RE: SNM!!!

Hey Bobbi

Ach! your not being nosey! Actually I am scottish born and bred!with a very soft scottish accent that no one can understand!

I am sooo touched by evryone's replies to my post, non of you know me, but the kindness is just so overwhelming.

Thank you

RE: SNM!!!

That is awesome! I will now attempt to read your posts with the appropriate accent. Of course, I am the one with the accent to you but now I am splittng hairs!

We are getting to know as well as we can through the forums and liking what we are getting to know! Getting to know a fit Scottish woman in a foreign land who is setting a terrific example of how to deal with life when it doesn't go according to plan. You are a class act! Bobbi
RE: SNM!!! I think it is so great that I can sit in my computer room a few minutes before 7:00 am and converse with someone on the other side of the world. It is actually easier to talk to all the various and sundry Catheites than it is my friends who are miles from me because here you are all, a mouse click away! I love it. And being that we are all like minded is a bonus! Bobbi
RE: SNM!!!

I would love to help if you will let me. I feel so bad for you for having this happen. I have been thinking, what type of videos do they let come through? I was thinking of disguising the DVD's in another cover. or do they view the DVD's? if so maybe someone can ship something that is acceptable and bury them in something like a teddybear or something like that. Good Luck!! if I can help let me know! I would LOVE to help
RE: SNM!!!

Me??? What about you Lynne? You are going to be the one with many jewels in your crown. How kind of you to put your hubby and kids before you! I still think there is a way we can all help and hopefully SNM will post. I hate to think you have to pay a fine on TOP of already spending $179.00. I also feel bad that you have to wait til the end of January to TRY to get them again. Like someone here said, you are a class act and I sure hope this all works out well SOON! (Keep us posted on what customs tell you.)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: SNM!!!

Hi Leslie

Aww your teddybear idea raised a chuckle! But seriously, there really isn't anything anyone can do to be honest. Customs have been a no go, they won't answer the phone and my tracking page hasn't been updated to say what's happening.

This really is no body's fault but mine and I have to bear that. You have all been so kind and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Another day, a new begining.


RE: SNM!!!

Hey Bobbi

what time is it with you? It is 17.35pm on the evening of Monday 8th, I an sort of "ignorant" of the time difference of the other countries apart from the UK. What are you all doing now?

RE: SNM!!!

I'd love to pitch in- just let me know what I can do to help out.
Consider it an early Christmas present.
Time difference...

Hi Lynne, it is 9:52 AM here in Ohio. Sooo, it sounds like you are 8 hours ahead of us. What am I doing right now??? Talking to you! Ha! Actually, I need to get downstairs for my strength workout before I head out for an afternoon class. What are you doing?
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: SNM!!!

just to let you know that I have re-ordered my dvd's and arranged to have them sent to my mum in the uk. I'd like to thank you all for your support and offers of help, it means so much to me.

Lynne x
RE: SNM!!!

I just read about your ordeal-I am SOOO sorry!

I don't know about Saudi Arabia, but I tried to order a magazine and a cd from a singer that I love off of ebay last year. The singer is from Turkey, and the seller on ebay was from Turkey. I was a little hesistant from ordering from there, but the guy was super nice. Anyway, he strongly recommended that I insure my money order to be sent overseas (from US to Turkey) but I was told that I couldn't insure it overseas, since they have a different postal service over there. Anyway, long story short...the money never reached the seller
:( I don't think he was lying either, b/c he had over 100 positive marks on ebay, and no negatives. I was miffed losing $40!! I can't imagine losing $180 or so dollars!!!!!

Since they are being sent to your mom in the UK-will they try to confiscate them when you bring them into Saudi Arabia?? I am so sorry that this happened to you!!!!!!
Lynne - you truly are a real trooper! I'm so sorry you lost the $! totally not your fault at all and you have such a great attitude about it.

It is really cool to 'chat' with people in different countries, of different cultures! We're such a diverse group here at :)

best wishes,
What??? You mean Cathe's DVD's are a threat to national security? How crazy! What happened to them, are they being held somewhere and you might be able to retrieve them... or are they gone gone gone???
I'd be angry too!
Just to update you DVD's have gone, been destroyed, it's a no go, however, they did let me get my baseball cap and didn't charge me customs duty on it, wasn't that nice of em??????? My cap came last night on the UPS truck! Aren't I lucky. But I have orderd another set and have them going to my mums, so I will get them eventually!!

Thanks you all for your support, you all lifted me up at a time when I was low....thank you

Re: baseball cap. Ya ought to have that sucker gold plated! Are you ever going to wear your $150 baseball cap? Maybe you can just beat those meanies with it. Alexis

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