I am willing to help too. Maybe if they were put into blank covers??? I am sooo sorry Lynne, I can't imagine what you are feeling.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Is there any way we could set up a post here for Lynne's friends (US!) to donate a dollar or two to you to buy her a new set? I'm sorry if this is against policy. I'm just trying to figure this out.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: SNM!!!

I'm in too!! I love the idea of blank covers!! Maybe SNM could do something like that???

RE: SNM!!!

Please count me in too. I can't wait to get my set and can't imagine how frustrating for someone to be so close to getting them and than this happens.
RE: SNM!!!

I'm willing to chip in as well, but if the problem is that the technology is something that their players can't read, this means that they would try out the DVD's again anyway, and confiscate them. And the fact that they came with plain covers might look quite suspicious. It might cause more problems that solutions.

We could maybe send video versions, in nondescript covers. They aren't as nice as the DVD's, but maybe they would pass?
RE: SNM!!!

I was thinking maybe we could send them inside something like drug dealers do when they smuggle drugs, but then they must have the X ray machines, don't you think?

Since I have never smuggled drugs, I don't have any good ideas - but what do you think about disguising them somehow?

RE: SNM!!!


Listen, I have been sooo touched by your posts, Lisa - your dad is right, they are very "behind the times" here. I knew that there was a possibility of this happening, for pete's sake, my kid get a magazine taken once, but as I said, every new series Cathe has produced, I have ordered and had sent via UPS and have had no problems. Things ARE better here in that respect than the 70's.

I am so touched by all of your kindness, but what I will do is 1) call customs today to verify why and probably receive a huge fine, 2) wait untill after christmas, order again and have them sent to my mum, my hubby is gong to the UK at the end of January, so he'll take them for me.

you are all so sweet. thank you for being my friends.


I will get thm somehow!
RE: SNM!!!

Oh Lynne you have such a positive attitude toward this!! I wouldn't last a day there ... not me and my big mouth! LOL!! I hope this all works out for you! Keep us posted, okay?

RE: SNM!!! have not seen the size of my mouth! Life has been very unkind to me, but Ihave learned that this is the only chance I have, it is not a dress rehersal, so I will not get stressed about a country that insists on living in the dark ages. I only want to support my husband and provide well for my children. This is the only thing that keeps me going in times such as these. Of course, my friends at Cathe help too!

RE: SNM!!!

DebbieH are a sweetie, Always thinking of other people, you've earned your place in heaven many times over...thank you my friend.

Hi Bobbi

I am here for as long as I want to. My girls (13, 11) are going next year to boarding school, I feel I need to get them away from here and back into a "normal life", I doubt I will be staying here much longer after they go.

"this is a country where no female can be seen
by another female from the neck to the ankles!!! ( the laws of
Islam, not mine"

Hi Lynne,

I am so sorry for what happened to you...
I have to give here a precision : these are not the laws of islam, not at all, this is a story of people who think that men can decide of everything. I had to tell that. So it is true that in those countries women live centuries back from us. But I hope things will change.
I do think you were lucky on the previous times with Saudi customs ! And I do find you courageous to live there.
Take care ;-)

Edited to add : Lynne, I forgot to say that I'm in :)
RE: SNM!!!

I would love to help too! It is a different world, isn't it? My sister taught for a couple of years in Kuwait and it was kooky. The Kuwaiti's are downright liberal compared to the Saudi's! And of course, the monarchy is fabulously rich but it doesn't trickle down and, of course, they blame us for their woes because our wicked ways! It's astounding and sad and scary all at the same time! You have a great attitude, Lynne! How did youend up in Saudi? Bobbi
RE: SNM!!!

Hi Bobbi

Basically my hubby is an aeronautical engineer who works for a big defence contractor. He has worked for the same company since leaving Uni. This job came up and he felt it would better his career, so I packed in my job ( I was a nurse) and moved my two small children and I out to be with him. I knew what I was coming too, I am a very strong person, when something bad happens, I fold away and then emerge stronger. I have had more than my fair share of heartache, but I just think.."oh well" after the initial shock, I now consider myself lucky to have gotten in the stuff I have. The most awful part is they wont even give me the baseball cap!!!!


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