Nothing yesterday & today was a 30 min. walk with the dogs.

Jane: Hope you had fun & enjoyed your family outing yesterday!

Renee: Great on your jog, how's your foot & knee doing?
I did see my DS Fri. morning! They live approx. 30 min. way

Caitlin: Great on Step Blast & the Lower Body portion of High Reps! If I use too high a step for step workouts, it aggravates my low back & it can become extremely painful!
I hope your back feels better soon

Take care & Hugs,
Catlin that is good u did step blast and upper body! I bet that was a sweat feast.

Cathy my foot still bothers me at ones believe it or not! I gave to watch my jumping the knee feels ok til I go to sit on a low seat, like the knee cap is gonna bust but not all the time. I just make sure to keep it all low impact.
Today I did a walk with one of the dogs & Yoga therapy for the hips plus a short stretch! Total time was 64 min.
Another great day:D

Hope everyone is doing well!
Take care & Hugs,
Hi everyone!
Glad to see everyone (but me) is able to work out! Hooray! I still haven't done anything...:( My elbow is still hurting - I hate to go back for a 2nd cortisone shot already...
Just wanted to check in & say hi!
Hi Jane,
I'm sorry your elbow is still hurting from the whack the desk gave it!
Is your "fibro" acting up?

Okay I did a walk dvd plus a segment from Lisa W. Strong Stride & Yoga therapy for the low back & sacrum! Total time 61 min.

It poured rain here for the first half of the day. It's finally quit for now!
Forecast says sleet later today:(

Take care & Hugs everyone,
Hi Jane,
I'm sorry your elbow is still hurting from the whack the desk gave it!
Is your "fibro" acting up?

Okay I did a walk dvd plus a segment from Lisa W. Strong Stride & Yoga therapy for the low back & sacrum! Total time 61 min.

It poured rain here for the first half of the day. It's finally quit for now!
Forecast says sleet later today:(

Take care & Hugs everyone,

O I hate the bad weather, but I guess that means good soil? Also way to go on your workouts! How did u like the yoga? I hope u are getting better soon
Hi everyone!
Glad to see everyone (but me) is able to work out! Hooray! I still haven't done anything...:( My elbow is still hurting - I hate to go back for a 2nd cortisone shot already...
Just wanted to check in & say hi!

So sorry u hurt ur elbow, I must have missed that post! What happened?
Today I did trusted lower body JFO premix my knee was feeling twirly. I had been doing great on food till last night and today I ate late last night ! Today I ate a grilled chicken sand which and waffle fries for lunch! Lots of calories. Then I ate ice cream just now !! What the heck? Lol I got to get back in track tomorrow!!
Good morning, everyone! Glorious day here - the sun is out & it's supposed to get up to 80! Woo hoo! :D Maybe Spring has finally come!!!!!
Renee, after I got the cortisone shot for my tennis elbow, I whacked my elbow on my desk. :( Yowza! Proud of you for sticking with your workouts! One day of bad eating won't foil you! As long as you're able to get right back on track - that's always my problem - once I get off track, I can't get back on. :(
Cathy: Great job on your workouts! I'm so glad you're getting back to things. It must feel pretty good - I know it does for me!
Caitlin: I hope things are resolving themselves with your neighbors. I agree with Cathy - a lot of times when I used a higher step, it would get my back/hip all wonky. Hope it's feeling better today!
I did Push/Pull again last night. That's a good one for me to get back into the swing of things. I wore the brace I got for tennis elbow - I've had it, but I never wore it to lift, just to clean! :rolleyes: So, maybe it will help, we'll see! I think I'll do Yoga Relax tonight. I'm still pretty tired, but I don't feel as exhausted as I did last week, so maybe that is starting to get better! :)
Have a great day, everyone!
Nothing yesterday Back was sore & "catnap" sleeping

Today I did standing abs, lower body floor & yoga therapy for the low back
Total time 62 min. A great day!

On the news I heard April 2013 broke a 130 yr. old record & is now the coldest April on record! Being cold wasn't my imagination(thankfully)

Jane: Great on Push/Pull! How did the brace work? Please send some warm weather & sunshine!

Renee: Don't worry about 1 day of eating too much! Great on your workout & how was your knee afterwards?

Caitlin: I hope your back isn't too bad & you're still able to do some workouts!

