Push It

For some reason I keep getting an error as I try to add pics to the album. I will try later.

Toni--I forgot to say that I am very happy for you and DH. I like what you said about being able to deal with family problems but just don't like the standing still. You kept a very positive attitude through all of this. This GREAT news for your family.
Hello ladies :)

My w/o yesterday was a 3 mile indoor walk + D1 of Nia Shank's beginner program from BBA. Very simplistic format: 5x6R Deadlifts, 5x6R chin-ups super-set w/5X6R barbell military press, 3X planks (as long as possible). Nia say's that I have to get out of the "fatigue" mindset -- not leaving the workout in a pool of sweat wanting to die. I'm supposed to finish the w/o's feeling refreshed, wanted to do more. Yup, I actually wanted to do more! I ended up fiddling around w/my foam roller :D. OMG that thing hurts sooo damn good :eek:. Regarding the deadlifts, I'm doing the version where you pull the bar off the ground. I don't have much experience with that version, so I'm trying to get the form right.

Did I tell you guys that I got a really good deal on a pull-up tower/dip station! Since doing unassisted pull-ups is a goal of mine, I feel as though I really needed this piece of equipment. Can't wait until it arrives! Right now I'm subbing inverted rows on my TT with my feel elevated on a high step.

Hearty & Jennifer
So happy both of you had such an awesome time! You both looked fabulous :). Love the pics of both of you and Cathe!

Hope you are able to upload the pics to your album.


I LOVE KCM LIFT! It makes me feel so strong and powerful!

I'm so happy to hear DH is moving back. I truly hope things turn out well for you and your family :).
OMG I have always wanted a gecko! Those little guys are SO darn cute! You'll have to post some pics :eek:.

Gotta scoot! Have an awesome day ladies :cool:
I was able to add the pics to my album later yesterday. I finally got it to work. I have been wanting Bootcamp/Muscle Endurance so I purchased it on the RT. I was very excited and had a hard time figuring out which one to do this morning. I decided on Bootcamp and wow is that a butt kicker. Love this workout. I don't do circuits a lot but I think I will be doing this one.

Tasha--congrats on your new equipment.

Jennifer---Why didn't you tell me that I totally embarrassed myself??? On the last day when Cathletes could go to the circle to share their favorite workout move. Well I thinking about having a turn and I knew I had to decide quickly as things seemed to be coming to an end. As I headed to the circle I saw the small group of ladies come out so I went to turn around and ask the lady taking the pictures what Cathe said because I didn't hear her. She told me to go ahead and join them which I did and turns out the move that they were doing was one of them I was thinking about doing. Well---I watched the video yesterday and Cathe said she had a request for Mother/Daughters so there I am out there in the middle of the mother/daughters. I felt humiliated at the computer as I watched it so I wonder what everyone else was saying about my happy self doing my thing with Cathe all at the wrong time....LOL

I had a Cliff protein bar for the first time on the road trip. It was huge so I couldn't eat it all. It was very filling. Question for you ladies----do you think it would be okay for me to get some of these for my DS15 to have during the school year before football practice. I noticed they have Cliff Energy and Cliff Builders. Since I don't know much about protein bars, I wanted to come to the people I can trust:D. Share your thoughts.
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Good morning! I woke up nice and early and refreshed so I was able to do a long-ish workout.

Glutes/Triceps/Shoulders. I'll break it down:

Clams (warm up; 20 each side);
Hip Thursts (3x25 from the floor with a #70 barball);
Deep front squats (3x20 with 1 35# dumbbell);
Straight leg dead lifts (to the knees, not from the floor; 2 35# dumbbells).
Standing cable roations (3x25)
Standing cable abductions (3x25);
Band walks (front and back until I couldn't do any more!).
Time: approximately 45 minutes.

I followed that with Triceps and Shoulders from Burnsets.

Tomorrow I will do Chest (Burnsets) and another round of glutes, but tomorrow glutes will be single-leg work (elevated lunges, single leg glute bridge, single leg dead lifts, single leg back extensions as well as kneeling cable rotations, and hamstring kickbacks.

I am waiting until the weekend to start Meso2; finally I'll be able to experience what you all have already experienced!

Woo hoo! Congrats on your pull-up/dip station! That will be awesome!

