Hi everyone!
Sorry I have not checked-in lately

. Truth is that I have been busy this past week. Bella was sick for a few days, but she recovered quickly (thank goodness!). She's also been having a bit of a hard time at school this week, where she did not want to go and had a few little crying episodes in the playground when we dropped her off

. Funny thing is that when we pick her up from school, she says she had a great day and is very happy and energetic. I'm assuming this is part of the adjustment period. It also reassures me a bit when I see other children have crying fits in the morning

I'm still plugging away at my Nia rotation! Along with walking my miles every day, foam rolling, and I did a Jessica Smith 30min hiit w/o from youtube (unexpectedly hard!). I feel awesomely strong and powerful! Lifting a 100lbs bar off the floor is really empowering, to say the least

. I'm really so happy I embarked on this program. Training for strength, IMO, is very rewarding for the body
and mind.
I am convinced that this program is THE program for busy mom's! All you need is 3X/week, and you get a very effective, thorough w/o for the entire body. I would have never believed it myself had I not done it, but now I'm undoubtedly convinced that
more does not necessarily equal
better. I'm so impressed that I don't think I will be training any other way! Nia's program is gold and worth every penny

. Just in case you wanted to invest

. And I know how much you like lifting heavy

I hope you are having a wonderful vaca! I also hope the weather is perfect for all your hiking activities and your foot "behaves"

BTW, I love it when I see fit n' strong people! I especially feel inspired when those people are older in age (but not in soul, of course). This one man that lives in my building, I think he must be like 70yrs old. Every day I see him running/walking in a cool tracksuit. I always smile inside. That type of stuff makes my day

Thank you so much for all your reviews/tips on the foam roller's! I really appreciate it. I think I def will be purchasing the grind roller.
I would love to be a dog walker, but I don't have experience with dogs

. wouldn't I have to take a course or something?
Holy cow you are CRUSHING you w/o's

. You are such a kick-butt woman! I think a recovery week is well deserved

WTG on sticking to that rotation

. I'm reading you w/o's in pure awe!
I think you are gonna do great on your 5K!
BTW, I never work the same muscle group 2 days in a row. I always leave at least 1 day (or more, depending on DOMS) recovery. But you know, that's just me and how I like to roll

Sounds like a lot of hard, functional fitness to me

. Congrats on the finished basement

Have a great night everyone