Please Give Me Your Feedback Here

@T2B ,
I hope you don't mind me asking a follow-up question to this segment of your post:

Do you mean a weight lifting segment of a little over a minute after the Tabata cardio segment instead of the step segment as in the original Tabatacize? Or are you thinking some type of 20/10 or 40/20 Tabata with weights? Just curious ... interesting concept either way :)
Yes, a 20/10 or 40/20 with weights. :)
I would love some intense low impact cardio, please! And total body weights. I like routines that are about an hour because I use them to work the kinks out after sitting all day at the computer.

You’re awesome, Cathe! I don’t know how you have so much energy and creativity, but I sure am glad you do!

ETA: Have you ever seen Ilaria Montagnani’s Bodystrikes workouts? Instead of regular kickboxing, they are pure kicking. Something like that would be so cool. I’m not a fan of punching combos ;)
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I like the suggestion of no-repeat PHA!
Hee Hee, thanks for the idea! While you wait, any of you that have ONDemand & workout blender, I just
finished blending a "No Repeat PHA" workout...3 rounds of 6 exercises (lower,upper,etc) and each round
ends with a standing core. After 3rd round, I put in an additional short floor ab/core. Workout is about
37 min. I did share it in the blender. Check it out if you want.....
Would love, in no particular order or reason:

*STS 2.0 Squat Rack Option

*PRS #3 & #4. Or any old-school step choreography. Dancy with great music.

*Old School floor cardio. Just something fun fun fun. Maybe with a Zumba flair? But regular hops, jumps, kicks, leaps from the 80s is fine.

*STANDING only abs with weight plates, etc.

*Utilization of the balance discs or BOSU ball.

*Weight work with mobility / functional movements, rather than your typical weight work of "just stand there and do bicep curls, then squats, then shoulder presses".

*Couple of workouts where you are UPRIGHT the entire time (head not below heart). Could be like a Senior Fit workout, a core workout, mobility, stretch, etc. For recovery days.

*Lots of equipment. I love dragging out all of the toys. Add the Hula Hoop!

*A stretch workout with UP & BACK movements (scorpion, trace the rainbow, Cobra, etc....rather than down & forward movements such as endless down dog, child's pose, etc.) We are down and forward all day long...I need to reverse that.

*Kickboxing with lots of kicks, not just punches.

*HEAVY weight work.


*Did I mention PRS #3 & #4? Add in PRS #5 & #6. I love fun step cardio.

*I am hoping for a series that exudes FUN. Although I enjoy all of your workouts, I must admit I sometimes reach for some and have a wee bit of dread (excellent results, but doesn't necessarily have the "fun" vibe). But many many workouts I grab knowing they will be fun and put me in a happy mood; Due to music, moves, chitter chatter, no dreaded burpees (or at least just a very few), no repeats. PRS, Step Blast, Body Max 2. Rhythmic Step, Cardio Fusion, X10, Afterburn, STS 2.0 bonus segments, LMR series, Standing abs, SuperCuts, To The Max, CrossFire, Cardio Party, Cardio Slam, 034, 040, 061, 159, 185, 207, 246, 272, 372, 376, 387, 448, 455, 463, 472, 474, 481, 500, 503, 515 come to mind.

*Would also love to have several "quick" workouts such as the 100 Rep Challenges, Cardio Crush, Blizzard Blasts. Something I can do on my breaks that is quick and not too sweaty. Just gets me some movement.
eh eh, guess what LMR 2 is on reload/is being built.

the boss is elevating the INTENSITY. Who would say no to that :D
So exciting

I’m Excited to Announce My Newest Series:​

Lift, Move & Restore 2: ELEVATED!
This incredible new sequel to the Lift, Move & Restore series will take many of the things you love about the original, and will elevate the new workouts to the next level in challenges and in intensity! Did I mention there’s also cardio?
I’ve been hard at work on the 7 new routines and 4 new bonus workouts that you can expect to see and to love in this new series! Thank you so much for your incredible feedback on my recent suggestions post. I read all your comments and many of the items on your wish lists are included in my new ELEVATED series!
I know, you’re saying “what are the new workouts and bonuses?” You’ll have to wait till Friday to find out… wink! Keep your eyes peeled for the full series presale announcement coming Friday, that will outline the new workouts as well as other important series details.
We also have an added surprise which is something different from anything we’ve done in the past during a presale!
Presale for this new series begins this Friday, February 21st! WHAT?! Yup, I’m raring to get back on that set and bring this new series to life!
I can’t wait to tell you all about it! See you Friday!
Hee Hee, thanks for the idea! While you wait, any of you that have ONDemand & workout blender, I just
finished blending a "No Repeat PHA" workout...3 rounds of 6 exercises (lower,upper,etc) and each round
ends with a standing core. After 3rd round, I put in an additional short floor ab/core. Workout is about
37 min. I did share it in the blender. Check it out if you want.....
I would love an 80s old school style aerobics workout.

Whenever I feel in a workout rut or need some motivation, I grab one of your classics.

Nothing beats some steady state hi-lo cardio with up and backs, ponies and high knees.

Some of my favorite lives are:

#54 80s style cardio with low impact blasts
#120 old school cardio plus kickboxing
#16 hi lo cardio and core

Throw in some 80s freestyle music and I will be
YES to all of this. 80s old school aerobics is just plain fun.
I just read the email and saw that Cathe was seeking some feedback for LMR2 (I don't do social media). I recognize Cathe has already received a great deal of wonderful feedback and I am slow to the party.

Regarding LMR, I really like the bonus upper, lower, and core workouts because they provided more balance/coordination challenges than the full routines for upper body, lower body and the total body workouts. For me, the main workouts for upper, lower, and total body provided too much explanation between exercises and, again just my opinion, did not provide enough balance/coordination challenges. I have KCM's Raw More Than Strength and I love the Balance Strength and Core workout on that DVD.

Therefore, if the new series is truly an extension of LMR, I would love to see heavier weights and some workouts that continued to challenge balance and coordination. Oh, and yes, I am always up for a boxing/kickboxing workout!

Cathe, thank you so much for reaching out to your audience for feedback. I cannot believe you are already working on a new series so soon after your surgery. You truly are a warrior!
Thanks for considering us and asking for opinions.
I've been working out with you exclusively for 28 years and can't imagine a life without you!

I actually passed on the the Lift series because it's just not the type of workout that appeals to me.
My favorites are the ones with lots of cardio but can be made low impact and also include light-moderate weight training such as Afterburn, Crossfire and Drill Max.
I also like to pair Tabatacise and All Out LI for a super intense workout.
The Perfect Series, Fit Split and Cardio Slam/Strong & Sweaty are also up there on my list for less intense days but still great for fun cardio.

Now that I'm firmly in my 50s (56) I tend to prefer workouts off the step
I also prefer workouts to be around an hour...shorter than that and I just don't feel like I'm getting enough done, but it's also nice to have the options of different pre-mixes to be able to customize a time that works for me if I want to make it shorter or longer.

Also, I don't feel like a workout is complete without an abs section.
And of course, a nice 5-10 minute stretch!

Since I don't prefer the workouts heavily focused on weights, I have skipped the last couple of series and am jonesing for some new Cathe!!!
Thanks again and looking forward to a new series!!!

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