Is anyone NOT ordering STS?

I pre-ordered, and have just asked to cancel. Right now I can't justify the $$, and am happy with all the Cathe DVDs I have now.

Did any of you that pre-ordered, then canceled, have any trouble doing so? I just emailed the request, and am waiting for a reply....
I pre-ordered, and have just asked to cancel. Right now I can't justify the $$, and am happy with all the Cathe DVDs I have now.

Did any of you that pre-ordered, then canceled, have any trouble doing so? I just emailed the request, and am waiting for a reply....

I pre-ordered and cancelled, and had no problem at all. It may have taken a couple days for the confirmation, but everything was off my credit card pretty quickly.

I cancelled because...
1) I don't have the desire to lift that heavy, nor take the time to figure out my 1RM...I'm a little ADD!
2) I still have Cathe workouts that I've never done, or have only done a couple times, so I should pull those out before adding more.
3) I'm not doing any leg weight work now...just CC, and loving it.
4) I think I would've been more intrigued if Cathe had done a "test group" with STS so you could see actual results before purchasing the workouts. That's the one thing that did impress me with P90X...the people working out with you who had already done what you were now trying to accomplish!
I also canceled cause well, I know I'd never stick with it for the whole time. That and really, when I want to lift heavy weights, I tend to use my weight bench and squat rack and do my own thing with either BFL style or something like NROL or TT.
I didn't order STS either. While I'm sad that I didn't ( I have almost every Cathe workout), I couldn't justify the money.. especially when I pay big bucks to belong to a really nice gym just down the road from me.

I'm looking forward to hearing everybody's reviews once its out and will enjoy living vicariously through those of you that do get it.

Lynn M.

Hi all,

I preordered for the following reasons and I'm so glad I did.

Cathe's weight work is some of the best. I resigned myself to the fact that she knows far more about working out than I do.

I usually do longer rotation every winter and shorter ones in the summer.

I've done p90X twice and X+ once and the results that I've gotten from staying on a prescribed rotation are far and above what I got when I used to freelance it. I've also gotten exceptional results from some of Cathe's month long rotations.

I'm won't buy any new equipment, I'll continue to run for my cardio (which may negate some of my strength gains:mad:), I probably won't check my 1rm for every exercise, I may modify the intense lower body work at the end (I had a back injury a year and a half ago), but overall, I know if I follow the rotation I'll continue to build the lean muscle mass that I want plus have a the shape that I want.

I pre-ordered the first day...but now I"m wondering if I will be able to do STS as is...I am experiencing joint pain (elbows, wrists, shoulders) now when I go heavy. Also I have not been using weights for legs in over a month, still have plenty of muscle. I don't want to cancel my pre-order, I have all the equipment I need but a lot depends what happens when I start trying to go heavy again when I finish my current rotation (in a few more weeks) of light wt, high rep for upper body and no weight for lower body. I really like the STS concept but don't know if its for me anymore. I gotta take care of my joints!
I know you asked who is NOT, but as of the 17th, I am ;). The reasons given not to order are all valid; it really depends on one´s goals among other things, not the least of which is cost. I was fortunate enough to have a little extra $ come in, and I earmarked it for this!
I really like the STS concept but don't know if its for me anymore. I gotta take care of my joints!

Connie, I know what you mean re: joints. I wonder if, by starting with light weights, by the time we get to mesocycle 3 the joint problems will be taken care of?
I pre-ordered, and have just asked to cancel. Right now I can't justify the $$, and am happy with all the Cathe DVDs I have now.

