Push It

Quickly checking in to say I did not workout today. The furniture is spread about here and there and it wasn't really worth trying to figure out a space to workout in. The electrician is done installing the recessed lights. I am so happy with them. My family room is approx 30' x 15' and there were only two wall sconces at the far end of the room. That made for a very dark room. Now we have 5 recessed lights placed strategically about the room. It's so bright in here now :D The dimmer switch isn't installed yet, but I will be glad when it is so we can have mood lighting when wanted. There are no more contractors until Monday, so I will spend tomorrow morning cleaning up some of the dust that is everywhere. Monday should be the last dusty job. We are in the home stretch :eek:
Yesterday was Hiit 40/20 and the core work from Cross Fire. Today was a kick butt workout for sure. I did Athletic Step followed by the BBW which you know also includes the Leg Conditioning Drills from Lower Body Blast---OMG...I wonder if I will be able to walk tomorrow....I am supposed to go on a run with DH in the morning.

Toni---glad the home project is coming along.

Nanbo--what a great idea to make sure you are getting your water in. I know I need to drink more as I usually drink water during lunch and that's about it. I drink alot of water in the evenings.

Jennifer--with all your glute work...this Rock Bottoms Rotation would be like a piece of cake.

Tasha--walking Bella to and from school is an great workout. With all your other workouts, you may have to increase your calories.
Hi everyone :)

Yesterday Bella was sick w/fever so she didn't go to school. I'm keeping her home today as well. LOL it didn't take very long for her to get sick :rolleyes:.

Yesterday I warmed up with my foam roller and the ESM (OMG love the way it warm-ups the shoulder joint and increases flexibility!) then onto my w/o:

1) 6x4R barbell reverse lunges

2) 6x4R front squats (I added this one in because I really want to nail it!)

3) 6x4R push-ups (w/15lbs vest) superset w/
6x4R inverted rows (w/15lbs vest)

I was tired from a rough night so I called it quits after that.

How is your DOMS today? :eek::eek::eek:

Nope, I don't drink enough water :eek:. I only drink unless I'm thirsty. At first I thought this was a bad habit, but then I read an article that made me feel ok about that: Warning: 7 “Healthy” Habits that are Stressing Your Metabolism | The Nourished Life. Keep in mind, I take everything I read with a grain of salt :rolleyes:. But since I have never been a heavy water drinker, I'm gonna agree with her #3 :D;).
I love that you are able to squeeze in some exercise while you are at work! You are a champ :eek:.

I'm jealous you have access to a treadmill :eek:. I would love to throw in a few incline sprints! Add that to the "list" :rolleyes::D.
Thanks for the link to the grind roller. I think I'm going to get it because it just looks so wonderfully painful ;). Speaking of rolling, I did my IT band yesterday and I actually didn't cry! I've been using Elliott's tip where he says to just stay on the painful area. It works!

Have a great day ladies!
Happy Friday,
I hope everyone is having beautiful weather - we sure are which is a nice change from the heat and humidity!

I didn't work out today; I went back/forth about it because I am pretty sure I won't get a chance to tomorrow since we're leaving bright and early for Craig's Tough Mudder! It is not the same as a Mud Run or a Muck Fest, although they also involve lots of mud:D

St. Louis: Sat Sep 14 & Sun Sep 15, 2013 | Tough Mudder

I always say to people - "how bad do you want it" - so I will have to tell myself that tomorrow morning regarding my workout. I know it wouldn't hurt to take a couple days off but frankly I just feel better when I work out.

Just wanted to wish you safe travels! Looking forward to hearing ALL about it!

Ha! Thanks for believing in my glutes but Cathe's rotations are serious work! I wish you well on your run tomorrow, it probably will actually help reduce DOMS:cool:

Love the sound of your workouts - that's the way to work!

So sorry to hear about Bella :( I hope she feels better soon. Starting school is a big new thing that has to zap her immune system, not to mention the amount of new germs she's exposed to.

Nice workout, by the way! Glad you started with the roller and did ESM. I went to my chiropractor today and showed it to him:D Anyway, I'm glad the IT band didn't hurt too bad;)

Your lights sound beautiful, and I'm happy for you that you're on the home stretch. Cleaning is a workout so you'll get your workout in for the next few days:D BTW, I highly recommend Claritin and sinus rinses; not the netti-pot, although there's nothing wrong with it, but I like the Rinse Kit by Neil med; it's a squirt bottle and - for me - it's easier to tolerate.

How are you doing?

