Ugh I just got news from my husband that they had a meeting yesterday and called in all the managers and told them that because of the economy they have to take a 10% cut in everyones salary. This just sucks. As much as I love California and where I live our budget sucks, the economy sucks, . . and because of poor financial decisions made by higher ups we have to suffer for it. We have a family and I barely work part time as it is, we pay $1000 for medical insurance and now this?! To make things worse, my mother in law has taken a turn for the worse (terminal lung cancer) both my brother and now my sister are getting a divorce. My workouts have been on a pause for the past few weeks because my husband broke his finger, colar bone, and split his chin while mountain biking. He just went back to work but on top of having to drive over an hour to help take care of my ailing mother in law, and then my husband, my 2 kids (who are out on summer break) AND play counselor to my brother and sister I've been emotionally beat to a pulp. I haven't been on a run in weeks and I know I'm not the only one out there that hates it when there is a pause in ones workout schedule. Still, I have a husband and kids who love me, a roof over our heads, and food on the table, . . it really is hard to be greatful.