All I did today

was the cardio portion of kick, punch and crunch. I am out of shape. I am going to do the legs from Muscule Max
Hi ladies! I actually worked out yesterday - it felt so good not to have any pain in my elbow! I got a cortisone shot on Thursday & felt immediate relief. I have mild DOMS in my legs today - oh what a wonderful feeling!!!! LOL :D:eek: I did Push/Pull, which is only 44 minutes long & a full-body workout. I don't want to overdo anything. I'm praying that the elbow relief lasts.
How's everyone else doing?

Hi jane. I love push pull i wish cathe would do a push pull two cause i love getting in a quickie weight wo! I am so glad ur elbow is good... What is the prognosis?
Woke up to a snowstorm this morning(it's almost blizzard like)
Still dealing with things but feeling better today
Will still be a couple of weeks before I can start working out again

Jane: please give your elbow time & take it easy
How are the dogs?

Renee:Congratulations on finishing the XTrain rotation & the weight loss. Way to go:D

Thamks Cathy..i am hopinv u get better soon. Are u planning on gardening tjis year,?
Catlin... Muscle max was on tab last week.. I loved it but that one is hard for me.
Well i jogged yesterday three miles, today is rest day.. I am doing march rotation. Lov it so far!
Hey, Renee, Butts & Guts is TOUGH! Don't know how your knees are going to take to it, though. Pretty sure there's lots of low ends & pulses. I may be thinking of the wrong one. I didn't try to do the whole thing at first try. I just did the standing portion to start out.
Cathy: Wow! Do you usually get snow this late in the spring? I am praying that you start to feel better soon!
Caitlin: Sounds like a good workout! I'm starting back at the beginning, too, so I'm taking it pretty slow.
The "elbow" Dr. said very bluntly that he hates to hear tennis elbow out of a patient! He said that it lasts as long as it lasts, & that the cortisone shot can interrupt the inflammation, but it won't heal it. He will only give a total of 3 shots because after that, it does more harm than good. He recommends icing after every workout & stretching, stretching, stretching the forearm. He also said that even though tennis elbow is painful, continuing to work out is not going to hurt anything - in other words, although it's painful, it's not doing any damage to the ligament or joint, which is what I was worried about. So, I specifically asked him twice if I could go home that very day & work out & he said absolutely! It is still sore at the injection site, but other than that, is still pain free. I haven't experienced that for 2 1/2 years! Happy Dance!:D
Geez ... So u will always have pain? No surgery can help? It sounds like my wrist. Lol
Crap i hope it isnt to many low pulses. Crap crap... Well i read so many people got more results,from this one more then any of them. Darn.
I hope it,comes in the mail.. I dont want ups they always come when DH is home.. L i cant hide a big truck. But i can snatch them in my purse as i get the mail and he wont see. Lol,
Too funny, yet not funny, Renee (about hiding the package)...:eek: You & I are just too much alike! LOL
Well, I don't know that I'll always have pain, but he sounded pretty fatalistic, since I've had it so long. The cortisone ends the inflammation temporarily, & there's a chance that the inflammation won't come back.
Jane: I hope your elbow is good for the rest of the year!
Maybe don't lift too heavy. We wound up with between 4-5 inches of snow yesterday, not too unusual this time of year but our temps. are below the norm. So today was my last day, everything is done:D I'll be starting over too as I just realized it's fast approaching a year since I've worked out consistently.

Renee: You'll love Butts & Gut! I guess we are all guilty of hiding our dvds at times!;)
We are planning a garden, now if it would just warmup for a garden!

Caitlin: Glad to see you back & you had a good workout.
Good morning, ladies!
I did Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders & Triceps yesterday evening. I went pretty light on weights - only used 35 pounds for chest presses. I want to enjoy no pain for as long as I can! LOL
Cathy: So glad everything is done for you, & now hopefully, the healing can begin! YAY!
Renee: So proud of you - you're going great guns! Keep up the good work! Has your DVD come yet?
Caitlin: We all have experienced the frustration of starting over, & over, and over again - we're here to cheer you on! We can only do what our bodies allow us to do...
Have a great day everyone!
Hi ladies AT and gym style cbs for me today.
I am kinda indifferent right now. I had been hurting in wrist off and on for Bout a yr now. I went to orthopedist he did xrays. Nothing he sees Going on. Go back for followup and he seems to suspicion RA ... Same thing my mom had.i dont want it. He claaims tbere is alot of things can be done to prevent deformity. But i dont see how. It was only two yrs ago mom was battlng it. I wont have apt til say three months is soonist a RA doctor will be able to see me. Honestly id rather not know. It can effect ur organs and eventualy die early. I dont want that. I am scarred.
Renee: I'm so sorry you might have RA & after your mother it must be frightening for you! You can check with your doctor on these suggestions:
1)Make sure your diet is as clean as possible
2)Be careful how heavy your weights are as you could stress the joints
3)Increase your stretching, flexibility & balance work
Plus you may have to modify some of the higher impact moves!
You may have to experiment as well to see what works for you on both the food & workouts! Don't stop your workouts, keep moving! Take care & keep us posted

