That is so great u did slow n heavy again with no problems. I do think u should get a cleaning lady for sure! Lol exspecialy if its ur money! ,i think u have a great plan lady! Lol well i had HS for today and i did it at work lol my doctor went to GA so i had to b theree to answer phones and cllean office ( thurs is cclean ups usualy) .. Boring so after i cleaned up i did insurance claims n called pts then i was like one hour before closing i did HS it was fun. I love that one.
Nothing to checkin with, since last post.

Jane: Great with your weight workouts.
We had about 6" of snow Mon. with gusty winds & Tues morning the windchill had us at about -30 C. It's been cold this week. Today has been the "first nice" day. Some forecasts are calling for some snow again!
Good Luck with hiring:)

Renee: How are you doing? You should be almost done your rotation, yes/no? Are you having less pain or is it still worse?
I'm proud of you for doing the XTrain rotation Way to go:cool:

Caitlin: Great to "see" you. I hope things are going better & your back is not as painful

Cathy im still going . I have less pain now. My knees are off and on.. My back, is off and on the wos help the back... I am on week 11 last werk i followed 10 losly well the best i could but i did other thjngs instead to accomadate merging two workouts. I am glad im keeping on. Today is HS i did it at work. Lol noone was there so i took my laptop and gloves and had a ball .. Lol.
Today was an indoor walk followed by standing abs.

Renee: You make me smile on the ways you find to do your workouts. Great!!:)

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend
Hi Cathy !
I did aolih today, im starting to likke it more. Then i added step moves only 25 minutes of it to make an hour.
I really gained a lot

I am up to 129 now, when I should be 110, and it is from my back hurting and not working out. I have strong painkillers from my doctor but I dare not take them every day as they make me really loopy. I might try some hi lo today and do a short leg workout. I saw James Behr on Saturday night, and he is kind of cute, and it was the fourth date and nothing happened. He is rather strange, and he kept harping on me saying that I should be teaching English at the college level instead of fooling around with personal training. I think he is a pain, and he has his website out there for anybody to look at, but he does not want me posting it anywhere. All it is is his name with no spaces, and a www. in front and a .com in back
Today was 38 min. of Pilates & 23 min.Yoga therapy for the low back

Caitlin: Great to "see" you! I'm sorry your back is still very painfull! I hope you can find something that works for you soon.

Renee: Good going on your workouts yesterday!:)
You're doing great.

Jane: How did your weekend go! How's your elbow doing?
Good afternoon, ladies! On Saturday, I did Leaner Legs from CTX. I had never done it before. I had to sit down between exercises - my heart rate jumped through the roof & I thought I would pass out. I don't know why that is, but it's a bit scary. It only happens during leg workouts. All the blood must go to my legs & out of my head! LOL I didn't do a whole lot of cleaning, & DH ran the vacuum, but my elbow was still hurting pretty badly. DH was very open to getting a cleaning lady! YAY! I hate thinking about the phone ringing from an ad, & I hate thinking about doing interviews, BUT, I'll be so glad if we get someone good & dependable & trustworthy.
Renee, I got quite a kick out of picturing you in my head doing HS at work! I wish I could do that. I get so bored at times - other times we're crazy busy.
Cathy: I'm glad to see you're still doing some Pilates & Yoga.
Caitlin: I'm sorry your back has been so painful. I can certainly sympathize with that! I think if you're happy with personal training, then that's what you should do, to heck with what HE thinks! It's your life, after all!
Take care ladies - I don't know about you guys, but I'll be really glad when Spring gets here for real & I don't have to shovel my car out any more! LOL
Jane lol i laughed at myself to and was praying phone wasnt gonna ring ...lol i have felt that way with tabata . I have never done leaner legs, what is it like? Music? Fun? Any new stuff or sequenced different? I heard it was good.