I know what you mean, too, about getting used to feeling dry and refreshed after a hard workout! The Glute program started out like that for me but after a while I took it to my own next level... did twice the amount of work. It's paying off, though:)

It's cool that you're doing the deadlifts from the floor:cool: You're very inspiring! Currently after my last set of hip thrusts I have to lift the 70# barbell off the floor v-e-r-y carefully and only once.

I had no idea that it was Mothers/Daughters! That is so cute! Don't even worry about that, you did not embarrass yourself! In fact, when I saw you in the center I just thought it was awesome that you were out there with a group! Had we not gotten separated I would have gone out there, too! LOL! And I know I've mentioned it before but it was so wonderful to finally meet you!

I think it would be fine for DS15 to have the Cliff Builder protein bar or the Energy bar. He needs both energy and protein because he's busy and an athlete; he needs to be able to focus especially when he's active. You may want to consider taking him to a nutritionist to see what might be ideal for him.

I just looked up the Cliff ingredients and they look nutritious.

By the way, I had no trouble eating my entire Builder's bar! They do have a Builder's bar Mini which is half of everything. Also, I really like the peanutbutter Balance bars. Just the regular ones, not the Gold Standard or other specialty Balance bars. They have a Balanced caloric ratio -- 40% of calories from carbohydrates, 30% from protein and 30% from dietary fat -- about 15 grams of protein.

How is the Gecko?!

Gotta get - have an awesome day!
I must admit that I have enjoyed being able to do my workout a little later since I have been off work these few works. I usually start my workout around 6:30 or 7:00 during the summer time off which is nice. I try not to start it too much later so it won't be too hard for me to adjust back to getting up around 4:30-4:45.

Today's workout was Cathe's intensity. That Hi Hiit is tough but I hung in there. I added on about 5 minutes of a variety of planks at the end.

A lady on the RT told me that I had nice legs. I just melted inside and said thank you. I didn't go into "oh I'm trying to lean them out a little"...I just accepted the compliment like I should because I am grateful that I can wear shorts because I do like wearing them during the summer. :D

---you are going to have some tight glutes!
Good morning,

I finally am ready to upgrade to a smartphone! Due to finances I may go with one that's offered for free with a new 2 year signup with Verizon (I have to stay with them because of Craig). However I might buck up, depends on price; I have heard a lot of people really like the Droid but I'm also interested in an older model iPhone and a newer model Blackberry. I really like having a regular keyboard (Blackberry). Galaxy also has a keyboard (I believe). Texting, camera, and internet (forum/facebook, some apps) are my main interests. Any thoughts? I am going to look around this weekend.

So, my workout today -- sort of hit my planned schedule...I really needed some extra sleep today (rainy weather makes it so hard to get up) so I didn't have time for both the workouts I planned to do. Since I can do pushups tonight in Pilates I decided to hit glutes this morning:
20 side lying leg lifts (warm up);
single leg elevated hip thrust (6 risers) 3x20;
elevated lunges (6 risers, 2x20# dumbbells) 3x20;
single leg dead lifts (2x30# dbs) 3x20;
single leg back extensions 3x20 - hoping to get better at them SOON, they are so hard on the hams;
kneeling cable rotations 3x20 - I have found these to be more effective without locking the toes into the floor and instead keep the shoe laces on the floor.
(Total time - approx. 45 minutes).

My chest got somewhat of a workout with the cable rotations; my back also got a nice workout with the deadlifts and back extensions; forearms - well, you know how they worked!

In Pilates tonight we are going to use sliding discs in addition to the bands and rollers:D I love to keep them guessing and engaged!

You DO have nice legs! I hear ya', too, about simply accepting a compliment:)

Great job on your workout! I love Intensity and haven't done it in quite a while. I will have to get it on my calendar!

LOL, I do plan to have a tight set of glutes and solid thighs one of these days. Seeing progress has been wonderful and wonderfully motivating!

