Janie I'm glad you guys got out for your walk yesterday and yes, it would be a good idea to take some water with you next time! A starter from your own back yard, wow, that is even more impressive. I'm looking forward to it! And I can't wait to see what you come up with for the pink sand!
Cheryl It sounds like you had a lot more fun on Friday hanging out with your neighbors than hanging out on the computer would've been! I'm glad to hear you got your workout in. I appreciate my workouts more when I haven't been able to do them for awhile. Those Cirque Du Soleil people are just unbelievable, aren't they?! I can not believe they can be so strong and so flexible! I think I finally have my cat trained not to wake me up so early on the weekend. He has to be in control so will only lay on you when he chooses to. So we he came up and started meowing I me I starting grabbing him and laying him down on me and holding him there. A few time of that and he hasn't woken me up anymore! We'll see how long it lasts. He still comes up and sits right beside my head and waits for movement
You should get Insanity and we can all do it together! Craig's list is definitely the way to go, there were several postings for it near us.
Eunice I just noticed that I called you Pam in my post from a few days ago! I must be getting senile! I hope you are having a good time in Vegas today with your family. I know you have a crazy busy few weeks ahead of you but I hope we get to hear form you some before you go!,
Shani We miss you, are you coming back?
Kelly Did we lose you again?!
This morning was my fav - CCC I think I've built it up in my head to be worse than it is. Other than that 4th section it's not really THAT bad. She just packed all the really hard stuff together there though. I can still only do half of those cross over push ups. After my workout it was off to the airport to fly to NY. I got to see demos/presentations from the students of the work that they have done on their internships this summer and then tomorrow will be the career fair. I was really impressed with the work that these kids have done! Probably no workout for me in the morning as these hotel workout rooms are pretty nasty usually. Now I'm going to go walk around and explore the town. I hope everyone is having a good Monday!
Cheryl It sounds like you had a lot more fun on Friday hanging out with your neighbors than hanging out on the computer would've been! I'm glad to hear you got your workout in. I appreciate my workouts more when I haven't been able to do them for awhile. Those Cirque Du Soleil people are just unbelievable, aren't they?! I can not believe they can be so strong and so flexible! I think I finally have my cat trained not to wake me up so early on the weekend. He has to be in control so will only lay on you when he chooses to. So we he came up and started meowing I me I starting grabbing him and laying him down on me and holding him there. A few time of that and he hasn't woken me up anymore! We'll see how long it lasts. He still comes up and sits right beside my head and waits for movement
You should get Insanity and we can all do it together! Craig's list is definitely the way to go, there were several postings for it near us.
Eunice I just noticed that I called you Pam in my post from a few days ago! I must be getting senile! I hope you are having a good time in Vegas today with your family. I know you have a crazy busy few weeks ahead of you but I hope we get to hear form you some before you go!,
Shani We miss you, are you coming back?
Kelly Did we lose you again?!
This morning was my fav - CCC I think I've built it up in my head to be worse than it is. Other than that 4th section it's not really THAT bad. She just packed all the really hard stuff together there though. I can still only do half of those cross over push ups. After my workout it was off to the airport to fly to NY. I got to see demos/presentations from the students of the work that they have done on their internships this summer and then tomorrow will be the career fair. I was really impressed with the work that these kids have done! Probably no workout for me in the morning as these hotel workout rooms are pretty nasty usually. Now I'm going to go walk around and explore the town. I hope everyone is having a good Monday!