Please Give Me Your Feedback Here

Ok Cathe, so this is a loaded question because I seem to love pretty much everything you do. I honestly do LOVE the LMR series & would sure like to get more of those. I am finding I need those LMR days & am grateful I now have them in my rotations. (They help me avoid over training, which is easy for me to do.) They are perfect to keep me exercising regularly if I'm not having the best, most energetic day. But I also love the way they make me FEEL GOOD. I have always loved your take on Barre & now Pilates. But the balance work is at the top of my list of what I would like to see more of in future workouts. My balance has improved so much already with LMR. (And having a mom that has very poor balance & has broken her arm & her hip with falls because of it made realize how important it is.) That said, I would like more IMAX similar to IMAX 4 & PHA. I'm finally getting into Tabata, so even something along those lines for my super energetic days. (LOVE the endorphin release I get with that type of exercise!) As I've reached my 60's, I feel the need for mobility more & more so those are always great! Especially low back & hip mobility. I never cared for kickboxing until I started doing yours & those would also be welcome. And of course, STEP!!!!! NO ONE does step workouts like you! I haven't met a Cathe Step workout that I don't like!

Oh, some of my favorite mobility type workouts are your extended chair yoga/stretches. Actually, I enjoy all of your extended stretch/mobility.

I would really like the audio option for instrumental only (with your voice) come back. Very busy lyrics make it hard for me to concentrate on your instruction (which I really rely on), can get very distracting & even annoying. I understand there is NO WAY to please everyone with music, but that extra audio option is a game changer for me.

I don't mind props/equipment. In fact, it offers variety & keeps the workouts interesting. I tend to get bored with using the same equipment. Even using a plate weight instead of a dumbbell seems to make it different & makes the exercise feel different. So, for me, lots of different equipment works! I really do enjoy the variety of equipment in LMR.

And finally, I have seen lots of speculation flying around that you may be getting away from DVD's. I personally hope that is not true. Internet only will ruin it for me, mainly because of the buffering & disconnection issues I have. If it wasn't for the internet unreliability, lives/streaming would be more of an option but DVD's are important in my little world.

Thanks for taking the time to listen to us & care about what we all would like for future workouts! And I'm so glad you healed so quickly form your surgery! You're amazing! And inspiring! And as always, I absolutely LOVE the cast members...every single one of them!
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Low impact cardio series, HIIT, kickboxing and step included. My knees don't like jumping now.
The low impact bonus in LMR is lovely. Gloved up and Sweaty is my favorite kickboxing. Step Boss series is the right intensity for Step for me.
I almost fear LMR because it is so pleasant. It's more than recovery, but not a challenge. I like the timing. I don't have to use the pause button on the remote.
I do more stretching now than I used to, so any mobility is welcome as well.
Thank you for asking. I've loved your work since the 1990's. You always create a wonderful series.
I would love an 80s old school style aerobics workout.

Whenever I feel in a workout rut or need some motivation, I grab one of your classics.

Nothing beats some steady state hi-lo cardio with up and backs, ponies and high knees.

Some of my favorite lives are:

#54 80s style cardio with low impact blasts
#120 old school cardio plus kickboxing
#16 hi lo cardio and core

Throw in some 80s freestyle music and I will be
I don't have big ideas right now, I love your workouts and am enjoying the latest series. . Right now my solo request is that they still be available on dvd. Although I can do downloads on this tablet, it is awfully small making it hard to follow and I have no way to put it on a larger screen. Thanks.
Thank you so much for asking us, Cathe!

Another vote for STS 2.0/LMR sort of re-visit, with a bit more cardio added in. I see lots of asks for Kickboxing workouts, but I'd actually like another fun, well-choreographed step workout, too, like Step Moves, Party Rockin Step, or Step Boss. Steady-state cardio, please (just not a fan of HiiT). Or if including cardio provide maybe three with varying levels of intensity. Maybe a super intense HiiT workout, a steady-state step workout, and then a "lighter" kickboxing workout with options to up the intensity.