Hope all is well Tash, Toni, and Stacie!
Jennifer--I recently got the Galaxy 4. I went with this one because of the 13mp camera. I often get a phone when a newer model comes out so I can get it heavily discounted. I didnt do that this time because of my interest in the camera but trust me I usually go for free or about $50. I normally carry my Canon SLR like I did for the RT but I like to be able to take some pics with my phone too. I have concluded that nothing tskes pics like a good ole camera. I had the Iphone 4 before this one. It doesnt take good pics in my opinion. The 4s takes better pics. Depending on the special, you can find a Galaxy 3 for free also and its a much newer phone than Iphone 4. The galaxy is bigger than iphone so I like that too. Im not sure if this info helps but you do have some good options to choose from. Good Luck. I do love having my smartphone so when I travel I have access to the internet.
Hello ladies :)

My w/o yesterday was a 40min walk outside + 20min of this kickbox vid from the Jessica Smith youtube channel: Kickboxing, Free Workout Video: Kickboxing for Weight Loss - Full 15-Minute Fat Burning Workout - YouTube. It was really fun!

I got my chin-up tower! Hopefully this w/e Mark will be able to put it together. I can't wait to try it out!

Ok, so I did something that I hopefully won't regret. Upon careful consideration, I decided to cancel my pre-order for Cathe's newest. TBH, the new w/o's don't really appeal to me :(. The only one that I'm really interested in is the step w/o, but I can always buy that one as an individual download later on. But I look forward to hearing all of your experiences with them tho!

I'm just now starting to graciously accept compliments -- they have always made me feel a little awkward. Your legs look great girl, so take the compliment and feel damn good about it! ;)
I don't see any problems with the Cliff bars for your DS. Heck, I sometimes eat them myself :p.


Geeze, I don't know a damn thing about cell phones :eek:. For the longest time I refused to even own a smartphone. Mark has always loved his Samsung Galaxy. He just recently got the newer model, and gave me his older one. Well let me tell ya, it took me a long time to get used to the touch screen :eek:. I guess I'm just old fashioned...I like the actual press buttons. Anyway, my whole family has either iphones or Galaxy's. Anyone who I've known that has owned a BlackBerry, hated it, and all eventually converted to iphones. It's kinda sad to see RIM go down like that since it's a Canadian company. Well, good luck!

Have a great evening everyone ;)
Hello ladies. Yesterday was an endurance spin workout and today was HC V2. I decided to take extra rest so I can get in all the reps that I possibly can. I can *almost* do every rep when I give myself a minute of rest here an there. I think I will do that until I can do every rep and then start removing rest. I really want to improve my horizontal work.

The grand baby(that's what I call her) is crawling around like no body's business!! And she is the busiest baby that I think I've ever known :eek: She is also one of the happiest babies I've ever met, which help offset how incredibly busy she is. When she gets caught doing something she isn't supposed to, she flashes the biggest 3 toothed smile she's got. You can't help but laugh!!

Congrats on the chin-up tower. You can do lots of moves with that thing!! Good piece of equip to have :cool:

The topic of smartphones has been known to cause a holy war :eek: I've had them all Blackberry, Android, & iPhone. I prefer the iPhone personally. I'm not a tech geek and the Andriod was too customizable for me...go figure. I would guess that iPhone/Android have more apps than Blackberry. I don't think Cathe has a BlackBerry version, but I'm pretty sure it's on Android and iOS. I agree with HeartyMax, the iPhone 4 camera is not that great. I have the iPhone 5 now and it's much better than the 4. iPhone 5 also has LTE, but anything older than that is 3G which feels a bit slow to me. I don't like a phone bigger than the iPhone 5 size, it doesn't fit in my hand well and I have a tendency to drop it. I've never once dropped my iPhone because it fits in my hand so well. So I would imagine how the phone feels in your hand may be something you want to consider. I have a friend that would never consider getting an iPhone because it's just too small for him and he can't see the screen. His phone is HUGE because of that reason. Just a matter of preference. I'm sure whatever you pick will be fab. There are so many good products on the market right now. Oh I will say this about Android. Some of the cheaper ones have really crappy hardware and don't last long. If you go with Android, I would definitely go with one of the bigger more well know makers and models. The Android phone I had previously wouldn't hold a charge after a year. My step daughter has had hers replaced twice in less than a year. I don't think this is a problem with some of the more well known brands. You just have to be careful.
Toni----sounds like your grand baby is exploring her world:). I got to try spinning for the first time at the RT. Unfortunately it was after doing 2 other workouts that morning so I was already tired. I hear tgst Cathe's Ride DVD is nice.

