Hi ladies, I didn't work out over the weekend...:( DH did all the dusting & vacuuming, so that helped a bit. I'm not sure what's up with the elbow - it's not hurting at the place where it was before. Now it almost feels like the bone in the forearm right before the elbow is bruised. That's not where I hit it, so I'm confused. :confused:
Renee: Boy, that's a tough one! Do you have any idea at all what the more extensive testing involves? Is it painful at all, or is it very costly? You may have no way of knowing the answers to those questions, I know, but it's certainly something to consider.
Cathy: Are you feeling any better yet, hopefully?
Caitlin: How are you doing?
Hugs all around!
Thats the thing the only other thing ive heard is by symptoms.. I even tried to rad up on it it said its hard tto diagnos. Most times the blood test will show it but if it comes back negitive it doesnt mean u dont have it some people still have it..confussing. So basicaly,all i can gather is if ur symptoms match and to me that is just a guess i dont want meds that might kill me on an educated guess. I may be wrong but thats all i know. And then my reg doc was saying if test come back neg again dont go to RA so i got one doc saying one thing to go see RA specialist and he is telling me i should eat mmeat n veggiies lol i told him i am trying plant based diet he acted miffed about it. Said he does Adkins. Well i did that once to and gained 10 pounds ... My reg doctor is the one who promotes my exercise and my plant based diet he is all about natural ways like i am and he goes to same kind of church i go to. So we agree on alot of things. But its so confusing when u have two doctors telling u two different things! Im sorry your elbow hurts stiill! Thhats so nice hubby helped u out! So nicce im,glad.. Tell him im proud of him lol.

Hello cathy aand catlin! .
Well, if I can get the energy, I'll try to do a workout tonight. Yesterday evening, I simply didn't have the energy. :(
To be honest, Renee, I think I personally would want to know if I had RA or not. But, that's just me. I've always said that I can deal with things MUCH better if I just KNOW what I'm up against, that it's the not knowing that drives me batty.
Take care, ladies, & I'll try to post more tomorrow! HUGS all around!
Hi Jane I do think that at times but really with something I can control but if I get labeled it can make me give up, the meds to treat it can damage organs too, I think I am going to make apt but that gives me time to think about it.

Cathy thanks going to check it out. I just got a new phone! Woo hoo!
Hello to all you wonderful people.

If you saw my post about the whackjobs in Open Discussion, you will know I have been having a hard time. I am very tired now, and I have been on the phone with Chase Bank, and they finally refuned me 700 dollars. I also received a call from a very nice policewoman who told me that the precinct would be investigating the 8 fake 911 calls, and it would be done in about two days. I asked her if she could go or somebody else go and warn the nutjobs that they would be arrested if they did it again. It is too hot to work out in here in the summer as I am on the top floor, but my good friend Nick said he would pay for Synergy, and Synergy is about half a mile from where I live so I can walk there. Nick is a very young 30 year old, but he likes he, and he is helping me out. He is really a doll. My kind neighbor Bill who is a former narcotics cop said that Nick was going to be arrested because he was caught in possession of a gun and lied to the cops. I will never mention this to Nick, as Bill asked me not to, and I am not even sure it is true. It seems that younger people are always getting into trouble nowadays, my daughter included. Her father had a drug addict living in his house, and the drug addict shot Kristen up with heroin when she was fourteen years old.
My ex is such a piece of work, with antisocial personality disorder and paranoid personality disorder; these disorders are coded on the Minnesota Muliphasic Personal Disorder scale. He also shows a lack of affect, which mean he never shows any kind of emotion.

Sorry about the psych stuff; I remember too much of it.
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Jane: I'm finally starting to feel better, still dealing with a couple of things! Are you sleeping & is your energy level still low? I hope you start feeling better soon!:D

Renee: Which rotation are you doing? It sounds like you're enjoying your workouts:D

Caitlin: Good to see you back & I'm very sorry for all the stress you're having to deal with! Hopefully everything will get straightened out!:D

Take care & Hugs,
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I am enjoying them I am doing the get ready for summer rotation I rhinitis is march one right now.

Yes I remember u went through this a while back, is it jooba the Hut again? Lol sorry stressful I'd be climbing the walls!

Hello hope u r doing well ma lady ! Lol
I am suppose to do afterburn today but I had to work today and feel run down rushing to get things done I may find a different one to do. Not sure I am wanting to try HIIT DVD of catches I just bought but not sure, it looks hard but it doesn't last long so if its short that nay help.
The police have been very nice

Chase Bank refunded the 700 dollars that the criminal site charge on my card, and I am getting a new debit card on Friday. This morning, a very nice policewoman called me, and she said that they would be investigating the matterof the 8 fake 911 calls, and it would take two days. Kristen has been acting up in rehab, and she has to stay longer than six months. Personally, I think she needs a year. I do not really totally blame her, as a drug addict shot her up with heroin when she was fourteen. My ex actually has a heroin addict living in the house. I cannnot blame my daughter totally; it was a terrible environment. Since I was up all night calling Chase, I am so tired today. I did the cardio conditioning portion of Kick, Punch and Crunch, and I actually turned down a personal training session as I am so beat. All the stress have made my pulse much too high, and it does not matter how much I exercise, it is high. I am sitting here typing, and it is 100. When I lie down sometimes it gets down to the 60's but not often.
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Caitlin, that's great news your money was credited back to you:D Hope everything gets settled soon!