I best get - have a wonderful evening!
Sleep in Saturday!!!! :eek:
My cat, Pip, actually allowed me to sleep in an extra 32 minutes this morning! I needed it! I bumped my Xtrain Legs workout to last night and plan on Tabatacise with a push-up/inverted row finisher today. I've been doing the Get Glutes "Wake Up Sleepy Glutes at Work" bit every day and it really does help combat the fatique that sets in from sitting or standing in one place too long. I've been using my new little stick roller as often as possible at work too. Tomorrow we'll go for our last hike before our trip on Monday. The weather this morning was very crisp and a welcome relief from the oppressive humidity we've had all week. I sure hope this is the weather we'll have for hiking next week ;)!

Jen, a former co-worker just finished his first Tough Mudder last weekend in Wisconsin. He is not a regular exerciser, but had been doing a few miles of running every other day for a few months leading up to the event. His report to us was hilarious! It was a "monsoon" during the whole thing and his calves started cramping up at around mile 8. He evidently got zapped multiple times by the "Electric Eel" obstacle and claims to have blacked out for a few seconds :p! Then his calves completely seized at the last obstacle and he had to be carried away. HE LOVED IT!!! He's now in an official Tough Mudder training club for the next one! I hope your DH has a great experience and enjoys the challenge!

Tasha, sounds like the school year got off to an interesting start. Poor Bella! Kids seem to bounce back quick; it's the adults who get laid out for a while...hope you don't catch it! Many of the parents I work with have "the cold" that their kids brought home after the first week of school. Seems to be centralized in the sinuses and making them very tired. I've been coating my entire body in hand sanitizer, holding my breath whenever possible, and hoping for the best :p:D!

Heartymax, how are you feeling today??? It never ceases to amaze me how much Cathe can get the job done with moves that require little to no weight! It's one of the things I love about Xtrain Legs and Turbo Barre, too! The low pulse lunges (I call them shin shavers) in Legs and B&G get me every time! A few nights back I did glute bridges with just body weight and had some nice DOMS the next day :eek:...just because I REALLY squeezed my glutes at the top.

Toni, you must be getting so excited to get that family room before the fall/winter season kicks in! That is a lot of space! Will you get a designated space for your workouts? I would love to have that! Right now, I work out in my living room and have my toys hidden all over the place! Set up for a workout takes a lot of time (especially an STS workout!). Apartment living has it's challenges :rolleyes:!

Today I will focus on improving my push-up/inverted row form; really "feeling" the moves as I do them...taking my time throughout the move and allowing the muscles to do their job! Hope you all have a great Saturday!
I got in a 2.5 mile run with DH. It was a very cool run so I enjoyed it better than that summer morning heat. Some coworkers convinced me to sign up for a 5k. As soon as they set up the team name I will register. So I think my Saturday workout will be a run instead of the rock bottoms. It was supposed to be cardio legs and kick max today. I have not been on a run in about a month and I felt better than I thought. Tomorrow is a rest day. I may do upper body since there was none this week.

The local fair is this weekend. DS11 decided he really didn't want to go. Ds15 is a volunteer 2 days at the fair as a part of the criminal justice program he is in at school. Yesterday he said he helped answered questions, gave out directions and helped parents find their lost kids. It was funny when he said how can parents lose their children. ..While shaking his head. If only he knew how easy it is.
Gettin' ready for my trip tomorrow and tacklin' all the last minute stuff! Like...HIKING!!!!!:eek: We had gorgeous weather today and hit the trail as a warm up for this coming week! When we got home we had a beautiful mixed green salad with tomatoes from our garden, feta cheese, olives, and pumpkin seeds! Rounded it out with some toasted Ezekial bread. YUM!;)
Now I'm ready to kick back with some Tito's vodka in tart cherry juice and bit o' seltzer water! :D:p

PS Saw a young woman on the trail with a totally rockin' physique! Truly motivating: beautifully sculpted and healthly looking! Looked like she hopped right out of a Cathe DVD!!!:eek:

Hope everyone had an awesome weekend and challenging workouts!!!! Talk to you from the trail!:cool:

Turns out I did work out yesterday morning and this morning before church; I did glutes for about a half hour both days; Saturday was also 40/20, and today was Burnsets Triceps/Back/Shoulders.

Yesterday I also walked for 4 hours! Up and down hills, back/forth - trying to find Craig and check out the various sights (people and obstacles). I didn't find him until I finally sat by the last 2 obstacles, and it felt SO good to finally sit down! After another hour I finally saw him at the 2nd to the last obstacle; it took him about 5 hours to complete the course.

