Lady Vol Fan
She's supposed to announce something more definite on Friday @FleurdeLisa68Thanks for considering us and asking for opinions.
I've been working out with you exclusively for 28 years and can't imagine a life without you!
I actually passed on the the Lift series because it's just not the type of workout that appeals to me.
My favorites are the ones with lots of cardio but can be made low impact and also include light-moderate weight training such as Afterburn, Crossfire and Drill Max.
I also like to pair Tabatacise and All Out LI for a super intense workout.
The Perfect Series, Fit Split and Cardio Slam/Strong & Sweaty are also up there on my list for less intense days but still great for fun cardio.
Now that I'm firmly in my 50s (56) I tend to prefer workouts off the step
I also prefer workouts to be around an hour...shorter than that and I just don't feel like I'm getting enough done, but it's also nice to have the options of different pre-mixes to be able to customize a time that works for me if I want to make it shorter or longer.
Also, I don't feel like a workout is complete without an abs section.
And of course, a nice 5-10 minute stretch!
Since I don't prefer the workouts heavily focused on weights, I have skipped the last couple of series and am jonesing for some new Cathe!!!
Thanks again and looking forward to a new series!!!
Thread 'I’m Excited to Announce My Newest Series'’m-excited-to-announce-my-newest-series.320062/