Jane & Renee, hoping you are both doing well today!:D

Nothing for me yet, hopefully soon!

Take care & Hugs,
Good morning, ladies! Beautiful day here - hope it is beautiful where you are, too!
I still haven't worked out this week - my energy level is extremely low this week. I'm sleeping OK, but by 2:00, I'm dragging. I cut out all sugar - I'll see if that helps any. Sometimes, it simply comes with the territory of having fibromyalgia. Once I'm on the other side, I'm OK for awhile...
Caitlin: So glad to hear that your money issue got resolved, & that you're finally getting somewhere with the police! My heart goes out to you regarding your daughter - what a heartache!
Renee: You're really doing great! I'm so proud of you! Good on ya for listening to your body, too! Hopefully, things are better for you on the homefront.
Cathy: Awesome that you're starting to feel better!!!! I bet you're itching to do something, since it has been a year!
Have a family outing on Saturday, so I may not even bother to clean this weekend. I'll use any excuse... LOL!:p

I saw a cook book and thought of u. It was for fibromyalgia ! I hope ur energy comes back I have been trying to eat less sugar and meat. Forks over knifes documentary helped push it more lol. No me n son got into it this morning I hadn't seen him a few days again but it was so sad I wasn't trying to argue I tell u the way alcohol and such will do to a persons thinking. It really makes me cry how he is and he seems so Lonely and nutty I hate to say that. But his thinking is way off base, and its sad I love him so much, but I don't know what to do for him. I can't do anything til he admits once again he has a problem. I try to avoid arguments but he will keep talking and expect a response to a question and I'm not gonna give him the correct answer he wants so it makes him mad, wow I will not be an enabler and that's what he wants. What an energy zapping situation i tell ya. I don't want yo even talk to him the way he us now, brakes my heart cause I so miss my son I know he is. I wasn't even raising my voice hmm I don't even know how it ends up like this.
Had an appointment this morning & did groceries.
Came home & went to visit DIL & GD:D It was a great visit.
When I got home, went for a 20 min. walk with the dogs!
So it's been a terrific day!

Have a wonderful weekend!
I did Step Blast

I did Step Blast on an eight inch step, and I finished the whole thing. I did not jump every time Cathy does.

I also did the Lower Body portion of High Reps. I have to call the 122 precinct now, as I have not hear from them yet. They said they would investigate the fake 911 calls.
Had an appointment this morning & did groceries.
Came home & went to visit DIL & GD:D It was a great visit.
When I got home, went for a 20 min. walk with the dogs!
So it's been a terrific day!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Awh that is wonderful! I love it you have a great day! How far away is ur DiL and did you get to see York son to? I hope my kids will settle soon so I can have some grands! I hear tell its awesome lol, I will wait til there ready I guess lol
I went for a jog today ,
I did Step Blast on an eight inch step, and I finished the whole thing. I did not jump every time Cathy does.

I also did the Lower Body portion of High Reps. I have to call the 122 precinct now, as I have not hear from them yet. They said they would investigate the fake 911 calls.

Great job caitlin I do not jump all the time either at times I still sweat without jumping
My wonderful son Billy

comes to see me very often. He is graduating in the spring with a triple major, CPA accounting, Finance and Economics. He told his mother, that once he had a job he would give me some money every week, and he would take care of me when I could not work. The way I feel, I think I could work until I am eighty.

My daughter acted up in rehab, so, instead of being there six months, I think she is there for nine. Once she gets out, all the charges against her will be taken away, and she will retain her nursing degree. My kind neighbor Bill is not feeling well, but he said the Peace Corps might be good for her. She is spoiled, and she thinks her life is horrible because her parents are divorced. I used to use Albert Ellis's Rational Emotive Therapy on her. His theory is that people tend to horribilize things when things could be much, much worse.

I used to tell her she could be living on the Gaza Strip. Sorry for the psych stuff. Thank you to all you wonderful people. I might take a rest day today. I have the Cathe calender, and I am trying to track my workouts.

That sounds like most the young adults these days mine included and I used to think females were drama queens, but most of the males are too! Most of the young friends they have and them, they think things are so bad. Or there life sucks and everyone should give them whatever or something lol don't feel bad cause mine does to and my point is no matter how we raised them the generation they have grown up in obviously has a greater impact then we ever imagined! Eeek

Cathy I hope u get a wo in!
Jane glad u got to have family time!
hi all

I am very lucky to have a son like Billy, and I love him so much. My back is out badly today, so I might not to anything. I have the Hard Strikes DVD now and I will do something and see how long I can last

God bless you all, and I am so sorry far all of us that happens to

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