Would love, in no particular order or reason:
*STS 2.0 Squat Rack Option
*PRS #3 & #4. Or any old-school step choreography. Dancy with great music.
*Old School floor cardio. Just something fun fun fun. Maybe with a Zumba flair? But regular hops, jumps, kicks, leaps from the 80s is fine.
*STANDING only abs with weight plates, etc.
*Utilization of the balance discs or BOSU ball.
*Weight work with mobility / functional movements, rather than your typical weight work of "just stand there and do bicep curls, then squats, then shoulder presses".
*Couple of workouts where you are UPRIGHT the entire time (head not below heart). Could be like a Senior Fit workout, a core workout, mobility, stretch, etc. For recovery days.
*Lots of equipment. I love dragging out all of the toys. Add the Hula Hoop!
*A stretch workout with UP & BACK movements (scorpion, trace the rainbow, Cobra, etc....rather than down & forward movements such as endless down dog, child's pose, etc.) We are down and forward all day long...I need to reverse that.
*Kickboxing with lots of kicks, not just punches.
*HEAVY weight work.
*Did I mention PRS #3 & #4? Add in PRS #5 & #6. I love fun step cardio.
*I am hoping for a series that exudes FUN. Although I enjoy all of your workouts, I must admit I sometimes reach for some and have a wee bit of dread (excellent results, but doesn't necessarily have the "fun" vibe). But many many workouts I grab knowing they will be fun and put me in a happy mood; Due to music, moves, chitter chatter, no dreaded burpees (or at least just a very few), no repeats. PRS, Step Blast, Body Max 2. Rhythmic Step, Cardio Fusion, X10, Afterburn, STS 2.0 bonus segments, LMR series, Standing abs, SuperCuts, To The Max, CrossFire, Cardio Party, Cardio Slam, 034, 040, 061, 159, 185, 207, 246, 272, 372, 376, 387, 448, 455, 463, 472, 474, 481, 500, 503, 515 come to mind.
*Would also love to have several "quick" workouts such as the 100 Rep Challenges, Cardio Crush, Blizzard Blasts. Something I can do on my breaks that is quick and not too sweaty. Just gets me some movement.