Please Give Me Your Feedback Here

Thanks for considering us and asking for opinions.
I've been working out with you exclusively for 28 years and can't imagine a life without you!

I actually passed on the the Lift series because it's just not the type of workout that appeals to me.
My favorites are the ones with lots of cardio but can be made low impact and also include light-moderate weight training such as Afterburn, Crossfire and Drill Max.
I also like to pair Tabatacise and All Out LI for a super intense workout.
The Perfect Series, Fit Split and Cardio Slam/Strong & Sweaty are also up there on my list for less intense days but still great for fun cardio.

Now that I'm firmly in my 50s (56) I tend to prefer workouts off the step
I also prefer workouts to be around an hour...shorter than that and I just don't feel like I'm getting enough done, but it's also nice to have the options of different pre-mixes to be able to customize a time that works for me if I want to make it shorter or longer.

Also, I don't feel like a workout is complete without an abs section.
And of course, a nice 5-10 minute stretch!

Since I don't prefer the workouts heavily focused on weights, I have skipped the last couple of series and am jonesing for some new Cathe!!!
Thanks again and looking forward to a new series!!!
She's supposed to announce something more definite on Friday @FleurdeLisa68

Thread 'I’m Excited to Announce My Newest Series'’m-excited-to-announce-my-newest-series.320062/
I like all the above suggestions. I do love the STS series, especially the weight workouts with the rests in between so I can focus on my form. Love the kickboxing, short cardios, abs, mobility, etc. Anything you do is good with me!!
I have taken up line dancing as well as couple's dancing. I have found that it has improved my memory! I have absolutely no idea why, but it's fun, great for balance, and good for my mind and body. I know this is an odd request, but I would love a cardo workout on the floor (rather than the step) that uses dance/dance steps to give me a great workout. There is so much variety available, and you've used cha cha, mamba, etc. in step. I was wondering if an entire cardio workout could be created to get the heartrate up using salsa, jazz steps, kick-ball-chains, swing, triples, hip movements, heel/toe movements, slides, coaster steps, etc. I've found that a fast Tush Push line dance can really get my heart rate up, while a normal two-step with a partner does not, so I was wondering if you could use the steps and pace of music to create a great heart workout that challenges our brain and coordination. I don't know how much training you have in dance moves, but I've always suspected you might have some, because you have more complex step videos that made me think you might have a background in dance. I know arms are an important part of increasing the intensity of exercise, and for the most part, the line dances I do don't really emphasis that. But I figured you'd might have experience or ideas that would involve arms? I'd love some music to go along with it that gets me singing (in between being out of breath lol) and just forgetting that I'm actually working out. :). I'd feel like I was mentally recovering while working my body and heart! lol
Oh! I'd really like a quick full-body (if possible) weight bearing work-out (a bonus maybe?) that focuses on adaptations/modifications for those with uncooperative body parts (ex. wrists) that uses little to no equipment. Just a 10 or 15 minute workout for those days where things just didn't go as planned, and a short strength workout is better than none at all. Doing planks, ab/core work, push-ups (and probably a bunch of exercises I don't even know about) is really boring by myself. A plank takes FOREVER when I don't have Cathe and Crew! lol
Oh! I'd really like a quick full-body (if possible) weight bearing work-out (a bonus maybe?) that focuses on adaptations/modifications for those with uncooperative body parts (ex. wrists) that uses little to no equipment. Just a 10 or 15 minute workout for those days where things just didn't go as planned, and a short strength workout is better than none at all. Doing planks, ab/core work, push-ups (and probably a bunch of exercises I don't even know about) is really boring by myself. A plank takes FOREVER when I don't have Cathe and Crew! lol
Hey, nice to see you again Braille! Here's the link to Cathe's new series announcement:
Calling all Cathletes! Guess what? I’m back at it, cooking up a new series and I’d love to hear from you!

I have browsed through the suggestions forum and marked down the suggestions. Additionally, I’d like to ask for your suggestions here on this thread so I can keep all the comments together.

Now that you’ve had some time to play with the new Lift, Move & Restore series, I’d love some feedback on what you’re hoping to see next? What would you like to have a sequel to this type of series? If so, please be more specific. Was there anything that you had hoped for in the last series that wasn’t included? What would you like to see more of, less of, the same of etc.? What kind of intensity level are you looking for? What kind of concerns would you like me to address as far as your exercise lifestyle is concerned?

If you’d like to see something other than a sequel or another type of lift move and restore concept, please let me know that as well. All suggestions are welcome and the more detailed you can be the more helpful this is to me.

I’m already developing concepts and choreography for new types of workouts and I want to make sure that they check all the boxes of what your heart is hoping for!

Please comment in this thread with your ideas! I can’t wait to hear from you!View attachment 9052
Another Slow and Heavy Series!!
I would Ike to see low impact cardio, no burpee. If you do decided to make it high impact, maybe have someone demonstrate the low impact. My knees can‘t handle high impact/jumping anymore. I am fine with any heavy weight workouts you come up with. Love them all. Thanks for asking!
Hey, nice to see you again Braille! Here's the link to Cathe's new series announcement:
Thank you! I escaped a bad situation and it took longer than expected. I had to stay offline, but my son and I are safe now. Unfortunately... I haven't worked out for about a year and a half! So, I'm going to be starting from scratch. I've managed to stay active under the circumstances, but a formal exercise program...? Not so much. I own Cathe's LMR, but haven't had a chance to even open it. I know I'm going to love it though, so I plan to order the 2nd one that you shared the link for. I am going to get back on track, but I no longer know my body's limitations, so I'm thinking functional fitness would be a great way to start my new fitness journey (after a couple of weeks of Cathe's basic step and beginner strength). I thought LITE and ICE would be good too. Any suggestions on what order? I'm feeling a bit lost as to how to come up with a plan. I'd always worked out, and I always knew what my body could do and where to go from there. I've been dancing and playing pickleball, so I've been getting some cardio, so I figure focus on strength training first? Especially upper body? I'm still trying to even get workouts squeezed back into my days. lol
... I am going to get back on track, but I no longer know my body's limitations, so I'm thinking functional fitness would be a great way to start my new fitness journey (after a couple of weeks of Cathe's basic step and beginner strength). I thought LITE and ICE would be good too. Any suggestions on what order?
I'm sorry to hear you had a difficult year, but glad you & your son are now safe.

I think you have a plan. I'd suggest you rip off the shrink wrap and use LMR along with the Basic/Beginner Step/Strength. It's a very gentle approach to fitness & different than Cathe's usual offerings. Review the User Guide - there's a 8-week rotation in the guide & others with LITE & ICE so you can easily transition to those with LMR - perfect! And there's lots of Timesavers so it's easier to fit into a busy schedule.

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