Jane: Ithought you were starting over, LOL
Great on the 35 lbs:D
thanks Cathy i guess that would explain why i get sore in the joints before the muscles lol, I was getting so strong to.. i was doing 12 pound bicep curls and 15 at times.. i am not giving up, i will keep going..
Oh, Renee, how frightening for you! HUGS! I pray that it is not RA. Great job on the biceps weight - I was up to 12 pounds, & working on 14 when I first hurt my elbow... You won't lose strength if you give your joints a week or so of rest - & maybe that's all you need!
Cathy: Are you starting to feel any better (I hope!)? Does 35 pounds sound like a lot for a chest press? I was up to 50 pounds at one time, but I see women on the forums that lift a lot more than that, so I always felt pretty wimpy! & even when I could do 50 pounds, I still couldn't do a regular push-up.
Yesterday evening, I did Pure Strength Legs. Didn't do the abs portion - ran out of time. Boy, the floorwork with the body bar is tough - not used to using that! I just used my barbell, as it weighs 14 pounds. I'm walking OK today, but I have a feeling that by tomorrow, I'm going to have some serious DOMS in my outer & inner thighs! :eek:
Take care, ladies & HUGS! Extra prayers for all of you!
Hi Jane,
Great on the legs! That is a longer workout. Was thinking about your elbow on the 35 lbs.
As for me I'll have to start back on the "baby" weights:( Still having nerve pains & some of those have been going to my shoulder so now I'm wondering if it's connected. Hoping to start walking by the weekend!
Take care & Hugs
Hey, ladies!
Was going to do Pure Strength Back, Biceps & Abs this evening when I got home, but I cracked my elbow against the edge of my desk today at work & I almost screamed. It was doing so well!!! I'll see how it feels & play it by ear.
Renee, great job on Butts & Guts! Hope you can walk tomorrow!
Cathy, glad you're finally starting to feel a bit better! Take it easy & give yourself time to heal!
Caitlin, hope you're doing OK!
Take good care, ladies, & hope your weekends are great!
Renee: I must have missed a post Did you do Butts & Guts?
How did you like it? Are you doing another rotation?

Jane: I'm so sorry about your elbow! Gosh, ouch!:(

Caitlin: Also hoping you're doing okay

Have a great weekend everyone & take care
WEll Janie i dont have alot of DOMS yet i hope ill get it tomorrow, i mean my hammies are sore but not to bad any where else.. hum

Hi Cathy yes i am doin ga rotation but it was supose to be gym style legs but i got the Bn G in the mail so i couldnt wait to try !! Today was Cardio kicks it was fun too!
I have some question i need to ask. i had my follow up at my reg Doctor yesterday.. He wanted to know what the ortho doctor said so i told him he thinks i may have RA, but i cant know for three months cause i have to see a rhumatologist.. I explained i had the blood work two years ago and it came back negitive... so i was scarred cause i know sometimes you can have it yet have a negitive reading.. but my regular Doctor then said he wants to do the blood work there and see anyway.. if it comes out negitive again he thinks i dotn need to see a rhumatologist, keep eating plant based diet and take my vitimins and keep exercising..

I do trust my Doctor and i know i feel better mentaly about it if i do this.. So they did the blood test again yesterday he called me last night to tell me it came back negitive i do nto have RA at this time. He was happy to telll me this.. My question to you ladies, if it was you would you still go to RA doctor to let them domore extensive test? Or would you let it go? And give it more time? Beleive i dont have it and go one like i have been? See i think sometime the power of suggestion is strong. if someone tells you you have something it is like you believe it and it is ... do you understand what i am saying? But i feel better mentaly thinking i dont have it and just keep trying to live normaly.. I dont want to will something on me.. if you know what i mean..

Also i beleive a plant based diet will help alot... i have been reading alot of the bible too, and i know some do not beleive this even among the christains but our diet for humnas at first was fruits nut grains and veggies it was after the flood that meat was allowed and only clean meats like chicken, fish, deer that kind not pig and so forth.. it is funny that thescience backs up what the bible says.. but anyhow.. i am asking your opinion and each may be different.

if it was you guys go on to RA doctor or leave it alone cause my blood work was Negitive? I ask also cause like i said earlier the other doc said the blood can be neg yet you still have it.. confusing but anyhow my reg doctor says not to worry now.. i amconfused as to what i should do.. my hubby says to let it go and keep doing what i have been doing and beleive i dont have it since blood came back negitive.. Plus he thinks some doctors may say you have it to get money lol so what do you think? im so happy the Blood came back negitive that is for sure!!
Hi Renee,

If it were me I would go & have the more extensive tests done. Simply because there is a family history. Plus you have been having some joint stress & back pain!
I would go!:)

I don't think you are willing anything on yourself, I do agree the power of suggestion is strong but with your mother having RA, I would still go!
Continue to eat as clean as possible & keep moving & do stretching/yoga plus balance work!

Take care & HUGS:D
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