that your DH's mom is recovering well.

Glad to hear your back is feeling better :). You are right about moving the "wrong" way doing something not exercise related, and getting injured :rolleyes:.
The little boy with Leukemia is my 1st cousin's son.
Great idea about doing decline push-ups during the sprawl and jab! And Hip thrusts superset w/inverted rows :eek:. WTG!

This morning I didn't have a lot of time so I did the floor work and bonus of B&G (again), but I stopped after that. I used 5# ankle weights and let me tell you, I am already feeling my inner thighs!

Yesterday I changed the plan from upper body... Super-setted three sets of hip thrusts (20) with inverted rows (10) and pushups (10). Then I did Afterburn:D

SO, tomorrow definitely will be STS Chest/Triceps and possibly shoulders... it depends on how much time I have and how my shoulder feels after chest. I'd like to get a HiiT workout in, too.

BTW, Craig has a vest that goes up to either 60 or 80 lbs; I plan to pack on 20#s the next time I do inverted rows because I prefer to make them harder rather than do more reps. The TT is in my workout room but the chin/pull-up bar is upstairs; to make it convenient I will stay with inverted rows downstairs on the TT.

I literally taped one picture to the purple background (ONE) and actually ran out of tape! I just laughed because it was absolutely crazy! I had been to 2 different craft stores plus Target within a week, and didn't think I needed any of the photo tape:eek: Anyway, I took a picture of the collage and posted it on my profile page (somehow it's upside down:rolleyes:).

Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Long for sure, but your beach and Niagra Falls and the Carrot Fest all sounds like a blast:D I never even thought about carrots being prime anywhere but that is interesting:cool:

Your workouts are awesome, way to go on Tabata and plyo! Enjoy your DOMS:D

One more thing, I'm sure you have plenty of ideas but on Pinterest I found a lot of lunch box ideas for kids, being back-to-school time, and I repinned a bunch of stuff. I was thinking about Bella:)

So glad your MIL is doing okay and that DH is back at home. Wow, you sure are a busy woman! How is DS11's knee doing? The saxophone is a great idea; it probably helps keep his mind off basketball.

You were the one who gave me the reminder about LBB, so thank you:D

Love your avatar, BTW:D

Hi Stacie, hi Toni

Gotta get; my dad's in town and he and Craig are waiting on me to watch a movie. Toodles!
Jennifer--DS knee is doing okay. The brace is keeping it straight to allow the stress fracture in the knee to heal. DS is not complaining at all so I think he understands the importance of wearing it all day. He puts it on as soon as he gets up around 9 (at least that's what he tells me:D) and wears it until about 8:30 at night. He is such the trooper. He will be attending school with me this year. BTW--did I tell you that I am also his counselor because I have 6th grade this year.

Tasha----This metro area seems to be split about the first day of school. About half in this area start the last week of August and the other half start after Labor Day. My boys return on Monday.

Stacie--What grade is your son this year?

Yesterday was a stressful day at work. We were hoping to get approval to add a teacher to our staff but it was not approved. Therefore, I worked 2 hours late to try to make adjustments to the schedule. My principal was very disappointed but he is such an awesome guy and he figured out how to make it work. Classes will be larger than we would prefer, but we have to smile and keep moving. I came home and had 2 glasses of wine :D.

Today's workout was After Burn. I was not feeling like a warrior but I got through--thankfully for the pause button and modifications.
Hello everyone :)

My w/o Mon was:

1) 5x6R deadlifts 80lbs!!!!

2) 5x6R chin-ups superset w/
5x6R barbell overhead press

3) 3x planks

*10min beach work*
3x10R db hammer curls
3x10R db tricep kicks
3x10R db upright rows

This is my final week of phase 1 and then I have a deload (aka recovery) week. Only 4 weeks in and I am seeing noticeable changes, especially in my legs & glutes. I'm excited about this because, even with BB, I saw little change in the definition/size of my glutes and thighs. Here is an excellent video: The ONLY 4 Exercises You Need to Grow Stronger - YouTube. I will confirm everything he says here because I'm pretty much only doing these 4 exercises and seeing results in strength, as well as aesthetically. Glad I did Nia's program :).

How are you feeling???

Great jobs on adding in those push-ups and inverted rows! I agree, making the inverted rows harder by adding weight is the best way to go. I only add 12lbs and I'm dying! LOL
Thanks for reminding me about all the tips on Pinterest! I WILL check it out soon :). Some of the stuff I find is just too over the top for me :(. I'm not the type of mom who will make cartoon character's out of veggies and fruits :rolleyes:. That just ain't my thang ;). But some stuff is actually easy and doable for my simple mind :p.
Hope you had fun with your dad! Does he live far from you?

Sorry to hear about the teacher thing at work :(. That must have been really stressful for you, but I'm sure things will work out in the end :). As my grandfather used to say "wine makes everything fine". LOL :D:p;).

Have a kick butt day!