Did any of you that pre-ordered, then canceled, have any trouble doing so? I just emailed the request, and am waiting for a reply....
I had no trouble with my cancellation request!
The only *glitch* was that I had ordered in the 3 installments so the refunds had to be done in different formats to avoid the computer viewing the credit as a duplicate. 2 of the credits posted back to my account in 24 hours, the 3rd took almost a week, but SNM (Bob Suppa, customer service guru extraordinaire!) was all over monitoring it for me to make sure I received the full refund.
I too have issues with the time commitment needed for this series. I can only workout 4-5 times a week due to my schedule. I work full time, go to school full time (nursing school) plus I coach basketball 5-6 months out of the year.
Maybe when school is done and ALL I have to do is work and coach, I'll do it. By then, some of you out there will not want these videos anymore and will be willing to sell them cheaper on ebay!
I preordered way back in the beginning, but due to a bad back injury, I canceled. I ruptured a disk in my back, and even though I'm now doing very well, I've been advised against lifting really heavy weights. Plus, things like deadlifts/dead rows are out for me, as are leg exercises where you put a barbell on your shoulders. So, it seems pointless for me to buy STS as I'd have to modify just too much.

The good news is I'm now getting a lot of use our of Cathe's older stuff that I had been ignoring. So, I'm not even disappointed about skipping STS.

It does sound like a great program, though.

After seeing the previews on the Road Trip that included the new custom music, I totally caved. Came home and ordered the whole thing. It is FABULOUS...unlike anything I've ever seen in a workout video before. It's like a movie. I can't wait.
I'm recovering from a shoulder impingement (plus a bit of bicep tendonitis), so decided not to order STS. It's partly because of this as I think I will have to rethink my whole weightlifting routine, so I'm not sure how STS would fit in to this at the moment. It's also alot of money to spend all in one go!

I just want to add that I received STS as a gift (I could never afford that on my own!!) but I have not--nor do I plan to--order any more equipment. I don't have the room/money/desire for a squat rack, my heaviest dumbells are fine (I may get ONE more set that's a bit heavier) and I don't need anything else.

Oh, wait. I totally want the weighted vest. That's one thing I'm definetely going to buy--but I would buy that regardless of whether or not I was getting STS. So I just wanted to let people know that you don't HAVE to buy extra equipment for STS. I certainly don't plan on it. I'm very happy with my current setup. (Whether or not I end up finding out that I need more equipment will be interesting. But right now I am not buying anything else.)

Oh shoot. Wait. I also totally want the Pullup tower. Yep. But I swear that's another thing I'd buy even if I wasn't getting STS. I swear. No really, I do. ;)

I agree. I pre-ordered but won't be buying any extra equipment. I read on the STS forum that it's not required.
I pre-ordered and cancelled, and had no problem at all. It may have taken a couple days for the confirmation, but everything was off my credit card pretty quickly.

I cancelled because...
1) I don't have the desire to lift that heavy, nor take the time to figure out my 1RM...I'm a little ADD!
2) I still have Cathe workouts that I've never done, or have only done a couple times, so I should pull those out before adding more.
3) I'm not doing any leg weight work now...just CC, and loving it.
4) I think I would've been more intrigued if Cathe had done a "test group" with STS so you could see actual results before purchasing the workouts. That's the one thing that did impress me with P90X...the people working out with you who had already done what you were now trying to accomplish!

Laugh out loud. First of all, P90X is ALL A BUNCH OF BALOGNA with the test groups. Dont people know by now, that all of those before and after photos are all FAKE! It doesnt take a saavy rocket scientist to figure it out. The test group is FAKE. They use them to SELL. But most people are foolish to think that those people are REAL. Theyre not. Now this isnt to say that P90X will not get you results. Any type of program will get you results as long as you are moving. But as far as the results you see in those photos and test group stories it's all garbage. Tony Horton is a FRAUD and so are his success stories. Im sorry, but it's true. Furthermore, the way it works is they take people in great shape and tell them to gain weight and get fat. Then they take another photo of them after they gain the weight and use it as the "before" picture. It's really reversal. Anyone in the industry knows this.