Craig did well! He has a bum knee which is a bit swollen today and he has some aches and pains but overall he feels pretty good:) He did just mention that he's starting to feel his triceps so he might feel a little worse tomorrow.

I said it before but - happy travels!

I am glad your hike yesterday was so great:)
TOO funny about that chick hopping right out of a Cathe DVD:D That's hilarious.

That's awesome about your coworker! About his calf, St. Louis had lots of people's calves freeze on them here; I witnessed that many occasions while walking the Spectator route and at the Everest obstacle - that's the one where they have to climb the warped wall.

I meant to comment earlier, nice job working the glutes! They really serve a great purpose, and I have found that the exercises also work my back as well as my biceps due to the weight I keep hoisting up. Anyway, it's just nice to have great glutes;)

Also, I bought some Titos! I mixed it with lemonade and it was wonderful. I will have to try it with the cherry juice and seltzer - that's a great idea!

It was nice of Pip to let you sleep in; I totally relate to that. How does he wake you up, usually? I used to have 2 cats, they've gone to the Rainbow Bridge, but now we have 3 dogs and one of them LOVES his meal times. He's been getting me up at 4:30 the last several days - he starts to whine like a squeaky toy and then breathe in my face! So I just stay up after taking care of them and enjoy the extra time in the morning working out:)

Great! Glad to hear the run was nice on all counts! Sounds like a great plan, doing upper body tomorrow:)

Yep, it is easy to lose kids in a crowd like that. I would be a nervous wreck if I were a parent.

Hi Tash/Toni/Stacie - hope all is well!

Nancy, have a great trip!
Hello!! There have been no workouts to report. Well except for ripping up tile, ripping up carpet, and moving furniture here and there :D We decided to replace the family room carpet while we were doing stuff :eek: The current carpet has gotten quick dirty with pets and this recent project and I just feel like it's holding a lot of dust. It was on the list to be replaced anyway, so we just went ahead and did it. I have dipped into my vacation fund for next year, but I think this is a much better use of the money :D We were able to put the basement back together today, which gives us one space that is organized and feels like a real home. We have about 2-3 weeks of madness so we will be living in the basement for now. Our basement is finished and we have a full set of furniture and TV and all that down here, so it's quite comfortable.

That's excellent news about the 5K. And I bow to you for training for running and doing rock bottom rotation at once :eek:

I sort of have a designated space for my workouts. It's a nice sized room, but there is duct work down the center which brings the ceiling height to approx 7' so I can't do cardio in there. I can do spinning and lifting in there. And it servers as an excellent place to hold all my equip, which I have A LOT of :eek: I do all my cardio in the family room. We bought furniture and carpet specifically suited to being moved easily and doing cardio on...hehe!! I do have to spend time moving equip back and forth, but it's really worth it!! I feel very lucky to have the setup I have.

Glad Craig did well with the Rough Mudder. We have some folks around here that have done them and they look tough :eek: And it seems like you got some good exercise in also!!

Sorry to hear that Bella has been sick. I hope she's feeling better.
Yesterday was Plyo Legs. I just decided to pick up with Saturdays workout since I ran instead. I thought it was Cardio Legs but it wad Plyo....love hate relationship there. Today was Imax 2 and 300 walking lunges.

Question: tomorrow is STS Total Body and Thursday is supposed to be 30/30 and Butts and Gutts. What happened to giving my lower body a rest day from weights.
Good morning!
This morning was Afterburn for me, and I feel like I have really improved on that one. It think it's been the extra hard upper body (some STS and a lot of Burnsets) as well as the glute/back work.

Oh - in the last set of exercises, the rear lunges with lateral raises, I decided to hinge forward and do rear delt flys instead of lunging back and doing the lateral raises; I felt - for me - that rear delts balanced the upper body workout better.

I used the Star roller afterwards and I could literally feel the tissues pulling and stretching - it was awesome. It is SO NICE to NOT feel the burning knot at the shoulderblade and traps area. I still like the Grid roller and use it sometimes, but that Star roller really gets in there!

I wonder if Cathe's plan is incorporating the Overload principle; it's where you focus on the same muscle group day after day in order to force it to work harder and get stronger and push through.
The technical definition is:
The principle of overload states that a greater than normal stress or load on the body is required for training adaptation to take place. The body will adapt to this stimulus. Once the body has adapted then a different stimulus is required to continue the change. In order for a muscle (including the heart) to increase strength, it must be gradually stressed by working against a load greater than it is used to. To increase endurance, muscles must work for a longer period of time than they are used to. If this stress is removed or decreased there will be a decrease in that particular component of fitness. A normal amount of exercise will maintain the current fitness level.

