I never did that step workout yesterday, life conspired against me, first it was the heat, then I had to pick up Mom from work (35 miles in each direction, seems like too much to walk

) and then I had to stop at the grocery store. I did get 40 min. of yoga in, advanced with Sarah Kline on Yoga Today. What a sweat fest that was! I had some fried chicken and bbq pork for dinner from the hot wok at the store. I don't suppose that counts as diet food, but, I was sooo hungry I justified it in my mind anyway

. I did go for a joggle this morning. Phew, that was a toasty one. Its supposed to be just 98 deg. today. I was supposed to bake a birthday cake on Monday but it was too hot to turn on the oven!
Tricia- I still haven't found my Step Moves disc. dang Gremlins! do you think they are working out? or just playing frisbee? Humid and windy? yuck. You might do easy cardio instead of the HIIT, jumping and headaches don't mix.
Cindi- I am thinking of you and your Dad. All my fingers are crossed.
Hi Lisa! How many steps did you get today?
Has anybody ever had their rmr tested? Thats your resting metabolic rate tested? They put a mask on your face and measure the gasses expelled when you breathe and they watch your heart rate/blood pressure. Somehow they calculate how much calories you are burning from that. I heard about it on a podcast from the Running Vegan Mom. I don't know that I
want to know I have the metabolic rate of a walnut.