Today's workout was Muscle Endurance. Well let me say that Cathe made High Repd before officially naming a DVD that. OMG---this is an awesome kick butt workout. I have never done glute raises so I have to get my form down.
Happy first day of August! I cannot believe how fast the year is going!

Ladies, thank you very much for your smart phone reviews! It all has been very helpful. I'll let you know next week what I chose over the weekend.

I am taking a rest day today and am really going to have to think hard on what tomorrow will be. I'm thinking Afterburn.

So glad you received your chin-up station already! Wow, that was fast! Definitely not like the Everlast gloves:rolleyes: The everlasting wait was more like it!

I understand cancelling your preorder; you made the right decision for you. I think it's great that Cathe offers that option!

I think it's great that you utilize so many of the utube workouts that are available. It keeps things fresh and interesting! Thank you for passing the info along:cool:

Is Bootcamp/Muscle Endurance one that you bought on the RT? Both of those workouts are my faves and I haven't done them in a while. Geesh - I find myself saying that about lots of the workouts that get mentioned in the forum! LOL! I really need to rotate my DVDs! Oh yeah, Glute raises rock:D

Very nice job incorporating a spin day followed by an HC day.

How cute about the grandbaby:D After recently spending time with my neice and nephew (in Montana) I can just imagine how busy the baby is:eek:

I best get - have an awesome day!
Hello ladies :)

My w/o yesterday was a doozie :eek:. It was as follows:

1) 5X6R barbell reverse lunges (60lbs)
2) 5X6R push-ups w/15lbs vest (OMG HARD!) superset w/
5X6R inverted rows w/15lbs vest
*just a note about the vest. 6R obviously is too easy, so Nia say's I must make the exercise harder. Break out the vest*

3) 3X side plank

4) 2X10R hip thrusts w/45lbs barbell (3 sec pause at top).

During the breaks I did firewalkers w/my blue band :eek:.

These w/o's are short n' sweet, effective, simple, to the point. I even have time to foam roll afterwards! LOVE training this way :).

LOL about the Everlasting gloves :D. Ya, I have no idea why that took so long :confused:.
Is your Avatar pic of you and Cathe giving high 5's? It's kinda small so I really can't see it well. If so, then that's super cool! I also love how Cathe commented on your FB pic of the two of you :).

I remember ME being super crazy hard! It was one of the first weight training downloads I purchased :eek:.


Your "grand-baby" sounds like such a sweetie pie :). Bella was the same way, very busy -- into EVERYTHING :mad:. She had this obsession with stairs too. Kept mommy on her toes that's for sure ;).

Have a good one!
Hi Ladies! Just a quick post to say hi to everyone!

HeartyMax & Jennifer
I'm glad the road trip was fun and that you both got to meet! It sounds like it was an amazing experience.

That's wonderful news that DH is moving back in! Congrats to both of you to doing what it takes to make your marriage work!

Congrats on the new pull up station! I'm really jealous! I had wanted to get a pull up bar to since it is hard on the turbo tower. I thought about an over the door one but I'm worried about frame damage since I rent. Anyway, I hope you like it!

There's lots of changes going on at work and I've have been in meetings/training all this week. Healthwise, things haven't been going so well. I've gone from being scared about surgery to actually looking forward to it since it will be the first step in getting me back normal. I've already pretty much decided to do STS. The new DVDs don't seem to have a ton of weight work in them so I think they will compliment STS niceley. I was also lucky on was able to buy 6 new spinning DVDs from ebay. I'm super excited about that. Have a great day everyone!
Jennifer---yes BC/ME was my RT purchase. Money well spent:D.

Tasha--push ups with a weighted vest. Are you FREAKIn CRAZY:eek:.

Stacie---How much longer before your surgery?

I officially returned to work today. Yeah I know what you are thinking---ON A FRIDAY????? Seriously, I can't believe it either. I have decided that I actually need to use Cross Train Express. I purchased a few years ago on a 30% off deal because it was one of those "I wish I had Cross Train Express" until I actually got it and I don't even use it. I have done All Upper Body strength training one or twice and I have done Kick Box 2 or 3 times. I have never done the others. This morning I did Step Intervals cardio. I did upper body yesterday so I skipped the last part and added on Horizontal Conditioning. I think that was a perfect combinations.