You will do great!

Yay! Congrats on the new living room carpet! Since you are already putting in so much time and effort into fixing up the house I think it is very fitting to move forward a little early with replacing the carpet. It's nice that you have a nice living area in the basement to enjoy. We are thankful to have our basement fixed up as well; it's much cooler in the summer, warmer in the winter with the fireplace, and then of course it's comfortable shelter when the tornado sirens go off! In fact, when it storms really bad one of the dogs automatically goes to the basement; she has learned that it's the safe room.

Maybe you didn't do a Cathe workout but I am sure your arms are feeling all that functional work!

I like the Grid roller, but the Star roller really gets it there. If you can get both maybe you should because there will be days when you need major myofascial release and there will be days when you just need to roll. I like both.

How was your weekend? Is Bella feeling better? Anything new going on, like any part-time job prospects? You would be a great dog walker if that's something you're interested in. My mom is volunteering for that at an animal shelter, but it's a non-pay position of course. There are people who will pay for that, though; elderly pepole, people who are gone all day long and have older dogs who can't hold it as long. Of course, then there's getting a personal training certification and taking on a few clients here and there.

Not sure if you're checking in or not but I'm hoping you're having a wonderful trip!

I hope all is going well!

Have an awesome day my fit friends!
Hi ladies! Sorry for not checking in...I am having trouble getting back into working out. It's not for lack of desire but time. I am thinking of trying to switch to mornings since the night workouts at going so well. Tomorrow is a new day and I still have time tonight so hopefully something with happen!

Your workout setup sounds wonderful! I'm still jealous of your squat rack too. I bet it's going into the other room with the other equipment right?

That's awesome that you want to do a 5k!!!! There's something about running isn't there? It just feels wonderful. Good luck to you!

Poor Bella! I hope she feels better today. Kids pick up EVERYTHING at school. I remember Tyler was sick constantly when he first started going to day care.

I hope you are enjoying your trip!

Love the new avatar! You look so happy in it! I cannot believe you did MORE after doing Afterburn. I looked at it the other day and said "Ummm...not that one yet!"

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning!
I started my day with Xtrain Legs (standing only), but instead of walking lunges I alternated 3 sets of hip thrusts and deep front squats. After the workout I did the hip rotations. Then I did the Rear Delts Bonus:)

Tonight is Pilates and if we have enough Stability Balls for everyone I am going to incorporate some new exercises into the program. First and foremost - ab roll outs! I think the ladies will like the change.

Tomorrow might be 40/20 plus some UB but I may end up doing Athletic Training.

Stacie! Good hearing from you. I was about to PM you to see if you were flooded out or something!

As for morning workouts, I love mine; they are my ME time and really help me start my day feeling calm yet energized and happy; in addition it really gives me motivation for getting out of bed, and I am thankful that I am able to get up and work out. It starts my day on a positive note. I hope it works out for you;) I generally only have a cup of coffee to get going, but sometimes I also have joice. After my workout I have a protein smoothie - it's a great, portable breakfast!

Afterburn - definitely necessary to foam roll after that one! I have to keep foam rolling otherwise I will end up having to get a super expensive massage therapy session that takes a couple hours. I am VERY happy that the rollers I bought are really helping! Sometimes I use it before a warmup, but sometimes I use it after the workout. However today I completely skipped it:eek:

Have an awesome day!
Hi everyone!

Sorry I have not checked-in lately :eek:. Truth is that I have been busy this past week. Bella was sick for a few days, but she recovered quickly (thank goodness!). She's also been having a bit of a hard time at school this week, where she did not want to go and had a few little crying episodes in the playground when we dropped her off :(. Funny thing is that when we pick her up from school, she says she had a great day and is very happy and energetic. I'm assuming this is part of the adjustment period. It also reassures me a bit when I see other children have crying fits in the morning :D.

I'm still plugging away at my Nia rotation! Along with walking my miles every day, foam rolling, and I did a Jessica Smith 30min hiit w/o from youtube (unexpectedly hard!). I feel awesomely strong and powerful! Lifting a 100lbs bar off the floor is really empowering, to say the least :eek:. I'm really so happy I embarked on this program. Training for strength, IMO, is very rewarding for the body and mind.