Yesterday I only did STS Triceps along with the Rear Delts, and then some glute work including the Xtrain Barre section -- I can feel my calves today:)

With the glute work I supersetted (again) with hip thrust/inverted rows/pushups. I did not use the vest -- I was in a hurry and didn't want to take the time to pull out the weights from the vest so instead I crossed my legs rather than keeping them extended -- that weighed me down more than I expected quite frankly. I suppose I could have been over-zealous with my throught of using the 20# vest:rolleyes: However, I have not felt any DOMS from the inverted rows and I still feel like I need to test out that 20# vest;)

Today I did STS Chest and then part of Shoulders (lateral raises instead of overhead presses). After that I did Tabatasize 1-4 (thanks, *Tash*).

Tonight is class; they are loving the loop resistance bands - they love to hate them:D I'm also having them use sliding discs for ab work; mountain climbers and pushout slides (like a one-arm roll out).

That is SO AWESOME about your results!
Congrats on your 80# deadlifts! I knew you could do it!
Congrats on the buns and thigs, improvement in those areas really take a lot of trial and error, I think especially since everyone's body is different, plus they are hard areas to change. And hey - summer is not even over yet;)

Thank you for posting the video - I will have to check it out!

The lunchbox ideas -- some are super creative for the Martha Stewart types but there were a lot of general, good ideas; I'm in the same category as you -- not making little animals out of eggs and fruit!

My dad lives in Montana, about a 2-day drive away; he drives instead of flys. He is still staying with us; he always says he's coming for a week or so and ends up staying for 2 weeks but I'm not sure what his plans are this time. He used to live here and grew up here so he stays with us and goes visiting his friends and other family while he is here which is nice because I don't feel guilty for going to work.

Sorry to hear that the additional teacher didn't happen but it sounds like you and principal are handling it with stride. And wine:D

Congrats on Afterburn even if you didn't feel like a warrior (LOL!). You are one simply because you did it and didn't quit!

I'm glad your son is taking the brace seriously; I'm sure your teaching him responsibility has a lot to do with it! Just wondering, do you think it will be awkward counseling him?

How are you feeling?

How are you doing?

Gotta scram; have a great day!
Hope everyone is having a great w/e :)

Yesterday was my supposed to be my "rest day" but I felt very energized and strong, and had a craving to do some step aerobics :D. I pulled out Step Moves. I have not done that one in a looonnng time! I was a bit rusty with some of the moves :eek: but not too shabby ;). I left the w/o a happy camper :).


Ya, 20lbs is very challenging for those rows! That's why I'm using 12lbs, and even that kicks my booty :eek::D. Don't you feel that exercise to be very empowering? Something about lifting myself up to a bar makes me feel so bad a$$ :eek:.
I'm so impressed at how you've been so creative with your class! Breaking out the loops and discs :eek:. That's awesome!
It's good your dad still visits friends and family while visiting, and does not depend on you to entertain him the entire time :D.
You're right about having to find out what works for us. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to exercise...or anything, really. Trial/error, being patient with yourself, is SO important!

Bye bye for now :cool:
I hope everyone is doing well! Where the heck has everybody been? Hopefully having a great week/weekend:)

There is a free daily workout app (TONS); arms, butt, cardio, there is even a tabata timer! Yesterday I tried the Daily Butt workout; it was better than I expected. You choose how long - 5 or 10 minutes - and then you select which workout (1-4 or by exercise). Basically you do each exercise for a minute.
Squats, lunges, side lunges, back extensions, donkey kicks, frog legs glue squeezes. After that I did 40/20. I spent the majority of the day cleaning and making several trips up/down the stairs for many loads of laundry... all the dog beds and blankets plus some clothes. It was a very productive day over all.

Thursday I took a rest day.

I'm really enjoying the STS program; earlier in the week I did triceps and rear delts; the next day I did chest and lateral raises. I also did my superset of hip thrusts, inverted rows, and pushups. I did not use the vest; instead I crossed my legs which really increased the weight (instead of keeping my legs long and resting on a bosu). My next step will be to wear the vest.

Guess I best get; have a great day everyone!
Hello everyone...I am alive :D Sorry I've been MIA. To start with it's August :mad: The parent meetings and school prep are just endless. And the number of times I need to be in 2-3 places a once is not fun :mad: Wed Brandon has a football game at 4, Jasmine needs to be at cheerleading at 5, and there is a parent meeting for 5th grade at 7. Each of these things is in a different suburb approx 20 minutes between each :mad::mad::mad::mad: Thank goodness DH is home on Wed and can take Jasmine to cheerleading practice. I can handle the rest if I don't have that to do.

