Is anyone NOT ordering STS?

I'm not ordering.
After lifting heavier weights with NROLFW, I loved the feeling of being stronger, but did not care for the xtra weight that came along with it! lol! I love the results I get with Cathes workouts that I currently have. :)
Not in the budget!
I had pre-ordered, but had an emergency and needed to cancel so the funds could go elsewhere. I'm sad, but also realize that the system would get VERY expensive because I would need to buy so much extra equipment. (my best guesstimate was about $400+ in equipment only)
So for now I'm going to make do with the many, many existing DVDs I have as well as use my membership at the local YMCA.
It is still on my* I wish*....*someday, when I'm in shape......* list...just not today! :-(
I, too, pre-ordered, then cancelled. I realized that I was starting to ease off the traditional weight workouts, and do more "alternative" strength training, like functional fitness moves and yoga (yes, I do get DOMs from holding those poses! Any, many times, in places I never get them when doing traditional weights.) I still do traditional weight training, just not as much anymore.
I just want to add that I received STS as a gift (I could never afford that on my own!!) but I have not--nor do I plan to--order any more equipment. I don't have the room/money/desire for a squat rack, my heaviest dumbells are fine (I may get ONE more set that's a bit heavier) and I don't need anything else.

Oh, wait. I totally want the weighted vest. That's one thing I'm definetely going to buy--but I would buy that regardless of whether or not I was getting STS. So I just wanted to let people know that you don't HAVE to buy extra equipment for STS. I certainly don't plan on it. I'm very happy with my current setup. (Whether or not I end up finding out that I need more equipment will be interesting. But right now I am not buying anything else.)

Oh shoot. Wait. I also totally want the Pullup tower. Yep. But I swear that's another thing I'd buy even if I wasn't getting STS. I swear. No really, I do. ;)
A lot of you are confirming how I feel. I would want to buy all of the equipment, necessary or not. P90X says you can do lat pull downs instead of pull ups, which doesn't even compare in any way.
I am also loving doing different Cathe rotations. My hope is that she will keep putting new rotations out, even after STS comes out. If not, there are so many previous ones to choose from.
I am glad to hear from so many of you. Now I won't feel so left out when I don't order!
I'm not ordering. We are trying to sell our house and move so I am saving $$$$ I've been on the fence about ordering but at this point I can't come up with enough reasons as why I need to spend that amount $$$

I'm not ordering for many reasons.

1. The program looks really cool, but I just know that there's no way that I would stick with it for 3 months. I just don't work like that. I like to do what I want when I want.

2. I have knee issues and the leg exercises look really great, but I wouldn't be able to do half of them and end up getting really frustrated.

3. I don't like splits. I like full body and functional weight workouts.

4. It's too expensive for me.
I ordered way back before I started my self-imposed spending restrictions or I'd be forced to pass. While I think I'll get a lot out of STS I'm using Cardio Coach alone for my lower body resistance work and having such great results I don't want to deviate from that. I recently read the profile of a female fitness model/competitor in Muscle and Fitness Hers who has the most amazing legs. She only works her legs once every two weeks with weights but regularly "walks fast at a high incline" on her treadmill to shape her legs. I'm thinking I'll do all the upper body and core work as prescribed, with Cardio Coach on the days in between. But when she works the legs with heavy weights I think I'll do what the fitness model does, instead. Once the fat is off I'll follow the program as is but that's a slow process so I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon. If I hadn't already ordered, though, there's no way. It's Mizer City over here... Tight Wad Towne... I'm not spending a dime these days.
I am saving my cash too. I was tempted to get the first cycle only, but that is still a chunk of change to me.
I prefer endurance type of training, and I bulk too easily doing GS, so I think this is definitely a no go for me.
I will probably get the ab cd before the presale ends, and call it a day.
Unfortunately I put myself on restriction also. I went crazy a while cause I was getting back into fitness and wanted to update my collection. I held my breath when ordering STS though cause that was my biggest splurge in one chunk. Now I realize I'm pretty set. (have step, tall step, weights, barbell, kettlebells) And DH said to SLOW down on spending so I'd better. He is really happy that I'm all gung ho though :)
The only thing I want to get is the pullup tower (if its not way too much money or I'll do the modifications.. I'd be bummed though). And maybe some heavier dumbells. My heaviest is only 25.. ? I planned to get atleast a set of 30# dumbells.
But out of all the systems out there (p90x and chalenes thing) I think I'd prefer STS over them all so I wanted it. I've never been let down by Cathes work. I know it'll be the best. I think I can stick with it since I'll do my own choices in cardio inbetween.
So I guess I shouldn't have posted here being I did get it ha! but those of you that didn't I'm sure with all that cathe offers you'll be fine. :) I could've been too but already got it now so I'm keeping it.
I'm not buying either so no need to feel left out! It looks fantastic and I'm sure it will be but:

1) I don't have enough equipment and no more space to put any
2) I have a huge range of DVDs already
3) We're about to have major work done on the house which will mean I will probably have to join a gym temporarily and won't be working out at home at all!
4) All our money is going on 3 above!
I preordered, but then canceled my order. In all honesty, when I saw how similar STS is to P90X, I will a bit annoyed. I know that many people copy other's great ideas, but I was a bit turned off by it. (Please, no flames!)


Not flaming you here at all. That was my original thought also, that it was her version of P90X which I have & did a year & 1/2 ago. After looking more into STS I see it is so much better than P90X could ever be. Not to mention you don't have annoying Tony to listen to. Worth the price right there IMO.
I feel I would get better results from Cathe than from Tony.
I wish I could order it, but......

1. Too much money right now
2. I don't have enough equipment
3. No space for anymore equipment

:( I'll have to wait and hear the reviews, maybe I'll be able to save and order it later.

what to do?

I've been losing sleep over what to do with my STS pre-order. I love Cathe, but I just don't want to lift that heavy right now. I don't want to buy more equipment - the heaviest dumbbell I have is 20 pounds. I also have a gym membership.

I emailed SNM to see if I could change my order and cancel my original STS preorder, and just get mesocycle 1 at the current pre-sale price. I'm enjoying more endurance based workouts. Also, I build muscle pretty easily, but it makes me super hungry, then I'm carrying around some extra bulk that doesn't compliment my petite figure...Any thoughts? Thanks! Edie
I've been trying to figure out whether I should cancel my order for STS or no. I haven't yet because I figure once everyone gets it there will be so much posting how everyone loves it and I'll want it again and then I will have to pay more. But I just found out I have another baby on the way and I won't even get to use it until around May. But I figure that it will be a good program to get me back in shape. I think I'm just trying to convince myself not to cancel it. Oh and the only equipment I'm buying is the pull-up tower. I would get it anyway. If I progress to heavier dumbells I will buy heavier ones but I do that anyway. I'll be doing the plyo legs and not the heavy legs so no need in a squat rack or weighted vest.

I just ordered the ab dvd I am not ordering because I decided awhile ago that if I cant pay cash for something then I dont' need it (I dont like CC bills) plus I am saving my money for a new work out space once that is finished and If I have enough money left I may buy the whole series but for now not ordering
I didn't order right away, but the concept intrigued me from the start. As I started PN and got back into weight training big time :D:D, the idea of STS fit PERFECTLY with my goals. So I pre-ordered!!

I can't WAIT for this series!!

I just don't see how I could incorporate it with my kettlebells -- the kbells I'm still in love passionately. I'd rather spend the money on a kettlebell course.

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