I am convinced that this program is THE program for busy mom's! All you need is 3X/week, and you get a very effective, thorough w/o for the entire body. I would have never believed it myself had I not done it, but now I'm undoubtedly convinced that more does not necessarily equal better. I'm so impressed that I don't think I will be training any other way! Nia's program is gold and worth every penny :). Just in case you wanted to invest ;). And I know how much you like lifting heavy :eek:.


I hope you are having a wonderful vaca! I also hope the weather is perfect for all your hiking activities and your foot "behaves" :mad:;)
BTW, I love it when I see fit n' strong people! I especially feel inspired when those people are older in age (but not in soul, of course). This one man that lives in my building, I think he must be like 70yrs old. Every day I see him running/walking in a cool tracksuit. I always smile inside. That type of stuff makes my day :).


Thank you so much for all your reviews/tips on the foam roller's! I really appreciate it. I think I def will be purchasing the grind roller.
I would love to be a dog walker, but I don't have experience with dogs :(. wouldn't I have to take a course or something?
Holy cow you are CRUSHING you w/o's :eek:. You are such a kick-butt woman! I think a recovery week is well deserved ;).

WTG on sticking to that rotation :eek:. I'm reading you w/o's in pure awe!
I think you are gonna do great on your 5K!
BTW, I never work the same muscle group 2 days in a row. I always leave at least 1 day (or more, depending on DOMS) recovery. But you know, that's just me and how I like to roll :p.

Sounds like a lot of hard, functional fitness to me :eek:. Congrats on the finished basement :).

Have a great night everyone :cool:
Tasha---I haven't done many of the rotations but I don't recall seeing the same muscle group worked twice in a row either. I will have to see how I feel tomorrow. My experience tells me that once the parents leave the child at school, they are fine. They do not cry very long. She is still getting adjusted to the routine and knows that you will always be there to pick her up in the afternoon. :D

Jennifer--thanks for your explanation. That could be the case, but after sliding disc lunges, squats ,etc...I can't imagine being able to do Butts and Gutts tomorrow and then the next day also do Lower Body Blast Bonus Barre workout.:eek:. I guess that's why she calls it rock bottoms rotation...:rolleyes:

Stacie--so Glad to hear from you.

Today was STS Total Body. I haven't done this workout in a while and it wiped me out even after skipping a few of the sets.
Welp, scratch the 40/20 and upper body that was planned for this morning... Instead I foam-rolled with the Star roller, then I did 30/30 followed by standing cable abductions.

Tomorrow will be UB (for sure!).

Oh my goodness! 100# bar! That is SO cool, and I think it's awesome that Nia's program is so great. I'm glad I bought it and one of these days I will actually go through it. I do need my UB to get stronger if I do the Tough Mudder with Craig next year.

Sorry to hear about Bella, and I'm glad that you know it is normal to have some crying spells. So glad she is enjoying school by the end of the day:)

I'm not sure about a dog walking class, though I can see how it makes sense. I was just thinking that you like dogs, and of the people who post flyers in subdivisions that they will walk your dog. Money under the table, like the teenagers that want to shovel snow off the driveway or mow the grass. However, nowadays, I can see how more people are weary of people they don't know. My mom started volunteering at an animal shelter as a dog walker, that might be a place to start if it is something you would be interested in doing.

That is funny - but it is also true... I guess that is why the rotation is called Rock Bottoms. Good luck, I think you'll do great;)

Nice job with STS Total Body!

Good luck switching to morning workouts if you do decide to go that route.

I heard that the flooding/people situation has taken a great turn for the better; I'm happy to hear that:D

Gotta get, need a good night's sleep - one more day of work until the weekend!
I had such an AWESOME hiking trip!!!! Our first day set the tone: we decided to warm up with a one hour easy hike and then segue into several tougher ones for the first day. We were doing just fine until I realized that we had been hiking about 3 1/2 hours! Somehow we missed our turn off :eek:! We ended up doing about 7 hours of hiking to get back to where we started :eek::p!!! The end nearly did me in with an endless incline for at least 3 hours (could have been longer; I think I self-hypnotized myself to a galaxy far far away)...but I was up to the task thanks to Cathe's cardio conditioning ;). Amazingly, my foot wasn't as bad as you'd expect. I had some DOMS around my ankle, but that was it! I managed to remember to do some push-ups and triceps-dips each day, but forgot about my core :eek:. Interestingly, I did the push-ups on an incline with my hands on a wooden rail on the trail and I REALLY felt them! MUCH MORE than when I'm flat on the ground! My chest got an awesome pump and my shoulders and arms were not as taxed as usual. I think I found my form???!!! I may continue doing them this way for a while...yes, it was THAT much better! I also forgot about the bands I brought, but, I started each day out with the "Wake Up Your Glutes at Work" moves from Get Glutes.
Today we went for a 90 minute walk and I intend on doing "something", I just haven't thought it out that far yet :p:D! There are so many choices! I thought about doing Travel Fit since I neglected it on the trip...it's kind of a nice one to ease back into it all again!
I hope everyone has an active Saturday! I'll be back to post again later!
Good Sunday morning!