I have rest day today. I may make meatloaf for DH today. My DS #2 hasmt talk to me a few days now. I dont know if he moved out or just gone. Idk.
My kind neighbor

My kind neighbor offered to pay for a breast reduction for me, but I have herniated discs from the top of my neck down to my waist, and I think that the damage is permanent. I also told him I would need all new bras and he thought bras were 20 dollars. The bras in Frederick's are more than that. I have painkillers now, and we were able to get them not too far from where I live. I did 30 minutes of hi lo yesterday, so i might try the 37 cardio portion of Kick Punch and Crunch. I also need to do bis and tris and back.

Of course, much of my weight gain to the 129 is water weight, and I am down to 125 now. I have 15 more pounds to go.
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Good job!
I think thats great u losing already!
Hope u get ur back fixed. Hey tell ur friend id like to get a mini face lift lol he can help me with it ! Lol just joking.
I do wish i can get better skin. Week 12 on xtrain! Yaaa i may try to mix in LIS on i hear great results for that!
Good afternoon, ladies! Yesterday evening I did the Upper Body portion of CTX. That was a great workout, & I felt fine throughout - no lightheadedness or pounding heart...
Renee, Leaner Legs definitely has your not-so-favorites - low ends.:rolleyes: & the music? I couldn't tell ya - I'm one of those weird ones that doesn't pay much attention to it, unless it's a song that's a blast from the past that I used to love. :p So, did you like STS Total Body?
Caitlin: That's quite a bit of weight loss - you're probably right - water weight. I'm glad you're feeling up to doing some work outs. I hope your back can take it. Unfortunately, you're probably right - the damage is done. Hard to heal herniated discs that have constant pressure on them. What a nice neighbor, though! That's some offer!
Cathy: Hope you're doing well! How are your sweet dogs?
Going to my dad's on Friday for Easter. Won't be back until Monday. Will probably try to split up a full body weight workout between now & then.
Jane i wanted to answer you, i love love sts total body! No low pulses lol i like knowing how many reps and sets .. Thats y i like pyramiid, and burn sets.. And push pull.. I think if push pull has it they arnt to many. They hurt my back for some reason.
Afterburn today. I bought a speaker for my mp3 so i can use my own music for my low impact series and it worked well. I didnt plan on doing it, i just wanted to see how iit worked and i startted moving to the warm up then i coouldnt stop lol. I should not have done it cause i just jogged 2.5 miles at tje park. Lol im gonna be in trouble tomorrow i bet.
Hello all. Happy,to say i did lose,4 pounds,finaly!,ooo it only took umm a whole year! Lol only diff is im finaly sleeping when i do sleep. Im so happy about it.
Hello ladies,
Renee!!! SO Happy for you! Way to go girl!!!!:D
Sorry I haven't been posting - I have not worked out since I went away for the weekend...
Then, Saturday evening, my husband's 28 year old grandson died of a heart attack (they think - autopsy will show for sure). :(:confused: So! Things are in a bit of a mess, to say the least...
I have an appointment with an orthopedist this Thursday about my elbow - I'm tired of putting up with the pain. :rolleyes: So, I'm not going to work out until after that (or maybe I should to make sure it's good & tender... LOL).
I'll try to check in more often - time just got away from me!
Take care, & big hugs everyone!
Hi ladies! I actually worked out yesterday - it felt so good not to have any pain in my elbow! I got a cortisone shot on Thursday & felt immediate relief. I have mild DOMS in my legs today - oh what a wonderful feeling!!!! LOL :D:eek: I did Push/Pull, which is only 44 minutes long & a full-body workout. I don't want to overdo anything. I'm praying that the elbow relief lasts.
How's everyone else doing?
Woke up to a snowstorm this morning(it's almost blizzard like)
Still dealing with things but feeling better today
Will still be a couple of weeks before I can start working out again

Jane: please give your elbow time & take it easy
How are the dogs?

Renee:Congratulations on finishing the XTrain rotation & the weight loss. Way to go:D

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