Hi Jane,

Sounds like you had fun with Low Impact Circuit & great on the bonus cardio:)The stretch must have felt super after all of the cardio!
I'm glad to hear the new brace is helping your elbow. That's terrific!

Take care & Hugs
Good morning, everyone!
I did Yoga Relax yesterday evening. My back was a little sore, so I figured that would help stretch it out. Maybe something from Low Impact series tonight, like Slide & Glide. Haven't done that one in awhile.
Renee, Supersets is on the same DVD as Push/Pull. I definitely like Push/Pull better (maybe because it's shorter? LOL) I'm with Cathy, I like IMax 2 much better than IMax 3. I can never catch onto the choreography until it's almost done & it's onto the blast...:eek:
Cathy: I'm glad it's nice & warm where you are - will you be planting your garden soon? That will be a workout! Are your dogs happier now that you can get out & spend more time with them?
Have a great day, everyone! Hugs!
Great job on yoga relax !! Man I need to do that one again. I did insanity fit test. I did a little better then I thought I would
Good morning, ladies! Hope everyone is doing well.
I did do Slide & Glide the other night, & I did Push/Pull yesterday evening. I was able to up my weight on almost everything, so I felt good about that.
Renee: So, you're doing an Insanity rotation? Glad to hear that you tested better than you thought you would! You go, girl! Do you like Insanity? It always looked too high impact for these old bones... LOL!
Cathy: Sounds like you're getting prettier weather than we are! I'm ready for some warmth & sunshine!
Caitlin: Hope you're starting to feel better. No matter what, I always start to feel better in the Spring - just knowing that sunshine & warmth are on the way helps me.
Have a great day, everyone, & HUGS!
Jane I only did one reg wo so far and it is not to bad a lot of different types of jogging and it was called plyonetric cardio interval and I'd say it was like Cathes HIIT in a way but hers is harder!! I think the insanity I did was almost as hard. It is a little boring to me so I may not be able to stick with it cause it seems to repeat drills with crappy music, I used my own music. I'm hoping the next workout is easier on joints but not sure I mean plyometrics u expect jumping so maybe the one today will not be to jumpy lol I will let u know. If I run into a move that I think I'll get injured I will do a different more like jogging in place. I don't want to get injured!!!
Sorry I've been MIA this week! It's been very busy
Tues was appointments & a walk
Wed was winter coat day(again)
Thu was appointments & a walk
Fri(today) was apoointments & a walk

Renee I hope you enjoy Insanity

Jane Great on Slide & Glide & Push/Pull Mon & Tue were are "summer days" now we are back to below normal temps & a little bit of rain so far

Wishing everyone a great weekend
Take care & Hugs
Hi everyone,
Hope you're having a good weekend. Happy Mother's Day everyone! This one is hard for me...:( Hugs needed for all of us today, I think!
Thursday was "off", then Friday evening I did the Upper Body portion of Muscle Max. Yesterday was Clean Max. I don't know that I'll do anything today...
Cathy, you really had a busy week! But, you still were able to get some walks in - good on ya!
Renee, isn't it awesome that Insanity wasn't as hard as Cathe??
Caitlin, hope you're doing OK!
Happy Mother's everyone & HUGS:)

Yesterday DD was out for the day! Great day:) & a 60 min walk

Today we went to an auction sale & a 30 min. walk & exercised the dogs

Jane: Terrific on Muscle Max Upper & House Max

Take care
Cathy I am glad DD came to see you! Isn't wonderful to see them? Did you guys walk together! ?
I did insanity plyometrics cardio
Hi everyone,
Yesterday evening I did Low Max (the 1st four combos) on a 6 inch step.
Cathy & Renee - sounds like you both had a great Mother's Day - so glad for you! My one son came over, & my step-daughter & her family came over, so that was nice.
Renee - was in awe of your Mother's Day gift from DH - wow! Pretty car!
Yesterday I did a 60 min. Walk
Extremely windy here today

Renee: Are you enjoying Insanity?

Jane: Great on Low Max

Caitlin: How are you doing?

Take care & Hugs,
Jane thank you he said its cause if he has to go to Afghanistan he won't worry to much and it's five star safety

I am trying to enjoy it, kinda boring you have to do drills three sets of three different ones then three more three more times, it is. Cardio based but if you can do HS or HIT or AB or CSS u could do insanity so far it isn't as hard ad I thought. Today was suppose to be cardio resistance one but I could not stand to do it!!lolthat one is hard on my back so I did HS today. I'll do cardio resistance tomorrow. I need to do a weight workout too.

I'm so glad everyone had a great Mother's Day !
Yesterday evening I did Yoga Relax - was trying to ease my aching back. It helped a little bit. Work is very stressful right now, & I'm really feeling it in my body. The gal who was my office mate retired & moved, & I miss her SO much!!! We hired a new gal right away, but you know how it is with getting to know someone & trying to teach them every little thing...it gets pretty tense.
Anyway... Renee, great job on Insanity, but it sounds like it's a little boring? So, your DH is afraid he'll have to go to Afghanistan? That's scary!
Cathy - great jobs on your walks!!! Hope you're well on your way to being fully mended.
Our weather today is beautiful & warm - looks so pretty out my office window!
Jane it IS boring but I am in fir the challenge it isn't to bad if I mix it up with Cathe so I am doing a hybrid of Cathe and insanity.
Last week was another very busy week!
Tue: 45 min. Walk
Wed: 50 min. Walk & went to do groceries + visit a former neighbor
Thur: 90 min Walk(2 walks) & exercised dogs
Fri: 30 min. Walk & chiropractor & exercised dogs
Sat: 90 min. Walk(2 walks) & exercised dogs
Sun: 30 min. Walk & DD was out:)
Today(Mon): Very light weight upper body + a stretch for a total of 60 min.

Jane: How are your back & elbow doing?

Renee: I'm sorry you're finding Insanity boring! How are you enjoying doing Insanity with Cathe?

Hope everyone is keeping up with some sort of workouts & I will try to check in more often this week!

Take care & Hugs:)
Cathy I like combining it!! Brakes up the monotony. I will be back tomorrow I been having hard time logging in today!! Well since I got my new phone actually!!
Rest day for me! I needed it
Sorry that I've been AWOL - went to visit my dad on Friday & didn't get back until late yesterday afternoon. I used my dad's 10 lb. weights & did a full body weight workout on Sunday afternoon, then did Low Impact Circuit (again on a 6" step) plus Bonus Cardio with a long stretch after I got home yesterday. My DH surprised me with a clean house when I got home! All I had to do was the bathroom, so that was very nice!!! :eek:
Cathy: Great job on your walks! Did the weight work make you sore? Is it almost garden time?
Renee: Sounds smart - breaking up the Insanity with Cathe - I can't take boring - that's why I love Cathe's workouts so much - she is NEVER boring! LOL
Today, I was only up for a 30 min. Walk.
I haven't been sleeping the best the last couple of nights & felt a little bit of discomfort in my shoulders after yesterday! Jane, I still don't have my energy back yet & the garden will be delayed by about a week now because of the weather!

Jane: Sounds like you a great weekend, coming home to a clean house! Great on your workouts!:)

Renee: Terrific you've found the way to beat boredom!

Take care & Hugs

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