Craig and I got flu shots yesterday (my rest day), and unlike last year I seemed to have had a reaction to it - felt miserable and ended up going to bed around 7. I used to never get flu shots got one last year because of the threat of it being such a horrific flu; I didn't have this reaction issue at all:confused: This morning I feel better but my arm still hurts. I don't feel up to a kick-butt workout but I do think a light workout will help; I'm thinking of taking it easy with Ride.

Friday I did chest and back (burnsets) and some glute work.

I read an article a couple days ago about training the back twice as much as the chest; it's about performing twice the volume of horizontal pulling than horizontal pushing (for optimum shoulder health) as well as twice the amount of hip dominant exercises to quad dominant exercise (for low back health). I talked to my chiropractor (since I saw him Friday) and he thought it was great advice since every day we have our arms reaching forward but not squeezing backward. Unfortunately I can't recall if I read the article from T-Nation, Bodybuilding, or even Bret Contreas:eek: Anyway, since I've had shoulder issues (arthritis) since my early 20s I think it makes sense for me to work in a second back day.

Welcome back, Nancy! So glad to hear your trip was so awesome! Yikes - 7 hours on the first day... so much for breaking it in slowly:D Glad your foot was okay. Very nice job on the pushups and dips! I think your core was already working anyway during all the hiking and pushups/dips:cool:

I'll have to check out the Work Glutes at Work from the Get Glutes program. I have the Strong Curves book but don't know what's in the Get Glutes program (other than the obvious:D).

I need to buy a different weighted vest. I took out a bunch of weights from Craig's 60# vest and the vest itself is just a hassle; it's huge and taking out all the weight, figuring out how much is 20#, then putting all the weights back in - ugh. I need something easier and faster if I'm going to incorporate it. What kind do you have?

How is the Rock Bottoms going?

How's the house?

What's new?

Have a wonderful day!
Hi everyone!

Just headed to our 1st annual town Rib Fest :p. I'm dying to try out some pulled pork and funnel cakes :eek:. After the w/o I did today, ME GOTTA EAT :p;).

1) 8x4R squats
*after retraining myself to squat properly :rolleyes: I'm up to a cool 75lbs to parallel... possibly a bit lower than parallel. I can go heavier, but my goal is to hit as low as possible, which means a bit less weight initially, until I nail it with good form.

2) 6x4R parallel bar dips superset w/
6x4R underhand barbell rows
*during my breaks I did KB swings, sliding back lunges, disc jacks*

I'm so sorry to hear about your flu shot reaction :(. I've only gotten the flu shot a few times while I was at my full-time job at the drugstore. Lot's of sick people coming in/out, plus dealing with money which is the dirtiest thing of all [yuck]. I hope you feel better soon :).
Regarding back, Elliott says the same thing. He says too many people do an overabundance of push exercises and not enough pull exercises, which in the long term will affect shoulder health. Nia's program is balanced out SO WELL with an equal amount of both. My right shoulder, which was always a bit tweaky, has been feeling so much better since I started this program and following Elliott's advice :).
I have Cathe's 20lbs vest. TBH it's OK, but meh, not my favorite. I find that it does not really fit me properly. For example, when I do inverted rows, I feel as though it's gonna choke me :confused:. There is only a little velco strap at the front, which IMO is not enough to secure the vest correctly so it slides up/down easily for some movements. If you are standing only, it will do the job ok.

I'm SO HAPPY to hear you had a great hiking trip! WTG on all that walking, OH.MY.GOODNESS. I truly hope that I have your stamina and overall good health/fitness as I get older. You are so awesome :eek:.
Doing push-ups and dips DO work your core, you silly thang you ;).

Thank you for reassuring me about Bella. I figured that once she is settled in class that the crying would stop. It's good to know other children are like that as well, so I don't feel so bad.
STS TB has some great compound exercises! All those deadlifts are amazing for the overall muscle development of the body.

Have a kick-butt day everyone!

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