RE strength training, would love to see another "To The Mat" focused lower body workout. For the rest, I agree a segment of full body, upper body, lower body, and then parts workouts with the same strength and hypertrophy focus as STS 2.0. I don't know if it would be feasible, but actually parts workouts for lower body, too - like how you did a focus on quads/outer thighs in Lean Legs & Abs, and then hamstrings/glutes in Great Glutes.

I also like the suggestion of a metabolic workout, too. I really do enjoy Super Cuts and Metabolic Blast. I'm good with lighter weights, though curious how you'd approach such workouts with heavier weights as suggested by Nick, earlier. I suppose so long as the pace is slow enough, it's possible.

More mobility workouts in the same vein as what you did in LMR. Loved your pacing and combos of moves to keep things interesting.

A full workout with balance discs.

Also, I really appreciate when you bake in the core work and include a full stretch at the end of workouts instead of having them as separate add-ons. (Ie: if I want a shorter stretch, I can always just stop the workout after the cooldown.)

Also, if we can keep the props to a minimum. I feel like each new series has required me to buy more "gadgets", and while yes, they're useful, they're also a pain to take out, put away, and also find storage for. I don't have a dedicated workout room, just my living room, so space is a premium. Keep it to just hand weights (or barbell with hand weight modifications), a mat, and a step. (Balance discs would be needed if you did the balance disc workout suggestion, of course.)

Looking at my ask, this is quite a few workouts, lol:

1. Full body strength (including core)
2. Upper body strength (including core)
3. Lower body strength
5. Body parts biceps
6. Body parts triceps
7. Body parts back (including core)
8. Body parts chest
9. Body parts shoulders
10. Body parts quads/outer thigh (including core)
11. Body parts hamstrings/glutes
12. "To the Mat" lower body workout (including core)
13. Full body metabolic (including core)
14. HiiT cardio
15. Steady-state step cardio
16. Kickboxing cardio (including core)
17. Mobility/restoration
18. Balance workout (including core)

Oh yeah, and a great, comprehensive rotation that utilizes all of this along with the emphasis on recovery days as you see in the 12-week STS 2.0 rotation. Perhaps, in a longer rotation, include a week or two using the de-loading theory. Suggest using existing workouts in the set, but use weights that are 1/4 to 1/2 the weight of your usual weight selections.

Hope that was detailed enough. Haha - thanks for all your consideration. It's all your other inspiring work that inspires the above asks!
few suggestions :D
I put my 2 cents in on Facebook, but I'll put it here too.
I'd like a nice blend
A couple slow and heavy weight workouts. Upper Body/Lower body split. No weird moves, no gliding just basic lifting moves.
A couple metabolic workouts.
One floor cardio workout One step cardio workout
Then have some extended stretches as add on and I'd be happy.
While I'm happy to have LMR set, I don't need more of these at this time. I'd love to see more metabolic weight workouts and Hiits with good core added. The two workouts I enjoy the most in LMR are the Total Body (love the weight work and the metabolic effect you get) and I love the low impact hiit add on. I use these a lot. For recovery, I take my dog for a walk and ride my horses. Just my humble opinion.
Calling all Cathletes! Guess what? I’m back at it, cooking up a new series and I’d love to hear from you!

I have browsed through the suggestions forum and marked down the suggestions. Additionally, I’d like to ask for your suggestions here on this thread so I can keep all the comments together.

Now that you’ve had some time to play with the new Lift, Move & Restore series, I’d love some feedback on what you’re hoping to see next? What would you like to have a sequel to this type of series? If so, please be more specific. Was there anything that you had hoped for in the last series that wasn’t included? What would you like to see more of, less of, the same of etc.? What kind of intensity level are you looking for? What kind of concerns would you like me to address as far as your exercise lifestyle is concerned?

If you’d like to see something other than a sequel or another type of lift move and restore concept, please let me know that as well. All suggestions are welcome and the more detailed you can be the more helpful this is to me.

I’m already developing concepts and choreography for new types of workouts and I want to make sure that they check all the boxes of what your heart is hoping for!

