Petie my Lab:(

I am so sorry to hear this. Labs are such wonderful dogs. I have a 10 year old lab myself and seeing her age has been difficult.

I am so, so sorry Barbara! This is so sad.

I just lost my brother a few weeks ago. It really helps to be around family.
Oh Barbra, everyone is right. There is no such thing as just a dog, and anyone who might think that has not yet had one they loved so much. When Gypsy had to be put to sleep, it took me a solid week to not cry all day.

I will suggest a great book, and if I had it in my posession I would send it to you, but my sister has it currently. It is one we have passed around, and it is perfect for children. It may help your son a little, especially as a springboard to talk it out. You can read it as much as he might want to until he feels better. It is called "Dog Heaven" by Cynthia Rylant. Full of great illustrations, and a sweet story to boot. It helped my kids, and my neice and perhaps it would help your son feel better too.
Oh, Barbara, I'm so sad to hear about Petie. At least he's at peace now, but I'm sure that doesn't ease all the pain you're feeling. Our thoughts go out to you during this difficult time.
-Kate Miller

I am so sorry for you and your family. It is tragic that Petie was so young. He was so lucky to have the love and devotion that you gave him. Some day another dog will be lucky enough to find you when you are ready for it. Petie will always have a special place in your hearts.

I am so sorry. I am so attached to my lab and kitty cat, so I understand how upset you would be. My prayers are with you and again, I am so very sorry.


I am so sorry to hear about your Petie. Petie is not just a dog, but a member of your family, and I that your heart is broken.

Terri :(
I am very sad for you and your family. Was Petie only 3? I am sure he had a great life with you.
On June 23rd of this year my cat Mirt died he was 18. I feel so lost without him he was my little buddy.
Each day it gets better. Animals are such good companions they are family.
Take care of yourself.

I am sending HUGS your way. I'm sorry you had to go through this. I had to put a German Shorthair down at 2 and then a Dobe at 3 less than a year SUCKS. The biggest gift of love is knowing when to let go. Hang in there! I wish I had some magical words to make it all go away, but there aren't any. Take it one day at a time.

My condolences to you and your family over the loss of your Petie. I too feel that our pets are part of our family. They certainly can act like children sometimes. I miss my cat Minnie Pearl of 18 years still though I did have my husband go out and get me 2 more kitties to replace her. It took a while for my heart to heal enough not to want to cry all the time caused I missed her.

Take care,
Sheila C.
My heart breaks for you and your family. Its soo heartbreaking i know, to let something such a part of your family and so very precious go. But.. he had a great happy life full of love and attention. Let that ease some of your pain, that you were the best family he could've hoped for. He lived a full happy life with you and your family and he knows you loved him and did your very best. He is painfree, happy, and content now. I wish you and family peace of mind and healing :)

I'm so sorry to hear about Petie. Labs are the best, I know I have two of them and they are members of our family. My heart breaks for your loss. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
Hi everyone thanks for all the kind words and Lizzi thanks for the poem, im going to read it to my son. I went to the vet at 3:30 this afternoon and got to say goodbye to Petie. I never cried so hard in my life even Petie was crying because he sense of me crying for him. My husband was supposed to go in with him but he just broke down and cry too. All my 16 years of being marry to him I never saw him cry like this and it even made it worst. We stayed with him for about 1/2 hour before he was put down. I really feel so lonely with him not here. He is always right next to me when Im on the computer or anywhere I go in the house he would be right behind me following me. We were thinking of getting a dog from the shelter soon. I just love having a dog around and getting the unconditional love from them. The say man's best friend I think also lady's best friend too. Well thanks again. God Bless You.
I'm so sorry.

I know exactly how you're feeling. I had to put my black lab, Sly, to sleep on April 29th. Words cannot describe the loss I felt and still feel.
My deepest sympathy to you and your family,

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