Additionally, my house is in a bit of disarray. Back in July the basement flooded, so we are having the floor redone. The insurance company cut us a really big check, so we added our family room fireplace to the list of projects. The fireplace was a red rustic brick(beyond ugly). That has been removed(think dust!!). So right now I have all the furniture from the basement in my exercise room and exposed studs in my family room :D And I can feel dust in the air still. I think I'm going to buy an air purifier today to help with that. I think it will take about a month to get everything put back together. We need a gas line re-routed, recessed lights installed, and drywall work done. So my workouts are somewhat cramped. But I am trying to workout at least 3-5 days a week. Mostly keeping up with my strength work and doing a 30 minute cardio session here and there.

Last week I managed XTrain CBS and Bi/TR + LBB standing only. Today I did XTrain Legs standing portion only. I figure something is better than nothing and I really don't want to loose my strength gains.

You sound like a BEAST with your workouts!!! It's nice hearing about all the different types of programs you are doing. They are all so different.

I really like STS also. I'm definitely going to go back to that once I have my workout space back and finish my XTrain rotation. I am thinking that Cathe's new workouts are going to fit in well with XTrain, so I'm looking forward to that.

Hope you are feeling better!!

Thanks, I am trying to keep everyone interested and challenged in class. Frankly, I also need to be interested in class in order to stay motivated; teaching the same thing week in and week out gets boring and dry after a while. I am excited to tell them about the free fitness apps that I discovered - they may already know about them but just in case. I always like to bring them new information:)

I need to give my neck/shoulder a rest so unfortunately I am skipping upper body this week. I am hoping to not need a myofascial massage. There is a new kind of foam roller that I want to get that's supposed to be better for myofascial relase than the rumble roller and the regular foam roller. It's not too expensive and I hope to have it by next week.

Since I'm taking a bit of a break the only things I've done the past few days are a little cardio (40/20 on Saturday, Slide and Glide yesterday) and body-weight glute exercises... single leg glute bridges, various forms of clams and abductions, turbo barre's firewalker band segment (I did that section 3 times each side yesterday!), & front/back band walks

Then today's workouts were Hot Flash Ups and Downs (which include various planks on hands and toes) and Hot Flash Core (which has some glute work in it). Yep - more butt work, I know.:rolleyes: I am going to get rid of these saddle bags once and for all. I'm happy with my results so far but I am not finished working on progress. I know it's all about the journey so it is a good thing that I enjoy working this area:D Cathe's new set of DVDs has a spinning tabata that I am really looking forward to; adding that to my routine will surely help those darn saddle bags. I'm also especially interested in her new glute workout of course!

I agree, inverted rows and chinups are very empowering! I'm looking forward to getting back to those and pushups!

Wow-wee, Toni!
So sorry to hear about the house; what a bummer! Glad you are able to get a fireplace now:cool: That sure did work out for your favor!

With everything that is going on -- activities and the house - I am proud of you; you dedicated time for yourself and your workouts and that it awesome! It is so important, especially since you have worked so hard to get where you are!

Heartymax and Stacie -- hello!

Have an awesome day everyone!
Hello ladies :cool:

Yesterday I did an indoor 4mile walk and then Bella and I took a short 40min walk outside after it stopped raining. For my indoor walk, I found these really cool virtual treadmill/walking video's! You can walk (I average a 4-5mph pace) while looking at beautiful scenery from all around the world. I downloaded Isle Of Capri, which is in Italy: ISLE OF CAPRI ITALY TREADMILL VIRTUAL WALK DVD FROM ANACAPRI ON THE AMALFI COAST. OMG absolutely breathtaking!

I'm sorry to hear about your basement flood :( but I'm glad that the insurance company is covering it.
3-5 w/o's is plenty to keep your level of fitness/strength gains :).

Let me know about the new foam roller pls! I have been seriously impressed with mine :eek:.
Glad you are enjoying STS!

Sorry to cut this short but I gotta roll! Have a great day everyone ;)
Hi Ladies! My post yesterday didn't go through and I didn't get a chance to do it again. The first day of school went well. DS11 didn't admit to being nervous but he sure did look it. His first two days went well. DS15 is playing football again and has been weight training all summer. There are several people that he knows who are not academically eligible to play sports this fall so I hope he sees why we remind him to focus on his school work first. We want to see him play sports in the winter or spring too because DH and I feel that it pushes him to do better. When he doesn't have practices after school, we find that he doesn't study anymore than usual. Wishing----Hoping-----Praying for a good year with both boys. I will be the big 45 tomorrow!!!! DH keeps asking me what I wanted to do but it's a weekday and the first week of school is just so exhausting. I am going out of town this weekend of a reunion with my sorority college chapter so I am looking forward to that. Due to football season my husband has to stay so DS15 can do his scrimmage game. Then we will meet up on Sunday for a family event that we had planned to attend before this reunion. Therefore, my weekend is busy.

Monday was Xtrain Bi's and Tri's. Tuesday was "SleepMax" and Today was Tabatacise.

Toni---sorry to hear about your basement but you got a good deal since you are able to do your fireplace. You hate to say there is a good side---but at least something good came out of it.

--Is Bella excited about going to school?

Jennifer---found a fitness app huh----guess you are having fun with your smartphone.

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