Cindi - Hi stranger! Wow, you have been busy!
Good luck to David and Paul in the tourney! Simon was okay after his episode! I'm glad we don't keep a collar on him either! We used to, but took it off after a while because he never goes out either!
I have got to read Jackie Warner's book! I like Thintervention too, but I only get it on hulu! I hope they air all the episodes! I've only seen the first one. They haven't posted this week's episode yet.
Lisa - Hey! You got some climbing in! Yippee!
Alisha - Sorry you've not been feeling well. Good for you getting a workout in anyway!
Me? We had a multi-outside-puppy night last night.
DH got up with them around 3 a.m., then they needed out again at 4 a.m. DH wasn't budging, so after Peanut stood on my sternum for a couple of minutes, I got up and put them out. Back in bed around 4:15 and knew 5 a.m. wasn't going to work this morning. So, here I sit. Now that I'm on a morning schedule, I can't seem to make myself do anything after work. Funny how that goes . . .
I'm either going to do a make up run tomorrow (assuming I get some sleep tonight) or do an upper body weight w/o or a HIIT that I got off of She has a great one that I haven't tried yet! I'll decide sometime tonight because if I decide on weights, I need to set up before bed!
Good luck to David and Paul in the tourney! Simon was okay after his episode! I'm glad we don't keep a collar on him either! We used to, but took it off after a while because he never goes out either!
I have got to read Jackie Warner's book! I like Thintervention too, but I only get it on hulu! I hope they air all the episodes! I've only seen the first one. They haven't posted this week's episode yet.
Lisa - Hey! You got some climbing in! Yippee!
Alisha - Sorry you've not been feeling well. Good for you getting a workout in anyway!
Me? We had a multi-outside-puppy night last night.
I'm either going to do a make up run tomorrow (assuming I get some sleep tonight) or do an upper body weight w/o or a HIIT that I got off of She has a great one that I haven't tried yet! I'll decide sometime tonight because if I decide on weights, I need to set up before bed!