Please comment in this thread with your ideas! I can’t wait to hear from you!View attachment 9052
I would like a moderate to heavy weight workout with low impact cardio mixed in. 2 rounds on weights, no repeat cardio or bodyweight exercises. 30-40 min. Always love the bonuses.
PHA4, cardio core circuit 2, HIIT circuit upper body 2, a bedtime yoga relax workout filmed at your house, athletic training 2, Afterburn 2, cardio slam 2, slide and glide cardio - these are my favorites so a sequel would be awesome! Maybe even travel fit 2. Even something with the Bosu.
I frequently use a dvd by Mimi Solaire (Deep Stretch/Yin Yoga) that divides the body into 3 segments: Neck & Shoulders; Back; Hips & Legs; & other options. Each body part segment is about 20 minutes & she holds the stretches for awhile (around 30 seconds). I find it very beneficial - I've had it a long time and would like an update. I would love a Cathe dvd that divides the body into parts for mobility and/or stretching, especially after weight workouts, but could also be used as an add-on after cardio. Or combine them for a full workout. An Upper Body segment & a Lower Body which could be combined for a longer Total Body. Or even further divided than UB/LB. Each about 20-30 minutes if UB/LB, shorter if further divided.
A take-off on LIS Cardio SuperSets: a low impact, high intensity cardio segment superseted with a standing core segment. I think there's a LIVE similar! (I also like SC Cardio Core Circuit but i don't like getting up/down/rolling around for the core - so I do the cardio only premix, but would love standing core subbed in).
I frequently use a dvd by Mimi Solaire (Deep Stretch/Yin Yoga) that divides the body into 3 segments: Neck & Shoulders; Back; Hips & Legs; & other options. Each body part segment is about 20 minutes & she holds the stretches for awhile (around 30 seconds). I find it very beneficial - I've had it a long time and would like an update. I would love a Cathe dvd that divides the body into parts for mobility and/or stretching, especially after weight workouts, but could also be used as an add-on after cardio. Or combine them for a full workout. An Upper Body segment & a Lower Body which could be combined for a longer Total Body. Or even further divided than UB/LB. Each about 20-30 minutes if UB/LB, shorter if further divided.
Actually, Mimi's stretch dvd is one of my favorites! She has the routines separated by body part and holds the stretches for at least 30 seconds. The music is very relaxing and soothing. The hip and leg section uses a strap. I would really love for Cathe to do something along this line.
A take-off on LIS Cardio SuperSets: a low impact, high intensity cardio segment superseted with a standing core segment. I think there's a LIVE similar! (I also like SC Cardio Core Circuit but i don't like getting up/down/rolling around for the core - so I do the cardio only premix, but would love standing core subbed in).
Cathe does gave a live workout like this called Cardio Core Express. I love this workout and also do Cathe's Cardio Core Circuit, but only the premix that eliminates the up/down core. Replacing the up/down core parts with standing core would be great!!
Cathe does gave a live workout like this called Cardio Core Express. I love this workout and also do Cathe's Cardio Core Circuit, but only the premix that eliminates the up/down core. Replacing the up/down core parts with standing core would be great!!
Another low impact cardio superset workout, from the low impact series, would be enjoyable!
Hi Cathe,

I'd love:
* an Afterburn 2 with fun music. :).
* a combination Rock’m Sock’m and Cardio Party type steady state cardio workout, at least 60 minutes (love the music in both workouts).
* a STS 2 body parts that are 15 minutes each (no w/u or cd),
* a Tabatacise 2 that is equal parts weights and cardio tabatas. The weights could be metabolic or PHA like (PHA3) and intense, with a 1 minute rest after each tabata. No step during the 1 minute rest. :). But, I wouldn’t be opposed to a step rest interval if you thought it would keep the intensity up.
* a 30 minute series with workouts like Cathe Live #527 Boxing HiiT 2 and some of the other express workouts.
@T2B ,
I hope you don't mind me asking a follow-up question to this segment of your post:

* a Tabatacise 2 that is equal parts weights and cardio tabatas. The weights could be metabolic or PHA like (PHA3) and intense, with a 1 minute rest after each tabata. No step during the 1 minute rest. :). But, I wouldn’t be opposed to a step rest interval if you thought it would keep the intensity up.
Do you mean a weight lifting segment of a little over a minute after the Tabata cardio segment instead of the step segment as in the original Tabatacize? Or are you thinking some type of 20/10 or 40/20 Tabata with weights? Just curious ... interesting concept either way :)

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