Petie my Lab:(

Barbara, my heart is just breaking for you tonight. I am so sorry. It brought back tears to my eyes because we went through the same thing putting our collie down after 13 years. Never before or since, have I heard my husband so in tears. (he took her to the vet while I took both kids out of state to visit my sisters) I am glad you were able to spend the last minutes with Petie. God Bless YOU!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
My heart is with you. Petie gave you unconditional love and you gave it right back. I believe that dogs are put on this earth to help keep us real. When life gets crazy, dogs, those sensitive souls, are always there to remind us that love is the only thing that really matters. He knew that. And so do you. Blessings to you and yours, Cheryl
I did not see this post until I sent my prior one I am so sorry for your loss My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I'm so sorry to hear about Petie. He wasn't "just a dog". He was part of your our family we call them 4-legged people. Our prayers are with you and your family, esp. your younger son.
My heart is just broken for you. I so wished this wouldn't happen. I'm just glad, for your son's sake, that you are able to understand his loss and don't see Petie as "just a dog." You will be better able to comfort him. My heart goes out to all of you.

Oh, I feel so sorry....I have 2 Labs myself and they are just as much my family as my kids. I really have 4 kids, two with two legs, two with four. Take care. Donna.
I'm so sorry to here about Petie. I know how difficult this is as I've been through it myself. At least you had three great years with him and know that you did what was best for him.

My heart goes out to you and your family.
Im sorry to hear of your loss.Dogs aren't "just dogs" anymore,like they were years ago.They are house animals(like cats) and are such a big part of our families.I have had dreams about my dog and have woken up heart broken.I can't imagine what I will be like when his day comes.Hope your feeling better soon.
Oh, Barbara, I am so, so very sorry for your loss ;(. They're not just pets; they're members of the family. I've been looking at the great photos of Petie you had posted; what an angel. His great personality is evident even in the photos; what a treasure. God bless you and your whole family in dealing with this tragic loss.

Take care,

Oh Barbara I am sooooo sorry to hear this news. It always hurts so deeply when we lose someone close to us, especially our family member. I know there is really nothing I can say or do right now to make you or your family feel any better but please know that you are in my thoughts. I will say a prayer for your adorable, loveable Petie. I have already sent prayers up to Dakota (my doggie who passed away a couple of months back) and asked him to go greet Petie at Rainbow Bridge and introduce him to all of the friends he has made. Wishing you days filled with happy memories ahead. They will come in between some painful days I'm sure but it does get a little more bearable with time. Comfort hugs are coming your way)))))))))))Love, Cathe
Barbara, I am so distressed that I somehow missed your post this weekend. My heart breaks for you and your family. We love our furry baby Eddie just as fiercely as we love each other, and all dog lovers know that there is something so very special about the absolute love that a dog brings into your life. I am so glad that LizzyC posted for you the wonderful poem about Rainbow Bridge. I have been comforted myself by that beautiful image over the years as my extended family's lost beloved pets, and I know that Petie was met at the Rainbow Bridge by Cathe's Dakota, my mom's sweet little Corgy mix Samantha, my childhood poodle Tinsel, my husband's childhood pooch Gaston, and so many other precious pooches -- and kitty cats, too.

Don't ever feel like Petie was just a dog, Barbara -- there's no such thing as "just" a dog. Remember what "dog" is spelled backwards? IMHO that's no accident -- dogs are the best example I know of unconditional love, acceptance and devotion. You felt ALL the best and perfect things with your Petie, and someday your family will feel those same wonderful things with another dog. And Petie will be watching over you, and woofing with happiness that your family has found another dog to love, and has had time to heal and to remember him with smiles and laughter.

Hugs to all of you from your friend and pooch lover in Atlanta! Kathy S.
Oh No!
I just caught up on what has been going on! This is heartbreaking!

Barbara, I'm soo sorry to hear about your Petie! You and your family are in my prayers !I hope you find comfort when you reflect on all the fond memories you shared and your tears slowly go away as you remember the way he comforted you and always made you smile!

Not just a dog

He was not just my dog.
He was my other eyes that could see above the clouds;
my other ears that could hear above the winds.
He has told me more than a thousand times over that I was his reason for being -- by the way he rested against my leg,
by the way he thumped his tail at my smallest smile,
by the way he showed his hurt when I left without taking him.

When I was wrong, he was delighted to forgive.
When I was angry, he clowned around to make me smile.
When I was happy, he was joyful.
When I was a fool, he ignored it.
When I succeeded, he bragged.

Without him, I am only another person.
With him, I was all powerful.
He has taught me the meaning of devotion is loyalty itself.
With him, I knew the secret of comfort and a private peace.
He has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant.
His head on my knee always healed my human hurts.
His presence by my side was protection against my fears of dark and unknown things.
He has promised to wait for me ... whenever ... wherever ...
in case I needed him, and I always have.

Who was he?

Not just MY DOG, he was always more than that, he was my faithful companion! He will be terribly missed!

I'm so sorry for your loss. Regardless of them being non-humans, our pets are so dear to us and an important member of the family. Heck, they're so human at times and I think that's part of what endears them to us. I lost my 2 month old baby Chihuahua Chico in 1995 to parvovirus and I can tell you it was one of the most horrible experiences of my life. I still get sad when I think of her death.

I send you plenty of hugs.
I am so sorry, too. I know how you feel, as my pets are some of the most important parts of my life. I am still extremely sad after having to put my old dog to sleep 3 years ago.

It's not too much comfort, but you aren't alone. And at least you have the peace of mind that you did everything you could.

Take care
I just want to say thank you everyone for your prayers and Francine thanks for that poem it really meant alot to me. I know it is not "just a dog" after losing him a few days ago. After reading the poem it is so true. Cathe it really means alot to hear from my #1 fitness instructor:) and to know that you sent your beloved Dakota to meet my Petie at the "Rainbow Bridge" Thanks again:)
barbara - to true dog lovers, they are never "just a dog" - i understand how you feel. i went through this a few years ago. and now my eldest dog is 15 so it's only a matter of time.

i'm heavily involved in dog rescue, and one thing really helped me. i read somewhere that the best tribute you can pay to your lifelong friend, is to adopt a dog and save another life.

only when you are ready of course. we all grieve in different ways and at different speeds. i adopted another rescue dog three months after i lost my keeshond. and while she can never be replaced, the dog i adopted allowed me to feel joy again. she helped me heal. and she helped my other dogs heal as well - they grieved as much as i did. sounds strange, but it's true.

i'm sure you gave petie a wonderful life.

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