Toni--HC is still hard for me. I can get through the first two ab segments (with breaks) but I am wiped out by the 3rd ab segment. I also don't like how my leg is out and I have to lift the weight with my arm. I just don't like that move at all. I don't mind the side plank. Anyway, My abs get a good working with the first two segments but hopefully I can add on the 3rd one again soon.
Just wanna show off my new fitness goodie :eek:. I AM IN LOVE! And I gotta show off here by telling you guys I did 1 pull-up,
1 chin-up, 1 pull-up w/a vertical hand position -- ALL UNASSISTED!

My w/o yesterday was a 40min Jessica Smith walk/jog intervals + fiddling around on my new toy :p. Today I AM DOMS'ing, just from the few pull-ups I did!

I'm sorry to hear about the health-related issues :(. I have hope that the surgery will go smoothly and you will get back to normalcy soon. {{{hugs}}}
When is your surgery btw?

LOL about the push-ups :D. You could have done them too, being it was only 6R each set. By the 6th rep, I was struggling to get myself up :eek:.
Hope work goes well today :).

Have a kick butt day everyone!


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Good morning! Er, actually, good afternoon. And it's Friday.

This weekend I will learn how to really use my new SMARTPHONE! It's supposed to rain all weekend so it is a good weekend for it. Obviously I got one a little earlier than planned but that's the way it goes sometimes -- Craig and I went out for dinner and then we went to the Verizon store -- then we left and went to Costco which is where I got my Galaxy S3 or 3S, whichever it is. It was only $30 since it wasn't the latest model (as you said, Heartymax) with a new 2-year contract. Costco gave me a bonus pack containing a couple chargers and a couple phone cases. Not the rubber, nice cases but cases nonetheless. Also, for $100 I bought the 2-year warranty. If anything at all happens they OVERNIGHT a new one to me up to 4 times in 2 years.

This morning I did HiiT 30/30 (so much for Afterburn!); before that I did glutes:
Clams (20 each side - warmup);
75# barbell hip thrusts from the floor with 1-second pause at the top (3x20);
*Tash* I decided to follow your lead -- I did 3 sets of 5 barbell deadlifts from the floor (the same 75# barbell);
Cable abductions (3x20);
Cable hamstring pushbacks (3x20)
Loop band walks (front/back until I couldn't go anymore).

I am excited to do my new STS Chest/Shoulders/Triceps workout this weekend! I also want to rotate in the Bootcamp and Intensity workouts next week. So many workouts! So little time! Does anyone think it's a bad idea to do the Leg workout the day after C/S/T?

You are THE WOMAN! Nice job on the pullups! Unassisted?! WOW, you are a powerhouse! Were you showing your teeth when you do them?! I ask becasue I was showing my teeth when I did those deadlifts this morning;) Ejoy your hard-earned DOMS:D

Very cool that you also had some jog intervals in your walking workout; I know you've mentioned you'd like to jog and it sounds like you've taken a step in that direction!

Also, wearing a vest for pushups?! That is awesome! It sure sounds like it was definitely an awesome doozie of a workout:eek:

By the way, yes, my avatar is Cathe giving me high 5s:D I cropped that out of the group shot of "15 minutes of fame" which I did with Heartymax and a couple other girls. I also thought it was extremely cool - very thoughtful - of Cathe to post on my wall about the picture of us. She had to have done that for everyone; she makes everyone feel so appreciated and special. I tell ya', she is one class act that is for sure:cool:

Great workout! I'm glad you're utilizing the Cross Training workouts:D There's a Cardio Kick on that one (right?!) That one was more intense that it looks, in my opinion!

I am SO looking forward to checking out the RT pictures (I have that RT song stuck in my head!); I wanted to wait for those before I started posting to my FB page and the collage that I am going to make... it will include the Schedule, to! It's something to treasure:)

By the way, I think going back to work on a Friday is a good idea because you dive in for one day, get your feet wet again, and then you have the weekend off. Enjoy!

Congrats on your new spinning DVDs! As for STS, are you going to start with M1? I am going to start with M2 because I've been told that M1 is endurance and I think I already have that part down. Cathe signed my DVD and told me to Keep on Shining so that will help motivate and encourage me:)

I hope you are able to get a lot of rest this weekend! Your surgery will help tremendously and it will go off without a hitch:D

You cracked me up when you mentioned the topic of smartphones practically starting a holy war! LOL!