Laugh out loud. First of all, P90X is ALL A BUNCH OF BALOGNA with the test groups. Dont people know by now, that all of those before and after photos are all FAKE! It doesnt take a saavy rocket scientist to figure it out. The test group is FAKE. They use them to SELL. But most people are foolish to think that those people are REAL. Theyre not. Now this isnt to say that P90X will not get you results. Any type of program will get you results as long as you are moving. But as far as the results you see in those photos and test group stories it's all garbage. Tony Horton is a FRAUD and so are his success stories. Im sorry, but it's true. Furthermore, the way it works is they take people in great shape and tell them to gain weight and get fat. Then they take another photo of them after they gain the weight and use it as the "before" picture. It's really reversal. Anyone in the industry knows this.

Interesting! How do you know this for sure? I'm just curious. It wouldn't surprise me though.
I preordered, but then canceled my order. In all honesty, when I saw how similar STS is to P90X, I will a bit annoyed. I know that many people copy other's great ideas, but I was a bit turned off by it. (Please, no flames!)


Not flaming you here at all. That was my original thought also, that it was her version of P90X which I have & did a year & 1/2 ago. After looking more into STS I see it is so much better than P90X could ever be. Not to mention you don't have annoying Tony to listen to. Worth the price right there IMO.
I feel I would get better results from Cathe than from Tony.


I just wanted to make it clear that P90X IS SOMEONE ELSE'S IDEA!!!!!! In fact, every product is a version in some way of a product before it, except improved. This is a natural part of the creative process in any field, and essentially, it is what "ART" really is. If anyone copied it is Tony Horton. Cathe's STS is totally original compared with p90...However, 90 day fitness programs have been around FOR DECADES. This is not to take away from the works of p90X, but you must realize the truth that Tony Horton and P90X are NOT ORIGINAL AT ALL. What Cathe has done, is she has taken that PHONY'S and WEIRDO'S idea and IMPROVED IT to make it easier to follow and enjoy than watching some fake running around the screen as if it is his idea. He stole the idea. Cathe makes it her own and makes it more pleasant, down to earth, and flat out better than Horton's. When you really look at it, there is no comparison. Cathe makes it GREAT. Im sure she had programs like this in her pocket for decades.
Interesting! How do you know this for sure? I'm just curious. It wouldn't surprise me though.

I have friends who are models and actors who have BEEN THE BEFORE AND AFTER PICS. AND THE CATCH IS THAT ADVERTISERS DONT REALLY WANT THE PERFECT TYPE OF MODEL ANYMORE FOR THESE INFOMERCIALS. THEY WANT PEOPLE WHO LOOK LIKE REGULAR PEOPLE, BUT WHO ARE ACTUALLY MODELS. THEN THEY SAY THEYRE NOT MODELS, EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE. Models and actors are real, but the way industries use them is NOT. Now, with STS, Cathe made it clear that she was bringing on Fitness Models from day 1. She didnt lie and pretend that they looked the way they did was because of STS. However, if you look at the blog and the pictures, I think it's quite obvious that even though the cast was in good shape from the beginning, THEIR BODIES DEFINITELY NOTICEABLY CHANGED BY THE END OF FILMING. And if you look at the timeline and if you consider how it was rehearsed and filmed, Id say the results they obtained validate the TRUE effectiveness of this program.

Another thing you should know is Hollywood, where Horton is from, IS ALL FAKE!!! People like him WOULD DO ANYTHING to get people to buy. Honestly, his test group people look like legitimate steroid users in the after photos he uses, and I wouldnt be surprised if that was part of the deal based on what I know about the fitness industry in Hollywood. I dont like when advertisers lie, deceive, and are dishonest about their products, like Hydroxycut, etc.. All that stuff is FAKE. CATHE IS THE REAL!

But one thing I should say is Im sure you will get results on any program, JUST NOT WHAT YOU SEE IN THOSE FAKE PHOTOS where they have people gain weight and get out of shape and use them as the before pictures. In addition, you have to be careful too because with technology it's not hard to paste someone's head on a different body and make it look like it's real...

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