Okay, What's the story behind your Cathe name?

Another Te Te here! My neice who is now 28 started calling me when she first started to talk! Everybody still calls me Te Te. That's fine...keeps me young:7
Oh, and TeTe I wanted to tell you your screen name is a family nickname for me! My birth name is Katy. My sisters are 10 and 11 years younger than me. When they were little that couldn't say Katy so out came tee tee. It's stuck ever since and they're in high school now! Most of the time they shorten it up to Tee though.
My first year as teacher assistant at preschool, a little girl would come in and cry almost every time for the first 6 weeks. Being only 3 years old she couldn't say Mrs Fiebig (pronounced feebig) very well. So she said Mrs fee bee whenever she needed some reassurance that Mom was coming back. I was Mrs fee bee for most of that year. Every year since then I always smile when I get called Mrs something other than my real name. Some kids never get it right!:)

I've always loved the names that work in the word "fit" in a clever way, like fit_fairy and RetroFit. Makes me wish I had thought of something clever and fitness-related when I chose my name.:)
Well I used to use Joypain. It was a combination of my first and last name.

After getting hit on by young guys in a chat room I decided to change it to something less appealing.

Lumpybutt was too much so I decided on Cottagecheeks.

It also reminds me why I need to keep working out.
this is fun - mine is pretty boring though and sort of self explanatory. . .

my oldest son's name is Julian, but when he was little we called him Juju (because his cousin who was only 1 1/2 could only say Juju) I still call him Juju even though he's almost 15 and it's so not cool anymore. . . my other son's name is Ethan so I'm jujuNethansmom.

I live on the upper west side of Manhatan! I started using it at The Firm site years ago (haven't been "there") in ages and decided to keep it.
this is really a cool question!

mine is 'seakix' - i love to travel, so 'sea' represents me going overseas & i love cardio kickboxing, which is represented by 'kix'. :+
There was a guy at work that started calling me Kimenem....I guess because I like chocolate so much. He committed suicide a couple of years ago over family problems. I started using the nickname after that.

Hey TeTe, I've been away from the forums except for some skimming for the weekend. No insult taken at all. But I have been known to cross the line and offer up TMI every now and then so I was covering my bases there.

Please do use the line on anyone you think could be served by it.

Thanks again for starting this most excellently fun thread! :7
When I was in art school I fell in love with a song another student had on a cd he played a lot called Song to the Siren by This Mortal Coil. Many years later I fell for the music of the late Jeff Buckley (a psychic said we were best friends in a prior life...) and found out his father (who also died young) wrote that song. So, to memorialize Jeff and a favorite time in my life, Song to the Siren became SirenSongWoman.
Fun thread!!

Mine . .. Poochy ... is my nickname my DH and our scuba diving friends (at the time) bestowed on me ..

LOL ... I have a well endowed rear end .. narrow hips but the rear end is really "poochy" so there in lies my nickname (plus I love dogs ... so it REALLY fits) ... and my friend had a well endowed ummm chest .. therefore her nickname became "hoochie" ... we were known as Poochy and Hoochy ..


welllll .. Hoochy lived up to her name .. LOL .. so errrrrr .. we are no longer friends .. (thank you Lord) ..

but by the time that happened .. Poochy really stuck! So everyone calls me that! I think most think it is b/c of my love for animals! and that is certainly allright with me!! LOL :D
My lab whose name was Zola. She died last year, so everytime I use her name it reminds me of her.

First starting to do Cathe workouts and noticed a few times Cathe referred to feeling "toasty". So I knew right then I wanted to feel "toasty" all the time so I am TOASTYTHEMOSTY as I love the burn.
I grew up as Tina or teener weener. When my nephew was starting to talk, he would not say teener weener but just weener - it stuck which has now been 11 years.

Great Thread!!!

Well mine is so easy huh?! I had just had my first child a wonderful
baby girl we named Jennifer. We went all around the world with
names and the classic won out. Jennifer has since become a big sister.
I am now Jennifer & Taylor's Mom. But I may have to change since
at 2yrs. Jennifer prefers " Jenny." :)
I have a niece named Gabriella who I cared for as a newborn while my sister recovered from an illness right after Gabriella's birth. After two weeks of crying baby I started calling her "Crabbyella" It is her nickname to this day.

Mine originated after the movie "You've Got Mail"...Meg Ryans' ename was "Shopgirl", and even though I don't work in a shop...I LOVE to shop...but it was already taken. So I'm shopgrlpdx, because I live in Portland, OR...PDX is our airport abbreviation.
I love anything and everything that has to do with the beach. My user name on another site is SeaShel but with only one L because it's my nickname for Shelley.

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