Have an awesome weekend, and have fun with the new Gecko!

I best get - have a fantastic day!
Jennifer-Congrats on getting your new smartphone. You are going to love it. I am still learning how to use my phone:eek: but I have the basics down so I am good for now. Cardio Kicks is a separate DVD. Leave it to you to find a bright side to my starting work on a Friday:D.

Tasha--Girl, I am scared of you----You are a beast at strength training!!

It's about time that I dust off some DVDs I haven't used in a very long time---so this morning was IMAX2. Interval 5 was tough but I about fell on the floor by the time I got to Interval 9. Now I know why I don't reach for this one often. I love those straddle taps though:D. I told someone on the RT that I remember when I first got this DVD years ago and I could not get those straddle taps down and my neighbor was about 7 or 8 at that time and happened to be at my house----she said let me show you and she hoped her little self up there and started straddle tapping....I've had that move down every since. :D

DH and I went to Carrabbas for dinner last night. I had a $20 gift card that I needed to use and I had a buy one dinner get one free (up to $15) so you know it was a cheap Friday date for us:D. Fun time out.
Happy Saturday!
Oil changed and tires rotated; I waited an hour and a half. It gave me some quality time with my new phone:)

This morning was M2/STS Chest.
I got a late start (too much Internet with my coffee this morning). I planned on also doing shoulders and triceps but chest just wiped me out and I had time on my mind. Compared to Bursets there were a couple extra sets of bench press; I had to drop down in weight for the last 2 sets. I also really felt it in my right bicep:rolleyes:
Then I did a very short glute workout (1-legged stuff) and called it The End. I hope I have more energy tomorrow and that I'm not super sore.

I remember the story about your neighbor showing you the straddle taps; that is so funny. It is amazing what kids pick up! Good job on IM2! That one kicks my butt in a good way!

I think the main reason I was able to have a positive outlook about going to work on Friday is because I have done something similar and thought it worked out really well:cool: BTW, sounds like a really nice date last night:)

There are a lot of pictures of you on Flickr! There are so many pictures to go through, it is unbelievable! I went through them all and downloaded the ones I wanted for the collage I'm going to make and post on FB. Be prepared to be tagged:)

Have an awesome weekend, everyone!
Jennifer---you are having big fun with your new phone.

Tasha--I havent pre-ordered the new workouts. I think I just want the step DVD but I havent decided yet. I was looking at the picture of your workout room. Do you have great mats tile? I would like to do my floor in the room that has my elliptical and move all my stuff in there. So that is one reason im thinking of passing on the pre'order. Budgeting another vision right now. I also need to use cross train which has a 10-10-10 and Leaner Legs.
Hi everyone :)

My w/o on Fri was a 4 mile outdoor walk (to McDonald's PlayPlace and back. I had a Big Mac btw :p ) + this:

1) 5X6R squats (I'm going lower and heavier!)
*firewalker's on my 2min breaks*

2X15R barbell glute bridges

2) 5X6R weighted 12lbs bench dips superset w/
5X6R barbell rows

*optional beach work finisher*
3) 3x10R dumbbell curls
3x10R tricep kickbacks
3x10R lateral raises

Yesterday we spent the afternoon at a local Fair. Bella is so cute, she wanted to go on all the rides :). What a gutsy one she is :eek:. When we came home I did KCM LIFT (Olympic lifts).

I don't think I have Great Mats :confused:. I bought those black & white mats at Walmart about 1yr ago. They have worked out really well, absorbing a lot of shock and noise (I live in an apartment). My only gripe about them was that they would easily come apart, so I had to secure the underside with duct tape. Besides that, they have been awesome.
I think I made the right decision to cancel my Cathe pre-order. TBH, the new w/o's just did not appeal to me...but the chin-up tower did :D. So you do what you gotta do ;).

Congrats on the new phone! I think Mark has the same model. So many features, so little time :D.
Congrats on the deadlifts! And the hip thrusts was a 75lbs bar is AMAZING :eek:. When doing deadlifts, look at this tutorial: 4 Types of Deadlifts You Should Do - YouTube. I believe Elliott has THE BEST one out there. I have learned so much from this guy. He really knows his stuff!

Gotta jet! Have a great day everyone :cool:

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