Take care & Hugs,
Cathy my knee was good today but yesterday after athletic training DVD it was twingy again. Today is ok I guess I'm sore from tridents and AT but I haven't moved around to much today to tell if knee us better. My knee don't hurt just sitting it hurts when I try to stand up on a low potty or a chair or squaring to low. So I try not to squat to far. Confused in it.
Great job on the walk!

Today I don't Know what to do I am suppose to start a new rotation I finished the march one yesterday.

Jane I hope u enjoyed your yoga! I hope your elbow is better too. Also hope your family and everything is going good!

Catkin I hope your 911 thing has settled!
Today was a walk with one of the dogs & a stretch:)
Total time 67 min. The sun is shining today but we are below normal temps!

Hope everyone has a great weekend
Take care & Hugs,
Cathy nice job in the walks , it is raining hear yet again here!!
Okay I did gym styles chest and tris. I really feel good about it but I never seem to get used to just weights for the day, I always think I NEED cardio !! I wonder if in gonna get used to enjoying just lifting on the day. I enjoy it but I'm afraid ill get more fat if I don't do a cardio in addition to the weights. Grrrr lol
Renee: Great job on GS Chest & Tri's:)
I use to do a step workout on leg day to help warm up the muscles thoroughly & then skip the warm up on the leg workout. I quite often didn't do cardio on upper body day.
Which rotation are you doing now?

Jane & Caitlin, hope you are both doing okay

Today was cardio with very light strength work added plus a stretch. Total time was 66 min.
The sun is shining today, still have a slightly cool wind though

Take care & Hugs
Cathy that's great u are adding strength again!!

I am going to do may rotation. Today was IMAX 3 I can't do the whole thing so I chose the 1-5 premix, I don't know y it's so had for me!!!
Happy Sunday everyone! Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Renee, do you take a glucosamine supplement? I take Cosamin ASU, which is what Cathe says she takes. It really helped me a lot when my knees ached all the time. They hardly ever bother me any more. It's worth a shot. Don't get down on yourself...that's a really tough workout!

Cathy, it's so great to see that you're walking & getting back to some workouts! I hope you're starting to feel better, & that you're healing well.

I did Supersets yesterday after Clean Max. I want to do some kind of circuit workout today after Church. I haven't done any cardio for months, though, so I don't want to overdo it.

Caitlin, I hope you're doing better!
Morning Jane

Yes I tried it, I remember last year u told me about them and they pro key would do better if I can do it every month but they are so expensive that I can't afford them as often as I needed. So I would do one every other day and that did help some but 35 to 40 every time I ran out was steep so I am on something different. I just started it so we will see. It was at CVS only one tab a day, I like that, and I got it buy one bottle get one free. I hope it helps. It's called osteo bi- flex. They taste bitter.
Last night IMAX 3 was hard but not cause of knees just I knew I could not go across my step after 5 intervals lol that is a tough wo for me! I wonder if I use a smaller stepper for IMAX 3 if I may be able to do it all? I bought me a smaller step cause I thought the top was smoother ( not) still has wharbals in it. So I wonder if I can use it for the harder wo to build up to the big step.
Super sets? Is that the one from ? Body blast? Maybe do low impact circuit? I did that last week and did the upper body premix. It was fun. Or maybe body max 2?
Jane: Great on SuperSets after House Max:)
How's the brace working or are you using it?
Things are healing very slowly. It'll be 3 weeks Tue. since the last visit. Things haven't quite cleared up yet, so going at my own speed:)

Renee: Super you're doing another rotation! I like IMAX 2 better than IMAX 3 as I found that one more difficult too! Did you finish a rotation between the XTrain rotation & the May rotation?

Caitlin: Hope you're doing good & your back isn't as painful!

Today I did a 30 min. stretch & that is it for me today!
This has turned out to be an excellent week as a far as workouts go, now if it would warm up!

Take care & Hugs
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So, I did Low Impact Circuit with the bonus cardio. Did a nice, long extended stretch, & I feel really good. I was afraid it would be too much...

Cathy, yes, I've been wearing the brace, & so far, it truly does seem to be helping. I got a different kind today at the store - it's bigger & encases the whole elbow area.

Rain delay on NASCAR, so I didn't miss a whole lot!
Take care everyone & hugs!

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